PAGE S treatment. 1117 Adams avenue, rbonc v PERSONALS. , 9 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEliVEK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1911. n n ! THEATRE 1 FEATURE FKOliUAa Vt THE HIGHEST CLASS ' New York State Barge Ca- , pals" ... Edison This 1b a marvelous picture of ret educational value. The roas)V9 construction machin ery teems 19 ft?t as tbou?h.1t were Itself ltv and fndowel with intelligence."' "The Medicine Woman" .Pa the A beautiful story of Indian mysteries and beliefs. The Feathers of Wfe find D?atU Intensely dpMed. -V 'f U Hdneymoon". . . . Vitagraph A comedy of naturally funny complications that are laugh able In the extreme. Mr. Maur ice Costello has a great part In SPECIAL Miss Garrick and Mr. Ferrlr, will sing in spotlight: "You Can't Be a Friend to Every body." f "' It's as good as !'Bllly." Musical Director Chas. E. Kin? iMumn Main 724. 1-rao C. E. Wilson has taken over the Blue Mountain boel and plans to repaint, renovate and Improve the place In an extensive manner. Angus Stewart has been authorized to collect and receipt for accounts against Hewitt, the Jeweler formerly I in busfness here. Mr. Stewart can be seen at the Peare Jewelry store. . . Steam and electric baths given at your homes. Mrs. 0. C. Combs. R. 1 Jones of Union registered at the Savoy this morning. 1 BOY WANTED Fam-Us-KIng Factory. Cigar -Gasoline wood saw. Phone black 3851. J. A. OLIVER. tAio m pv!i.H k'A will hold a rummage sale Friday and Saturday, I October 20 and 21 in the building now occ'upled by the Grand Union Tea company on Fir street.- 10-17-3t o o - , Pendlwton Business College open 5. A large enrollment is an- . . . . . r. ' given to pupils enrolling be'ore September 20. Graduates RBBlsted to oj : rcBltlons. M. L. Clancy, B. A.. 'rlnclpat W. Henderson, of North Platte, Neb., ' was a guest at the Foley last night. Walter Ensmiager of Haines was a Foley guest last night. Mrs. H . M. Bennett, a resident of Elgin, was at the Foley last night. " Mrs. Julius D. Sommer of Sheridan, Wyo'., was at the Fovj this "morning. F. W. Rowley, of Joseph, was in the ' city over last night, returning this ' morning. I ' ' ' . E. H. Narvell of Baker transacted , business In" La Grande last night, stay-i Ing at the Foley, Our m ens Over coats Gravenette 1 i ill Coats - -i n?7" A. A ('S'' z . . . LOCALS H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams a v.. nr. Pne. Sneclalist for Eye, Ear, na. Throat diseases and catarrh. Mver Selders store. lyes fitted with Hnnr 4 to 11:30: 1:30 to and 7 te 8 p. m. Prnf. f. J. Freenor. maenetlc healer, 'A Kat. hviinntiMin. drnsrs or mental wp'k Jroslrhe permanent results from first J. D. Heidenrlch is now in Portland ', on a business trip and is expected home in a day or so. ' ' c. f. bates of Omaha, is here calling on business clients today for an Onia- ha'house. He is at the Foley. ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. Jnst Oewd at r-edd1 Grocery Meln?" nev crop dH pickieB. Hielnx? new crop sweet p ckUs. Hln,e ney tod sout niches. Hlnze new cro ffc.iw chow, HelTiK new crop pickiec HfonB, Helnie ne-w crop sauer kraut W-14-3t A. Wills, an Allcel resident, is a visitor m the city today. He regis tered at the Foley. - J H. Keeney, agent for the O.-W. here, went to Portland on company business last night. " Dr. C. T. Bacon and davighter, Miss Runa, leave today for Portland where they will spend a few days. Come in and look our line over.1 It will pay you if you are going to need an over coat soon. Our Prices Range from $12.50 to $25- FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND For over three decades a favorite household medicine for COUGHb, CQLDS, CROUP, WHOOPING andSTUFFY BREATHING. Take -Photographer Rltter was out to lm at first Bign ofacold. Quick, safe ; bier today taking photographs of the B. S. Davis the sewer contractor, ar rived this morning from a trip to Ta- i romn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were down from Camp Carson last night. They stayed at the Savoy while here. 11 ..This is the time of year. when ev eryone should consider remodel)na their HEATING . AND PLUMBING JOBS. Bradley & Co. has a crew of first class plumhers.v steam and hot water fitters at all times ready to do work satisfactorily. Come in and unload your troubles to BRADLEY & CO, Phone Black 71.- Elm ,Street. and reliable. The Bee Hive on the carton is the mark of the genuine; Refuse sustitutes. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jefferson bt. So. Omaha, says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey & Tar. Compound as a sure eire for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a bad cold and my neighbor. Miss eBnson, cured her self and her whole family with Foley s Hooey & Tar Compound. Every ona in our neighborhood speaks most high ly of it as a good remedy for coughs and colds. HTT-VS Typrfl STOFB orchards there. Abe Lavies and . wife of Pleasant Valley were guests in the city today with friends. , . ' William Jalone of Medical Springs was a business, visitor in the city last night. He registered at the Savoy. F. D. Rinehart of Joseph stopped at the Savoy while transacting business here last pight. nPFN SFASON FOR COUGHS It is legal to have cough anytime now but it is needless to lej a cough, get a hold on you and set up chronic conditions.. , Start right by. curing every cough promptly with our Blue Mountain Cough Remedy ' This is a healing soothing remedy. Jhat cures cougU , when 'ordi nary remediesjail. Best household remedy becauSe,eflual.effectlye; . for the coughs of young or old. ;y WE GUARANTEE IV PRICE 25c. WRIGHT DRUG COMPANY H. S. Sommer of Elgin was a guest here l2Et uigit, rti'sterlng at lli-i Zi-voy. Mr. arid Mrr. Al Sherman were here from Portland last night, staying at j the Savoy. H. J. Brown'.' special agent of the general land office, is in the city, mak ing headquarters at the United States land office. Fall f and fix : I Rain Pf i-ij.-tStl. i Our Boys' and Children's line of Overcoats in all the latest shades and weaves are made to fit, stylish and for wear. Our prices range from $2.50 tD $8.00 in children's; boys' prices range from $8.50' to $18.00. ':w:s!J: :' COME IN AND LOOK THE LINE. OVEH. The Qolcleii Mule Company THE SAME QUALITY -:- PRICES LLbb We Do AH Kinds of . 5j I LADIES' TAILORING Ask your friends what kind of suits we make THE TOGGERY A, V. Andrews Dr. J. G. Fleenor, of Joseph, was a business visitor to the city the past few days. He is interested in the marble quarries of Joseph. ' Attorney John S. Hodgln left today for Enterprise where he has several legal matters needing his attention He expects to return home Saturday, C. Barrell, of Portland, represent ing the Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co., is here this week trying to place an agency. He Is quartered at the Foley, Ward Emlgh, a creameryman of Walla Walla, Interested in the Valley creamery of . this city, was a Savoy guest last night. Mrs, R. F. Reasoner and daughter, Miss Dorothy of Winter, Cal., are ex pected to arrive tonight to visit Mr and Mrs. Turner Oliver. Mrs. Reason- er and Mrs. Oliver are sisters. Rev. J. D. Gillllan, D. D., went to Cove yesterday to appear on the pro gram of the Sunday school convention now under way there, and returned home this afternoon.. Miss Ada Roush, the photographer, has returned from a trip to the Des chutes canyon to 'Bend where she at tended a family reunion. She, reports the new country well developed and scenery along the new road unsurpas sable. Sotice. ' ' . Special Organizer MIsb Nina Down ey of Portland will meet with the I Grande Ronde Circle W. O. W. to- .' morrow nleht. Oct. 19. All members are especially requested to be presen 10-1 8-2t PICKLES Sweet, Sour, Sour Mixed, Sweet Mixed, Chow Chow, Dills. ' Phone us your orders. Main 70. ritOMTT DELIVERY. The Grocery Phone 70. Stageberg & Sandborg For WOOD AND COAL Phone Main 6 It you are looking for a place to get your 1 Repaired GO TO 1 ltrt1 ELM STREET-" William Stradford, Prop. Opposite Toney & S6ranton. Work Done on Short SotTce Snowdrift Flour WILL PLEASE YOU Your Money Back If It Fails Waters-Stanchfield ProduceCo.,M?l!LiM Get Sponges Worth Their Price You are sure to here. Sponges seem high they are hlg'ier than. thoy once were. There's greater demand for good sponges than there is productl6n. - The profit on sponges is slight to dealers. The fact that it is small has made us extremely careful In our buying. We have leaxni? to buy sponges right by being careful. That is why we can furnutr our customers with consideraMe better goods for price than cancan had elsewifoere. We like to sell sponges even If the profit is sn alT. We know the customer will be satisfied and we find that satla-ffiis!" 'customers stimulates trade greatly. Bath Sponges, Toilet Sponges, Carriage Sponges. Houseclexn Ing Sponges and Sponges for every conceivable use are In our atoft. Every sponge worth what is asked for it, See our sponges and judge for yourself. - .... ' '' ' V ' lUeiDlin Dtmci Co LA GRANDE, ORE. ti h i 1 A'