IX qiOKpE EVENBiq pBERVO, TUESDAY, OCTOBEB a 1911 n I FD0FESSI051L D1BECTOEY I ... '. ,r PHYSICIANS AND SCBGEONS MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surg on. Corner ..Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: face, Main 68; Residence, 69. '" L U RICHARDSON. M. D. - . W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. ,.:.- 4 ! Drs. Richardson & Loughlln, -. Physician's and Surgeons Phones Office Black 1362;. Ind. 353 Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind. 312. Dr. LoughMn'B Res. Main 757; Ind ' , 1297. C. H. UPTON, Ph. O. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build ing. ' Phones:, Office Main 2; Resi dence Maim 32. DBS. UNDERWOOD & 0NDERW0OD Physicians and Surgeons. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD I Specialist for women ' Offices. Cor. Adams & Depot, over Wright Co.'s Drug Store.' ; Phoues Main 728; Main 22. . GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician." Sommer Bldg.,. Rooms 7, 8. 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332. Pacific. Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor to Dr. P. E. Moore. ATTORNEYS AT LAW COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys. ran. La Grande National Bank : , Eu'ldlngj La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD ' ROBT. S. EAKIN ' CPAWFORD & EAKIN Attorneys t law. Practices in all the courts of the state and United States. Of fice in La Grande National Bank . Building, La Grande, Oregon. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, ' Raker City. Oregon. G.T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste opathy Consultation free. Room 20. La Grande National Bank Bldg lng. Phone, Red 3181. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug store, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701 ; Office Phone, Black 1361 ; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phonet at Residence. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CNCERN: No- Save Eye Troubles and Doctor Bills Give your child -good lights to study by. Oculists tell us that a large per centage of eye trouble among school children is caused' ' by straining the eyes in., a poor light. Condition should be per fect when night study is re- 'quired . , . ; " There Is Just brie perfect light; that is the electric light. You can avoid much of the eye; strain and the attendant evils by putting in electric lights now They are better, cleaner and .more convenient and the cost is most reasonable." " ; Ask us for rates, or phone Main 34. ;-V'--.s ...: i Just Received We also carry a full line of , Hardware and Building Material . I mm BOHNENKAMP CO. tice is hereby given Hat in pursuance ; pf a resolution ."adopted by the com-) mon council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 16th day of . December, 1909, creating improvement district No. 13 and designating North Fir Btreet.as such district,, and in pursu ance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 20th day of September? 1911, whereby said coun cil determined and declared its inten tion to improve all that portion of North Fir street, in said Improvement district a8 hereinafter described, by laying thereon macadam roadway, ce ment curb and drainage, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the prop erty affected and bentflted by such im provement, order that said above de scribed improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of North Fir Btreet, from the south curb line of Monroe avenue, to the south line of U avenue. (A) And. the property affected or benefit; d by said improvement is as follows: The west 4 of block 149, 151, 151 and the east of blocks 150. 155 and the NE4 of block 125 and the NWVi of block 124, Chaplin's addition and the west V of block 24 and 23 and the east of block 2 and the east lb of Predmore block, Predmore addition, all Jn La Grandje, Oregon. Notice 1b hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $6, 438.50. That the council will, on the 7th day of October, 1911, meit at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p to-, o consider said esti mated cost and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrl:v ed by such assessment. La Grande, Ore., Sept. 23, f911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON !By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 9-26-10t n T , - ' Eastern Oregon Light and Power Co. a. New Car of h vti m m m laMi Jr w . j.vriione;iviain t f ' ; fS Mrs. Pedrie' Secret It Proved (be Truth of (be Lady's Statement By CLARISSA NACKIS ' Copyright by American Praas elation, 1911. "Of course women can't help being Inquisitive." said Mr. Pedrie loftily. "I always make allowances, Phoebe, for woman's greatest falling." ; 'And what Is man's greatest failing, or has he so many it's hard to select' the largest?" demanded Mrs. Pedrie. with spirit. "Talk about curiosity. Why, Phlneas Pedrie, I've seen just as many curious men as you have women so there!" "Pshaw. Phoebe! You cannot name one case where a man has displayed more than ordinary Interest in ntrairs which were not his own." And Mr. Tedrle folded his newspaper and chal lenged his wife with raised brows. Apparently Mrs. Pedrie could not give the desired illustration, for she re tired behind the phs-pr of a book with an expression of displeasure on her pretty countenance. Mr. Pedrie napped in his Turkish rocker more or less musically, and after awhile his wife fell to watching him closely. All at once a bright smile chased away the displeasure from her face, and she snfttv nrnso find left thp room. I At the end of an hour Mr. Pedrie' ' "lMia on couiunr go, nnve stretched himself luxuriously, yawned ne asked- sleepily, and. seeing his wife rending' "Oh. no-that wouldn't make any on the. opposite side of the table, he . difference." choked Thoebe. sank into somnolence once more. The ! "Wouldn't make any difference!" striking of the hall clock awoke him exploded Phlneas, whirling around. to a realization that it was mldutght, ''Why wouldn't It make any difference. and he was aloue. Fhoebe had evl-' 1d ,;k t0 know, madam? Am I mns- dently gone to bed, as was often her j teE ,n roy own house?" custom, and left him to come to bed ' "You can answer that question best, when he was quite ready. . . I dear." said Thoebe meekly, mopping He felt singularly wide awake. The ber eyes with the sheet, house was very quiet, and sate for the 1 "Well, then. I am master In my own occasional rumble of a distant electric bouse." declared Phlneas Pedrie grand car the street vras Btill. , It Was Just, "When I say you shall go to New the time for another dip Into that sci 3t go back on ray word entiflc magazine while he smoked n even though I strongly disapprove of cigar. lie reached for bis cigar case and looked ToF the" magazine. FT! f.l.MnAAll ..mam m ... MM..tt ' glance fell upon a handsome box which Btood on the table near Phoelw's chair. He had never seen the box before, and 1 BB BTUDIKO THB BOSRWOOD BOX. his Interest wsb aroused, ne went around the table and examined It It was msde of polished rosewood, with corners and hinges of old brass. t was tightly locked, and there was no key. He lifted the box and found it heavy.' t Bb stood looking down at It wltb a baffled expression on ills good natured countenance. , He , wondered why I'hoebe should have left the box there, and at this Instant there was a rus tling on the stairs, and Phoebe came rushing in, garbed in dressing gown and slippers and with her heavy braids swinging to and fro. She seemed to take in the situation at a glance the proximity of her hus band to the rosewood box for wltb a little frightened gasp she darted for ward, took the box from his bands and left the room without so much as a word of explanation. Phlneas Pedrie stood rooted 4o the siot with consternation. Was Phoebe Insane, or ' was she walking ln her sleep? What was there about the rose wood box tuat be, her husband, might not see? i What? , i, Mr. Tedrie stalked slowly ; up the stairs to find Fhoebe sleeping sweetly and the rosewood box nowhere ln sight "What has she done with itr he muttered anxiously as he stepped soft ly to and fro so as not to waken her. Fifteen minutes later Mr. Pedrie was still searching for the rosewood box. He bad explored all the closets in the bouse and the spare room and was creaking downstairs In the belief that his wife had concealed the box in the hall before ahe ascended to her room t ben ber voice smote on his ear. ThlneM. where are youY she called ileeplly. - "I'm coming, dear." he amnred her, making his voice as small as possible, as if it might come from tb library, where she had left him. "It must be midnight. Thin. Are yon never coming? This light keeps me wake" ' " "IH put it out Phoebe." and Mr. Pedrie treaked np the stairs again and snapped off the bulb. "I've lost my match case, and I'm looking for it I'll Just take a ran downstairs once more," be explained as he left the room. Carefully, painstakingly. Mr. Pedrie searched the lower floor of the house for the rosewood box which his wife had so artfully concealed from' him. What did it contain? ' Did his wife possess a secret which he did not share? Once more Mr. Pedrie mounted the Bta!rf) thIa Ume ln a lrlt of Ju8t ,n. dignation. Before be slept that morn Ing he would wrest this secret from his unhappy wife. He stalked into the bedroom without any attempt at quiet ness. .. I "Oh, Thin." complained Phoebe, "do I stop squeaking around and go to bed! You've waked me up three or fou times with your prowtlngs. and you know I want to get up early so as to go into town on your train." "Going to town, are you?" asked Phlneas suspiciously. "Ol luuiw I him'. You fcuoiv, X wuui to do some shopping." Phlneas was undressing sulkily be fore his own chiffonier, and he saw ln the mirror the reflection of Phoebe's face. She was either crying or laugh ing, and he decided that she was cry ing. J"ur going." ww.,. "Why?" ..tffflP--"- AAA 11C A AW KaAAMOA Clf Because err-because." stated Phln eas sharply. "Phlneas?" said Mrs. Pedrie In a strangled voice. ; Welt?" '" "That's- a woman's reason, you know." . "What's a woman's reason? Oh. I see!,.. My dear, don't try to bo funny after midnight. One doesn't feel much ln the mood for that sort of thing.", Mr. Pedrie wrenched his collar off and flung It across the room.' He sent bis vest after the collar and then realised that the Icy feeling down bis spine ' was caused by the slipping of a collar button down Ills neck. He swore soft ly and lowered bis head in the vain ; hope that the offending collar button would slide out again. - , It did not, but his position was the means of bis discovering the rosewood box. . : He caught a glimpse of its polished surface and brass ornaments under his chiffonier. lie was sure be had search ed there before, but apparently be had failed to locate it He pulled It out and tucked it under bis arm, throw ing his bathrobe over It to couceal It. I "Where are yon going now. Thin?" asked Phoebe curiously, ' Mr. Pedrie paused on the threshold and looked with a superior smile at his . wife. "I'm going downstairs to the library," be said. .! He went downstairs again with the , rosewood box tucked under his arm. lie did not stop in, the library.. -In-' stead be went to the kitchen, where be found the tool chest and extracted a hammer and chisel and a bunch of old keys of all shapes and sizes. ' In the glare of the electrics be studied the rosewood box. There was the key. bole, but no key. Ho tried all the spare keys, and not one fitted the lock. The hinges were beautifully set ln the box, and be was loath to wrench them off, yet the box must be opened. , He must discover what secret his wife was keeping from him.' ' He inserted the chisel under the lid nnd pried trently. The lock strained, but hold. He bore down harder, and at Inst, with a splinter uf wood around the limide of the lock, f he cover flew up rind knocked bis eyeglasses spinning across the room, where they shattered Against the range. ' "And bang goes $15!" ejaculated Mr. reurie, stariug hopelessly Ht the glit tering fragments of bis eyeglasses. "What Is tl;e natter. l'liiiieKV.iisk.'d his wife from the doorway, nnd tl -n fls her guze fe!l on the open box In lIh hnnd she added: "What lire you dolug wltb my box. Thin? Are you out of your wind?" Mr. Pedrie glared savsgely at ber. "Woman." he sold accusingly, "you have a secret from me. 1 must know the worst. Phoebe Fedrle, Walt! Do not speak! You know I will be quite Just with you i" He held the box to' the light and fumbled ln it. Be brought np a tan gled mass of white thread, a, measure of lace and an Ivory bobbin. "What U this?" he stammered. "My tatting," choked Mrs. Pedrie!" "And this?". Mr. Pedrie covered nls chagrin by fishing np the one other ar ticle In the box a bundle of letters tied about with a blue ribbon. Aba I "Your love letters to me, dear." said his wife sweetly. And on examination so they proved to be. Mr. Pedrie sat and stared speechless Jy from the empty box to his shattered glasses, tht nee to the tatting and the harmless bsbble of his own love let ters. ITe did not look at his wife. 'Thineas." phe said after awhile, "do you still maintain that man is not possessed of his full share of curios Ityr . Mr. Pedrie looked sheepishly at her, threw up his hands and dived Into his trousers pocket , for his wallet. This he .tossed across the kitchen table to his wife. . . "Ilelp yourself, Phoebe," he said, with a feebie smile. "It's on me!" MARQUIS SAI0NJI. Japan Statesman Who Is Expaotad to Becoma Premier Grande Ronde NURSERIES (Trade Mark.) Foreign and domostlc trees, roses and shrubs. We guarantee to give satis faction. We do not claim our price to be lower than the low est but claim the quality of the stock Is the highest attainable. Therefore when comparing our prices with others please bear ln mind that all trees are not alike.' Our main specialty lies in satisfying a customer and fil ling his order with trees of the most excellent quality. Orders large or small , will receive prompt and careful attention at our hands. L W, HORNBECK MO. ;' lff!' -'Office-.;;.. '.vV-fiJ Grande Ronds Valley. HotfTO iiJ v....... .:La 0rana4-vfH5,v; H am or Tender, Juicy, sugar cured, the j very best of meat. We have Just open:d a- mw crate -of A r mourns Star Hams 1 4 The prices range from $2.60 to $3.30 each. . ..; ... ,. :' ' FOE SALE BY ! Patdscn Bros. vo ffv: 1 - J Breakfast The Gossard corsets. They lace ta front, without belts, buckles, baa4. straps or other contrivances. The; . are cut exactly like a surgical baadl age. They gently support the orgaaw Impel correct poise, deep breathtag correst position, both sitting , && standing, and have beautiful art 1st se lines. 4 M31S. ROBT. PATTISOITt Phone Black 1481, . ; Corsetler rOU OCG1IT TO KNOW this shop, and Its ability to senr yon best. : Our oa stro&gssa desire Is to turn out thex bcaSi. CLEANING AND PEESSINGT 1 . . and!, to . price our services t meet your satisfaction. We ke- " ' Iieve we do this. II your gar ments need our attention , sesA ' . . them to us and we will da yswr work promptly and! guarantee not to rain the materials.: ELITE DYEING & . CLEANING? WOREEf nln 4. ' It. B. Waggwtwe t t ItjHARntON'S l TRU-FRUIT CHOCOLATES AND MARSHMALLOWS Made Just Right; NO IMITAT10H FLAVORS All Leading Confectioners Sell Them OCONNELL'S Cigar Store ' Pool, P?!" Cigars, Tobac co and 1 rinks best and most Cftii; ' " - line of cigars In the" cltyi'v-"-. Observer's Coast Leagna base, ball scores every day there's a fame.' . ; Corner Depot and Jefferson St. I m WS Adams Avi x LA QRANOi i C2& f! i -Jsi, m l I'l I I 1 1 I I H(l 111 111 a. -Si '-a ! : l . . , i Plumbing .:, ' v y-.X-$ and Heating . .... ... y- - ' . i 1 r '4 t r V