La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 25, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    avednesday,o6t.6be 25, 1911. .
"Pathe's Weekly" ....... Patbe
Giving actual scenes taken of
recent events In England, Ger
many, France, Italy and .the
United States. It is an education
In Itself .and shows more In 15
minutes than oma -can read fron
15 newspapers. . ; -
"The Squaws Love". .Biograph
.This is an extraordinary Bin.
Dangerous situation calling for
great daring and bravery are
splendidly shown. It's a Bio
graph feature. :
"A Question of Modesty'. .Lubln
A lady doctor, a teal estate
dealer, a ': hypocondTlas mama
and the defeat of an old quack
doctor make up a splendid story
of li&bt. comedy. ,
."Pardon ."Me
splitter in every inch of the reel.
Beautiful song in spotlight by
La Grande's favorite tenor vo
calist, Mr. C P. Ferrln:
"In the Shadow of the Pines"
. .
I. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams av..
Dr. Posey, Specialist 7or Eye,' Ear,'
sose, Throat diseases and catarrh.
iHer Seldefg store. Eyes fitted with
lasses. Honrs 9 to 11:30; 1:30 to
and 7 to 8 p. m.
Phone black
Branch 1, local at La Grande of th.3
socialist party holds a business meet
ing the first and third Tuesday nights;
propaganda meetings second and
fourth Tuesday nights at 8 p. : m. at
106 Depot street. Everybody invited.
..This is the time of year when ev
eryone 1 should ' consider remodeling
their" .V. .
Bradley & Co. has a crew of first
class plumbers, steam and hot. water
litters at all times ready to do work
satisfactorily." Come in and unload
your troubles to ,; - c ? ' :
Phone Black 971. Elm Streetf '
Hot coffee and , bakery lunch, at
Snow flak Bakery. ' '
Notice the new cat-feiass at Newlin
Book & Stationary Co. All the latest
cuts and designs.
Prof. F. J. Freenor, magnetic healer.
Sot hypnotism, drugs or mental work.
Positive permanent results from first
treatment 1417 Adams avenue. Phone
Main 724. 1-rao
.lot chili sandwiches and bakery
lunch at Snow Flake Bakery.
We have a beautiful new lot of leath
Book & Stationary Co. : ;
Angus Stewart has been authorized
to collect and receipt for accounts
against Hewitt, the Jeweler formerly
in business her. Mr. Stewart can
be seen at the Peare Jewelry storey : ,
Best cup of coffee In the city at
Snow Flake Bakery, open all hours.
The two best new books of the
season: "The Ne're Do Well" , and
"The Winning of Barbara Worth." at
Nw)in Book and Stationary Com
pany, v.:,.;'!: '- ; ' ; '; .. AA
Students may enroll at; any time
in - the La . Grande business college.
Day and night sessions. 10-20-tf
Just take a peep at thi3 new line of
shopping bags Just arrived by express
yesterday. You wirf see some good
ones. SUverthora Family Drug store.
'. A.: AA- 6 ov-:: v. '
. .' Steam and electric baths given at
your homes. Mrs. 0. C. Combs.
1 WE lMVE;IT W t
We beii6V6 tliaVwe have the best line of new fall and
winter Suits "ajyi Overcoats for Men, to be seen any
where about here-the most handsome styles, the
best ntting models, the best qualities, arid the most;
reasonable prices but we do not ask you to accept
'our belief alone. . ; , l !' if U t .!';" 1 1
Leave That For You To-Decide
" ' .'Call ano see these ele-.
pant - new Jball .ana
Winter Clothes note
the quality of the4 goods,
the careful -workman-
ship, and the stylish
models in which they ;
are made. Try on a few
' and observe their per
f feet fit and graceful
lines. Surely you will
; say: : 'These are fault
less clothes."
Gasoline wood saw.
3851. J. A. OLIVER.
Red 3231. Store 209 Fir Street
1&-24-U !
4 j
;- PEEiOXALS. , . j
Newton Clark of Hood River was a
Savoy guest this morning. .
.- Will G. Fields of Houston, Tex., was
a La Grande visitor today. ;
J. von Brumbach of Winona, Minn,,,
was a Foley guest last night
Dick Mclntyre of Elgin stayed at
the Savoy while looking after business
matters in La Grande this morning.
Mrs. Maggie Hartnon of Enterprise
is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Sprat
Montgomery this week.
G. H. Loring, building Inspector for
the O.-W. is here today staying, at the
Foley. ' . '.
Superintendent William Bollons has
been in La Grande the past 24 hours,
staying at the Foley while here.
F. E. Woodell and wife of Summer
tille transacted business in La Grande ,
laat night They were Savoy guests.
George W. Moyer of Weiser was In
the city, staying at tbj Savoy, .last
night 'V' ?'r'; " -v-'
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Bryant were over
from Cove last night transacting bus
iness.' They stopped at the Savoy.
H. L. Ball of Chicago and L. M. John
son; also of Chicago were Savoy guests
this morning. . . ';. . v' ', '; :
George Hendricks, formerly a musi
cian located in this city, was up from
The. Dalles last night. He registered
at the Savoy.
r- L. S. Hill of Portland and F. A. El
liott of Salem, members of the state
forestry board, wtare at the Foley this
morning. ,,
. Bert Griffen, formerly located here
and well known as an ath'nte, was
here ' frcm Tacoma this morning. He
is employed on the Milwaukee road in
Washlngiton. ;. . ' A,
. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robson and fam
ily leave tonight fpr California where
they wil choose a permanent abodj
Mr, Robson has been connected with
the Blue Mountain creamery, comin?
here from Red.Wlng about a year ago.
Arthur Van Fleet, one of the cjty
mall carriers, arrived home last night
from a short hunting trip near Elk
mountain. He brought home a fine
big story. Mr.' Snook accompanied
him on th trip. ; i .
, J. W. Simmons, deputy head consul
for the M. W. A. In Oregon was bore
irtMS mbrningi on W way to1 Baker
where he will visit the .Woodman lod
He iha b3eh giving official' attention
to lodges In' Union and Wallowa eour..
ties.',, ,,A,.,A yA- .. A-
Mr.'' and Mrs. George Baker of Cove
were guests this week with Mr. and
Mrs. JorriB of South La Grande. Mr.
Jorris and Mr. Baker aro sister and
brother and it is only recently that
the Jorris family arrived from Min
nesota. They purchased the Harris
property." While here Mr. and Mrs.
Baker were also guests with Mr. and
Mrs. King of South La Grande,
-hi mi
The weather is very suggestive of heavier and warm
clothing. There i3 no argument' when it comes to Fur
wearing apparel but what we carry the most complete
line and best makes to be found. .IIcKibbins'. "
COON ... . . .li.
Black or Natural Pony, "fuil length"
PONY, 28 in. ... .
$ 40.00
$ 70.00
$ 63.00
$1&50 TO $55.00
' FUR NECKWEAR Our line consists of Anything you may want, from the
small Coney Scarf at $1.65 to a Mink set at $45.00' to $85.00. Muffs to match in
any kind of Fur you wish .
- n i ..'.- i . m .. t .-..-' .-'1 t . ' - . . y:..
puuu icai nttiiu mauc, wrucneieu iymes anu vccierpisces
. Made by the Peasants of Armenia and Egypt. Every thread done by hand. Prices
about half. .: ':-.'.-r' m-a-:- ' "
- Women lovevhand-made doilies- and center-.
; pieces. They have an air of elegance and they
: wear a life time. ,
This sale will give every woman a chance to
. gratify her desire for these charming ornamen
tal pieces at the SMALLEST PRICES WE
AVe have secured three thousand and from a
man who makes it a business of going into for
eign countries and buying up the fancy work
done by the peasants. Y , A-a '.
' We have had hand made doiles and center
pieces before, BUT NEVER AT THE PRICES
Illinois D. A. It In Session.
Chicago. 111., Oct. 25. Thia annual
conference o fthe Illinois organization
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution began a two daya' session
at the , Blackstone hotel today. One
hundred and fifty delegates represent
in 'chaDters throuirhout the state
were In attendance. ''
Our line for Fall : com
prises clothes to please
every taste , from the
conservative to, the
most extreme. -The
right suit or overcoat
to please every .taste,
and every purse is here.
Here's an Offer You Should Net Ovr
' ' ...''' - .' look.'.:
Berall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by aiding nature to
suddIv the elements the absence ol
which In the gastric Juices causes lnd
gestlonnd dyspepsia. They aid the
stomach to digest food and" to quickly
convert It into rich red blood and ma
terlal necessary for overcoming nat
ural body waste. - - - ..."
Carry a package f TRetall Dyspepsia
.Tablets in your vest pocket or keep
them In your room. ' Take one after
each heavy meal and prove our asser
tion, that .indigestion will Hot bother
you. "
We know what, Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what fhey will do. We
guarantee them to relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia. If they fall we will
refund 'Tour money. Three sizes: 25
cents, SO cents, end $1.00. Rem em
ber. you can obtain Rexall Remedies
only at our store The. Rexall Store.
Every piece is perfect and there are many patterns of artistic beauty. This
sale should bring such a crowd of women tnat the whole collection will be taken
in one day. Here are the prices at which they are marked.t
'Sire 5 to 6
; Size 9 to 12 -tize
l3"to 15 i
' -Sie 12' to 18
25 to 27 : JLLSJba-
.28 to 30 ..:-....-.....,....;;.
31 to 33 1...viJ!5.50-
See them on display in oiir window.;
Jimmy Callahan, a player, will man
age the team. An all start team will
accompany the Sox. . . ' . v. '
' Tour for "White Sox. ' .1
Chicago, Oct 25. A tour of the
world for tha Chicago White Sox next
fall is announced by Oomisky today,
Do You Like
to Eat? .
; ';: 'yAA'Ayy
If you have lost your appetite'
and have no desire for fodd It
Is a' very important sigh. , It
indicates that your liver is, not
working properly, that, your
digestion is not what it should
be. ,.: A. r:.y
Blue Mountain
Liver Pills
. ; ; , .'.v.
make your liver perform lt8(
function properlyT. Helps to
straighten out the, deranged di
gestion. ' Clears " your "brain.
Gives an ! appetite. . Makes di
gestion your servant insteal
,;Of you a slave to Indigestion.' .
FILLS are sold in convlent sized
packages at 25 cents per bottle
Wright Drug Co.
Phone Main ; 6
If you are looking for a plac-
to get your i
WOllam Stradlord, Prop, i
Opposite Torwy-.;fc- Soranton:
Work Bone on Short Ifotiee.
That t)nly Cleanse
Thats enough for, toilet, bath pr nursery soaps to do. That Is all that
1b expected of them. But some soaps do more. Some axe such ener
getic cleaners that they either actually inure the skin , or make it
tender. . " ,
When you need Soaps se-
lect from our ample stock
V ' : rr-r er- :. ' : ; -
We have the choices brands of Imported Xastile. ' and fancy toUei
bath and nursery soaps that are pure and neutral soaps that cannot
harm the most delicate skin. v A.,.:: r , S ,
; ' " , U GRANDok ,