jt . ll 51 i PaGL 4 LA GKANDE EVENING OBSliltVEK.- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1911. i il i u v 1 :liX s 1' i-i1 M u . r. ! fl ! I THE OBSERVER B Ft U G E D E N N I S Editor ant Owner. Csterei at Ut yostoffiee at La Graade as second-class matter. 8UBSCRIPT10S BATES "P&j, single copy Vail, per week, Bafy, per month. lit MCDCTSBERjai S lAf T IW 29130131 Fl S 4 5 6 1111211314 ever made use of his gift. Of course, Great BarringtoiiB homes may be well supplied with bibles; but the atbollc Journal America (New York) sees this community on .hand shaking terms with Ann Arbor, Michigan, where 78 students were recently subjected to a biblical examination, with these re sults: "The test was not made offhand, but nearly an hour ' was allowed to write down the answers. The results were startling.- One volunteered the valu ably Information that the pld testa ment wis written B. C. the other was not; another affirmed that 'lbs old testament represented Hebrew fable,' while 'the new dealt with historical characters.' Another, again, that Ijmc iihj was -uuinBt:u ItMgeir UI BVUI iirir? nrnverW which are not fln by heart, which was so noteworthy only a very short time ago." Araty of the Cumberland. Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 18. The 39th annual reunion of the Society of the Cumberland began here today, with headquarters at. the Hotel Pat ten. Features of the opening session this morning were an address of wel come by Zl. Clay Evans and a re sponse by Gen. Gates P. Thurston, the president of the society. This after noon the members visited the neigh ing battlefields. The reunion will con clude with a camp fire meeting tomor row night. 100 Italians killed; London, Oct. 18. One hundred Ital ians were killed by Turks outside of Tripoli when a reconnoitering party advanced too far from their base, 1 T I 1 I7i8fil 2:2324'25 2C27S8 ! '8 and proverbs. longer believed to have actually hap-U-- dj8pak.ha fctat(J Jpened.' 'By the Law,' said one wise J youth, 'Is meant the laws given by REWARD OFFERED For Vetum of Tllfi NEGLECTED BIBLE. 1 1 r. : rr ' j:.t lt ill ll f jlfc.jtfc OUR SHOE DEPART!!!! offers all the advan tages of the exclusive shoe stores of the large cities critic of books and plays Is daily enlarging, has also added to himself another title to fame. The news papers inform us that in -1897 he went to the public library of Great Barring ton, Mass., to verify a quotation from the bible. To his surprise,' he found no copy of the bible there and he af terward presented the library with one bearing this inscription: "I have found a great many libraries which lacked a great many books, but never before have I found one like this, which lacked the Great Book." Four years later he called again at the 3reat Barrlngton -library, and found, ao the report goes, that no one had Arcade Theatre "The Battle of the Hepubllc" VUagraph. Drama. This pat riotic and historical picture portrays the writing of the fa mous national hymn by Julia Ward Howe and Is a magnifi cent aud elaborate conception of scenic splendor. "The Unfinished Letter" Edison. Comls. A very pleas ing story with lively situations. "The Mission Walf'Melles Drama. The first Melies pic ture we have had in a long time and It la a igood one. Har bored since childhood In a Cal ifornia mission, Mary the one bright flower of the place, falls in love with a bandit who had sought refuse within the mis sion walls. The story ends with a tragedy Bad but beautiful. "Money to Burn" Edison. Comedy. The title of this pic ture explains it It Is lively from beginning to end. "I'm JuBt Plnln For You,' Sun by Mr. Grlce. IF IT IS GOOD Y(r WILL SEE IT AT THE Alilf APE Christ to his disciples, while the gos pel simply means the Scriptures as taught to the people.' We can only quote a few of the hundreds of other ridiculous replies. 'The gospels,' for instance, 'were the letters which St. Paul wrote to the church.,' 'The tem- t oi ouiuuiuu n lu uu)iuu. oiuai was the place of the landing of the ark, or the mount from which Christ spoke., 'Nazarene was the Mother of Christ; Nazareth was .his Father.' 'Levi was a name applied to Jews who were small in stature compared with Leviathan, which meant large.' 'Levi was a Jewish male; Leviathan a wo man 'The Isle of Patmos was the .ilce where the children of Israel were fed In the wilderness.' "Thou are the' man," are words said by Judas to Christ, pr by a prophet in his chariot lepcii'ng Christianity . the man at his side.' ' "Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice,' was said by Christ to one of the thieves hanging beside him In the crucifixion.' 'Jacob's ladder was a vlBlon that Jacob had one night when he slept outdoors near n mountain which looted like a pa'" of stairs.' ,7he mess of pottage referred to the Lord's Supper.' 'Aaron's rod brought the manna and doves to the ground when the tribes of Israel were without food.' '"The thirty pieces of stiver" were one of the parables, werr rtc, etc.. etc." Such a state of Ignorance may bp accounted for In various ways. That which America sees as the explanation Is this: G. I. A. notebMt containing infor mation valuable only to the auxili ary. Finder return to Mrs. Luke Ferguson and receive reward. "The reformers of the 16th century were deadly enemies of the bible, though they professed to base their whole religion on It. Insisting on every one reading It and guaranteeing that the most ignorant could fathom its profoundest mysteries, they rob bed it of all its objective value, for each Individual, no matter how Incom petent, was permitted to read into it his own sense, thereby leaving It no sense at all. Men who said they were scholars bognn to pick Its text to plec fs. discredited Its assertions, cas.t a doubt on its authorshln. and refused to oHml In U unvthlntr 1IVn InRiilratlon. I 8lem JuBt 'ic result Is that in spite of the mil lions of money used by the bible so cieties to multiply its editions and scatter them over the face of the earth not only the old love and veneration for the Sacred Book have disappeared, but the grossest Ignorance of Its con its has succeeded to that almost su perstitious eagerness to learn the text SUMMONS. In the circuit court ot the state of Oregon, for the county ot Union. Mary Hug, plaintiff, vs! Louisa H. Becker and J. J. Becker, also all other persons and parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in tht real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. To Louisa H. Becker, and J. J. Beck er, also an otner persons ana parties unknown claiming any right, title, es tate, Hen or Interest in, or to or upon the real estate described in the com plaint herein, the above named de- fndants: You and each of you are hereby notified by me to be and ap pear in the above entitled court and anwer the complaint therein filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and defend ants and each 6f you. will take notice that if you fail so to appear and an swer, the plaintiff will, for want there of, apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint in said cause, to wit: That plaintiff be de creed to be the owner in fee and en titled to the possession of all the real estate described In the complaint, to wit: the east half of northeast quar ter oftsccton thirty-three (33). and southwest quarter of northwest quar ter and northwest quarter of, south west quarter of section thirty-four (34). and north half of southwest quar ter of section twenty-nine (29), and east half of northwest quarter and east half of southeast quarter of sec tion thirty-two (32), In township one. north of range thirty-nine, and north half of northwest quarter of section e (R). In township one, south of rsree thlrty-ntneVSfl), east ot Wlllam mette meridian, In Union county. Ore Ron. excepting a tract of about fifteen acres heretofore by Rudolph Hug In hl lifetime conveyed, and that plain tiff's title thereto be quieted and for sn:h other relief as to the court shal' THREE DISTINCT ADVANTAGES not offered by most shoe departments; and shoe stores. EXPERT FITTING- SERVICE By men with years of experience in buying, selling and fitting high grade shoes. . it; ' . ; ".. . r LARGEST ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM No store in Eastern Ore lual oiTeis 3 cuiupleie an assortment as you wiii be shown in our excellent shoe department. THE CHOICE OF AMERICA'S BEST SHOE LINES.' During this store's thirteen years of business, we've tried out many different lines and the shoes "we are showing now have been proven the best by comparison. , We're showing many new styles in the following lines for which we're exclusive agents: tf MMttMMMMMIMIH Ml 1 ll H'Hmil'W A Strong Modern Bank Efficiently conducted, not only in the Interests of its stock .holder, hut of Its depositors and patrons an well; .With officials well kiioun and trusted In the community. With capital, surplus and undivided p routs of $210,000,000 and total resources of $1,000,000.00. The La Grande Rational Rank offers to firms, corpora tlons and Individuals the bent banking service, and Its oftl cent axk personal Interview with those contemplating changing accounts or opening new ones. La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. CAPITAL . SURPLUS RESOURCES Fred 3. Ho!m. Pre. . $ 100.000.00 , . 105.000.00 . . 1.000,000.00 W. J. Church. ViC6 Pres. Earl Zundel,ss'f. Cashier For Men J. E. Tilt Dress Shoes. Fatapsco $3.00 and $3.50 Work Shoes. CoiiLol Heaw Shoes Bers;eman Hand Made Loggers For Ladies PittgTcs Dre.a.s Shoes Utz & Dunn's Dress Shoes Dt. Edison Cushion Sole Shoes Mudge Comfort Shoes For Children Educator Shoes Romper Shoes Little Wanderpr Shoes Fierce High Top Shoes GOLD SEAL, WALES GOODYEAR, AND BALL BRAND RUBBERS A WORD ABOUT OUR H S1ERY LINES It's bard to find attractive hosiery that will stand the wear, like coarse knit heavy hosiery but we have selected several well known hosiery lines which we firmly believe to be the best wearing and most attractive hosiery for the price. . Yes, we've tried guaranteed hosiery, toe, and our experience has shown us that we can sell you better hosiery for the same or less price than you have to pay for the coarser hetavTer hosiery with which you buy the guarantee. OUR OWN ' GUARANTEE BACKS EVERYTHING WE SELL. We're exclusive agents for Interwoven Hosierv for Men, botn cot ton and wocl. ?5c, 35c and 50c Napa Tan Shoea for Men, Waterproof and Wearproof Black Cat Hosiery for Ladies and Chil dren No etiual for. wear. Duchess Silk Lisle Hosiery for Ladies. All the appearanc-3 of f ilk bus three times the wear. OUR MERCHANDISE IS OUR BEST ADVESTISEMENT ' This summons Is published by vlr tv.e of nn order of the Hon. J. W kr.owles, Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union, hearing date September J3th, A. D. 1011, directing publication of such Euiiuiions In the La Grande Evening Observer, once each week for six con tecutlve weeks and the first publlca Hon of this summons Is on the 13th day of September. A. D.. 1911. J. D. SLATER. Attorney for Plaintiff. D 9-13. 20, 27; 10-4, 11. 18. 25 0TIf E OF STREET IMPI OVEMEMT ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice Is her: by given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the city of La Grande Oregon, on the 9th day of February 1010. mating Improvement district No 17 and designating Jefferson avenue, as such district, and In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 23rd day of September. 1911, whereby said council determined ind declared fts lntennon to Improve all that portion of Jofferson avenue in such Improvement district as hereln iftfr described, by laying thereon ce ment walk, combination curb and gut ter, the council will, ten days after the servlcf of this notice upon the owners of the property afMced and benefited by sinn Inn -ovement. order that said above described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so 'mprovec' are as follows: AH that portion of Jefferson avenue, from the east curb lin? of Elm street, to the west line lot 8. block 112, Chap lin's addition to La Grande, Oregon. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said Improvement is as follows: l)ts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. block 112; Chap'ln's addition to La Grande, Ore gon. Notice L hereby further given that No Clo WS QUALITY STORE the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and b.nellted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment. That the estimated cost of such inipi ovement Is the sura of $.".91.60. That the council will, on the 18th day of October, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of ald assessment, when a hear ing will be "ranted to any person feel ing aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, October 4th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. ' By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 10-7-10t NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; No tice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the city ef La Grande on the Bth day of August. 1909. creat ing improvement district No. 5 and designating Seventh street," as '"such district and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common councU on the 28th day of June, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared its intention to improve all that por tion of Seventh street in said improve ment district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon macadam and ce ment curb and gutter, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property af fected and benefited by such Improve ment, order that said above described improvement be made; tha. the, boun daries of said district jo be bo improv ed are as follows: All that portion of Seventh street from the south line of Washington avenue, to the north line of M avenue. (A) And the, property affected or benefited by said improvement is as follows: The east half of block 56. 61. 64 and ' jr 99 and the west of blocks 55, 62, 63 and 100, Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Oregon. Notice is hereby further given that the council win levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the Bum of 16.344.50. That the council will, on the 18th day of October, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of S o'clock, p. m. to consider Bald estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person fueling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon. October 4th, 1911 CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 10-6-10t VR. FRESH TAFFIES Are Excellent. He Carry Vanilla airawoerry ana Molasses THE PALACE of SWEETS SELBERS