- f , x ,, .. ! f i j r3 ; s Tnninnnrri m iiv lh in mil HOT IIP IS IpRESIDElfT LEO SAYS MACHINISTS MUST FIGHT ALONE t7 nw unn RflRnii If I It I. H I IIIIIUII i U VI I c i injurs i alllu iv t yjlB , L i TO PREYE.iT DISORTFn ,.P" ... ... .. .. . ... ; , ... JUroads" Fear Two-Million Dollar Shops W HI Be Dynamited So JU slgtance Coming From Trainmen as Case Is Xeutral and They Cannot Interfere With the IssHeg at Stake.'.,' Jackson; Miss., Oct. 5. Rioting to- jilay was the moat serious since the strike. Shots were fired and a gener al mlxup of strikers and strikebreak ers occurred. ' John Tardy, a striker Vas seriously wounded. , : ' I - Trainmen Cant Help. . Denver, Oct. 5. "If the - striking shopmen of the Harriman lines win," .eo, the president of the brotherhood hi railway trainmen today, "it will be without our aid." He said their diffi culties are not such that the brother hood could take cosrntznnon onH an thi lcEanlzatlon will remain neutral. . . I Troops .Gathered at McComb. 1 McComb, Mlss., Oct 5. Governor loel today ordered the state militia Concentrated here for the purpose of preventing expected violence of the ptrlkers. It-la feared they will dyna nlte the Illinois Central shops here, .valued at $2,000,000 Eleven companies i are nere and six are en route. Expect End in a Month. Portland, 'Oct. 5. Many trains are Tunning behind schedule, and In Port land, Ashland, Roseburg, Huntington, and, Umatilla numbers of locomotives are dead today because they cannot e repaired according to the strikers jpommlttee. Los Angeles . wires that the men are optimistic and have re ceived Information from Chicago lndl eating the roads are weakening and they expect the strike to end In a ftionth. Dead locomotives are report ed In California also. i 4 Strikebreakers Desert. t San Francisco, . Oct. 6. The Espee shops are deserted today. It was es timated that there are less than 40 aien working In the Bhops. Several Strikebreakers deserted last night I , F. A. DELANO. I H U President of I th Wabath Railroad. i iW I l I V ' 8 LAGRAVg UNION London, Oct. 5. The Evening Times in an extra edition asserts it has re liable information that Austria has de termined to prevent a continuance of Italy's Imnnrtntlnn nimt Tnrtrni. the coast. . ' There are many rumors concerning the war but It is hard to tell what is true. It is believed the Italians have occupied Tripoli but they control the cable and will not tell of It. Constantinople, Oct. 5. Wild txctte- ment prevailed here when an uncon firmed report was received that tne Turkish fleet had been destroyed In a naval engagement with the Italians off Mltylene. ' It was reported the Ital ians sank and captured the fleet and then seized the island of Lemnos of which. Mltylene is the capital. It Is reported heavy firing was seen and heard in the North Dardanelles. Italian Cruiser Sinks. London, Oct. 5. The Italian cruiser Washington, Oct, 5 After denounc- Ing the late Admiral Schley during his life time and officially refusing to ap prove his 'conduct at Santiago, the united ' States navy outdid itself in i rendering respect at the funeral to day. It was one of the most imposing ever seen feere, SCHLEY S ENETyilESiFlGUnt IN HONORS TO LUTE ADMIRA Fifteen hundred midshipmen from'mlral Dewey, Schley's champion and Annapolis, marines and bluejackets were in line. The service was at home T TO BE PROCEEDED AGAINST San Francisco, Oct. 5. That start ling prosecutions will he started against some Pacific coast Jobbers for violations of the Sherman anti-trust law, is the statement made today by Joseph Darling, special agent for the department of justice who has been 1 10 TWO OTHERS FACE CHARGES : Six true bills and one not true S bill were reported in by the grand Jury late last night. ' As yet none have been made public. Thejur- 5C ors are still in session and an 3 other batch of Indictments are 4 expected this evening or tomor- ? row forenoon. It is ' supposed that most of the first batch were 3 against men already hi Jail. John Spain, champion buckaroo of all the northwest and proud possessor of the Roundup sadde won by that honor, Harry McOrath and Zlbe Morse. alt Union boys, were placed on trial COUNTY, OREGON. (1(1 TIIRKFV RV ITiH V mm Ull IUIII1LI Ul I NIL I CavOut was struck by a submerged mine in Tripoli bay and sank In a few minutes, says an unconfirmed report, coming from Constantinople. The Z-jr.c ic,j..t bujo iuo iUii-u. h'o buui bardlng Mltylene. . : ' Prevesa Withstands Assault. Milan, Oct. 5. After bombarding Prevesa, the Italian forces tried to land, but were repulsed with a loss of 15 men. . '. r - . ;', Portuguese In Tprislng. Madrid, Oct. 5 The , Portugueao monarchist uprising is extending rap idly. Prince Joseph of Braganza, heading a 40,000 army is advancing to ward Oporto. King Manuel Is expect ed soon from England. Tripoli In Italian Hands. Pome, Oct. 5. It was official' an no t. iced that the Italians have cap tured Tripoli. The Turkish garrison went into the hills, but would not surrender. L and later at St. Johns' Episcopal church and interment was at Arling ton cemetery. The men who were the bitterest In denouncing the living Schley, who characterized him as a "coward, catiff and traitor" were the moat .prominent in the funeral cortege. The military and naval display was elaborate. Ad- friend, was unable to attend. He la reported In feeble health. here for several days. Darling said he could not say yet who will be Indicted by the grand Jury but he stated, that they are four of the largest corporations in California, Washington and Oregon. Only . two anti-trust cases have been tried on the coast In 29 years. late this afternoon for horse steal ing. The eases have been brewing for some time but at the conclusion of the civil case this afternoon the defend ants' attorney and the state spread their weapons of war before them and commented what will be the hardest fought case In this term of court. Be cause of the renown of the three men all of whom are skilled bronco bust ers, and of the personal acquaintances who are Interested, the case Is attract Ing widespread attention. Cochran & Cochran are counsel for the defend ant. , .. - Christ Johnson of North Power and J. A. McNeil of Cove were acceptabl to both sides and were seated at 3.30 TMSTS o. 'tck as two Jurors In the case. J, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5, TAKES ISSUE WITH i TAFT'S TRUST POLICIES CALLS THEJf ALL A BLUFF THAT WILL OT WORK Commontr, Speaking for Mr. Brjan, Opens Criticism on President Taft's Policies With the Trusts-Affirnu the Trusts Elected Him the Last Time and Will Attempt It the Second 1 Time , Lincoln, Keb., Oct. 5. Declaring It would be practically .Impossible to convict a trust magnate la a criminal court, W. J Bryan in the Commoner takes up President Taft's challenge, relating tojthe supreme court trust decision and characterizes it as a ''bluff." He then chaltanges Mr. Taft to give the full facta regarding the ap pointment of the supreme court Jus tices., ': i';. ." ; : Concerning Taft's recent utterances that the anti-trust law 1b pobent to curb the trusts, Bryan says: "The president is bluffing. He knows the question hf raises cannot be settled until after; the election and then It does not 'make any difference to him how it Is settled?' tath the trusts aid ing him he won 'the last presidential election without proposing a remedy for the trusts and he hopes with the aid of the trusts to win another by en dorsing a retrogade policy of the su preme court." . : v . " . . Ha then asks if Taft knew the stand of the men who he appointed to the supreme bench before be made the ap polntments and challenges Mr. Taft to answer. ' ' ' as He Talks Politics. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 5. William J Bryan today started out ona three weeks' .speech making tour of Nebras ka under the auspices of the democrat lc Btate committee. The tour Is re garded as the real beginning of the national campaign In this state. It Is expected that Mr. Bryan, while Bay ing good words for the state ticket will spend most of his time discussing national Issuos and will take occasion to make reply to the speeches pf Pres ident Taft recently delivered In Ne braska and neighboring states, Mr Bryan's schedule calls for an average of three speeches a day. T. Mulvehlll was excused for cause and J. A. Horn of Elgin, a former saw mill man was being examined at o'clock. - ' '' - "The case will not likely, reach the testimony taking point until tomorrow morning for Attorney W- H. Strayer of Usker is yet to arrive this evening to Je associated with Cochran & Coch ran as counsel. '.. To Inaugurate Ctolverslty Ilea, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 6. The formal Inauguration tmorrow of Dr. Guy Pot ter Benton, former president of Miami university, as president of the Unl verslty of Vermont, will be the occa slon of a very unusual gathering of distinguished scholars, educators an scientists from all parts of the coun try. As a preliminary to the Inaugur ation ceremonies there was held to day an educational conference In which the participants Included Pres Hadley of Yale, President Thompson of Ohio State university, President James of the University of Illinois President Tillman of the University of Arkansas, Prof. John Dewey of Colum Ma university, President FInlay of the College of tlie City of New York, and a number of other distinguished edu cators. 1911. WEEPS WITH JOY AT HILLS WORDS GOLDEN SPIKE DRIVEN AT BEND AND 3000 CHEER IT MXE lEAES'TEEPAHATIOS 'Uk ; EDS IJ,' REALIZATION Greater Development of Oregon Is Promised by Hill Should This One Be Successful Oregon's Millions of Idle Acres Are to" Be Developed Through the Advent of the Sew Ttu.Il. road to Bend. ' . Bend.Ore.; Oct. J5. Cheers and tears from 3,000 greeted James J. Hill, the empire builder, today when, he drove the golden spike here marking the completion of the Oregon trunk with Its nine years of wait for the stel highway, and Inauguration of develop ment of central Oregon's millions of Idle acres. , Hill, In his speech, promised more railroad development if this project Is successful. v ; The Harriman, lines, which have a 99 year contract 'for the Joint use of the tracks into Bend, was represent ed bylp. B. Miller, the .traffic manager. T SECRET SERVICE ME REDOU BLED riSECAUTION. . Taft's SpecJal to Pass Through La Grande Lute Tomorrow Mght. Salt Lake, OctTJicPresident Tafl Is spending a busy day here "with Sen. Smoot supervising. Mr. Taft Is the center of the "old fo!l:s wo:!i" and received many at the New Utah hotel Then he went to the tabernacle and heard the big choir. He lunched al the Commercial club. . . Secret service men are doubllag precaution in guarding blm since the scare at Denver. President Taft's special train .will pasp through. La Grande . tomorrow n ght, and if on scheduled time should reach this city about 2 a. m. On ac count of the lateness of the hour it will be Impossible to see him. DEXTIST PLEADS TODAY. McDe rmott Enters Formal Plea of 'ot , Guilty In Xoter Case. San Bernardino, Oct. C With less than a dozen present Dentist McDavlt entered a plea of not guilty before the superior judge, Bledsoe, In connection with the holding of Jessie McDonald prisoner In a room 16 months. He Is charged with a statutory offense The caBe Is continued until Oct. 14. Mrs. tfcSamara Called In. Los Angeles, Oct. 5.The McNam aras were overjoyed today when told that the defense would send Immedl ately for Mrs. McNamara, their moth er. Aitnougn tne accused men are scheduled to face trial on Wednesday for dynamiting and murders they are BE ABERNAGLE " TO 1. TAFT seenlngly not worrying. NU.MBER 29G EST READY TO inn POLITICS IF ENEMIES LEAVE 'HIM ALONE WILL END CAREER TINTED, DESPITE OBJECTIONS Governor Is Out With Statement That ; This Is Ills Last Term In Oilke and i He Will Jletlre at Its Conclusion He Might Run If Ills Enemb s Abuso , Hlra Over IU Prison Policies In Salem. . . '' ' Salem, Oct.' ' B.OoVernfcr ' Oswald West Is . out, with . a statement.today that when he retires this, term he, will go out of politics and ntver be a candidate for any office. He admitted that he might run again If his enemies "abused" him. Governor West said hd would stkk to his prison policy o paroling convicts, despite all protests. While admitting a number had bro ken-their, parole he said the system would wln'out In the end. , , fuHMISSIOX TOSSES COIN TO vt .r.y " , TEIUIINE. Second Game at Philadelphia -Series Opens October 14. ... ' - New York, Oct. 5. The national commission met here today and decid ed that the first game of the world ser ies will be played Ul New York on Oct. l.th. The second game will be i-lajed at Philadelphia. The, teams ther, after will alternate between the two cities, until the series has been decided. In case of postponement It Is t to be played In the city originally sched uled. A coin was tossed to decide where the first game will be played. ; PRINCE CHRISTIAN. Next King of Denmark Will Visit America In Ootober. 1 GIT'SIOT TO SEE THE 7 v FIRST,' Gill r f ; .r f- ,11 : m n r s . . . - I - : ; 'I- A . , I