-'. 1 Jll!fi .VOLUME XI. ICS' APPEAL FOR AID HEEDED p UNCLE SAM WILL STOP ATROCIOUS ACTS AT ' TRIPOLI CBl'ISEB BUSHES FOB MALTA WHEN APPEAL IS BECEIVED Italy Glad to Get Away From Tripoli If Able to Do So Graciously State Department RNlcent About Discus, elng Situation Mould Bather HaTe Other Governments Act First Can- ' era interested In His Own Safety. s 4 ' if $ $Q 5 fc CNCLE SAM TAKES A HAXn. 3 Washington, Nov. 6 The Unit- 4 ed States cruiser Chester left Malta today for Tripoli where the Turks' charges of barbarous 3 treatment of non-combatants will 8 be investigated. The sttae de- S partment Is reticent but It is be- S lieved the a ctio is the result 8 of the Turks' appeal. ' $ ' $' s ? $ j $ $ Washington, Nov. 6. The question Of the . United States Intervening In the Turklsh-.Itallan , war to prevent barbarities has been put up to Presi dent Taft following Turkey 'b appeal for aid, but although the appeal took r tho form of a pratclcal demand In the nam of humanity to stop tine Tripoli atrocities It Is believed the United States w'll te slow to act aa the ate depaitment hesitates to step into the European situation until the powers directly Interested take action, Tlw Italian charge d'affaires Cam biazo strenuously denied tL? Italians committed any atrocities in Tripoli and say the reports are the results of campaign conducted by the Turks to create sympathy on false claims. Italy Anxious to Quit. : Nice, France, Nov. 6: Rome advices Indicate that Italy will be glad to drop Tripoli if she could leave there with out tarnishing her national honor.; It is known fresh reinforcements of 20,- 000 troop are being secretly assem bled at Naples to support th.e Tripoli tan army which is practically beselged lu Tripoli. ' 'It is reported that General Fruzont lias been chosen to succeed General Caneva as the head of the Tripolitan army. Caneva takes too many pre coutlon for his personal safety and it is reported that he haa never went to the front during a battle tut remain ed hidden In the citadel., "FAIR.". JUBOBI IS AILING. Manning Excused for Illness An drews Let Go by the Judge. Los Angeles, Nov. ' 8. There were 20 members of the fourth .venire on land for examination when the Mc Tfamara trial reopened today.' The judge allowed the defense chal lenge against Juror Andrew and he was excused. Juror Manning, consid ered by both sides as eminently fairr was also excused because his health was too frail for the long trial. An drew said he disliked tbe unions and couldn't be fair. . . He said he felt he could not give McNamara a fair trial, owing to the fact that he believed the Times was dynamited and the people who were In It and his friends and all seemed to think union labor wbas Indirectly responsible. McKellar to Succeed Gordon. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 6. A special election will be held tomorrow In tie Tenth congressional district of Ten ; nessee to fill the vacancy caused by , the death of Gen. George WV Gordon. As Kenneth D. McKellar. the demo cratic nominee,' Is virtually unopposed hto election to the seat Is assured. TOR ;la;Grande, union ANGELA DI PIETRO. Roman Catholio Cardinal Attached to tha Vatican. WILL COMPLETE HIS TRIP OUT TO SEA , TOMORROW. . ' , - . . i .,.",' . Girls and Women Try to Llpnie Aria ; tor at Pasadena Today. Pasadena, Nov. ; 6. Aviator Rogers arose, late this morning following a practical completion of his flight ana tested out his machine. He hasn't de cided what ocean town the transcon tinental journey will be completed at by flying over the. sea but he won't end It today. Rogers appeared greatly rested af ter his flight of yesterday. He drank three' glasses of cream, this morning and when he started tor the tourna- 1 ment park he left the hotel by th rear to escape the women who are trying to lionize him. . To HaTe Military Wedding. San Francisco, Cal Nov. 6. St. Luke's church in this city is to be the scenie- tomorrow night of one of the most brilliant military weddlnes that has taken place here in a long unre. une Dnae win oe usg wmona Derby a leadter in the younger social set of San Franclaro, and the bride groom Lieutenant " Burgln, of the United States army, Lieut Ellery W. Niles, commander of the mine planter Ringgold, stationed at Seattle, will act as best man, and the ushers will be six brother officers of the bridegroom. The cliurch ceremony will be followed by a large reception at the Officers' club at the Presidio. Fair Opens at Phoenix. " ' -Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 6.r-The Arizona state fair opened for a week's busi ness today with all Blgns pointing to a highly successful exhibition. The dis play of live stock and agricultural products is especially notable, while in all other departments the exhibits are up to the high standad of previ ous years. Conventions and celebra tions during the week'are expected to help the fair to establish a nsw high record for attendance. , . . Georgln Club Women. , Bainbridge, Ga.f Nov. 6. The ad vance guard of delegates and visitors has arrived here to attend the annual convention of the Georgia Federation of .Women's clubs, which will meet to morrow for a three days' session. Mrs. Hugh M. Wlllet, president of the state federation, will preside and the delegates will Include prominent wo men from every part of Georgia. The local clubs have provided elaborate entertainment for the visitors. r - f - A ? . f . : J V " . ( 'IP' h ROGERS LANDS : 1 Mill county, Oregon, SBfiATIOfl MADERO MADE PRESI DENT AMID WILD CHEERINGS PROMISES PEACE AND LIB- ' EBTV TO HIS ENEMIES Big Banquet Follow His Inaugural Ad. dress That Is Filled With Chwr lng President Bides Through the Street With Revolutions Seething , All About Hlm-BLj. Inaugural Ad dross Tonight. r : ';::' - . Mexico City, Nov. 6. Lavish pomp veneered the internal dissensions of a disrupted country today when Fran cisco Madero was Inaugurated presi dent of Mexico. With three dlstiict revolutionary plots seething, Madero' drove smilingly through the streets surrounded bv 1.000 troona. tn th'' chp.mber of deputies where the Inaug ural service took place at noon. Spekins before 20,000 in the square Maderj promised them peace for al least three months and promised to make the country peaceful. He was wildly cleered. The address conceded, bands struck up ; the national anthem and the populace joined In the singing and then dispersed to big free banquets which the president had ordered pre pared. '. :- '' ' -;'y' Tonight a huge Inaugural ball Is to take place at the governor's palace. Provisional President de la.Barra leaves tonight for Europe. He is pop- (Continued on Page 5.) Noyel Bicycle Ambulance Will Be Used by English Boy Scouts K . J '-"J;. . yfi " ' - - J gJ nmirniiiiiim. imri - iiMimiiHH nmi in "ll Photo by American Preaa Association. N ambulance that can be attached oeen invented by Wallace Feet, commander of a division of boy scouts at Birmingham, England. The ambulance consists of a stretch er mounted on two ugnt wneeis. the blcyclo In front, though there are other riders to assist.. There are springs which will cbsorb all vibration. A universal Joint attaches the ambulance to the bicycle so that, no matter what happen to the rider, the ambulance can nut tin afditwnva. rivpr rnnirh muntrv tha imliiilnnia'm.. ia t..tnh.i.t - . V " ' - - O UL udavuw IIUIII the bicycle and be propelled by hand or tbe stretcher may be removed and carried as au ordinary hand stretcher. London experts have declared the device to be the most practical yet devised, as it can turn In its own length General Sir Robert Baden-Powell has inspected tbe machine, and he snv ha eonsidera it a most useful vehicle In case of war. (Ie Is the bead of tbe boy scouts of England and will recommend that tbe ambulance be ndopted as n part of tbe field equipment of the scouts. It has already been used ns an emergency stretcher in transporting Injured Jockeys at English race trucks. The lower picture shows a new device by which, an Invalid confined to his bed can get the benefits of the exercift Of walking- without using his muscles aa the machlo does the work. '.-, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, F101EI1 CITY FELL YESTERDAY PEKING- IS CAPTURED WITH LITTLE BLOOD SHED SAY REPORTS MOBE MANCnC CBENS GlVr OVER SHIPS TO REBELS Cable" News Tells of Peking's Fall to Eiebels' . Hands I'ducs Flee ' From City to Avid Death General Conditions Indicate Sudden End of the Manchu Dynasty In the Flowers Kingdom. v :t. - SJI$8.f.3V$.$$,.$,$$, Vancouver, British Columbia. Nov..' 6. Late cablegrams from 3 Hong Kong practically confirm the fall of Peking. They say the 8 v empror escaped by flieht but H Prince- Ching was taken prison- 4 er Dy tne rebels. : 8 Washington, Jfov. 6 No Peking dls. pfttcheg have been received here todav. ill Is unknown therefore, whether the capital has fallen er not San Francisco, Not. 6 Local Chi nese revolutionists consider tho fall of Peking Incredible tut they general. Iy accept the report as true. . ,". 4 . Peking has fallen under rebel on ilaught from Han , Cbow combined with Imperial soldiers who aided them it is reported in cable from Shanghai. Cables from Peking confirming have wot yet been received. All Manchu of. (Continued on Page 6.) ; as a trailer to an ordinary bicycle bat It Is pulled by one rider mounted on handles at the aides that will nermlt under the front end of the stretcher 1911. Y0USS0UF 2IA PASHA. The Turkish Ambassador to tha Onitsd State. Photo by Amr1cn Prcaa Aaaoelatloa. ' MAN WHO HELPED FLEECE PEN DLET0N MAN NABBED. Taken in Xos Angeles and I on Ills Hay to Portland Now. . San Jose, Nov. 6. Preparations are made today to turn A. a. Vest, ar rested here and positively identified as a member of the notorious Maybray gang of fixed race swindlers, over to the Portland police who want him. He was arrested here some time ano on a charge of selling lands in Mexi co he didn't own and finally was iden. titled as the' much sought for man who broke his parole In Oregon six. years ago and fled. ' , Helped? Bob Pendleton Man. Portland, Nov. 6 West who was arrested in Los Angeles, operated with the Maybray gang in Seattle when Charles Cunlngham, the Pendleton f toeep king, , was fleeced of several thousand; in a fixed , wrestling bout Cunningham Identified him but owing to pressure he dropped the case fear ing notoriety. West was then known as Campbell. He is wanted here for breaking "parole under a three year sentence for forgery.;' . : The Maybray crowd has robbed peo ple of millions from Chicago io the coast, by working faked and flxed horBe races, dog flghts, bicycle races, prize fights, wrestling matches and footraces At the time they were un covered and broken up thy had a oer. fection of organization that Included f banks, officials of the county and town at Council Bluffs, where they head quartered." , . Hallway EIoctrlcal Engrlneers! Chicago, III, Nov. 6. Shop practice, car ventilation, training lighting prac. tice, and Industrial trucks for railway service are th principal subjects to be discussed at the fourth annual con vention of the Association of Hallway Electrical Engineers, which began a four daysysesslon In this city today. French President 70 Years Old. Paris, Nov. 6. President Fallleres quietly celebrate his 70th birthday anniversary ' today. Congratulatory messagies were received at the Elysee from many parts of the world. Gulf Coast Exposition. Gulfport, Miss., Nov. 6. The Mis sissippi and Gulf Coast Exposition op ened here today with the finest display of fruit, farm productt and live stock ever seen In this section. Th fair will continue until Saturday, I ..'-.' Lte.;if&-y . . 5 ' '. -. i l ' '' 1 v.-;Vv ;. t .'.: .'':UV SJ ' XW- Sr. f7"f"r r- NUMBER 10 lALID VEHICLE AT HIGH SPEE STOCK CONDITIONS III VALLEY NEAR PER v FECTION NOT A SINGLE CASE OF CONTAGION BEPOBJTED I!f Shipment of Stock fcipid and RPmua. erailve to Growers. Best Dairy Stock Breeders In Northwest Found Her Six Hundred Head Being Fed tot ' " r. Ma aa -A w4 , - a j - j( ja Show. $ f W $ Jy . ' '' . STOCK CONDITIONS LOCALLY f .-; ri.f.-; Not a case of contagion report- ed. :';; 4. Stock coming off ranges excep- tionally fit and healthy. . & & McKennon, Son & Chandler are feeding 600 head, from which U S to be selected exhibits for live $ stock show at Portland. . Seven carloads of horses sold in six week, averaging $160 per $ head. ' - v. : " .".', Five carloads of pure-bred milch cows sold to outside mar- kets. j. ' Hog production far ahead of former years. Dairy business exceptionally bright and growing. . " " . . ': u '.'. ' .'.fu'-iVt'iV-. 4 "Vr v Grande Ronde valley stock a vehi cle to wealth that has been ln thw high speed gear for several years assumes a tone of plenty, healthful. ness and quality, that is focusing the , eye of the buying public throughout ' the northwest with the coming of win- ter. Kange stock has been, or is being, brought down for winter feedina- an Stock Inspector Charlton today sum marized stock conditions as being un usually pleasing. V " . . - As an indication- of the amount" nf hordes being handled here yearly it ia but necessary to quote' the sales' of the past six weeks which- includfr sev- en carloads, three carloads of which, went to Los Angeles, two to Salem an ' two to Portland, bringing an averag of 160 a head, with 20 horses to each, carload. Among the heavy contribu tors to these shipments ln so short a time are Fred Gaskll, J. D. McKennon. Floyd McKennon, Sam Brooks, N." K. West, Duncan MacDonald. William, Leadbetter and others. '; , ! Another Important item Is that the- ' valley Is practically frag from conta glon, not a single case having com' to tbe attention of the stock; inspec tor, . ' -; ''', : This is the situation In brief of th horseflesh trade, but there are other phases of the stock Interests which, are highly encouraging Cattle, Aoraea and sheep the last . named branch W not very extensively " followed here are coming down fritu the ranges in splendid fashion fat, healthy and entirely free from disease. Fine Milch Cows Sold, The dairy business is growing by leas and bounds and almost invari ably, herds are of the purest breeds obtainable. Some of the beBt breed ers in the country are to be found here. One result Is the Increasing: amount of butter fat produced, -and another is the Increased sale of milch cows to critical buyers. Stock In spector Charlton has given ' bills of health to five carloads of the purely bred variety of milch cows that have- ' been sold of late to outside buyer. This phase is exceptionally pleaslnj to everyone, ';' , , Hoa; Production Big. While other features of the stock business have been growing, the nog production has Jumped to tne fore front and never in tho history of the (Continued on Page Eight.)