r..1f7" 7''-w:.L.,1,.;Ivr. JL uT.Jr.:. .. ,.7.-rz.tr-7-r - .-yft-t1fcrQ'.i. - - - I M " II " f I I I" I H Mil i mi inn i l i in n i il w ! i i l nr T PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1911. , 'r. I LA GRANDEELECTR1CSUPPLY COMPANYi I X ' " v . . We handle the "Peerless Mazda Lamp" and sell un- t dcr a positive guarantee. We can 'do your electric wir- J ing and repair work in a most satisfactory and mod- era way. Prices right. In fixtures we can show you ? the best line, and best prices ever known in the city, t 108 Elm Street, Phone Red 741 I t LADY FEARS TUP QTRIKtn? MIL Ul INILIIU Complete Equipment tor Resetting aim Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 1 CALLS. POLICE WHEX MEN HATS TO COUPLE. LIFT So-Called Strikebreaker and Lady Friend Given Salute From Men Because a crowd of strikers yester day afternoon doffed their hats to a man said to be a strikebreaker and accompanied by a lady, the police ' faction If not to that of others BRQTHERQOQD fid MEET LIVE TOPIC DISCUSSED BY BIG 3 UMBER OF MEMBERS. Discussions Interest Members of the Presbyterian Brotherhood. Last svening '; the '.Presbyterian Brotherhood met at the manse. It was a splendid meeting. There was a fine body of men present. The dis cussion was spirited and Interesting. Some of the speal&TS were able to nettle the question to their own satis After i goto B. B. NUTTER for Paints, Wall Paper, Varnishes, Oils, Etc. Paper ten cents and up. ' Estimates Furnished Store 1708 1-2 Sixth st' were called to . protect the couple. When the details weire txplalned to the officers, however, the fearB of th? lady and her escort were allayed for they were informed that the a en who were In the group that saluted, po litely enough, but probably actuated by Irony, were citizens of La Grande and would not insult or Injure the lady In any way. The salutation was done on Adams avenue an the. police man was near at the time. ' After a short cpnsultatlon the so-called strike . .1 1 . .1 .... and went to the residence district. The strikers today said there was the discussion a collation was served. A delightful social hour was spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Attorney C. E. Cochran. I ive topics of the day are discussed at these meetings. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the city of La Grande Oregon, on the 5th day of August, 1909 and designating Third street, as such district and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on Yes and we have the famous "ALL FUEL" heaters for coal or wood. Is nearly perfection in a heater. Keeps fire perfectly. Trade me your old stove on one of these and keep your house warm this winter. I sell second hand heaters $1-22 to 7 .50 F. D.HAISTEN FURNITURE ON EASY PAYMENTS A. no harm intended-or Insult aimed at the 6th day ot September, 1911, where- the lady in any way, but seeing the man approach and knowing or believ ing him to be a strikebreaker, they suavely and politely lifted their hats to tha couple as thy . passed. V. The strikers deny, that their pickets had by said council determined and d clared'its Intention to improve all that portion of Third street, in said im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon cement curb on both sides of street, the council will, ten days after the service of this . ... . vi'-i,a I notice upon the owners of the property been following the two about the I iaAvanA vonolflf v :,, , ' streets, which the lady said was a fact. ' ' u The Crisp, Cool Weather just now tells of the need of a New Heater or Range. We sell the famous Hartford Heater, for ' coal or wood. ' The great Majestic Range, its equal does not exist. Anything and everything you want in Hardware, Cutlery, Builders Goods, etc. F. L. LILLY Averts Awful Tragedy, Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wll lougfoby,. of Marengo, Wis., (R. No. 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and sav ed two lives. Doctors bad said her affected and benefited by such lm provement, order that said above de scribed Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so im proved are as follows ' All that portion of Third stret, from the south curb line of Jefferson avenue to the north curb line of Main avenue. . (A) And the property affected or benefited by said improvement Is as follows The west half of blocks 1, 2 and frightful cough was a "consumption" cought and could do little to help her. and the east half of blocks 7, 8 and 9, After many remedies failed, her aunt , La Grande, Oregon. urged her to take Dr. King's New Dis covery. "1 have been taking It for some time," she wrote "and the awful cough has almost gone. It also saved Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such lmprove- my little boy when taken with a se-ment. That the estimated cost of such vere bronchial trouble." This match-; . . ... h : ' leBs medicine has no -equal for throat of October, 1911, meet at- the council and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. to consider said estimated cost, and the Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by .all, levy of aaid assessment, when a hear . I lm n,l 1 1 ItA itttoniAil n Ann rtaeann fool. aruggists. . wo wmy . .,..,, h, .,,,h .,,( UK B6B"" WJ La Grande, Oregon, October 4th 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 10-7-10t Its Equal Dont Exist. No one has ever made a salve, oint ment or balm to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the one per fect healer of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, lucers, eczeme, isalt rheura. For sore eyes, ' cold sores, chapped hands or sprains It's supreme. Unrivaled for piles. Try It. Only 25c at all druggists, end & wkly z Apple OX3S Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Rubberoid . . WENAHA LUMBER CO. Greenwood and Madison Sts. Phone, Mais 732 I C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk I If you have young children you have ! perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ail ment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect. For sae by all dealers. ' eod & wkly State of Ohio, city of Toledo, 1 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and thnt said firm will pay the sum of HUB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use Of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1SSS. (Seal) A. W. GLEASOtt. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all DruBglsts, 75c. Tke Ball's Family Fills for constipation. Steward's Opera House, Tuesday, October 10 .Qnpn I AD w 1 1 11 II I - II .TWO H II iff tlltB f IT .W-ff Roberts 2; t w - JIHURLOWDERGEN ano Theodore Roberts ' X J The Most' Powerful Detective Play of Two Continents PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 50c SALE OPENS SATURDAY, OCT. 7 AM UMMER uggestions SI I TAKE TWO-THIRDS OF A GLASS OF COLD SPARKLING SAM-0, ADD ONE-THIRD OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FRUIT JUICES: LEMON, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE OR GRAPE. ' 'Measure it right and mix it together It's Good for what ails you in this kind of weather." Call Main Eight Retail Department Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ruberoid Roofing, Sash Doors, etc. at the George Palmer Lumber Co. it COME to OUT shOD and let ns dpmnnatrafo- ihc nsA A v.m. K matlc Water Systems to yon. We haTe Just Installed one at Cany ' Po.r Farm". Why not hate a bath room, hot and coM water, nice 2 lawns and also fire protection for your hones! Ton can hare a 8-4 1 i Inch stream at 95 pounds pressure In case of Are, Call and let ns take 1 jou ont and show jon one In eyery day operation. J J BAY 6 ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS, HEATERS; SHEET METAL WORKERS It 1 1