4. Gyps t6lume x. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. VvrEI)NE!SDAy, OCTOBER 11, 1911. NUMBER 301 Esiitiais ED Oil I 30.000 ACRES OF 1BE : . .. PUG II r .... Los Angeles, Oct! 1L Handcuffed, the MeNamaras were taken from the jail to the I Hall of Records shortly after nine o'clock this morning. Big crowds watched theliorti march, but they were whisked ..immediately to the court r.oom on the eighth floor where only accredited officials, newspaper men and lawyers were admitted. Shortly be fore Judge Bordwell entered and the actual trial had commenced, the McNamaras said all they wanted was a square deal and welcomed the proceedings which they said would prove their innocence. " ' John J. McNamara said: "I welcome today's activities because they mean for me the starting of the machinerv which will eventually prove my innocence of the crimes alleg ed by. paid spies of the corporations, who sec-k, by discrediting me, to involve the entire labor movement and change its onward triumphal progress. " James B. McNamara, accused of throwing the bomb, said : " I feel better than ever.' I All T 4. . J " iv Mi-- - J V . AY hat current reports and rumors have heralded about this community for some time regarding a large timber deal being on, was veriti ' yesterday when A. J. Stange was interviewed by a rc that be was buying t' readv 30.000 acres V S people which tak Rorde river bap' investor? in t'V a 5 The prosecutionjuiBotmcedthat James McNamara, accused of actually planting the bomb,llbirfrTeirfirst.' By agreement of the counsel, the indictment upon which to day's trial began was the killing of Charles Haggerty, foreman of the machinists in the Times building. He was killed near the spot where the alleged dynamite was exploded. Dairow made a motion for a change of judges which was denied. Shortly -afterward a recess was taken until two o'clock this afternoon when the work of selecting the jury bef gan. It was announced that Former Judge Wheaton Gray, a law partner of Former Unit ed States Senator Flint, had been retained by the prosecution. Los Ahgeles, Oct. 9. Only two wo men were present In the court when tnt, case was called. They -were Mrs. Clarence Darrow and Miss McWood of Chicago. Both were seated Inside the bar. railing. After the defense had made a motion to have separate trials Fredericks conferred for some time with his confrerees before announc ing James McNamara had been select ed.. The defense wanted to try John( . McNamara; first but the,we,re readv to go ahead with James. Photo by American Preaa Association. Berlin, Oct 11. An armistice tween Italy and Turkey has been de. tense. be-1 landed field guns to assist in the de- AMERICANS IN DANGERL London, Oct. 11. -Dispatches say the fauture-'of Wa Chang Yesterday Im- tjeg wm piace. perils Lives of 25 Missionaries. Hankow, China, Oct. 11. Grave anx iety is felt here for the fate of twen ty-flve Americans, missionaries, who were in Wu Chang when the rebels eaDtured It yesterday. All communi cation was severed. Th,e town has a nonulatlon of 106,000. The rebellion la well organized. -.It was understood there will be n0 peace uegotatlona until the occupation of Tripoli by Italy is complete.. The censorship continues. Turks Express Confidence. Constantinople, Oct. 11. Turkey of ficially announced today they don't think they have been worsted in Trl- Turks have been joined by 10,000 poll and expressed a determination ic Arabs and an attack on Tripoli is mo- hold Tripoli despite the fact that they mehtarlly expected. Italians have have been driven from the city. clared, according to a. statement from Ugh official sources here today.: -ic-cordlng to the statement, peace has been arranged maluly through Ger. ninny's efforts and while not yet offl. daily proclaimed1, no farther hostili- Lloyds Anticipate Peace. ' London, Oct. 11. Lloyds Is betting five to one that the Dubar will take place and tens of thousands of pounds are being' handled dally. Lloyds bets that there will be no mishap to the British royal family, no outbreak of cholera or plague, no change In the political situation or any other even sufficiently serious to warrant a change. In the plans of the royal family. SHEEP STERLING CASE BREAKS TONY IP MONO T 4 $ 4 5 $- S$3 3 S $ MRS. WHITEHALL WIN'S. S i ' 7 Mr the Observer and stated .e for eastern people. Al .d into ownership of the new, a timber belt in the Grande A-hat the future plans of the new A are have not been determined; but the nati ence is that they will manufacture this timber hw- unber sooner or later and that La Grande will be the advantageous point for operation ow ing to the topography of the country along with many other reasons. - y-'s'-'r 't' ' :: The representative of the eastern people has been here for some time and lately large sums of money have been disbursed to individual timber owners, many of whom had held their holding for a long time and had at times been more or less discouraged as to timber lands. These same people now feel very good over the proposition, for it i3 understood a good, reasonable price was paid for every thing purchased. v : ' . Copyright by Amarlcan PrM AaioclaUon. New York, Oct. llSnstalning te broKen right wing and propellor In a full near here today Aviator Of imrton's ymonoplane is so badl wrecked that he was obliged to abandon, temporarily, his Pacific coast flight He was unhurt Above, Earlc L. Ovington, who Is be. hind in his flight because of acci dent today and below, C. P. Rogers who broke long flight record this morning. T IUE RECUSED i PROGRESSITE LEGISLATION OVEIt WHELMS ENEMIES. Late This Afternoon the California Suffrage Is in Doubt S. P. AND D.-1I. 10 SEPARftTE The jury in the Mrs. Whitehall 4 vs. Bennett case, Involving an accounting between some High S Valley folks, returned a verdict S lates this afternoon finding for 4 4 the plaintiff. s- a, 4S 4 ??' v S BRIEN TO RETAIN GENERAL SHIP OF THE 0.-W. row in honor of Columbus day which was set a Bide as a state holiday by the last legislature, whether the circuit court can proceed with its work or must stop the wheels along with the silent machinery of finance tomorrow, are questions bothering many. The banks will be closed. Later Judge Knowles ruled late this afternoon that there will .be no court tomorrow. Loan association, are In attendance at the 14th annual convention of that organization, which opened here to day for a session of two days. Many important matters in regard to build" ing association methods and proposed, changes to the building association laws of the state are .to be considered. San Francisco, Oct. 11. Returns from 1,637 out of 3.143 precincts this morning indicated that the initiative and referendum and amendment for the let all had swept the state. Woman ' suffrage Is doubtful. ' . , ) The initiative and referendum stood Ves 85.746; No, 27,747. . The recall, including Judges. Yes 90,367: Ko, 39,625. Progressive' legislation simply over. whelmed the state and the Initiative, referendum and recall carried by re- vote Is still in doubt this afternoon. John T. Williamson, x-mlner, pros pector, timber cruiser and at present a land attorney, interested the new investors. in this section of the coun try. He was the sole cause of their coming, according to Mr. Stange, and It has been through hjg afforts ap4 his work that the deal has progressed to its present point. L Mr. Stange will make his home la La Grande. He has purchased almost a half block of desirable residence property on Fourth street and will in i all probability erect a handsome noma on the site within a reasonable time. At present he has leased the George L. Cleaver residence and will soon oc cupy the same. His family , will ' ar rive about the first of November. '; Alleged sheep thieves and alleged gamblers form a coterie of defendants that have been arraigned before Cir cult Judge Knowles the past 24 hours and have given bond for future trial As a variety to the horse and cattle New Offics and New Onlcers for the stealing trials of late, Norman Swlkert Southern Pacific. I Is accused of stealing 17 head of sheep ! from a man named Johnson In the " ! Looking Glass country. Johnson says Portland, Ore., Oct. 11. Complete ( he has lost, about 250 sheep. The de segregation of the Southern Pacific fendant was arraigned this morning and the O.-W. R. & N. offices, prop- and gave bonds, erties and the appointment of a hew j Two men were Indicted and arrest set of Espee officials will be the first j ed and arraigned from Union for al in tha r.nrpanlzatlon of the Har-1 le&ed eambllng. They are Alex wkvj au vm v . 1 w - rlman system In the northwest, ac-, Knight and "Dandy Kid" James. They cordlna- to plans of the newly elected too, gave bonds. president of the O.-W. R. & N. Farrel, vi ho is here househunting preparatory to hla removal from Seattle. General Manager J. P. O'Brien, at iresect the head of the Harrlman lines in Oregon, will be made general man ager of the O.-W. R. & N. In Oregon and western Washington, while Stra hora of Spokane will remain the gen e'al manager of that division at pres ' ent. The S. P. officials are not an nounced. ' The case now before tne circuit court Is that of Walter M. Pierce vs. the Sun Insurance company over an accounting. HOLIDAY CAUSES UNCERTAINTY Bank" W?1I Close but Conl May Pro ceed With Its Official Affairs Whether it is obligatory on the post office management to be closed tomor. May Arrest Wealthy Portlandcrs Portland, Ore., Oct. 11 It has just been learned that the government has a corps of agents of the department of justice at work in Portland gathering evidence against a score of wealthy Portland citizens who are alleged to be concerned in Alaskan coal land frauds. Several of them under investigation are men high In the confidence of the administration and a majority of them are strongly Identified with the stand pat wing of the republican party In Oregon. Special United States Attorney Gen eral Townsend who has left for the east will confer with Attorney Gener al Wlckersbam at Washington soon re' garding the cases and it Is expected that WIckersham will acquaint the president with the cases and the names, of the men. concerned before public action is taken against them CATHOLICS FIGURE IN HEARING. Stephenson Inquiry Shows Money Was Spent Among Crnrcumcn. Milwaukee, Oct 11. That the Stephenson camjitvifin was wiged act ively among the Catholic element was brought out at the InvestlgRtlon tor day. Samuel Perrln, a Catholic f.'.ib- er at Superior, :sti3ed he lecelved 5,000 from the Stephenson 'orces for the primary elecclon of 1908. He Bpent $1,500 and kept the rest himself as he reported to them. Wisconsin Building League Meets. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 11. Officers and directors of the 65 loan and build ing . associations in the state, which form the Wisconsin Buildlnr and LQRinflEH TOOLS ' SWITCHED FIVE New Move Is Important Without doubt this late timber pur chase Is of the great Importance to La Grande and the valley according to all business men who have expres-, sed opinions. It is taxen to mean that more manufacturing industries are' to locate here which means the em ployment of more men and' a bigger and better La Grande. R06EHEIS AIR RECORDS SENATORS AND OTHERS TELL OF THIS FACT. MAINE'S 'BOILER INTACT. Excavations Shew the Disaster HaJ Other Causes. Washington. Oct. 11. Continued ex cavations surrounding the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, developed the fact thai cue boiler are uninjured showing nothing ort caused the disaster. ' It is believed' one' third of the vessel can be floated'. . Knights Templar of Ohio. Dayton, O., Oct. 11 Knights Tem plar from all parts of the state are In possession of the city and the business section is gayly decorated with fiags and Masonic emblems. The , Sir Knights are here for the annual con clave of the grand commandery of Ohio, which' began today and will last over tomorrow. A big parade was one of the chief leatures of the opening day. V hen Deadlock Existed, the Lorlmfr Agents "Got Busy" in State. Chicago, Oct. 11. As a result of John Pfeffer's testimony that five members of the legislature switched fron supporting Hopkins to Loi:ner whn Lorimer's agents became active Sta'e Senators Downing and McCorm Ick and Representatives Burngett Lawrence and Fleldstack were called o the witness stand today In the lu vestlgatlon. McCormlck testified he supported Hopkins on 107 ballots acd then switched to break the deadlock. He said he never, received any money and did not place any credence In White's confession and believed oth ers had confessed because, they were frightened. Henry Terrlll,' a forme legislator, said another assembly said "there was $1,000 In It," If he 'voted for Lorlmer. He voted against hliu CROSS-CONTINENT AVIATOR HAS " . SUCCESS. . , Kansas Soli Passed in a Successful Flight to the Westward. ' Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 11. After smashing the world's record for cross country flying, Aviator Rogers as cended at Marshall, Mo., at 8:32 to continue westward. He passed O'Des- sa at 9:20, flying at 60 miles an hour. Lands for Gasoline. , ' Blue Springs, Mo., Oct. 11. Aviator Rogers, after a flight from Marshall, ... u - , I ff. tanqea nere at :pu ior gasoline. n had flown 62 miles In 7S minutes. At Kansas at Noon. Kansas City,1 Mo., Get. 11. Roger landed here at 11 ..'clock. He will re sume his flight this afternoon. ', - Funeral .Announcement " The funeral oX Mrs. Jane Batter who died yesterday, will be held tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock p. m. from the Geo. Batley home m North Ash street. The doecased was 90 years of age. ; . t.i