P-GL LA GRANDE EVENING 0B3 EFlVEf: Till KSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. Are You Getting Your Share of the Unusual Savings in this Great Event ? Mid-Season Clearance Sale of Our Entire Linefof Ladies' Goats Suits and Millinery HnnwiMi mi It-""" - . . ; -r" 1 ''A ' in o p t I . 1 ' : - ' 1 1 . I $ " Not a Lot of Odds and Ends, but our entire line of Attractive that are now in the very height of fashion NOTHING RESERVED ! - .. .rr7"-.9 BETTER MAKE YOUR CHOICE TODAY . Unusual Offerings like these are sure to sell quickly. Get the benefit of two months extra wear. JANUARY PRICES EAULY IN NOVEMBER ' ''-: n III 'J5L I If hi I 2809 n A Superb $8.90 This lof include valuta that Bold from $12.50 to $17V). Clearance Price 4W Collection of Elegant New Garments at Unusual Reductions stluea that soldi i' am rtMniiirni v,..i. . . .. - M4.su sj? ,-rsD oeS Eeducod MS2 QRIc A YOU KNOW WHAT i TbJ lot of mercerized waterproof I coata aold reiu!ar front fl.tX) to :. Our special .'2JK SALE AT WEST'S MEANS Xew Polo cfoth, diagonals, chevJols. Blanket loth and h"avy serge coata tlat sold from 12.50 to ?30.C0. Ko.ind. military, and cape collars. Wide cuffs. ATTRACTIVE HED'TED TRICES. T T 9 11 ' r - -WM..,,., M.,t - - - J " IM t i Imni Ki-MumMtA , , ' 1 iiiiiii... . JPIJ!7.1ALA i WIU Me Qpality Store THE OBSERVER BRUCE DENNjS dJtr and Ower. Btrrr4 at the jntt-le at La Graade a srfDd-cla natter. SUBSCttlPTIOX BATES. PaSlj, lnrf jr copy , it Vail, per wwk 1 Pally, per inontb , i "" i ( A!UMA3 LIKE CITIES. The lure of the citr teems to be as treat In Canada as In thla country. The facts disclosed by our census are duplicated with equal or greater em phasis by theirs. We think, here In the west, of Canada's increase of pop ulation being almost wholly on the land, but It is only in the far west that the rural growth baa exceeded that or-the rltl. or has kept within speaking distance. Nova Scotia lost 2.273 inhabitants between 1901 and Mil. but Halifax rnlud 7.000, Sydney 7,500 and Glace Day 0.B00. The in--reas In the provinc e of Quebec was 2-1.799. but Montreal alone gained 11)8,467. Its suburbs about 25,000 and the city of Ouebec 9.2M). Ontario's increase was 236.835. but Toronto gained 16g.2i00, Ottawa 26.412, Hamil ton 23.215 and Fort William 12.865. These four cities absorbed about 70 per cent of th Increass for the whole province. In Manitoba, wher th. in. i crease in the decade was 199,000 Win-J nipeg took 83,000 or nearly half of It. British Columbla'a gain was 284,109, but In Vancouver, with its suburbs, and Victoria, the capital tbe increase was 107.000. This would go far to show that the farmers of this country really had little to fear from reciproci ty. Canadian non-producers are in creasing vastly faster In proportion than are Its producers of foods. The drift Is the sam. there as here. They . are headed toward the same goal and are going with the same speed. With a less area of nroductlv end unrf ', less variety of products, tbey may yet j Notice Is hereby given that sled bids will be received by the under slrnd. until 5 o'clock p. m. November tb. 1911, for the construction of stan dard board walk on the north slda of 8prlng avenue, from the west lino of Fourth am-ei to the east line of A'dei trect In t) e city of La Grande. Ore gon. Certified check for S per cent of tne amount bid must accompany all Imi , The right to reject any at d all bids Is reserved by the coun cil. Amount of walk to be built may be ascertained by Inquiry at this of fice. ' y order of the city council. Xov. ember 1, 1911. ' nrcade Theatre The Village Hero'' Illo grapb. Comedy. A lively little comedy .. .u , "The Convict's Heart" Am erican Pathe. A wry strong drama rr "A Gay Time at Washington. IX C." Lubln. Comedy. George .gets away from his wlf0 by tel llag ber he Is to drlve with President Taft. She is greatly delighted with the signal honor, lie and Ills chum proceed to nave a. giy tlwa till bis wife finds out, "hnce the trouble." The Lucky Horsewhoe" Riograph. Comedy. A landlord on his way to collect rent picks up a horseshoe. He feels It . tma brought him good luck when later he picks up a ring. ' Son "The Night. th Rose, and you. Punir by Mr. ttrke. C- M. HUMPHREYS. beat us to the time when home de-1 Eecorder of the City of La Grande. mana win equal supply. Today they Oregon. are the greater propotlonate lm- Dorters of all sond m th rraln si I 1 The faraers seem to have feared their own shadow In opposing reciprocity, j TOriB HOLIDAY SHOPPING. I The time la not far distant when bumpier Valley Has Bad Wreck, j everyone will be arranging for A wreck occurred on the Sumpter. holiday purchases. It Is verr alley railroad this afternoon near Mn.iai .. . Salisbury siding when four cars of T "ntIal or&' o get the, lumber and the tender to th engine Kr,"tt satisfaction, that, shop- 4 were nrerlnltofpH Intn a ih. , nlnp hn ilnn. t Baker Herald of Wednesday. A car, for the shopper, better for the load of stock wa Immediate!-behind , - v.. "V T V Classified Advertising 9 RUSSELL SAW MILL No 2, first class condition, 20-horse boiler and en gine; everything complete, ready to set and saw lumber. You can't du plicate for $2,800. Give some one a bargain. .Addrew Abe, care Obser ver. 11-9-tf DOVT THROW AWAY hot water bot tles because they leak. Lelghton will fix them. Don't throw away any thinghave Lelghton make tbem good as new. Everything done. Saws filed and set. Knives and scis- ; sor sharpened, expert on typewrit ers, cash registers and locks. Leigh, ton Is the man to call when you are In trouble. Fir street. La Grande. 11-9-tf ... ''' rooms furnished. Call at 1407 Ninth street, or phone Red 332 10-26-tf , MODERN HOUSE for rent. Six rooms and. bath. Inquire at Dultll's bak-cry- 10-27-tf FOR RENT House and two acres of ground. Good bam room for four! head of stock and six or eight ton of ; bay. North SL and V I full basement. Phone black 3492. ll-7tf FOR SALE Good range and cup board. Inquire 2005 N. Greenwood. Phone Black 3892. ll-7-5t block east of new arhnnt nntiaA Tn. i quire at Observer office or phone! Farmer 205 io-i4-tf ! FCR E ENT Modern furnished front room. Jnqulre 1208 Seventh and M streets or phone Red 61. 11-6-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE iffy acres of timber land. Inquire Chas. DIsqua, Russell Meat Market 11-6-iot th lumber but fortunately the train broke In two and It remained on the track. No one was Injured. From the meager Information obtainable It ap pears that the engine had Just crossed a small bridge when It ?ave way let ting the engine tender and four cars of lumber Into the ditch It will probably be several hours before trains can pass over the road. XoUoe. ,! Notice hereby given that sealeli urns will be received at the office of the undersigned until five o'clock p. m. November 15th, for the construction of 8 inch sewer line as follows: ap proximately 420 Teet. in section No. 2, of sewer district No. 1, same being In tbo alley through block 6. Grandy's addltlcn. AIho approximately 3633 feet, along M avenue, from the center of Cedar street, to the alley between Washington and Adams avenue, game being In section No. & of sewer dis trict No. 3. all In the. rltv of I n Grande, Oreton. Certified check for reject any and all bids Is reserved by the council. By order of the city council. Novem. ber 8th, 1911. C. M. HITMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. - . ' . v merchant, and decldeitiv vt for the clerks In the different stores. La Grande stores are filled with splendid articles that will mates useful yifta. Take a look around and begin figuring out what you are going to buy for the holiday season. It Is none too early. Vrr? rs Printed words fall to r t you a full Uea of Oossard style-leadership. You must sea a Gossard Corset better stl'i vou must try one on at the mirror, be fore yoi can understand bow t'te Gos std enables any woman to display a Jgure that is stylish and attractive, bcsldea being easy to wear In any po- Indorsed by our leading physician rfud dress makers. A model for every tye of form. Prices $3.50 to $8.60 MBS. ROBT. PATTISOT. jl'hone Blk 1481. -Cor.etlero FARM FOR SALE 160 acres of deep rich soil. Improved. Easy- terms. Will trade for city property. Ad dress P. O. box 333. La Grande, Ore. 11-8 -2t FOR SALE Furniture for sev'sii room nouso In good condition. Cheap If taken at once. Inquire at 1603 Adams. 11-7-tf LOST Between the La Grande In vestment company's ranch known as the Penington farm, near Allcel and La Grande one suit case, con taining wearing apparel. Finder will please leave at La Grande In vestment company's office and re ceive reward. ll-7-14t WILL TRADE Good five room house and 4 lota. Will trade for horses , or cattle. 10-ll-tf 11 GRAHDE IXTESTJfEJT. CO, I Grande, Oregon. STRAY COW-Spotted. right ear Is cropped, no brands; young calf. Been in pierce pasture all Bummer! Call Geo. Pierce for particulars. ll-6-10t FOR SALE New two story modeia bouse. J. G. Snodgrass, or call Main 43' 11-6-tf - GOOD 'SECOND-HAND tent 10-12 for sale very cheap., H21 Adams ave nue. . . FOR RENT Housekeenln near high school. 903 Third Street. ll-9-6t cor of o. FOR RENT LOST Between 3 and 6 o'clock Sat . urday meerschaum pipe with am ber mouth piece In chamois case, lined with red plush. Return to 906 Adams avenue. , Liberal reward I l-S-Zl New modern cbttaee. vMtMMMIlM,(t,,,,,,,)M)))Ml)tt A Strong Modem ! i FOR SALE Ludwlg piano good as 5' Cm H500. Will sell for $200 cash. Call 1417 Wash, ave ll-4-4t FOUND Fur collar, between Chem launary and Penn avenue :. Inquire at Observer office. ' 10-30-tf SWITCHES, Puffs and curls made to order from cut hair and camblngs. First class work. Mrs. L, Mack uvt u avenue, La Grande . ll-6-tf i Bank iritr. J , deM)8,t0 "d Ptrons as well, , and total resoirces of $lflOOfiO0M. The La Grande JaUenal Bank offers U Arm. La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. . S.S5:"L 105,000.00 i If FOR RENT Two" front downstairs I V holmes, Pres. , "rs, Cashiei . . 1,000,000.00 W.J. Church, Vice Pres. EarlZundeUss'J. Cashier ttml"'" I n;