.A .... Wk - - v. -. .. . ... t ..i :..-;j"i-'t.::v . 0 vi--. v .... VvWllJi4J?.-.:.;;l!&P TOLOTE X. CQ1ANY K5 FOR 10 NO STRIKEBREAKERS THE SOUTH. KIOTS SCARE COMPANIES IMO EXDIXG; CRUSADE Chicago Shops Refroln From Hiring More Strikebreakers Too Situation In the Sontli More Severe for Many Riots Occurred Last Sight Com panies Believe Militia Seeded In the South Denaison, Tex., Oct. 4. State troops have been asked for by the railroad officials today to prevent further vio lence by the strikers. Last night BOO attacked strikebreakers at Missouri, Kansas and Texas shops. All is quiet there today, but the deaths yesterday morning are still remembered. Chicago Fears Riots. Chicago, Oct. 4. Receiving strlke- hrftnlrora nt tha Tlllnnla Ponfrnl fiaa N r Vr ceased, according to officials' who. fear i reauuuui nmiug may uttuwo legiBia- I tion to be enacted against the com I pahleaV .' , ' : No More Strikebreakers Used McComb, Miss., Oct. 4. Riots last night determined the company not to send any mone strikebreakers to the south. Coast Situation Unchanged. San Francisco, Oct. 4. Pacific coast reports indicate the strike situation Is unchanged. The railways' untl matum giving the men until four this afternoon to return to work having no effect. The striken s: are remaining firm. Shops at " Portland, Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles are working with only very few strike breakers. . San Francisco, Oct. 4. The South ern Pacific continues today to main tain silence regarding the strike sit uation over the Harrlman lines. ERNST BASSERMAN. Liberal Leader Mentioned Possible German Chancellor. Baaserman Is right now the guiding spirit In Germany's turbulent poli tics. Jfo sooner the Franco-Germany affair settled than the Aus trian-Italian Turkish embrogllo Places Germany In the hole. c 1 GRANDE, UNION BULLETIN IS URGING UNITY IN THE RANKS LOCAL STRIKERS GET r uivu vx OVER NORTHWEST. LITTLE CHANGE EITHER WAT IS LA GRASDE SHOPS TODAY Bulletin From Portland Urges Men to Stand Shoulder to Shoulder Strik. ers Here Say So One Will Return to Work at 4 O'clock as lOrdVred to Do by . Ultimatum Yesterday From Mr. O'Brien. . , v So Change .Company Officials. With practically no changes S over yesterday the working force is getting along .satisfactorily 4 under the conditions here today J say local officials. La Grande union men flatly deny they will return to work 3 at 4 o'clock this afternoon. They say not . an Individual contem- plates such action here and all are ready to fight, to .the finlsnt This. Is the answer to O Brien's ultimatum yesterday, that- the fmeB must return to work at 4 o'clock today. . V Affirming that locally conditions are about the same as yesterday and that practically no more men have been employed in La Grande, the labor unions out on a strike in this city to day issued a daily statement to the public through the Observer. In ad dition to asserting that the men here feel confident of work, the local meet lng to receive reports this morning, over the postoffice, was marked by the receipt of a letter In which the labor leaders size up the strike In the Northwest from their .point of view. The report is: Shop Federation of the- Harrman Lines, Labor Temple, Room 300 Port- laud, Oregon, Oct. 3. To all Shop Craft on the Harrlman Lines in Ore gon and Washington: - Portland 0.-W. R. & N., - switch engine thrown into round house with burnt brasses. Engine No. 3203 In the ditch near Hood River funnel. Wreck er sent out to pick up engine' engineer refused to work. A stationary engin eer was sent out to handle the wrec er, but refused being a union man. Engine No. 351 brought In with axle broken. In firing up engine in round house oil. burner exploded and blew top of cab off. Gus Monphler, boiler inspector, refused to go to work this morning. s. P. Enema "No. 2208 in backing down from Oswego, ran Into engine and wrecked the tank. No. 2193 leaked so bad that all the water leaked out during the night. Train No. 16 out or Roseburg had to use three engines In running thirty miles. The boys at this place are out 100 per cent strong. La Grande reports 59 out and only 8 men working. Section foreman at Jefferson Street, refused to turn engines. He quit. Received letter from Seattle stating that our boys are all out there. Fifty-six non-union men joined tjie B. (R. C. of A., last night and more are going In today. Everybody is Jubi lant. A better chance of winning could not be expected. Trains are late from al directions. The wheels In every shop on the entire Harrlman systems (Continues on Pm fSlgnt) COUNTY, OREGON, WILEY, PURE FOOD EXPERT SOW ar v.-.vx-WX j: oitiv:sX n-;-:-;. .x-jb,- in Copyright,-19 10, by" ABMrioan Preaev Dr. W. H. Wiley now stands victor vitor of all in the pure food fight. The final and conclusive victory came yes terday with the decision that George P. McCabe, solicitor of the Department of Agriculture; has asked to be re lieved from serving on the board of OREGON'S INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM ATTACKED IN A T IN THE 0. S. Salem, Oregon, October 4. Regard ing the " crucial attack . on the initiative and referendum laws by the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph company, which In a brief filed in the United State s supreme court, yest.er; day, alleged the Oregon tax law. Is invalid because It was enacted under the initiative, which the company holds, is federally unconstitutional, TO HANDLE EXHIBIT; Enterprise, Oct. . 4. (Special) Al though the county fair has been under way virtually only one day, the ex hibits have flooded the space and yes terday's record of 800 paid admis sions Is far outstripped this afternoon. The county fair opened on the 2ndj and today Is under full swing. Over! FACILITIES FAR TOO SILL 100 feet of additional space had to be tlcipate a large attendance from La k..ti .... .t.u f amm ,,Grand tomorrow when the special stock, and corrals had to be used to pen In mares and cattle on exhibit WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, VICTOR OVER ALL ADVERSARIES. ft - it AsuiUoa, V food and drug inspection and the re quest has been granted. Dr. F. L. Dun lap, associate chemist is going on a vacation and during his absence Dr. R. E. Dollttle, chief of the bureau of chemistry (ln New York will act with Dr. Wiley, on the board of Food and Drug Inspection. Governor West said today the state would fight hard. " Many attorneys profess to see in the attack an attempt to kill all in itiative and referendum legislation in the UnltecJ States, all of whicis bas ed on , the Oregon system. If the supreme .court would hold the Oregon law unconstitutional they say, this would result. . .. WALLOWA ATTENDANCE The chicken coops numbered 100 but they were found inadequate and more had to be built over night. Th fruit and vegetable display Is good and the people of Wallowa county are boasting that it Is the best fair ever held in Eastern Oregon by far the best Wallowa county has ever seen. The people of Wallowa county an train will , carry Union county visl , torg to the falr . , 1 The racing Is promising to be of the COURTS I 1911. F0RT8lH?llJ Berlin, Oct - 4, Tripoli has fallen.! Disimtches state the Turks evacuated l the forts only when they were de mollshod and the governor's pulace and barracks burning. They started the retreat to the hills rd riy, hutj the shins' shraunell was too. niucfai nud then fled disorganized. Italians then prepared to land. I Tlie boniluiruTment was resumed ear ly In the dny and continued until tlm Turks fled. . . .. Paris, Oct. 4. Despatches say that Duke d'Abruzal began the bombard1 ment of Prevesia, after the. TurkB had refused to surrender to the war ships in the harbor. )'. j i Such ' Attack Momontuous, V London, Oct 4. Orave" proportions which the war situation Is assuming have been greatly increased by the news that DAbruzzl is bombarding Prevesa. If confirmed, it means that Italy is deliberately disregarding the explicit warnings of Austria and other powers that the war must be confined to Tripolitan Boil and waters. The outcome is dubious and may COWBOYS AND YELLS GREET TflFT AT CHEYENNE ROUNDUP Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 4. Instead of spected Fort Russell, and the attend the customary brass bands President ed the wild west performance at : the Taft was greeted here today with cow-1 Frontier park. Later he addr'esied boy yells irom one thousand gathered, a crowd at the Capital theater. ; At SAoa. after the arrival Mr. Taft in- noon he left for Laramie. . - best and several strings of fast stock are on the ground ready, for the track. The track has been put in excellent condition and some fast racing is look ed for. The fair this year has grown clear beyond all previous expectation and over fifty additional pens had to be built to accomodate llu exhibits of livestock. A great deal ct lnt:rc3t and no small amount of rivalry has sprung up among the breeders in the county In regard to their animals with I a -result that the fair has one of the finest displays of fancy and blooded livestock that has ever' been exhib ited at any county fair In Eastern Oregon. The attendance-for today was large and if weather conditions con tinue fair, a record breaking attend ance is expected. , Many side attractions have been pn vided, so that all those coming to the fair will .have ample amusement of various kinds. There will be races every day dur ing the fair. Tomorrow will be prob ably be a big day as the excursion from La Grande will be run on that day and many Union county people are expected. One of the new features of the fair this yea rls the domestic science exhibit, which is being demon strated by a class of young ladles from the county high school, and which 1b attracting a great deal of at tention. Some splendid homes horses have arrived from Walla Walla and wili be one of the features for tomor row..'; f . . . ,.,v .... The Wallowa county fair can be said to be a grand success, which has reached far beyond the expectations of the directors at the commencement of the season. - Fnnd Campaign Xear End. alia Walla, Wash. Oct. 4. (Spec lali The home stretch has" been reached In the million dollar cam- NUMBER 293 mean the involving of one or mor (treat liowera In active nnrtlcinntlni, of war. '"' . .' Italy Explains Action. Italy in a semi-official notice Justifies her Adriatic war operations on the ground that they are necessary to assure her forces passages for an ex pedition to Tripoli. This is as an . answer to the Austrian declaration ' that If Italy attacks Prevesa, Austria will, consider It necessary w to de--. epatch warships to that port. King OrdWs Economy. iRome, Oct. 4. The King today or dered the Italian generals and ad mirals to "spend as little blood as possible." This is taken to indicate the king;belleve that a peaceful so- ' lutlon of war is possible soon. ! r War Party Busy. Lcnaon, Oct. 4. Tbe Turkish war party Is busy mobilizing troops In all parts of the empire. . It Is reported that an expeditionary force will be organized in Yamen on the Red Sea. to occupy the coast of the Italian col- ony of Eritrea palgn for endowment, and a whirlwind finish has been planned for the next three months. Dean Hendrick la much encouraged by the present outlook nd hopes for success by January 1st,' 1912, the date set for the termination ' 3f the campaign ' ' Photo by American Presa Anoclatltia. Democratic I'r?iI ntltil Possibility 1, ) ;i CHAMP CLARK. I - 1 . . . 1 ' ' . Recent Pioture of the -T. Speaker of tffe House. ' '"-X V ' , ' , - !L , ' who Is termed a stalking horse in f M llllum J. RryanV quiet campaign ' , to gain the Democratic nomination In 1912. Clark Is ally of Bryan Is tlie charge now, ' ' I " .1 . w 4 I v. . . . V.