4 . 1 (!M3 2 it t t f ' ) - -L ' - - 1 VOLUME X. FOBTHESTATE LAlftfANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. .1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. NUMBER 207 BOY LUND MAY HAVE MUCH BEARING ON OUTCOME v SPA1X-MG RATH-MORSE : ; . CASE UNDER TRIAL Defense Will Assert That SpaJn Bought Horses Alleged to Have Been Stolen From Roy Lund, a Peniten tiary Convict Who Is Sow In the City as a Witness Case Is a Spirited : 'One. -.'J ,,: V,.:.' . " Flat denial, that John Spain, Charles Simmons, Frank Hogg, Harvey Huff man, Henry McOrath, Zibe Morse and crossexamlned cioseiy but not with any' great results to either side. The defense scored the Krst point by ob structing the bringing of the Dalton brand Into the. record. The brand Is not recorded and cannot, therefore, be offered as evidence. He did Identify one of the horses at Issue, having seen It at Union, this year', using a peculiar swelling as an Identification Following James Dalton, who was .a witness, stating the horses alleged to have been stolen belonged to him, J. T. York was called. He thought the horses In question were worth from $125 to $150 apiece. He was taken through a series of questions to es tablish the tact that green, unbroken horsss were not worth anything like that amount and when, his evidence was In it was questionable whether Mr. York really understood the values nf ltv tnrlr h hnit flrnt naoortftrl. A-young man by the name of Cun ningham swore that he had gone to Walla Walla and located one of the horses said to have been stolen and brought her back to this valley. His evidence did not seem to be especially Important for the attorneys did not clash very heavily over him. Lond the Next Witness. When Roy Lund was placed pn the stand and was asked where he resided Ml . HIS SEVEN LEAVE li; BADGER SHOPS IMG CITIES SUFFER! STRI KE RANKS NUMBER F DEAD IS THOUGHT NOT TO BE LARGE v HATFIELD, WISCOXSIX AXD ' , OTHER TOWNS UNDER WATER From Black River Falls to North La Crosse Black RIvt Towns Are In undated. High Waters Are Expect etf . In Mississippi Company Dam Breaks and Water Hushes Over Towns.' v.;. .''.;i.,;';i..j,,.v ;, others ate supper with him on the night he fought shy of the point and with of June 5 at Union, denying this In the face of all these men, asserting John Spain did not pay him 150 as the de fense claims, on that night, and asserting other starting claims that Jarred the defense, Roy Lund, a con vlct of the Oregon penitentiary today threw excitement Into the first day of the trial of the three union men for horse stealing. This afternoon he swore that Spain told him that If he, Lund, would take a small string of J horses which Spain had .and pasture considerable hesitation admitted that he was now incarcerated in the state prison at Salem. Prosecutor Ivanhoe took the witness over the first stretch getting him to admit that he was in prison, that ' he testified before ' the grand Jury which returned the Indict ment agalntt John Spain and his twp alleged accomplices This last ; admission brought forth the fireworks. Cochran & Cochran and W. L. Strayer of Baker, attorneys for the defense, set themselves on this stop the boat and fight It Out Charles Cochran led off, citing the court to 'statutes -which require: ':the names' of accusers before a grand Jury to ap pear upon' the Indtctment. He struck several eloquent blows at jthe old hoary headed prosecutor for not at taching the name of Roy Lund to the Indictment Ivanhoe answered In few words, but the court, with an ex presslon of inquiry, seemed to be turn lng the point over Very rapidly In hla precedent requiring such objection to occur before pleading, then he ruled against the defendant, an exception was taken, the exception allowed, and f them la a secluded range, Spain would point and there was nothing to do but I give him a horse as compensation I Lund was riding the Townely stock on i a range thus secluded and' the"state I ... ... maintains . tnai spam anempiea w have Lund pasture the horses which Included those aald to have been stol n by Spain, McGrath and Morse from the Dalton: ranch. . . ; " , . -The flat denials and assertions were made by Lund In face of the fact that seven or eight men will be called to counteract Lund's testimony on each and every principal assertion herein mentioned. ' - Will the evidence of Roy Lund, con victed cattle rustler who is now serv ing a term of from one to ten years in state's prison at Salem, have a strong bearing on the case against John Spain, McOrath and Morris? This is the all Important question today In the case of state against the parties named. Lund was brought here from the prison day before yes terday to appear1' against the defense on the charge of horss stealing. . To day he was put on the witness stand and his answer to every question was keen and clear cut. 'He knows the game up one aide and down the other. The wiles of the skilled attorneys lost out before the noon hour for up to the time of adjournment iRoy Lund had been a star ' witness and was there with the goods on all questions relating to the case. Outlining Its case and placing Jas Dalton of North Powder on the stand as" the nltlal witness Is what prom ises from every indication to be of the utmost Importance both to the state . and defendants, the state of Oregon today commenced trial against John Snaln. i chamolon buckaroo of the northwest because of his signal victor ies at the Pendleton roundup. Henry STRIKERS SAY MANY ENGINES ARE NOW IN BAD ORDER ' ' V ' 'f- ' ' -. ... OFFICIALS REPORT LITTLE ; CHAXGE OVER YESTERDAY "':'; ' - ';t''rT" ' :; " :" Seventy Bad Order Cars on Rp Track Is. Report of 'f the StrlkergXews From 'Frisco Shows Xo . Rflotlng There Ofik-kl of Unions May Have Stand Trial for Some of the Strikers' AcUons. X ' V the Espee sent out $60,000 In check? to pay the men as all strikers are looked upon as "fired." Under the orders of the leaders the unionists re fused to ask for their checks. Fist Fights but Xo Riot , San Francisco. Oct. 6. Strikers re port conditions unchanged since yes terday.. There have been a few Indi vidual fist fights, but no rioting. The companies announced they will now restore the shops to a normal condi tion with non-union men. Strikers report many dead locomo tives and that equipment Is getting wrse, badly In need of repairs. COURT AL1ST DIVINE 111 IIS RULK-TAFT Minneapolis, Oct. The big dam of "the La 'Cross 9 Water Power com pany . at Hatfield, Wisconsin,' broke today. The damage was Immense. Rain preceded It. The town of Hat field Is flooded and points below are warned. The wires are down and It is unknown how many fatalities w curred. ' ' '.V ".' ' a '; ' : Many Towns Suffer. , , La Crosse, Wis., Oct 6. Damage to the extent of several millions was done to ..this section today -on account of the rampaging Black" river, swol len by heavy rains. The Mississippi is rising rapidly and a big flood 1 ex pected. ... . -. . ,i. , v A relief train has bee a rushed to Hatfield which was the hardest hit by the fjpq d remove (t jeltlyens. . The town was almost submerged when the levee above the town burst. The La Crosse company states its dam broke', but that there were no casualties. The company declares they never cut a channel around the west end of the dam. The following towns below Hatfield are flooded: Halcyon, Black River Falls, Irving, Melrose, North Bend, Stevenson, North La Crosse and several others." " ' ' AUSTRIA EDICT HALTS ITALY WARFARE TO BE AIMED AT TRI- U POLI ALOXE. Dead and1 Woundde Turks Found by : Italians In Tripoli Forts, . London, Oct. 6. The strained re lations between Austria and . Italy were bettered today '.when Italy or-f dered her navy to cease all operations along the Adriatic sea coast as de manded by Austria. This means Italy will confine her war to the occupation of Tripoli unless the Turks get . ag gressive elsewhere. . Italians Occupy TriiolL Berlin, Oct 6. The Tripoli forts are now , occupied by two battalions of (not Harry) McGrath and Zibe Morse Italian marines. The invaders found ...... . I H M...i.n. v ma ..Mia Ki.fr 4Yia '..M-tinn on a cnarge or sieaiing two aorses ia uumwi i " from James Dalton. had ,nea. ',xispaicnea say we uauan Aligned on one side Is District At- reverests In Switzerland have re- torner Ivanhoe and on the other sit nounced their allegiance to the united Attorney Cochran ft Cochran, of La Grande, W. H. Strayer of Baker and R. J. Ketchln of Union. A clash came right "off the bat" as baseball par-1 lance has It, when the defense secured Kingdom and refuse to return to the coU . . : '. -. . ' s ' ' ." , 5 DeathlM'Xot Larg. " Rome, Oct. 6. Fifteen Turks were killed and 20 fatally wounded In the a rullne from the court that the brand Tripoli bombardment, It was officially used bv Mr. Dalton on his stock should announced today. not be made known by word of month because the brand was not In court as record. Dalton was merely asked to tell of where he ranged his stock, and explain the description of .the horses alleged to have been stolen. He was the wheels of the trial again began to revolve. , . Lund continuing to testify, said that Spain, McGrath and Morris led him in the Red, White and Blue saloon In Union, and In the back end of that institution an agreement was made whereby he, Lund, should pasture five head of horses, Including the two which now are alleged to have been stolen, for two months, and in return for such work Lund was to have a horse. He would not admit that he was to have one of the five horses', but a horse was to be his'.- Efforts were made to break into this evidence and compromise the young man's statement, but there was no chance. He was as firm as a rock. He said Spain told him they scot the brown gelding, which Is In ques tion, from a man in the North Powder Baker country, that the horse when obtained was very poor and the owner thought he hid been "winter killed" and he was freely given to Spain and his friends who. took the animal to Union and cared for It ; , Lund Hat Hopes. A point of Interest developed when Cochran got the young chap to admit that he hoped for a shortening of his term In prison It he would testify in the case against 'Spain et fjl, but he ducements had been made to him and also stated emphatically that no in- no officer thing. had mentioned such a STATE'S CASE EXPLAINED. . .' , ,. .. tJi Story Leading ap to Arrest Is Told m Graphle Manner. ' Rome, Oct 6. 'More than 60,000 Many Troops on the. Move, troops are marching to the southern ports where they are to be transport ed to Tripoli. Italy Is preparing for an arduous campaign. The story leading up to the arrest of John Spain, Henry McGrath and Zibe Morse on a charge of stealing two horses from James Dalton who lives One hundred acd thirty men are how on the strike role In La ' Grande whereas only; 121 went out on the strike at the Saturday walkout This Is the report issued from strike head quarters by the preaa committee of the , local strikers today noon. The daily meeting this morning was mark ed by reports of pickets and others who have kept watch as to the prog ress ( affairs on the La Grande dl vision. At the same time, local offi cials of the company say there is lit tie change- one way or the other and that traffic is being handled with about the same degree of success that it has been since the strike went out.' , Strikers Rieport Dead Engines. In their statements to the public to oraer cars in the, yards and on the rip track in La Grande. The. report continues: , , L"Train No. 56 was 40 hours late. "Train No. 5, west bound last night was three hours late on account of leaking boiler. "Train No. 17 yesterday was 7 hours and 15 minutes late ...."IJESJA 18s, last night was 45.minutes late on account of a leaking boiler. "Engine No. 261 went dead on the fast mall, Train No. 9, last night at a point east of. La Grande, and engine 520 was sent in to bring in the train arriving with 75 pounds of steam and 1 hour' and 30 minutes late. "Engine No. 519 was in bad order with burned brass. "Seven men from the round house came out on strike yesterday and two this morning, making a total of 130 on strike here. More are expected every minute. Of those who have walked out since the principal walkout some are common laborers and some skilled mechanics." Officials May Be Arrested; ; New Orleans, Oct. 6. Harriman strikers of the middle west are soon to become enmeshed' in the law through the action of the federal au thorities who are preparing to cite them for contempt charges by vlolat-1 lng the federal injunctions restraining them from interfering with railroad property and employes. 'Strikers are incensed and are being aroused to a fighting pitch. They protest Indig nantly agalnet the government's order. Thus far the injunction has prevented rioting but It Is feared they will soon break out. v Legal Proceedings Planned. Chicago, Oct 6. Seeking to assail the striking . shopmen on the Illinois Central by prosecution under th Sherman anti-trust law, attorneys for the railroad today are endeavoring to find grounds on which they may pro ceed on the specific charge of conspir acy in restraint of trade, according to rumors current here. The exact grounds the railroad will take; If such a step has been decided on, is not known. ' Pay Checki Sent Out Oakland, Oct. 6. Acting under the ; IX1TIATIYE IS DEFENDED. - Attorney General Prejwrlng Brlf to Answer Telephone Company. the case of the state vs. tha Pacific j States Telephone company, which will be .filed with the supreme court an- werlng the one by the company which alleged that the initiative and referen dum law is a violation of the federal constitution, la In the hands of the state printer today, and contains 30 000 words; -written by. the attorney general. ' ''j ' : ."; jv.'.v' "? . It denies ' the ' law Is unrepubllcan and "a government by brute force" as the company alleged and declares it checks corrupt legislation and gives an opportunity for the people to enact igood measures denied by the leglsla ture.; 'v ' 'J.'i- - POCATELLO. SPEECH IS HEATED DEFENSE OF COURTS PRESIDEXT TAFT PROBABLY ACTUATED BY CO MM OX EB? DES .M01XES CARS STOP. While Bryan Is -Not Mentioned, Pr9r,i Ident Springs to Defene of the Courts In Impassioned Address This Morning Bing Facts" Is ; Ills Advic? to the Enemies of the .Sul preme Court.' '' ,1 Street Car Strike W1U Go Into Effect and Cars Will Stand StIU. ' Des Moines, Oct. 6. Citizens of Des Moines will walkT tomorrow be cause the street car mendeclared the st-lke is Jo go into effect then. The action of the unloa was the result of a , jfallure to agres ,iia. jt.be company on the ; " pers'onell " of the " arbitration board to -settle their grievances. Judge DeGraff stated that the injunction arainst the union which had been la foice here for some time past, is still valid, - - 'v; ' '-W. ' Reyes Not the Leader. a New Orleans; Oct. 6. General Reyes today emphatically denied he expects to head the new revolutionary move ment now In Its Inclplency In Mexico. Secret agents have been employed by Maderd and are shadowing Reyes. II II OCCl'PAXTS SLIGHTLY HUE! WnEX BALLOOX FALLS. (Continued on Pag Eight) American Entry for Trophies In Bal loon Race Grounded. Des Moines, Oct 6. Heavy gale3 over this section today caused the bal loon America II, which left Kansas City last night in the contest. far.the James Gordon Bennett cup. to land within four mlels of Emmetsburg, la., this morning. Aeronaut Asman, "and his aid Hurlburt were slightly hurt! when the balloon became entangled in the telegraph wires. The America II won the trophy last year. v , Topeks Is WsabfedV Kansas City, Oct. 6. -The balloon ToppkK In the race, landed at Dinwell, Minn., safe this, afternoon. America's Hope Out La Crosse, Oct; 6. The Balloon which was America's hope to win the trophy, descended here this afternoon. Big- Merger Salt Is On. St. Louis, Oct. 6. The suits to dis j solve the alleged merger of the Gould lines and the ouster suit against 16 railroads .doing business In Missouri for alleged violation of the anti-trust laws In mmMnltir tn iflv luHtnmr requirements of the new state law J and freight rates, will be taken up at which requires every corporation to the October term of the Missouri su pay Its men when they are discharged.' preme court. . . Pocatella, Ida.,'Oct,'6. Declarations that the ruling of the United States supreme court on earth" are almost parallel to the ruling of the Just God In Heaven, were made here today by President Taft In an impassioned de. fense of the court? The speech is gen erally regarded as inspired by Bryan'" attack , in ""the Commoner yesterday. Bryan was not mentioned, however." Speaking earnestly the preaient said that columns were printed .con-. demnlng the court but no specific in stances of wrongdoing had been men tioned. He then declared' the time has come tor the court's enemies to. deal in facts, saying: . ' v :r' "When a court Is doing its duty and trying to teach the law as It should be. to have it contended,.,. attacked .and motives questioned, for mere political purposes without -solid ground for such an attack. It goes to my heart and I Tesent It with deep Indignation."' The. president Continued; "What1 has distinguished ''this country" from any other is that the United States su preme court has ,o often stood be tween the United States' and errors which might have'; beeny, comwityetf; which would have been greatly injuri ous to the. country. To turn upon that court, to question its motives to attack it, is to me -to lay the axe to the root of the. tree of civilisation;'' In concluding he declared the muck rake ra' attacks should be disregard ed and more .trust but in. the officials! He Qada.tw.vtopswctlioi nere, ana one ai uoise. .. . , ; New. Policy -KxielC,ww " t i,.lt; Js generally,belU?e4ii4h1'Taft' will discuss "international peace" 4ur- i Irg hla coast trip In the effort make that the administration's,' big i'jiollcy following reciprocity's defeat;. .-' He believes the policy can be popu-' larlzed by reiteration and explaining it. -.; , ;;, '"v" a On, Horseback Across 'states. ' Tacoma, Oct. 6. Riding ,the(i same, horses which carried them oyer moun tain trails, Alva Boggs and John Bus ton, Mt Rainier guides, are today offl on a 7,000 mile horseback ride to New York via the southern states. '.They will give lectures and sell -views of the mountain, to pay expenses. ' Taft Narlns; the Coast Spokane, Wash., Oct. 6. Cities and towns of Washington are preparing to cordially welcome President Taft who tomorrow will enter upon a four days' tur of this state. Walla Walla will bo the first stop on his itinerary tomor row and In the evening he will arrive In this city, where a banquet will be given In his honor. Governor Hay and other officials representatives will meet the distinguished visitor at the Washington-Idaho line, a short dis tance east of this city, and accompany him., on the greater part of his tour through the state. Laurter Forces Retire. Ottawa, Oct. 6.After 15 years of power, the Laurier government today stepped out and Borden, heading the conservatives took over the admlnls-' tratlon. Laurler's valedictory was,; "Our record speaks for Itself." ' I V