La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 14, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    f !
"Summer Babies" Essanay
An educational picture show
ing the treatment accorded poor
babies in Chicago's latest nur
sery. '
("Gossiping Yapvllle" . Essanay
A playful lovfc tap starts the
gossip which grows In Immen
sity until the police really be
lieve it . was murder. It's a
scream. ,
"Christian and Moor" . . Edison
A magnificent Edison feature
film. A great tale of the Cru
saders' days. It is beautifully
mounted by this celebrated firm.
"Archie th'J Hero" ..... Lubin
Archie was a chappie, was
sent west with a cute little re
volver and It went off acciden
tally and made Archie a Hero
for he captured Black Bart, tire
notorious bad man. It's a scream
Illustrated song "Hall to ths
Boys of the U. S. A." sung by
Miss Garrlck ....... .Matinees
Mr. Ferrin Evenings
can-n if Modern Wooiifln Monday
evening rad a larga artendauce do-
Don't miss "BILLY at the ISIS
SODAY. Mies Garrlck and Mr. Fer
rin sing it in 'spotlight."
- Factory. -
St. Peters' Guild will continue their
rummage sale Saturday afternoon at
Guild hall on Fifth street.
Don't miss "BILLY" at the ISIS
Sl'XDAT. Miss Garrick and Mr. Fer
rin sing It in 'spotlight."
. Society .
(Contnued from Page 4.)
0. E. Blanchard of Imbler spent th
morning in the city visiting friends
and transacting business matters.
City Attorney A.' M. Funnels of
Joseph was In Ia 'Grande last night.
He stopped at the Foley while here
& '
, '
H. T. Love, Jeweler. 12124 Adams v..
C. M. Ryan of Huntington was
buslies9 visitor n La Grvid'.; this
J. "W. McAllister "went to Elgin to
day to attend a county meeting of tV
Farmers' union. He was accompan
ied by Mr. Davis.
Mrs. Anna Caudell and son Jesse
who have been visiting Mrs. Caudell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs,
leave this e-n'ng for their home In
San Diego, Cal.
On Posey, Specialist for Ey, Car,
Jfose, Throat diseases an4 catarrh,
mer" Seldefs store. Eye fiW with
lassos. Honrs 9 to lUtH; 1:30 to
4 and 7 te 8 y. m.
S. n. Crowe and City Manager Wals):
of the Home Indeoendent Telephone
comnany leave next Monday for Snake
river. They go by automobile to a
point pigM miles beyond Fnilta, Wal
. 'Beers and for 22 years the grand na
tional president of the order.. Mrs.
Murdock will bo accompanied to La.
Grande on her official visit to the local
C. I. A. by several prominent Portland
.adles and following the official Inspec
tion of the order, a banquet will be
terved in her honor. Perhaps no wo
man prominent In the fraternal af- of the nation has attained as
fnucli renown as Mrs. Murdock. For
ii early a quarter of a century she has
been .the moving spirit in tb order
to which belong nearly all the wlvea
of locomotive engineers in the United
States. Her visit to La Grande mans
much and her coming will be pro'.erly
celebrated. While In the city she will
be the guest of Mrs. Frank Jackson,
president of the local G. I. A. order.
With her retinue of state officials and
tuests her coming will be Important
both in a social and fraternal way.
, ' '
Ntext Tuesday afternoon will mark
th heeinnlne of thoroneh studv of
London by the Neighborhood club.
However, before the Initial studies are
taken up there will be a short busi
ness , mating and this session com
mences promptly at 2 o'clock so that
the new members can be voted upon
and given an opportunity to hear the
program of the afternoon. , President
Mrs. Stout is ?apeclally anxious to
have the members there at 2 o'clock
for this purpose. The program Is In
the hands of four ladles who will read
papers. "History of London" is th
theme of a paper by Mrs. W. A. Wor
sti?ll; "Christopher Wren," Mrs. J. T
Williamson; "City as a Whole,' Mrs
A. L. (Richardson; -Principal Bridges"
M i ra Ml I ) 'J A
Ladies Ready - to
and all of the other articles of
apparel for FaU Wear.
$n AH Our Piece Dress.
i7.JU One of the nicest
dainty dresses ever shown, and
think how cheap it is.
Gasollni wood saw.
3S51. J. A. OLIVER.
Phone black
1-iwa county, and then hit off by pack i Mrs. O. E. Snvwthorne.
horse to Join a party of Enterprise U
people- who have been hunting deer! ' Ilarley Richardson and Jiernn uat
and bear on the breaks of the Snake ley were hosts last evening at the lni-
for tht3 past week.
Frof. F. J. Freenor, magnetic heler.
T-Jiot hypnotism, drags r ssental work.
rosltive ixrmanent resalU from first
treatment. 1417 Adams awwte. Fhone
Main 724. 1-we
Some beautiful plant are lor ale
cheap at Mrs.' M. Anthony's. 1608
Sixth street. , i ' '
Angus Stewart has been authorized
to collect and receipt foT accounts
against Hewitt, the jeweler formerly
In business here. Mr. Stewart can
be seen at the Peare jewelry store.
Steam and electric baths given at
your homes. Mrs. O. C. Combs.
State Deputy Head Consul J. W.
Simmons will visit the La Grande
It Is Coring Thousands Dally, and
Saves Time and Money.
Get a bowl-three quarters full of
bo:ilng water, and a towel.
Four Into the water a scant tea
e.'oonful of HYOMEI (pronounce It
Iligh-6-mie). '
Put your head over the bowl and
cover head and bowl with a towel.
Breathe the vapor that arises for a
i'ew mtnutes, and pflesta! your head Is
us Clear as a bell, and the tightness is
the chest Is gone.
It's a pleasant cure. YouH enjoy
treathlng HYOMEI. You'll feel at
once its spothing, hnallng and bene
licial effects as it passes over ths ln
hamed.and irritated membrane. 60
..This is the time of year when ev
eryone should consider remodeling
Bradley & Co. has a crew of first
class plumbers, steam and hot water
Utters at all times ready to do work
satisfactorily. Come in and unload
your troublea to j
Thone Black 971. Elm Street.
tlal meeting of the "En Bager's Dusin"
There are thirteen members and
the data of organization was
Friday, the 13th. The emblem of
ine club Is thij pretzel and the color
ied and light lavender. Fritz Lottes
was elected president, Merlin Batlej
vie president and Wlnifleld Eckloy,
secretary. The luncheon served wai
dcidedly unique. Those present wem:,
Fritz Lottes, Merlin Batley, Wlnfrld
Eckley, Harley Richardson, Lee Rey
nolds, Rnssel Ralston, Hal and Lynn,
rBoh,nenkamp, . Victor Melvlllo, Milton
Stoddard, Cecil Bolton, John Ruby,
and Wlllard Carpy. ''..'.
Miss Martha Watson, daught-r of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watson enfi.rtamcd
at a history party In a very delightful
nanner Thursday evening. Miss F t
tie Short assisted Miss Watson. The
Watson home was very pnetMy dec
orated In autumn leaves and games
d -I rr fjrv Suits, Staple Cloths, Fall Styles and;
H 1 Ov Shades. .. .The very best value that can
be had in any line of suits.
f1 o ff Ladies Coats, at this price...Ve are
P 1 0.UU showing a very snappy Fall line in all
the latest Fall Styles.'
(SiOO 'CH Caracule and Plush Coats that are so
T uuuuitu tuio j.1 an J. ii 13 uumutl is it
exceptional value. We also have them at $10.00,
$13.50 and up to $15.00.
Never Fail Heating Stoves
They ars real HOT AIR makers and distributors, this is a very nicely gotten up
Heating Stove. Heavy Cast Top and Front, including door and draft nickel foot
rail. Swing top and Urn, Top Rim, Name Plate, etc. Heavy sheet steel lined,
with Cast Fire Pot, either Wood or CoalBurner or combination wood and coal.
In two sizes: . : '
No. 19 Wood Burner., . .-. .
No. 19 Combination ......
Stove BTds .
Fire Shovels. . . . ... .
... $1.75
,5c to 23c.
No. 21 Wood Burner. ... . .... . $18.00
No. 21 Combination ; . $22.75 :
Coal Hods, Black. . . .40c, Galv. 50c
Now is the time you will need these and we shall be glad to show you somo
money savers. . ' -
The Golden Rule Co.
cents a bottle, at druggistB every-j ppproprlate to the utle of theyp!vry
where. Ask t'M3 Newlin Drug company ' refe payed followed at the plr
for xtra bottle HYOMEI Inhalent.
1C-1 4-25-1 1-4
Jlanklng '4x .not cure chlldren'of bed
tttlug. There to ; 'coMtltationil caa for
tills trouble, lira. It. Summer, Bo W,
Notre Dame, lad., will tend free to any mother
lirt meeeanful lome treatment, with full
Inntrnetlona. Bend no :money, bat writ her
today It your hUdren tronbta -you In this
-way.' 'Don't Name -the child, the chance are
It can't trip It.. Toll -ttreatnient aUo enre
adulta and ed people troubled with irtn
difficnltlea fay day c night.
It's the Black thf t will stay Black and won't
wear off.
Utah Knitting Mills Product
And it '5 the best. We are sole agents for
Union County. '
We take your measure and guarantee a fit.
The price is very reasonable.
A. V. Andrews
Where all Good
rreer Trade
moment by a two-course luncheon.
XxTB. Watson and Mifcs Watson Vsft
after the party for Spjkane. The
quests present were:
, Miss Caroline Fors?th, "Miss Ethel
Wright, Miss May Thompson, Miss
f r rile Lilly, Miss Orace Pickens, Misa
Charlotte Joni?s, Miss Kaoml Klrtley,'
Jl!es Serena Pohan, "Miss Margaret
C'orbett, MIbb Miriam Smith, Miss Alice
ago, held Its first meeting last Wed
nesday evening. , The following oftl
cers were elected for the year 1911-12.
Miss Runa Bacon, president; Miss
Ethel Wright, vice president; MIbj
Ssrena Rohan, secretary; Miss Hlld.i
Anthony, treasurer. i
Cards will soon be out announcing
an Halloween card ' party with Mrs.
William R. Jones and Mrs. 31. B. Don
ohue as' hostesses. Fitting attlentlon
to goblins and the magic wand wlli
be given by the hostesses and It prom
ises to be one of the stellar social
events of thu Hallowe'en period.
The Delphi society, an organization
ot oung Baptists held a regular meet-
Hill, Miss Inice Knowles, Miss Helen) .last evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. . Haptftrset. An on rasu-
Currey, Miss Hattle Short and Miss
Eunice Kennedy.
This evening the De Lykkellge
rretti?n will be hostesr- to the visiting
Enterprise football team, at an Infor
mal recteptlon to be given at the L.
D. S. amusement hall. The members
of this club are; Miss Runa Bacon,
Miss Olive Massee, Miss Ethel Wright,
Miss May Neill.' Miss Hilda Anthony
Miss Maude Leadsworth, Miss Ethel
Hanley, Miss Lhona Newlin, M'ss Mir
iam Smith, Miss Z.e Bragg, Mls
Enid Stanchflelfl. Miss Serena Ro'inn
Miss Idn BIllingB.
Miss N. Lucile Allen informally en
tertained a few of her friends last
Saturday evening at her apartments
In the Wade home oh N avenue. ew
H? occupied the evening, and was
followed up by a delicious lunchron
Those present were: Mrs. Ovar
Jackson, Mrs. Nellie Bullard Mrs.
Stella Ingle and Mrs. A. W. Nelson.
Miss Koch, Miss Grace McMlllnn, Miss
Alice M. Fruit, Mis Snook. Miss
T.ork and Miss McHugh.
De Lykkelige Tretten, a club of
high school girls formed four years
Icned candy pull concluded the even
li g's entertainment.
Mrs. C. H. Conkey and Mrs. N. Molt
tor were hostesses last evening t)
the evening section of the Kaffee
JHutch. The party was given at the
Conkey home. Miss Margaret Newlln
and Franz Wllhelm won the honors.
Mrs. Daborah Alklne entertained the
rive Hundred club Wednesday afte
noon. Mrs. M. B. Donohue won the
Mrs. William Ah will be at home
every Wednesday after Novembe:
iflrst. .
Miss Etta Foley wan hostess Thurs
day evening to the Ia Ja.messs club.
Miss Mildred Cook and Miss Mae White
were special guests of the evenlar.
, The second party glvien by the Mil
rm glrlfl 1b now definitely annouiee!
for Hallowe'en.
If your eyes give you trou
ble have them examined an
properly fitted with glassea
by a reliable optometrist an
the only attendance graduate
OLD STYLE vKRYPTOK ' optometrist in Union counttr.
The most modern methods only used. i
If you have trouble glasses will not correct you will be told tfto prop
er course to pursue.
I make a specialty of fitting glasses. W. M. Peare, graduate Northern
Illinois College of Opthamology, Chicago, with i
J ' La Grange's leading Jeweiers, and optometrists. Opposite U. S". Laa4
'ofllce. Broken kinses replaced in a few mlnutsLiiWe grind our own
i lenses. ;, T
Rubber Goods!
Our fall line of rubber goods Hot Water
Bottles, Nursery and Sick-room Supplies, '
Syringes, etc., are here and we have never
had a better assortment, which is saying a.
good deal.
These are the kind of goods that must be
precured from a reliable source. We go to
such sources for them and, while we must
carry different grades, each grade is sold for
just what it is and at the lowest possible
price. . ' :.; . - ; ;
T ,