page 2 LA GU.-NDL E LXlNCi OBSEKVLU, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911. You May Have Overlooked DID IOU EVER REALIZE HOW CSEFCL TOUB ELECTRIC LA Ml' SOCKET CAN BE! v When we think of electricity we naturally think of lights, because that is the way it 1b usually employed, but new uses and improve ments are constatnly being Invented. - Among the many conveniences that electricity has made possible are electric ranges; heaters; irons; toasters; chailng dishes; hair driers; ; percolators; combination sets, etc. ' ' . , ' All operate from an ordinary lamp socket, by the simple turn of a button. . . Many of these articles we carry regularly in stock; the others JH gladly order for you at any time. You will find our prices most reasonable. Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co. WEEK-END MARKET TO BE EE ; PLETE 1VITH GOOD THINGS Fresh Supplies of All Sorts Coming for Saturday Morning Trade. Grain Hay 414.00. Bran and Shorts $1.30 and $1.40. " Oats $1.60 per cwt ' Rolled Barley $1.70 per cwt. Cattle, Hog and FowL . Cows 3 c to 4c. . . Steers 4c to.5c. ' . Hogs $6.75. Chickens Hens, 10c; old roosters. 8c and spring fries' 10c to 12'c. The Buying Power of $1.75. A little money sometimes buys a fooi deal. For instance, take the sub . , crlptlon price of the Youths Com- panlon'for ft year $1.75 If all the! good readipfjn the 52 weekly issues of thoj paper were published Jn book form, according to. Its kind, It would TORfrf PbQut thirty volumes of fiction, cleVe, fSgayi fejr famous writers, household management and eoflomls ports and pastimes for boys, natural history, anecdotes, humor, etc. The .serial stores. alon would, fill several volumes. Among these la Ralph falne's great "tory of th Uoxr 18 belllon In China, ''The Cross and the Dragon." Another Is by J. W. Schultz who was adopted by the Blackfeet when a boy. it is called "The Quest for the "Fish Dog Skin." Apotner Is glorious girla story by C. A- Steph- ... ens. called "Julia Sylvester." It is the story of & "Mercer girl in the pioneer days of Oregon and Washing tonand that is only part of the ser ials. , It will cost you nothing to send for' Local markets present nothing new today. - No prices have changed and the usual routine of lines of vegeta bles are offered on the Bales, boards at grocers. As the week end approaches i it is evident that a large line of rfesh I vegetables will be ready for the Sun-j day dinner providers and a sprinkling of midsummer fruit and fall vegeta bles, all of which will come in fresh and in plentiful quantities tomorrow. will be offered Saturday morning. Butter auf Eggs. Eggs Rancheggs, 40c; storage, 35c. Butter Dairy 35c and 65c. Cream ery, 40c and 80c, retail at grocers. But ter fat 33 cents. the beautiful announcement of the Companion for 1912 and we will send with It sample copies the paper. Do not forget that the new sub scriber for 1912 receives a gift 'of the Companion's calendar for 1912, litho graphed In ten colors and gold, and all the Issues for the remaining weeks of mi free from ths time' the sub Only $1.76 now, but on January 1, 1912, the price will be advanced to $2.00. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berke ley St., Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this Of'CO. ' ' ' 23c . Vegetables and1 Miscellaneous. Potatoes Per cwt., $1.75. Onions $2.25 per cwt. Cabbage Per pound, 2 and 3c. Celery Pker bunch, 10c. Peppers Per lb., 12c. Sweet potatoes Four lbs. for 25c Sugar Cane, $7.85 per cwt beet, 10 cent lss. Beatis white. 8 1-Sc; lima, lo tents Fruits, Home f own t'ppUs $1.23 to $1.10 per box Qralfe establishes price. Bananas 40c per doz. Oranges 50c and 55c. Feed nnd Grain. Alfalfa Hay $13.00 (retail). Timothy $15.00. Two Seat n th Aisle. Oo a TlHit of John IV, Gutesi to New York shortly iwfore nu lust trip abroad ue wan ltwuiHlng Wall stmrt epw-uiiitlnn nnd huw dull it wn with a frlfiid li soiiiHiiiuK taKeti a tiler In thf murker hiiuwli.' "Let tut m" Muid me friend: "it was live yenr njjo that a tftork Kt t'hanjre mil linnmnr C!i .UtMl Now one cnu be roi fur $" "Setenty live innimawJ d(illnnr shouted (Jatw.'" "If a man went down to the exf-bnnge witb J7.'.(No rem mon ey be could ei two watn oo the mid die aisle." New York Sua Printed words fail to give you a full l'.lca of Gossard style-leadership. You iuust sea a Gossard Corset better stiK vou must try one on at the mirror, be ixre yox can understand how fie Gos i,aid enables any woman to display a Jture that Is stylish and attractive besides being easy to wear In any po sltlen, ' '"'' 7.V'--'"-' ' Indorsed by 8'ur leading physician? .md dress maters." A model for every iyne of form. . - Prices $3.5rt to $8.50 , MRS. ROBT. PATTISOX. l'hone Blk 1181. Coraetlero BOY WANTED Fam-UB-KlBg I Factovy. Clgui L 0 0 f at other ' can first, then try the Big Elegant L R W. Leightor Exclusive Agent for Union County FIRST., LA GRANDE axwel 1 Si oeeian Go over it point by point. We ask you to do so just as carefully, critically and systematically as vou inspected txAe competing automobiles. The United States Motor Company is the builder of the Big, New Stylish Maxwell Special ' ; It is proud of the car. . I . It is confident of its superior excellence. It thinks there is no other car quite like it , or nearly its equal within $500 of its price. : But, in fairness to the prospective buyer, this Company believes firmly in the mutual benefit to - be derived from a real comparison of automobiles. We think you will gain by such a course, because .whon you eventually do buy, you will know exact ly what your money is obtaining for you in com-i parative value. We believe this Company also will benefit, be : cause our product is RIGHT. So, we ask every man interested in the purchase of a medium-priced automobila to go over the list carefully and critically. v V Find out what are said to be the strong points; ' of each automobile. Also look for the absence of those qualities which you will learn to want in ; your car. After going through this little educational course it will not take long come to seei and try the Maxwell Special. First, let us consider POWER. In what other car, within $500 of the price, did you find 36 horset power?-, .-h- v.., - v ; .t Z 'X In what qther car, of the class, did you find. aiv. engine the equal of the Maxwell. Special's 4 lx 5 1-4 long strike, smooth-running motor? With its large valves, adjustable push rods, self-contained automatic oiling system, Stromberg carburetor, dual ignition with Splitdorf magneto and batter ies, you hav more power at your command than! , you would have in any competing car. .......... . .Now, as to STYLE. We know you will not find , the equal of the Maxwell Special its graceful, , beautiful lines, its Columbia Honeycomb type rad iator, deep, black upholstering and the quiet, sup erb finish of Royal green with Wedgwood green wheels. Then, first and last, analyze the price. TJnequaled factory facilities of this Company with its fourteen great plants have made the price of the Maxwell Special a possibility. We are confident any other manufacturer would lose money on this automobile at this price. . We believe you will share this confidence after . the comparison. That's the reason we ask you to make it. THE NEW DEPOSITOR The new depositor in this bank may be assured of receiving direct, personal attention and service, for this has been our policy since or ganization. A banker's advice and Acquaintance is usually valuable; his actual help certainly is. '- Sav ings Deposits of whatever amount are gladly received and full inters est is paid on them. Checking ac counts, business or personal, are in-vited. Uri ited States National ank iCIassifiedt 0$ Savoy Hotel Advertisina iV HELP WANTEb Young woman to do chamber work and also woman Jn laundry. Inquire at Hot Lake sanatorium. lft-18-tf REWARD OFFERED For return of G. J. A. notebook containing Infor mation valuable only to the auxili ary. Finder return to Mrs. Luke Ferguson and receive reward. FOR RENT Furnished front room.' Modern Phone to Red 61 or call at I 1208 Seventh and M. . j "I h WANTED $1250 cash will give city, realty valued at $3000. P. 0. Box 207 f "'-.,. , . . .' ' ' FOR? SALE-Palr fine well red 140f lb.' young horses. Cash, time or trade Apply Klrtley stables. 9-30-tf FOR SALE Team horses, wagon, har ness and cow for sale. Phone Black 3622. EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot 0. C. Brichoux. Prop. Tee United States Motor Go. LOST A Pillow mink muff. Leave at t Paul's cigar store and receive re-c ! ward. ; , FOR RENT Furnished room for light housekeeping at 1406 T. Ave. (10-1-tf FOR . RENT Two furnished front rooma with light and phone. Phone Black 3752. 1902 Oak street. 10-13-tf HARAPON'S TRU-FRUIT CHOCOLATES AND MARSHMALLOWS Made Just Right; NO IMITATION FLAVORS All Leading Confectioners ' Sell Them FOR SALE Thorough bred English bloodhound pups. Inquire Savoy Hotel. D. C. Brichoux. 10-14-10t FOR RENT House and two acres of ground. Good barn room for four ' bead of stock and six or eight ton of hay. North St. and V avenue. Two block east of new school house. In " quire at Observer office or phone Farmer 205 10-14-tf . WANTED Two lroners at Hot Lake Telephone. " WILL TRADE Good five room house and 4 lots. - Will trade for horses or cattle. 10-11-tf LA GRAXDE ITTESTMEXT CO, La Grande, Oregon. Plumbing and Heating John Melville H28 Adams Avi LA GRANDE; ORE-