La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 09, 1911, Image 1

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Mill la llil UL t(IILJ I
General LI Marching With Big Array
. Towards Peking to Accomplish the
' Fall of That llrotaWe Polnt-SItua.
tion Spreads and1 Pestilence Breaks
: Out. in Various Localities, Say Be-
' Pekln, Nov, 9. Smuggled from the
capital In a peasant's cart, the child
emperor, accompanied by the aged
dowager empress, has fled from Pe
king, according to a palace attendant
whose inforbation has always teen
reliable. No Information Is given re
garding where they fled to.
LI Marching1 on Peking. ' -
Shanghai, Nov. 9. Breaking off the
peace negotiations with premier Yuan
General LI is today marching at the
bead of a great rebel army on Peking.
Communication between Shanghai and
Nanking is broken, but last accounts
say that fighting is still progressing
, and hundreds are reported killed. It
Is estimated the burning of Hankow
destroyed $50,000,000 In property and
fully a half million persons are home
less. It Is reported that a hundred
corpsea are rotting in the streets and
pestilence is already rampant. No re
liable Information Is received , con
cerning the fate of the Wesleyan mis
sion In which 200 blind children were
kept. Imperialists tried to stop the
looting but were unable to do so. They
burned the town. ,
Tien Tsln In Danger.
London, Nov. 9. The Times' Peking
correspondent cablea that the rebels
occupied Tien Tsln, last night Other
dispatches say they have memy post
ed a notice of Intention to take the
y. .v .
' Artillery Battle Fought.
Nanking, Nov. .Rebels and Imper
ialists at Chee Kim Sam mountain on
Monday enged in an artillery bat
tle. Hundreds of Tartars are desert
ing and 2.000 men from the Nankins
garrison have gone over to the rebels.
Five hundred are dead on both sides
already, r - . -
Cantonese Call Assembly. ".,;
. Canton, 'Nov. .Cantonese revolu
tionary agents have called an assem
blage of Chinese from all parts of :he
district to meet In Hong Kong with ft
view of considering the best form of
government for the city and province.
Revolt Spreading.
Hong Kong, Nov. 9. Maceao reports
say that Sin Chin Shbn and Hung
Shan are In the throes of revolt. The
Chinese arose and Blew hundreds of
Manchus. , Including numerous civil
and military officers. The Canton
Kowloon railroad Is In the rebels
hands. ' ' .- ..-
Spurns Offer of Lovln? f np Substitut
ed for Prise.
Los Angeles, Cal Nov. 9. Turning
down a $500 loving cup offered him by
William Hearst, instead of the widely
advertised $50,000 prize, C. H. Rogers,
the successful transcntlnental avia
tor, today handed out -some hot re
marks. "I can offer a million to the
first man shot from a cannon to New
York between tod,ay and Christmas
and be sura of not having many mon
ey taken." said Rbgers. "That Is the
way jvlth some "of these people put
ting up aviation prizes,, hedeed about
by Impossible conditions. Bill Hearst
bad better sell his $500 cup and out.
the .money in his self-advertising
Portland Girl Benlcs She lias Become
a Mother.
Portland. Nov. 9. Hilda Johnson,
charged with the murder and Incinera
tion of her young Infant In a furnace,
appeared In court today. The cape
went over until Satfrday. She was
arrested late yesterday afternoon at
the home of ber sister. Th-3 woman
ays she never was a mothr. despite
. vntro-v fntompnts of nhvajc'ans who
xamfnort her and the 'fact that babr
bnniMi tr tnvnft n the fnrnfce be
dsides a bloody gown and other evl-
CUM . 4-
- , ; ;
Today it is Thursday, Novem-
3 ber 9th. In Ij ttrnnria Whan It S
was 4 o clock this morning here
& it was midnight at meridian 180,
the longitude of New ZeiIand.
$ Here the d.lVB hetrln at that nlara
! 'the dav when it rama waa tha u.
ginning of the new one. Friday,
I November 10. At nnim nt nnr
aay u i& g o clock In Nw Zp-
i . . .
iana next morning: at the same
moment u is 4 oolock, a. m.f In
Peking, China. At 2 p. nr. of our
time it Is 6 a. on. In Peking, to-
w morrow. Hence. 'if an engage-
ment in battle or any other cir
cumstance should take place at
that hour on Friday, Nov. 10. It
could be cabled at once by the
? United Praaa and rPt r h Vor Ait
Thursday. Nov. 9, todar. the day
previous, m time ror our readers.
Thus by the magic of the time
? destroying .telegraphic applianc-
es wg see louiouuw . tsuU unci
aided and recorded today, an an
parently anomalous Impossible
ity. Yet It is done every day. ,
Sop Line Employe Thought to Have
Died From Woman's Polsouiug .
Chicago, Nov. 9. Another name was
added today to the list of supposed
victims of Mrs. Vermllya who is
charged with one murder and suspected
of nine others. It is reported that
Jayson Ruppert, a Soo Line fireman,
died in the same manner as Policeman
Blponette after 'eating at the Vermllya
house. v- -
Airs. Elizabeth La Rocque, an aunt
of Policeman Bionettf,' declared fca-4
day that on one occasion she became
ill after eating at the Vermllyas, She
said Mrs. Vermllya cooked, but didn't
eat with the guests. '
The woman, on a cot In the Jail, has
abandoned her calm attitude and is
hysterical. , ' , ,
Known Educator Will Address
Spokane Congress.
Spokane, Wash., Nov.'. 9. Professor
William J. Spillman, formerly of Ore
gon and Washington and now connect
ed In an Important capacity with the
United States department of agrlcul
tur has accepted an Invitation to de
liver a special address a the first an-"
nual National County Life Congress in
Spokane on November 27, when the
agricultural colleges will have charge
of the program. .
"Congratulations on your plans for
tha National Country Life congress,"
writes Mr. Spillman to the local com
mittee. "The divisions of your pro
gram deal with the vital problems of
farm betterment In logical order.
Great good will result from this meet
ing. Only providential hindrances will
prevent my belner present."
Mr. Spillman la widely known In the
Pacific northwest and has made thou
sands of frnds among the farmers j
of wasnington, Oregon, laano , ana
Montana. He was formerly connected
with the Oregon Agricultural colleee,
and later head of the agricultural de
partment of the Washington state col
leee at Pullman, where he perfected
hvbrld No. 143. which has Increased
the wheat production Ave bushc!3 an
acre on 400.000 acres In Washington
this year. His visit to the northwest
will be like a home comlne- and It Is
expected the State armory will be
parked to hear him.
Mr. Spillman ranks among the fore
moat In the work of Increasing the
production and onallty of farm crons
and enlmals. that has been undertak
en and Is now under nweress by the
denartiriyit of agriculture. ..He was
therefore ehoen s one of the leadlne
sneakers on Producers day. when the
wrrv of the "PTlrnltural denartrnpnt
and the asrtcultural oolleenq and their
"elation to farm production will he
discussed br men of recornlzed abil
ity.' ..."
.". Chancellor Brown Inaugurated.
New York. Nov. 9. In the presence
of scores of distinguished educators.
rehreseitlng prominent Institutions of
i i . . ... ,
""""Ht m ai naris rr ine counrry. :
Dr. PimaP Ellsworth Brwn was today.
tpt-itart ns goepth chaneo'lor of thej
UtilverMfv rt Voir York. The eerd
wer hM'thl rriorMnr In the li
brary at University Hights.
. M"M ' ' iALFP8A.J ,
Miisj ( - I; i
f . x V :!, 1 ,.ev.f.
O. M. Heacock Is the Sousa t 1 ocat orchestras. He is a musician of
more than ordinary ability an d has an optical office on Adams ave
nue where he treats all dlseas es of the eye. He was formerly a Jew-
' . ler but gave up that lne for xcluslve optical work.
Wind und1 Bala Heaviest In Years--
ipper Jlinam Under Deep Snow.
. . ,. ... - .
S Portland, Nov. 9. People be-
gan getting out woolehB today.
In Portland It snowed ! on the
heights and in East Portland It
Q snow a little bit; In the moun-
tains much. . In Tacoma and Se-
attle It was the same. The tem-
perature Is Just freezing. This Is
the first snow of the season.
v:: ... v;: . -:,
Wallowa, Ore., Nov. 9. (Special)
One of the worst storms of the Bea
son raged In the valley yesterday. The
wind and rain was the worst In years.
The telephone wires are tangled and
down In some sections of the county
and communications to some of the
outlying points are cut off. It is re
ported from the ranger station on the
headwaters of the Mlnam that three
feet of snow has fallen in the last 24
hours. The damage to nay stack In
the middle valley will reach several
hundred dollars, on account of the
strong winds blowing the tops of the
stacks off. .
Storm swept Wallowa county ex
tended some of its storm to Union
county last night when a half Inch of
now fell, mantling Union county
throughput the-day.1 Lowered tem
peratures this morning kept the snow
Intact for some little time and with a
lift rift falling during the day real
winter touches were lent to the com
munity.' The storfi lacked the fierce
ness of Wallowa, county's, however,
for there was little wind. Enough
snow to make snow balls and provide
sleighing for the youngsters covered
the ground this morning and Indica
tions are that the weather will not
moderate sufficiently to clean the
ground of the silvery covering to
night.; .
Little ew in Trlnl.
Los Angeles. Nov. . With three Jar.
oi, Llsk, Bain, Green, permanently
sate and one passed for caus, the
McN'amara trial was In doldrums to
day while the tedious examinations
for other Jurors was continued.
Two Jurors ' were passed bv both
sides today making a total of three
men In two days McLane, cshle- of
the state bank of Pasadena, who de
clared he was unalterably opposed to
the methods of Otis." and the other J.
H. Sexton, a wealthy ranchman and
renl estate dealer without any opin
ion. :
fcames H. Slack Near DaUi at IIOHi'l'
tal From Wounds Jnfllcte. . "
Life-long friendship between James
H. Slack and George Craig, two em
ployes at the sugar factory, came to a
disastrous climax about 7 o'clock last
night when Craig attacked Slack with
a knife and Inflicted five cuts, one es
pecially being severe and likely to
prove fatal. Slack was hurried to the
hospital after the affray and this af.
ternoon is still in critical danger. It
Is too early to forecast the final out
come of the wounds. His arm, leg and
body are badly slashed.
The trouble commenced In a mild
way when Craig who has the contract
for supplying the factory with wood,
"got It In" for the night force and It
was with the intention of "cleaning
out" this night force, that Craig is said
to have gone to the factory last even
Ing, somewhat under the Influence of
liquor and armed with a full whisky
bottle. Reaching the factory Slack
who by the way, Is an old time friend
and desirous of saving Craig trouble
urged Craig to come away with him
but the somewhat intoxicated man re
fused. From friendly discussion of
the situation the trouble grew In inten
sity until Slack threw Craig to th3
floor of the engine room wherein Slack
is employed and sat down on the fel
low to prevent others In the room be
ing beaten up. Finally Craig got to
his feet and Slack backed away, re
fraining from striking the man of less
physical prowess than himself. Craig
whlnned out a knife and charged Slack
the.latter stumbling on a pile of rocks
ine assaulter - was upon him in an
Instant, cutting away and working to-
word the throat, "bent," he said,, "on
outtina- hu Integrals out." Thomas
TJrlskell pulled the knife away and the
! can for a physician was Issued. Craig
rls In Jail today awaltlnsr developments
i i-.;.t . . - i
u uw iinuiit-B gnu no fimrKP nas oeen
preferred vet. His family lives here
end Mrs. slack and family reside near
f nromervllle where the Cratrt and
Slacks, formerly were near neighbors
an the best of friends.
Drs. N. Molltor and C. T. Bacon
draaaod fne wounds hut hecauso of the
serlotins of tha cut. its Is too early
to Predict the probable ultimate re
SllltS. "
. . Wallowa Shipments Good.
Wallowa. Ore.. Nov. 8. 'Special!
The Btorlr -Rhfnm
from Wallowa county, and bring -the
niKnear priopa fin Tha Pnpl nml m.
-t. .:naa innrer shinned one car of j
W. C.-TT. Allen of Flora. , two cars
of hoc" and Tohn Goebel three cars
of Inmbs. The farmers In' the Flora1
d'atrlct will n the next few weks
shin 12 to IS curs more of fat porkers
to the Portland market.
Joseph's wet element which
succeeded In ' carrying th local
option question last Tuesday suf
fered a setback late yesterday af
ternoon when Circuit Judge
Knowles Issued a temporary re
straining order following a mo
tion for such a step by Attorney
A. W. Schoupp of Joseph and at
torney J. A. Burleigh of Enter
prise. The issue will be argued
at Enterprise shortly an-i it !s
probable that the case win roach
the supreme court in time for the
March hearing for it seems prob
able that the case will be appeal
ed In any event. The drys assert
that the territory embraced in
the Joseph precinct In tha dry
county was not defined by 'bo
county court in thee election no
tice. Much Interest Is manifest in
the legal tilt. ' , W,
t ? 4 1
Draws Purullel of Lincoln's Troubles
' and Criticism to His Own. ',
Hodgenvllle, Ky., Nov. 9. President
Taft paid honor to Lincoln's memory
In the log cabin here today Lincoln's
birthplace. "This Is a great memorial.
I believe this little cabin will live In
the memory of Americans forever,"
said Taft standing by the fireplace.
Taft was here to dedicate the Lincoln
memorial building on the former Lin
coln homestead which cover the cabin.
His dedication speech seemingly
drew a parallel between the abuse
heaped on Lincoln during tbe trying
civil war days and his own experienc
es today. He characterized Lincoln's
difficulties with "moral reformers and
members of his own party," as the
lot "any responsible henPof Ir-HfO-ernment."
. ; - - :",;
Xew Department Becomes of Much
Value to the State. ;
' Oregon Agricultural . College. Cor
valllB, Ore., Nov. 9. An extension di
vision has Just been organized at the
Oregon Agrlcultral college, by the re
gents at their November meeting, and
Prof. R. D, Hetzel has been madn di
rector. The plan Is to conduct an or
eanlzed campaign of nervlco to all
parts of the state for the benefit of
those unable to com to the college
for the regular courses.
The constantly Increasing demnnd
upon the college to solve problems for
the people In the remote districts of
the state has grown to such propor
tlns that It became necessary to form
this new division In order to fulfill
satisfactorily this duty of the Insti
tution. '
The new department will Include sll
such work as the farmers' institutes,
domestic sclepce demonstration meet
ings, atinerate schools, demonstration
train, correspondence courses, exten
sion lectures, the organization of Juve
nile clubs, and like educational work.
Every district of the state will be
served through this medium, and men,
women and children alike will thus
be given an opportunity to receive In
struction In any branch of the college
work In which they are Interested,
without leaving their homes. The ex
perts In agronomy, horticulture, gar
dening, poultry raising, animal hus
bandry, dairying, bee keeping, crop
pests, business methods, cooking and
sewing, flower growing, forestry, me
chanical engineering, electrical and
civil engineering good, road work,
mining and other branches of Instruc
tion will direct personally these ex
tension courses.
Doth tbe number and the scope of
tha farmers' Institutes will be greatly
Increased under this new plan. Trav
eling schools with laboratory and
staffs of from five to 2 experts will be
sent to hold regular sessions of a
week or more In different sections of
the state.' Correspondence courses
and study clubs will supnlement the
Instruction of these schools, and prac
tical application of the methods taught
will be made on the farms, ranches
and orchards of the students of such
courses. Bulletins giving In ponulor
language the valuable practical In
formation will also be distributed by
tne extension division. An Informa
tion bureau will be conducted In the
ssm connection to relieve the vari
ous departments from the overwhelm
ing flood of letters of Inoulry. 88.000
of which were received last vear. Oth
er valuable educational work Is also
ilmned for th division at th8 col
lege.. , '
McDonald Carries 'ew Stale of Xcw
Mexico by Big Majority Democrat
Ic Ticket Chosen Froni Top to Hot
torn With Safe Majorities In Both
Lower and Upper Houses Say the
New York, Nov, 9. The capture of
the New York state assembly by the
republicans has brought Col. Roose
velt again to the front In opposition
to the leadership of Barnes, the new
standpat boss of the state. In a state-'
ment. today published and credited to
the colonel, he Intimates that he Is
going to have a voice In the organiza
tion of the general assembly. Roose-
velt Is also quoted as saying: "Barnes
must be retired from power In this ;
state. We must depose blm In some
McDonald Is Governor.
Santa Fe, N. M Nov. 9. It Is con
ceded today that McDonald with the
entire democratic ticket and congres
sional tickets have swept the state
with a plurality of probably 2,500.
The latest returns Indicate that the ;
legislature stands: senate democrats ,
and progressives 11 ; republicans, 12.
House democrats and progressives 24.
republicans, 21; dubtful 3.
McDonald's plurality as based on
the present returns will , be nearly
6,000. . . ' "
Pprlland Boys and (Jlris' School Rep. -.
resentaUve Here Today. ;
The., annual benefit ' by ' school chil
dren of La Grande' for the "Portland "
Boys and Girls' school Is near and ,
Field Representative J. G. Kilpack is
here today conferring with Principal
Stout. : All the school children In the
state contribute to this school on
Thanksgiving day and the La Grande
schools have always been diligent in
this respect. - ' 1 "
Mr. Kilpack has Just returned from
England where he studied his chosen
profession the handling of obstlnater
children and reports a very success-?
ful summer's study. He also attend
ed th convention of Correction and
Charities societies at Boston. ,
There are several Union county
children at the Portland school: the
total numbe In the school Is 72, and
of that number there. ar several be
tween the aveg of seven and 14 who
may b placed in "ood homes. T"
1,10 Japanese Attend Banquet In Hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. MIzemchL
Aftermath of a quiet wedding sol
emnized at Tacoma was the signal
last night for an elaborate social
function in the Japanese quarters
when 150 Japanes- were guests at a
banquet served In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mlzoguchl at the L. D. S.
amusement hall. Mr. Mlzoguchl who
Is secretary of the local , Japanese
colony was married at Tacoma two
weeks ago to Miss Suzuko FuJIwara.
daughter of Tetsuo FuJIwara, Okaga
ma Japan, and the banquet last night
was a colonial celebration of the
event. The banquet was attended by
150 fellow countrymen who made mer
ry over toothsome viands and spark
ling wines. It was easily the biggest
society event of Its kind in Japanese
circles. Mr. and Mrs. Mlzoguchl will
be, at home In this city wher the'
popular secretary . attends to affairs
for the other Japanese boys. , ' :
Interest Centers In Coming Contest
Between Bakrr and! Ln Grande,
Snow and rain bas not lessened the.
Interest displayed In the coming game'
between Baker and La Grande next
Saturday on the local rrldlron. In
terest Is keen everywhere and the lo
cal boys will go Into the contest with
the' backing of the entire community.
Rain and snow will have a tendency
of Increasing Bnker's , chances . of
winning but nothing discourneed.' the .
team Is goln through the finishing
process under . Coach Caylor tonight
and tomorrow and Friday It Is prob
able that only the lfghest sort of
work will be carried out. The gama
commences at 3 o'clock.