La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 26, 1911, Image 1

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. 1 J T
II ITlLlfiOS ffllll
'lv. '
Mobilization of Troops Goes on One
, Side Strong on Land and the Other
i Strong on Watr but Both Countries
Wear War Paint Every Indication
Points to Bloodshed. ;
!.$$83S'38Jfc& g
Tripoli Is a Turkish possession
Q which Italy desires for ' trade
purposes. Turkey has refused to
lease the country or allow Italy
any special trade concessions
and the present trouble is a re
sult ' r:','- -.
Q : Turkey has a stronger army
and Italy a better navy. '
4 .Turkey has a standing army of
375,000 with 360,000 reserves and
$ 2,000,000 unorganized men for
duty. , ,' '
Italy's standing army numbers
225,000 She has 300,000 reserves
and 1,200,000 unorganized men to
draw on. "; . '
j ... London,' Sept. 26. The Italian
.; charge d'affalrs here today notified the
' Turkish government that any dispatch
K of Turkish . reinforcement to Tripoli
i, would he' regarded as a hostile act,
This is regarded as a virtual ultlma
I turn. ' . ;,
London, Sept. 26. Open defiance of
the war breach of Italy vs. Turkey
who declines to surrender Tripoli,
mobilization of the Italian fleet at
Palermo and reported preparation of
an ultimatum by Italy demanding im
mediate secession of Tripoli by Turkey
are the development of the war con-'
troversy today. The situation Is re
garded 88 very ,serlous and war Id
looked for, although Turkey Is practi
cally without a navy to fight Italy'?
excellent fleet." The Turks believe
they can whip the Italian forces.
Threats Are Xot Idle. Ones.
That Italy's threats of force are
not Idle attempts la shown by the fact
that the fleet now being mobilized at
Palmero is being thoroughly coaled,
provisioned and ammunitioned. One
report Is that two Italian battleships
are already off the Tripoli coast If
the report is true, it means the ves
sels are there to intercept any Turk
ish vessels carrying troops to Tripoli.
' State LeTT Out
Olympia, Sept. 26. A total tax levy
for the year Just announced is 5.30
niills. This brings 15,062,167 to the
state treasury. '
vSays Matrimonial Episode Will Do
Him Jio Harm In This State. ,
Portland, Ore., Sept 26. Just back
from Washington, Representative A.
y?- Lafferty today opened his cam
paign for re-election with , the an
nouncement that his "matrimonial"
record had nothing to do with his offi
cial record, which he will campaign
on. ..
H ald he favored La Follette for
the republican presidential nomination
and believed that Champ Clark would
fcure the democratic nomination.
Olympia Surgeou Hopes to Help li
mine by Use of Skilled Knife Cuts
Olympia, Wash., Sept. 26. Follow
ing the completion of surgical oper
ations on 75 children In the state in
stitution at Chehalls, with a view of
remedying certain physiclal defects,
Dr. A S. Oliver, attached to the state
Insane hospital, said today that he ex
pects them all to soon be normal. Dr.
Oliver Is a firm believer in the theory
that many criminals ajjd people of ab
normal desires can be cured by prop
er surgical treatment.
Jeffries' Mother Dead.
Los Angeles, Sept. 26. Pending the
arrival of Jeffries and his brother
rrom Alaska it was announced today
completed for .'their .-"mother who died
last night, at her home here after a
long illness. They are due in Seat
tle today. ' .
Triest RIt Bank Robbed. .
Priest River, Ida., Sept. 26. -The
safe of the Priest River bank- was
cracked early today by two robbers.
They escaped with $ 1,800 and there is
no clew. The bank was unguarded.
The Janitor made the discovery and
several citizen posses "were s oon out ;
Troops Make Way for President's Ah
tomoblle Cheering Loud and Long
Hutchinson, Kans., Sept. 26. It was
necessary for a troop of" th; Thir
teenth cavalry to clear a way for
President Taft's auto here today, peo
ple surged so closely around the ma
chine. Ten thousand were la the
crowd and cheered him. much, on his
way to the fair grounds. Governor
Stubbs and Senator Brlstow, both in
surgents, met Mr. Taft here.
Hutchinson, Kas., Sept.; 26. An eu
logy of the late Congressman Madison
and a total audience of politics were
the features of President Taft's speech
here today. He paid a high tribute to
the western pioneers, and said their
wrestling with the new country Im
pressed one with a sense of the cour
age and character which mark the
westerners. ." - - '
"Without knowing him intimately,"
said the president, "I knew Congress
man Madison well enough to appreci
ate his strong qualities of mind, heart,
his Judicial instinct, intense fairness
and his level headedness as a legislator.-.'
v v ; -
All Hutchinson lent itself today to
the reception of President Taft, who
arrived In the city this morning for a
visit of more than 24 hours. In honor
of the occasion there was a general
closing of all business houses and
along the route of the procession
from the center of the city to the state
fair grounds, where the president re
viewed the procession and delivered
an address, residences and stores were
covered with decorations in the na
tional colors. The president and sev
eral visiting governors, with a large
military escort, headed the procession
which' was nearly ten miles In' length
and comprised many elaborate floats
Illustrating the history of progress or
Kansas since her admission to state
hood fifty years ago. -Taft
to Lay Comer Stone. .
Topeka, Kas., Sept. 26. Topeka will
be President Taft's first stop after he
leaves Hutchinson tomorrow morning.
His visit here will be in connection
with the big celebration now on of
the semi-centennial of Kansas as
state. While here he will lay the cor
ner stone of the state. Soldier's Mem
orial hall, which the state of Kansas
Is to erect at a cost of $350,000 in
memory of the Kansas soldiers who
fought for the union;
I. C. SllOPiIt!
Symjtathetie Sflke on Harriiuan Lines
Believed to Be Finally Setf This
Evening. Fifteen Thousand Federa
Hon Employes Leave Illinois Central
' Company Shops This Morning.
... - .,-,.., ...... .-. ,
' San Francisco, Sept. 26. Pres-'
ident Reguin of the Harrlman
federation shopmen said that $
whether the strike of the shop-
men on the Harrlman lines will
! be called to aid the Illinois Cen-
3 tral shopmen will possibly be de-
cided before nightfall.
. Xew York, Sept 26 A flat denial
(bat Judge Lovett Is to retire in fa
Tor of Julius Krnttschnltt was made
today at the Harrlman officu s although
it was admitted tlmt certain changes
will be mad. Lovett will stay on the
- Memphis, Sept, 26. Following the
action of the Illinois Central cjerks
who walked out yesterday, 15,000
rhopmen, members of the Illinois
shopmen's federation, struck here to
day. Armed guarda are. patrolling the
company's property. 1 ' ' ;
&ees Beginning of Strike.
Chicago, Sept. 26. It Is the belief
of labor leaders here that the Mem
phis strike is the beginning of the
shop .federation strike on the Harrl
man roads. ? Mr. Kline, president of
the blacksmith's union, said the men
men can be held back and that they
demand recognition of the system fed
Benefits Toted to Strikers.
. Davenport, Iowa, Sept 26. The In
ternational .Machinists' convention to
day unanimously voted strike bene
fits for the federation shopmen of the
Illinois Central and the Harrlman
system generally.' It is believed this
coupled with the action of the IUInolB
Central . clerks, who are already out,
may be the signal for a' general strike,
v Lovett Retires This Week.
New York, Sept. 26. In accordance
to the plans made a year ago, Judge
Lovett is expected to retire this week
from the presidency of the Harrlman
lines and Julius Kruttschnlt will suc
ceed him. Judge Lovett becomes the
chairman of the board of directors.
Knights and Ladles of Honor. '
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 26 The BUf
preme. lodge of the Knights and La
dies of Honor began Its 18th annnal
session here today with an attendance
of delegates from many states. No
radical changes In the laws of the or
der are expected at this session, al
though a few minor amendments will
be made to the constitution. The or
ganization has been in existence 34
years during which time it has dis
bursed benefits amounting to nearly
$30,000,000. The peraent membership
exceeds 76,000. The flrst biennial en
campment of the uniform rank of the
order is being held In connection with
the supreme lodge meeting.
Heavy Toting Indicates Machine Mian
Is Losing Xrot at Polls.
Boston, Sept 26. Heavy voting
marks the first statewide primary of
Massachusetts today. Indications are
that Louts Frothlngham, a republican
machine candidate, stands little show
of winning. The other candidates are
Norman White, insurgent, St Joseph
Walker, a near Insurgent.
Governor Foss will be re-nomlnated
by the democrats.
illll HI 111
Uulou Experiment Station Jlere With
Extenshe Dlxplay Grounds and
Specially Built Buildings Are (Ready
Hnm of Final Day Pleases Dlrec
Week of Fair Here.
Pushing the final touches to the
preparation for the opening day of
the annual Union county fair In this
city, directors and officers today are
jubilant at the prospects of . an ex
tremely successful week. . While these
men who have strivea diligently to
make the best of things, the day finds
special 'decorators for individual firms
arranging the booths and special dis
play rooms and that hum of activity
which goes with the 11th hour of a big
undertaking Is noticeable from cor
ner to corner. The stock stalls, al
ready enlivened with a display of sev
en animals by N. K. West, are reserv
ed In gerat numbers and between now
and tomorrow night will have .filled
up appreciably. The vegetable dis
plays are alBo coming In, Union bring
ing the first appreciable display In
the vegetable and field products.
Building Stands Ready.
With the dancing pavilion, art pa
vilion and show , tent and building all
completed there." is nothing Jeft for
the carpenters to do and while there
Is ostensibly but 12 hours until the
opening, the fair will not be In full
swing until Thursday. The exhibits
will be placed tomorrow commencing
at 7 o'qlock when a force of clerks
will be on hand and all exhibits
should be placed tomorrow though in
an emergency,- exhibits will be. taken
upon until Thursday noon. After that
none will be received. . '
Ben Abj;c, Famous Glider In City
; Awaiting Owning Performances.
K. Hasson Ben Abdlc, still tanned by
burning suns of Bedouin deserts, Ras
Masson & Johnson, and Trivet with
his military dogs, combined to make
special attractions on the fun path at
the county falr which opens tomorrow,
are all in the city today awaiting the
opening number of their respective
performances. Ben Abdlc, the death
defying glider will perfdrm twice each
day outside of the main entrance to
the grounds and J. H. Peare who has
the special attraction features . in
hand, is now making arrangements to
have an illuminated glide at night
The military dogs, a pigeon, rabbit and
roosters, belong to the attractions and
these features with the acrobatic per
formances will be given In a special
building reached from the main trail
of the fair grounds. A nominal charge
will be made for each, of these and
there will be two performances daily.
The separate attractions come very
highly recommended.
Superintendent Robert Withyeombe
Brings Many Exhibits for Fair.
One of the most extensive exhibits
ever hownxby the state experiment
station at Unlon'ls being arranged at
the pavilion today by Robert Withy
combe, and Mr. Reubon, officials In
charge of the station at Union. The
two men came over to La Orande to
day and have been busy arranging th
details of the exhibit that when the
doors open on the throngs the exhib
its will be in place. Hybrids, grains,
grasses best adapted to this communi
ty, and why, and all this sort of data
and products of the soli will be avail
able to the fair visitors.
26, 1911.
Aviator Stranded at Emigrant Gap by
Snow Storm.
K.Tttrant Gap, Cal.. Sept. 26. Snow
today on the summit of the Sierras
made It Impossible for Fowler to
start' today In his attempt to fly over
Jhe mountain. He will try tomorrow,
he says,
LoeU Boomed for Chairman.
Washington, Sept. 26. It is report
ed that William I.oeb may accept the
chairmanship of the national republU
can committee and manage the 1912
campaign for President Taft in his
candidacy for re-election. Loeb has
not been formally offered the chair
manship but he will be soon and he
probably will accept, It Is said. Poli-
HbrnMI k M UtJl UtMU W.Cft UMMl
he ia certain Tatt will not ask his sec
retary, Charles HUles, to act as his
glV..'.V. . I . .... 5 ' . .
Dancing s Insnnlty Cure.
Morris Plains, N. J., Sept. . 26. De
ran so h halieven that dancing Is one
of the chief cures for Insanity, Dr G.
D.. Evans, noted expert at the Thaw
trial and head of the New Jersey state
insane asylum states today that here
after all nurses engaged by him must
be willing to teach patients to dance.
: , WELL.
Xeed of Funds. Worrying' Defense-
i May Ask for Xew Judge Soon,
Los Angeles, Sept. 26. Attorneys
for the defense In the McNamara case
admitted today they are seriously con
slderlng asking for a change of "Judge
In the coming trial - of, the accused
mem. It Is understood they will al
lege bias on the part of Judge Bord-
well. Attorney Lecompte Davis of
the defense said the judge's announce
ment that he had ordered the grand
Jury to Interrogate Attorney Harring
ton regarding money alleged to be
paid Ingersoll in San Francisco, t
pros.cutlon witness Indicted is re
garded by the defense attorneys with
suspicion. ..
" Attorney Harrington of the ' Mc
Namara defense must tell the grand
Jury what that body wants to know
concerning the McNamara case. An
emphatic statement by Judge Bord
well that no tampering with elthor
side's witnesses will be tolerated was
ma a. Harrington was arrested ail
charged'wlth refusal to answer ques
tions regarding the tampering of wit
ness0? before the grand Jury. ,
Funds Badly Depicted.
San Francisco,. Sept 26 "Money Is
badly heeded for the McNamara de
fense fund," said Samuel Gompers
here today regarding the report that
that tun is now less than f 15,000. "It
Is up to us to raise the money, and we
will do It somehow, because the prose
cution has unlimited funds, and , tbo
defense will need a vastly greater
amount to combat It" ,
. Masqnerader Foils Pollc.
Portland, Ore'., Sept. 26. Caught
walking down one of' the principal
streets togged out in mall attire. Miss
Pearl Brooks was taken to the police
station for masquerading as. a man.
".Excuse me a moment," she said, as
she slipped behind a desk.' .When she
emerged she wore skirts and the trou
sers were rolled in a bundle. "Now
arrest me," she said and departed tri
umphant ,
" . Mrs. Haizard to Be Accused
Port Orchard,' Sept. 26. Amended
Information against Mrs. Hazzard, the
fast cur.- specialist, have heen' filed,
charging her with the murder of Miss
Claire Williamson, a wealthy youag
Enp'.'sh woman who it is alleged, d1?d
under her treatment
Fire Discovered In Another Battleship
Today Arouses France to Suspicion
That Her Xavy Was Objct of An
archiifts Many Accidents Bear (Out
Iuference-r-luwstljratloa .Uttder
Toulon, France, Sept. 26. There Is
a growing suspicion that the Liberie'
destruction yesterday was part of a
plot to destroy the entire navy. There'
lave been several mysterious fires In
arsenals, accidents to ships and fire
discovered In the battleship Lapatri
near the magazine last night has
aroused all the secret service and they
are Investigating. . - -'--,.
Deathllst Keeps Browing.
Twenty-five sailors have already
died In the marine hospital. It is prob
able that many more of the Injured
will succumb. ' ' i
Toulon, Sept. 26. With, the official
count making It certain the total dead -and
wounded wounded in the disaster
yesterday will reach 435, desperate
efforts are being made to rescue from
th4 broken hull, the members of the
Liberte's crew, known to be imprison
e in It and alive. The Bteel plates of
the vessel are being burned by gaa
jets, !so as to make entrances. Dry
docks were hastily prepared today for
the Verlte, Republlque andt Democrat
ic, which were damaged by theHber
to'f explosion, ; ? r
A court of Inquiry is beginning aa
Investigation. .
' Wrecked Boat Well Known.
New York, Sept. 26. The French
cruiser LIberte, which was "wrecked in
Toulon harbor Monday was one of
the three warships that attended the
Hudson-Fulton celebration here two
years ago. The other vessels repre
senting France were the Verlte ami
Justice. Eaclr c6st' 112,000,000.
Military Surgeons Met In Milwaukee.
' Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 261 Distin
guished military surgeons from many
parts of the United States, and from
several foreign countries as well, has
assembled In Milwaukee to discuss the
general subject of soldiers and sail
ors' Ills and wounds. The occasion I
the 20th annual convention of the Na
tional Association of Military Sur
geons, of which Gen. George H. Thor
ney, surgeon general of i the United
States army, is president' The meet
ing will continue its sessions for four
days.- ' v ' 1 ' ' v.' '
,; Idltarod Mines Fruitful.
Juneau, Alaska, Sept. 26. The gold
yield of the Idltarod district this yitr?;
will total $ 3,000,000 according i to a
report of the deputy customs collec
tor on file here today '-'';.'.
Otlr Dealers Hasten to Follow Suit
and rrice si Lowered.
New York, Sept. 26. Fearing k
boycott on refined sugar, the trust to
day lowered the price from $7.00 to
$6.25. Other sugar men hastened to
follow suit. . .
Brokers say the consumption of su
gar has declined considerably slnca
the price was advanced recently.