PAGE 8 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911. GOLDEN RULE CD. EXPANDS SUPPOSE you were to be handed a hundred dollar bill on the sale of a horse. Large bills are mighty awkward in making small purchases. The chances are your neighbor couldn't cash it.' Per haps the merchant wouldn't care to. , This bank would. Certainly. , . : BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHANGE? SILVER IS HEAVY IN THE POCKET, SMALLER BILLS 1 ESTABLISH ES ANNEX D4LT0.VS OLD STAND WILL BE 1 HE HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS OF THE LARGE MERCASTILE EST ABLISHMENT THIS SEASON WORKMEN BUST ARRANGING INTERIOR. corrright im (ft MidweU, Stern c Co. V f" If I If. Rnrhf,N. Y. fcw1 f II :, I The Frost is on the Pumpkin and the new Fall Clothes in stock. Beauties! Every garment of them. ' 1 ' - ' '---; , , : . . ' - .... '' i - . ..... , " ' ' ' " ' Fit, Finish Styles and Fabrics all carrying the famous Michaels-Stern guarantee. And prices ? Well, just let us quote you a few. ' TONEY & SCRANTON THE STORE THAT SATISFIES A Good Position v Can be had by ambitious young men and women In the field of "Wireless" or railway telegraphy. Since the 8 bour law became effective, and since . the wireless .companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there Is a great shortage of telegraph ers. . Position pay beginners from $70 to f 90 per month with good chances of advancement. The National Telegraph institute of Portland, Oregon, operates under the supervision of railroad and wireless officials, and plces 11 gifid uates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. ll-8-4t v SEW HOME SOW OCCUPIED Frank JLilly and Family Hare Moved Into Their Sew Bungalow. Moving day has come and gone with the Lilly family and now they are snugly houeed In the magnificent bun galow on Fourth and Pensylvania av enue. This home has attracted a great, deal of attention during course of con. Btruetlon for without dubt it Is one of j the neatest and best appointed homes ... viij. BiiuiosB oi me ouiia- lng Is wholly due to Mrs. Lilly's skill In planning and the result Is highly satisfactory. Two Youngsters Arrive. , Yesterday a son arrived at the home of Henry M. Pfelffer and wife, and on November 6th a daughter wa born to ttie home of Benjamin Ratter and wlfte. Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result In severe Indigestion, yellow Jaundice or viru lent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills and end It. It's the only sate way. Best for biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debllltv. 2r. at D 1 1 A fit - f " - V "ft Finding their present quarter en- tirely Inadequate to handle the exten sive holiday line of goods this season the Golden Rule company has leased the store formerly occupied by S. H. Dalton on the Corner of Adams aud Fir and today workmen are busily en gaged In fixing the interior to display thj large shipment of holiday goods. It m to be a toyland and a wonder land, as well, remarked Mac Wood. purchases In many lines have been Imported In large quantities but by Im porting them ourselves w are en abled to get a price that is Impossible to obtain If we buy on the American market. We are confident that the low prices which we will plate on the goods which we bought at a low fig ure will enable everyone in Union county to have a splendid holiday season ,for gifts are what make a "I - ill .,...,,,.., . , , ,. MUST BE CHANGED YET AGAIN. r AND, TOO, THEY HAVE A WAY OF , WORKING OUT QF THE POCKET UNNOTICED. A HUNDRED DOL LARS IN CASH CAN CAUSE A LOT OF WORRY WHEN IT HAS TO BE CONSTANTLY WATCHED TO AVOID LOSS, ERROR AND THEFT. IT'S DIFFERENT WITH A HUN Golden Rule Company's Store which Is not large enough to handle holiday goods. Room formerly occupied by S. H. Dalton has been leased for the annex. manager of the Golden Rule company. La Grande a real holiday store. Our we never made such a purchase of pleasant Yuletlde. As a business con excellent goods as We did this year ' cern we have a feeling of satisfaction for the holiday trade and we found In being able to care for our lanw Immediately that our basement, where, army of regular customers in this w8 have hertofore hantlfed this line, way, knowing as we, do that the gneat was entirely too small:4 ' Having an holiday emporium, which we will soon opportunity to get tbiar "building we open M ;t I - were pleased to lease It and will give' money." will : save every purchaser LUAAB EDIAEII Mrs Beatrice Dierke PIANO RECITAL in La Grande v November 20th The Greatest Artist on the Pacific Coast. A treat for La Grande people 0 X "..I TD MEET HERE WIRING DEVOTED id BUSINESS; IISIT miLL AFTER NOON. Entertainment Depends Largely Upon llimatle Conditions. Mext Saturday will brine : to La Grande a group of men from eastern Washington, Montana, Idaho and East ern Oregon that manufacture white pine lumber. The men are known aa members of the Northwestern White Pine Manufacturers' -association and will conduct their quarterly meeting here for the benefit of the Eastern Oregon lumbermen who have always been required, with one (exception, to go to Spokane or some other remote corner to attend the meetings. During the morning a session will be held down town at which the busl- uro ui me uieeuug wiw OB gone oyer. The lumbermen will arrive that morn ing, in the afternoon the lumber makers will go to tb plant of the George Palmer mill and Inspect the bureau of grades, an important de partment f? the association." "George Stoddard of the Grande Ronde Lum ber company and Vincent Palmer of the George Palmer institution com prise a committee that has the de tails in hand, and the weather will have much to do with, the entertain ment of the guests. Something to en tertain them will be outlined, and , If the roads are good It Is probable that something of a Jaunt over the valley will be undertaken. The meeting Is Important, bringing as It does, many wealthy men from four or five states to this city. The exact' number that will attend is not known, but Spokane especially will send a big delegation: Wallowa and Baker counties, too, win augment the members materially. STATE ASSESSES TELEPHOH E Is your husband cross? An Irrita ble, fauit finding disposition Is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with a good digestion Is nearly al ways good natured. . A great many have been permanently cured of stom ach troubla by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by all dealers, odwkly ASSESSOR CLARK ISSUES A LET TER TO RECORDER. Denies Charge and1 Points to State Tax Commlwlon. Assessor ' Dave Clark In answer to the Elgin Recorder's statement rela tive to the assessment of the Home Independent Telephone property In Union county Issued the following let ter. ' La Grande, Ore., Nov. 4. Editor El gin Recorder, Elgin, Oregon. Dear Sir: I notice In your Issue of Nov. 2d, under the beading, "Misleading the Public," you ask, "Can the count" as sessor's office explain why the Home Independent Telephone company fs assessed for only $14,436 In Union county, while they claim an Invest ment of over 1200,000 In Union and Wallowa counties?" Now In Justice to myself and my predecessor, Mr. Rlnahart, I would ask you to correct this statement as It Is also misleading. The state tax commission has taken out "of ' the hands of all assessors In the state of Oregon th assessing of all public utilities, corporations, doing business m more than one county In the state and the Home Independent Telepone company comes under this head, the assessors are not asked even an opln ion of the valuations of these prop erttes. Tours truly, D. M. Clark, Coun ty Assessor. P. S. Refer you to page 348, sec tion 15, Session Laws of 1909. uaZu DGLLAH 2Ai; ACCOUNT. YOU WRITE A CHECK FOR THE AMOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE. SIMPLE, CONVENIENT. NO WOR. RY, NO RISKS. WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR NEXT SALE COME TO US. WE WILL START YOU RIGHT WITH A BANK BOOK AND CHECKS. United States National Bank Treasurer's Call for City Warrants. There are also fudns in the treasury to pay all warrants issued against wa te fund of La Grande city up to and Including No. 9895 endorsed Nov. 16, 1910. Interest on all warrants on wa ter fund from No to No. 9895 inclusive ceases from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon, Nov, 1, 191L Roy W. Logan,. City Treasurer- ll-l-10t Nebraska Teachers Meet -Omaha, Nov. 8. What promises' to be the most successful convention ev er held by the Nebraska Teachers' association began this city today!, -with an attendance of -several "1ho-V sand pedagogues from all over the state. The convention will ba In sea- ' sion.threu days and will be addressed by a number of educators of national reputation. ' . , - , . Guild of St Barnabas. Chicago, 111., Nov. 8. The Guild of St. Barnabas, composed of nurses of the United States, Canada, and sev era! other countries, assembled in Chicago today for its 25th annual meeting. , - - Hurry with Your Order for A TELEPHONE and have your name in our NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY PRIXTIXO OF WHICH HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO NOTEMBER 13th OWIXG TO LARGE NUMBERS OF ORDERS BEING RECESS FROM NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Home Independent Telephone Co. B 1 Treasnrets Call for Oty Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there are now runds on hand to nay all out standing warrants on general fund of La Grande, city up to and Including iw. suiu. enaorsea March 16th. 1910. Interest on all warrants on general fund from No. S954 to No. 9010 inclus ive ceases from this date. La Grande, Oregon, Nov. l. mi, Roy w. Logan. , . City Treasurer, 11-1-lOt Steward's V Opetta Hotisg Monday, November 13 A Play Every Christian Should See VIOLA ALLEN'S CREATE; T SUCCESS From F. Marion Crawford', Novel. Presented by a Remark able Company, including JMETOWLER AmericaV Most Beautiful Emotional Actress : PRICES: 50c 75c $1.00 and $1.50. SEATS ON cavr - . - . . mll SUNDAY MORNING ""TTI1 " 1 If X