LA GilAlDE EVENING OBSERVER :. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911. ' . PAGE 4 THE OBSERVER BRUCE D EN N i S Editor and Owner. Sstered at the noitoSce at La Grande as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATES rally, single copy Eally, per week, . tOy, per month. .. ts.i - - - t:e IfSEPTaBMMI S All Tl W T F S 1 i I -. nf 3il6 78 9 TC il 12 13 1-115 10 171810lffl2f2223 riK. mrXTWV EDITORS. A mestlng of the country editors of . Orfgon hai Just been held In Port- land; U was the b3st meeting held for 'many years, both from a social and a business standpoint. The representa tion was, my foodconsidering as one L-aewsnper In Portland remarked "that ' Vth railroads had ceased Issuing news iiaper mileage." and It seemed that ev- ery editor present Lad something to offer that was of laUrtit Vi. B. riper of th? OWgOtilah deliv ered an address full of good thought and the essence of hss argument was that It Is a great pleasure as well as a dignified calling to own and operate a country weekly or a country daily. lie called attention to the difference between a metropolitan newspaper and a country publication which is governed by many Ins and outs that are hardly discernable to the naked eye, or rather which influences must b!. considered by such publications and then compared the freedom of the country press. His deductions follow an early career In country newspaper work, but those who heard his address wondered if be had not forgotten some of the drawbacks and rough places which confront a country editor. How ever, everything he said was good and reflected the big, broadmlnded man that hs Is. ' r , , ; Johnny Carroll of the T el gram, an other big man of the west, made a pood talk on newspaper work and as usual what he said was to the point. Carroll is a natural reformer. He lives it and breathes it. While he do;s not neglect the news end of his paper bis heart is In reformation along all lines. He dots not agree with tba statement that a newspaper Is a news gathering agency only, for he believes it Is a moral factor In a community and regardless of what position an editor desires to take the responsibil ity still exists. ,;..iAi ;J..,- j, : ' Th country press or vrsuu un dergoing a change. It is gradually 'in llrensR. The holdr of a receipt will be treated in every way the same as though he had never made ap plication for a licensa. The reason for this action Is plain, i In the past, notaries and justices of the peac;, who have authority to col lect for lictnaes, issue a receipt and mail the money to the county clerk, who, in turn, malls a license to the notary or justice, tp be d3livred to the applicant, have failed to do so, pocketing the money and advising the applicant that a receipt is equivalent to a license. To stop this petty graft ing. Game Ward n Finley Insists that licenses, in the future, will be recog nlzsd as the only evidence of a right to hunt or fish. . ;-' . "W have a fairly complete record of notaries and Justices who have re tained money belonging to the game fund," said Warden Finley, "and they are located all over the state. These men have actually accepted money for licenses and made no returns of it, nor have they secured licenses for those who have made application. By arresting those holding! merely re ceipts for licenses, we will shortly run down those who have been guilty of this fraud." . .. . It ' rmviAaA hv law that any Jus tice of tbs peace or notary in the state I T7 'T7 TTs 7 TT FVT? ' A. IT IT. .HP "F I IN 'YOU CLOTHES Our clothes have class, character and finish. They have all the little touches of individuality that make them different from the ordinary "ready to wear" clothes getting into better condition and many may r:clv money for the county papers have changed hands of late for clerk on' application for hunting or the better. ! .The old idea of bart r and I fishing licenses, and the game warden trade has largely, bwn abolished and)hS no disposition to place an obsta ln its plsct has tome better business , cle in the way of hunters to thus eas- substantlal financial: y secure tneir ngnw. we is nrm, "Rubber Industry of the Ama- g "Rubber Industry of the Ama- mnn"&uMcr TWi .Aim pivoc a -". r. V o " mv H...a O " Iromplete .idea of the South Am- ft H erlcan rubber industry. . . . tt 3 customs, more standing and withal an improvement that cannot be underestimated. . The dftjr for the foreign community. to toot Its horn through "tri news service" Is passed In Oregon for the. association put its stampof disapprov al upon all the circular letter mall which contains writeups of communl tiesand events, wh.n the end was sole ly to seek advertising without paying for It. All oyer the northwest the same story is legend about the paid pub licity man who la paid because he can get advertising stories in the country press und'ir the guise of news;, rfnd hereafter, the publicity man who tries the game will find a cold reception and a closed newspaper to his app:alB.' There is always something refresh ing about the meeting o$ country edi tors. The man from fhe.cow country nas his troubles and his Joys; the man from the small sized city wl however, In his Intention to break up a practice which has proven demora lizing to many public and semi-public officials in all parts of Oregon. The Implicit confidence that many people have In Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' remedy ( v founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic. diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected. For sale by all dealers. eod 4 wkly . '; ',."-.'. ; ho is wresi, i: tling with a daily newspaper has nis grief and his tIma'bV happiness 'and the metropbltan" newspaper editor or publisher also has "his times of trou ble as well as his 'times of success. Mlngl ' thes different men together "Woman's Wit" VHagraph. B Keen is woman s wit .m tnts pic ture, you Eet rignt in on tne J ground floor and" go "right up to and 'mingle; their stories as well and the 'tower of happiness,' , ; you nave an meai press aocmiioi, Portland fteonle treated the boys "The Sheriff of Tuolumne" . nrt Beng, a western siory wen k 1)e Press club of that city did an ex- told ana wen actea. . ; k rn,, gtunt In thv way of enter "fiharDshouters of America" f ta!nment Kosmlk. Splendid Bhort picture fit of American sharpshooters L lll'NTlXG AND F1SH1XO ON RE "Giving the High Sign to Wo- ,man Hatsrs uaumcnt. ' voin edy. Colored. Very good coin- edy. '. ."':''.-' '';'.; . 1 Song by Miss Stephenson "Peggy Gray." J' . : '....i,'v; ' t 101T ARE ALWAYS WIUOME Hunting or fishing upon receipts furnished by notaries- and Justices of the peace will not be allow d in the future,; according to instructions re cently Issued by the stat tioard of fisn and game commissioners.' Deputies ill o'ver-the state- have h rn told to arrest any hunter ,or fisherman who falls to show a regular fishing or hunt- An article that has real merfc should in time become popular. That such is the case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. , Here Is one of them. H. W .Hndrickson. Ohio Falls, ' Ind.. writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best for coughs, colds and croup and is my best seller." For sale by all dealers. ' eod j;.; ;:-::v--V'.,,-:'-v-;..' SKI and they f i t p e rfec t ly We're prepared to meet your wants in clothing DtSlier llia.ii vyM. M. mm Classified FOR SALE Corrugated iron building, suitable for.v gVage. v Size, 20x20. Must, be cold at once to make room for brick building. Talk fast as time is money. S:e John L. Mars. ' 9-25-tf .'. A Strong Modern .:BaIk''',v: FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1808 Third St. t Phohv Main 75. 9-23-tf FOR iENT Furnished Bleeping rom?. Also flnei housekeeping suites, strict f ljrmodera. inquire 905 Spring street. Phone 'Black 8R81. . : . . ; ,9-20-12t WANTED A modern unfurnished house at once. Inquire Dave, Clark, court house. 9-12-tf FIRST: Our stock is more complete. SECOND: lines THIRD: We buy m such large quantities that we are in position to secure the lowest possible prices. is iliy ; . A ' rt Oiir Merchandise Is Our Best Advertisement wst TheQUAUTY STORE START SALES THURSDAY. Conne rdale ISfady for the Market Cement Work Is All But Finished Thursday of this week marks the beginning of systematic salo of lots In Connordal: addition, where the ce ment walks and curbing has now been coctrctfd. Tle place has a citified air. al ready yesterday dqzU8 parked, or drove to the addition to notefhe improvement, going on.w" Dr.-t"Coimefj; the owner and 'promoter will turn campaign of sales loose on Thursday and will hurry the disposal of lots to the limit. . ' , . only that is endorsed by people in this locality. .! . ' ' ' ( Mrs. W. M. Stokes, of Union.-Oregon,, says: "I hold just as high an opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills today as I did when I publicly recommended them in 1S07. Off and on I was annoyed by a lame and aching back and it was not until. I used Doan's Kidney Pills that I found relief.: During the past Efficiently conducted, not only in the Interests of lis stock' .holders, but of" Its depositors and pat'ons as well; With officials well known and trusted) In the commnnlij. ' With capital, surplus and undivided profits of fc.MO.000.000 and total resources of fl,(H)0,000.0. , ' The La Grande National Bank offers to firms, corpora Uons and individuals the best banking sen Ire, and Its effi " rers ak a ier8onaI Intcnlew with those contemplating . changing accounts or opening new ones. La Grande NationaFBank LA GRANDE, OREQON. CAPITAL . ' :( ; SURPLUS RESOURCES Fred J. Holmes, Pies. F. L. Meyerb, Casue . $ 100.000.00, . . 105,000.00 ' . . 1,000,000.00 W.J. Church, Vice Pres. Earl ZundeMss'i Casfcer LOST Black auto cushion between La Grande and Hawes bridge up the river. Reward. Leave at Observer ' office. 8-31-f FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber company Pe.rry. fre. . C-15-tf WANTED School room and board. 1409 Wash. FOR SALE A good milch cow., In- aulro J. D. Kerr, 701 Adams and Flrsst. : 9-16-7t La Grande Womcftt Are FlmEng Relief at Last. ' , . , girl to work for Mrs. C. Ralston. , 9-19-tt LOST Baby pin, Roman gold, letter ed "Lois." Lost between Observer office and postoffice. Leave at Ob- server office. WANTEfv Room and board In pr vate fami'y. Address J rt., care of Observer.- -?-2t WOOD Any quantity. Phone Main 706. Waters-Stanchfleld Produce .company. 9-25-tf WANTED A boy to deliver papers In mornings. Call at Sllverthorn drug store tomorrow evening at G.30. 9-25-3t WOMEJHS WOES. year, I have had no further need of a kldnsy medicine, but I have kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house. ' , ; ,' . ..,;'. ; ' ,' For sale by all deaUrs. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,;, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Ignited States. -:;:V t ' ; iKomember the name Doan's and, take not Other. " " . ,1.1 " It does seem that women have more han a fair share, of the achss and pains that afflict humanity; they must 'ekep up," must attend to duties-, in spite of constantly aching backs, or i headaches, dizzy" spells, bearing-down , pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney Ills. Sick kidneys cause m-ore suffering, than any oth-sr organ of the body. Keep,, the kidneys well ajid much suffering la saved. Read of a remedy for kidneys go to b. B. NUTTER R Paints, Wall Paper, Varnishes, Oils, Etc. Paper ten cents and up. Estimates Furnished ; Store 1708 1-2 Sixth it Mint Marshmallous in 10c tins Barallona Filberts . t ' . Fillippi Almonds ACrcamNt Toasted Rolls Peanut Butter Fli lavor THEY ARE DELICIOUS AT " SELDERS