i LA tiKAtth. VtN iXG OUShK ' Ktt. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12-1911. PAGE. n - PROFESSIONAL .DIRECTOR! r PHYSICIANS ASD-SmMlEOSS K. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St Phones: Cfflce, Main 68; Residence, 69. r - " k. A. I RICHARDSON, MJD. j. W. LOUGHLIN, M.'D. ; Drs. Richardson & LoughMn, Physicians and Surgeons phones Office Black' 1362; Ind. 353. Office Houre 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8 Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind 312.' , . . i Dr. Loughlln's Res. Main '757; ilnd. 1297. ':' DR. M. K. HALL Physician and Sur geon. Cor. Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phone, Main 23. C. H. UPTON, Pb. O. M. D. Physlclaa aod Surgeon. Special attention t) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones; Office Main 2; Resi dence Main 32. R. H. L. UNDERWOOD Diseases of the eye a specialty. DR. DORA J. UNDEWOOD Diseases of women and children. Offices: Adams avenue, over Wright Drug Co. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms' 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor io Dr. F. E. Moore. DR. C A. SMITH. MECHANO-THER APIST. Successfully treats rheu matism, kidney dis ase, h.?art dls . ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel-. vie disease, catarrh, and dteepses of : the nervous system. Consultation free. Charges reasonable. Phone: Black 3351. 1411 Madison 'Avenue. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 4J50CHRAN & COCHRAN-Attorney..' T Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Cdbb - !p ran. La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWF0T.D ROBT. S. EAKIN . CRAWFORD & EAKIN Attorneys at law. Practices In all the courts ; of the state and United -States. Of fice in La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. I G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste-j opathy Consultation free. Room 20, La Grande National iBank Bldg. ing. Phone, Red 3181. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's .Br.ug atore, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In--dependent Phone 53; Both Phones "at Residence. 0 '""" .r. mi her BOTH FEET CUT OFF BY PASSEN GER TIJ.UN. Life Saved By Merest Chance tators Witness Scene. -Spee- Pendleton, Oct 11. Many years of service and long experience during which he has boarded hundreds of moving trains, failed to save Jack Wright of Starbuck, one of the oldest and ..most . popular engineers in the O.-W. 'R. & N., serice from the loss oi both, feet and possibly fatal injuries at me local depot this afternoon. Amid the shrieks of scores of by Btandtrs, the engineer, who had arriv ed at the depot late, ran alter No. 17, which was pulling out of the station, and in attempting to board the forwara coach, slipped and was dragged along the platform for a distance of nearly one hundred yards. His feet werei both giuutiu oil ai tut uukitj. . .uuing on the plat form of the rapidly moving coach, seized Wright by the collar and made an attempt to pull hi nilnside, but the weight of the engineer was too greaf and he was compelled to release hia grip, permitting the engineer to fall to his fate.' A brakeman on the train realizing the englner's predicament, ruslxd for ward, Jumped and pulled Wright from beneath the wheels, probably saving his life. Thre coaches passed complete ly ow3r the seivered members before the train came to a standstill. . Still conscious, Wright, when picked up, pleaded pitifully with i persons wno were lifting hi mon to the stretch er t0 8not him, and begged some on in tha crowd to replace hi sshoes. me ambulance was summoned by phone from the station and the man was quickly conveyed to St. Anthony's hospital. JUBUCe or lne ace rar"8 "UQ - Kound wer? of the. acci- dent, xney aiso saw me passenger e" the moving train trying to save the doomed man. Wright has a so running as a con ductor on the Washlngton-Spokae di vision of the O.-W. R. & N;, who is well kewn hare. LIBRARY GETS HISTORSC PAPER. 6. A. V. Receives Copy of New York ' Herald Announcing Lincoln's Assassination. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor ! valis. Ore. Oct. 11. (Special.) A copy of the.NewYork Herald of April ;15, i8t5, announcing" the assasination of President Lincoln,' has Just been pretonted to the library of the Oregon Agricultural College.- r This old newspaper, brown with age, Is nsivertheless In excellent condition of preservation. It Is of course heavily black leaded on the Iflrst page, In mourning for the death-. o fthe chief I v ......v - v Us.-.. .1 ;. . '' ',.- ' n Scenes from the Sweetest Girl in Paris. executive. ...... Hardly less In historical Importance are the descriptions given in it of 1. . surrender of the Southern armies un der Jeff Davis; his last appeal to his .followers and the surrende of the chief army under Juarez in Central Mexico. Another newspaper of Interest be cause o fits great difference in form from American Journals, the Arbroath Guide, from the West Coast of Scot land, has also Just been presented to the library. Estray Notice. A band of 300 sheep found on the Sawteeth of the Big Sheep on the Big Minam river, found by J. and H. H al ter, are now at Cove where the owner .'an Identify the same and pay charg es . The sheep are branded wfth an 0 with parallel lines crossing It H. HAFFER. Cove. 10-9-10t Treasurer's Call for Road Warrants. Notice, the undersigned treasuerr of Union county has funds on hand with which to pay all road warrants which n a A rmtm Jl f a -. r V ' inn No interest allowed on the above, warrants after Oct. 10, I9ll. JOHN FIRAWLEY. ' l0-9-5t Countv Treasurer. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No t:ce is her: by given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com-, iron council of the city of La Grande. Oregon, on the 5th day of August. 1909 creating Improvement district No. 1. and designating Adams avenur as such d'etrlct, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on th-3 6th day of September. 1911. wherehy said, council determined and d:clared its Intention to improve all that portion of Adams avenue in -said Hmprovement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement walks on both sides. th council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited iy such Im provement, order that said above de scribed improvement be made; that the boundari:e of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams avenue, from the w?st curb line of First street, to the east curb line of Oak stre t. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said Improvement is as follows: Lots 1 and 16, block 3; lots 1 and 16. block 6: lots 8 and 9. block 5: lots S and 9. block 4: Grandy'a 2nd addition to La Grande, Or:gon. Notice ! hereby further given that the council will levy a sneclal assess ment on all property affected and b:ne- niea oy buch improvement ior me purpose of paying for such Improve ment. That the estimated cost of such tmprovment is the sum of $461.65. That the council will, on the 18th dsy of October, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessm nt, when a hear 'n? will he granted to any person feel in" aggrieved bv such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, October 4th. 1911. riTv COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. " By C. M. HUMPHREYS. w-pnrder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. . V -1 o-7-i ot ,. ,. , 1 1 Treasurer's Call lor City Warrants. . There are also funds In the treasury to pay all warrants issued against wa ter fund of La Grande city op to and In. eluding No. 9814, endorsed Interest on all warrants on water fund from No. 9732 to No. 9814 inclu sive, ceases from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon, Oct 3, 1911. ROY W. LOGAN. City Treasurer. zClassifiedl Advertising WANTED To rent a pmall house or a few rooms furnished or unfurnish ed. .Must be modern and In good neighborhood. Cooley, at SUv.r thorns' drug store. 10-6-2t FOR RENT Furnished front room Modern Phone to Red 61 or call at 1208 Seventh and M. WANTED $1250 cash will give city realty valued at $3000. P. O. Box 207 - . 9-30-tf FOR TRADE First class city prop erty.. Want 70 or 80 acres good al falfa land. Good chance for a good trade. Call at Obs.rver office, or address F. R., care Observer.' 10-3-tf FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms and use of kitchen. Modern. No children. $18.00. Wood, water and light, 1518 Jefferson. 10-10-3t FOR SALE Pair fine well bred 1400 lb. young horses. Cash, time or trade Apply Kirtley stables. 3-30-tt FOR SALE Team horses, wagon, har ness and cow for sale. Phone Black LOST Between city hall and Cove. Brown " traveling hag, containing clothing. Leave at Observer of fice. ': 10-9-4t P3R SALE Three milch goatB, one 8x10 tent, one 10x14. Inquire at Valley creamery, or corner Fifth and Q. 10--tt WANTED Place for boy to work for board and room and go to school. Address Guy Spencer, or call Farm 78. 10-9-6t WANTED A woman to do housework, Apply Snowflake bakery. 10-9tf WILL TRADE Good five room house and 4 lots. Will trade for horses or cattle. ; 10-11-tf LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO., La Grande, Oregon. LOST Hamilton plain cam gold watch; has fob I. O. O, F. emblem. Lost In yards near depot. Return to baggageroom to W. N. Shade. 10-5-3t- THEEE MODERN FURNISHED rooms and use of kitchen $18.00 In cluding wood, water and light. West side. No children. S Write 735 Ob server office. ... :t v - rrfiit, FRATERNAL ORDERS OF LA GRANDE. . A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41. A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. L. M. HOYT, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. B. P. O .E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue . Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. H. J. RITTER. Ex. Rul H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. OODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebera welcome.. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. H. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 r meets every Monday In the month tha I. O. O. 9. ball. All vltttlns neighbors are cordially lnvltej to , tUeod. . . ... ' ' E. E. DANIELS. . . ED HEATH. Clerk. I EBEKAHS "rystal Lodice No. b meets every Tuesday evening la th I. O. O F. hall. All visiting mem bers are invited to attend. MISS HELEN MCLAUGHLIN. N. G VIS3 ANNA ALEXANDER, 8ec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cro Lodge No. 27 meets every Monrta night la Castle hall, (old Elk's hall. A Pythian welcome to all vlsitli.. Knlgb'.s. JESS PAUL..C. C R. L LINCOLN. M. of R. S , O. E. P. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. V C. hoi" stated communications th. second and fourth Wednesdays each month. Visiting members co. dlahy Invited. CARRIE HUNTER. W. M. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec Grande Ronde NURSERIES (Trade Mark.) , ' -Foreign and domestic trees, roses and shrubs. We guarantee to give satis faction. ,' We do not claim our price to be lower than the low est but claim the quality of the stock is the highest attainable. Therefore when comparing our prices , with others please bear in mind that all trees are not alike. Our main specialty lies in satisfying a customer and fil ling his order with trees of the most excellent quality. Orders large or small will receive prompt and careful attention at our hands. vfe Office- -k Grande Ronde Valley House " ' La Grande. Those Hot Biscuits Vou ate at the Fair, were made 4 with .. ' I Simon Pure I Leaf Lard t costs less than butter, because 1 less Is required. For Sale by I Pattison Bros. 1 e The Gossard corsets.- They lace ta front, without belts, buckles, baad traps or other contrivance. They are cut exactly like a eurglcal -tandS-age. They gently support the orgsasv lmpel correct poise, deep, bteat&ias.. correBt position, both sittfng ait standing; and' have beautiful arti3tf lines-. - BKRS. ROBT. PATTISOXI : Phone Black 1481 Coroetler' f1.- 34003 T0U OUGHT TO KNOW ' this shop, and Its ability to serr yon best. , Our one strong! , desire I to turn out the bAi CLEANING AND PRESSING. and1 to price onr smfefs t : ; meet yonr satisfaction. Vft Mete ?? do this. If your gr- ments need onr attention seaCii them to ns and we will do yw work promptly and gnarante i not to ruin the materials. . i ELITE DYEING & ; CLEANIVd vrGtLS Vain 61. : ; B; TTasrfrwiwr-; Bi-1 .. . i -j . , i .. i. i j 1 1 ,i ..... I., imii .i.JLi -V HAHAPON-S TRU-FRUIT CHOCOLATES AND HARSHMALLOWS Made lust Righi; NO IMITATION FLAVORS All Leading Confectiontts Sell Them Q'CONNELUS i Store PfMlL.1t co andHsrf Drinks best aal most complete line of cigars la the city. Observer's Coast League base ball scores every day there's a fame. ;" Corner Depot and Jefferson St John Melville ms Adam An LA 0R1KD, ORE- ; il m m Blumbing and Heating i.