La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 16, 1911, Image 1

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ZJs --V ' L i..'
? ', YOLOIE X.
Former Minister of Argentine
Who Retired to Private Life.
r ' Admiral In ths
'Navy U Friend of President.
nnnx nnrrnn 1 1
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w. our
Lv" " -v r
luting: to Many of HI Liste-uers-
c?esldent Believes Agriculture
uouId Be Taught in Schools.
Syracuse, N. V., Sept. 16. Choos
ing the agricultural department for
the subject of hts first Bpeech Preslf
dent Taft today, it is claimed, disap
pointed many, for Instead of talking
politics as had been expected he talk-
d on the agriculture of the nation and
he department at Washington which
is its. head. ' ' " ;:.-;
Hii said he expected a fifteen million
dollar increase in the cost of mainte
nance of the department but that ex
pense would be Justified by the good
the department would do in teaching
the'farmers the benefits derived from
all experiments. ; ; '; -
y At breakfast he outlined the trip
Vest saying ha would discuss the is
sues of the day and make clear to all
his policies.
; Taft said, "While I do not say that
the present agricultural department
might do the same work with less
money by a closer knit organization I
am confident that the increased appro
priations yearly may be expected. The
"chW object of this department Is ad
..i'lsoryt and educational Tand Includes,
scientific investigation. With refer
ence to improvement of , agricultural
education and to acltve and effective
operation by the state authorities with
federal authorities, there Is nothing
left to be desired. It is proposed that.
every county and every state shall
have trained agriculturists to be paid
partly by the government and partly
by tlw county. It is thought that by
actual experiment In connection with
oh a stimulus would be given the
ent generation of farmers that the
en on future generations will ire
felt. .:,
. ,.v-';. .."
C ,)
The work of erecting the pavilion and the desire to extsnd courtesy to
and Btables to house the Uv.a stock and
exhibits for the annual Union county
fair ts fast being pushed to completion
and there is not the least doubt but
what the best fair ever held in the
county wiH begin here September 27
and continue until October 3rd.- '
At a board meetng last evening re
ports from different parts of the coun
ty showed a determination on the part
them continues as it has started, and
there is no doubt it will, the couple
will have about all they need to begin
their married life in the way of a
housekeeping outfit.
"I am glad to s.3e the people of the
county taking such an Interest in the
exposition," remarked one of tho fair
board today. "We realize that the ef
fort La Grande is putting forth Is be-
1911, by American Preee Association.
Of ranchers and fruit growers to brine 1 inj wet with iha best of feellntr anH
In gobd exhibits "as Veil asTa 'fine , appreciation from the men in the yal
showing of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs! ley who raise good stuff. So far as the
and poultry. Extra inducement is be-jcity is concerned it Is a non-producer
Ing offered to all who will take an in-; but that fact does not take away the
terest this year. The preralmn.8 are' intense desire? and pride in the agri-
very good and the people who follow cultural section's production. Thera
agricultural pursuits are taking alls not a mant Vouiau or child in La
gnsat interest in seeing that the very Grande who does not look upon the
T10X. V
m mm
best produced is put on display.
Public TVeddlngr a Feature.
The .couple who is married during
the fair will be one of the most popu
rural part of the county as the founda
tion and bulwark of our great pros
perity and what we can do to make a
success of this entire county exposl-
lar in the county if the special prizes , tlon will be done."
Border Line Is Being Combed Thor-
onghly But So Result
(ill f Executive of States Say It Mean
All Cumonweulth Will Be Reduced
to Mere Provinces Railroads Art
I rpirisr Decision I phld. .
New York, Sept. 16. Railroads here
today are uniting to urge the United
States supreme court to uphold a de
cision of Federal Judge Sanford nul
lifying the two-cent fare law. Th
decision was heralded as a guarantee
of fsderal protection to capital en-,
gaged in transportation against bo
called reatrlctive laws passed by the
state legislature.
Financiers of Wall Btreet condemn
the action of the house of governora
at Spring Lake bscause they took ex
ception to the Sanborn decision and
rebuked the Judge. The governors de
clared if the decision was upheld it
meant that the states would be reduc
ed to mere provinces of a centralized
power at Washington.
Good Evidence That Terrorists
Again Becoming Active
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 16. Despite
the fact that General Manager
Sweeney of the bank at Westminister,
which was looted of over three hun-
Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 16. Large ad
vertisements appearing In the anti-
reciprocity papers hera and ini other
dred thousand dollars, says they have today, is tnken: to nreaathat an
rernors End Conferenc
I i er
SprinJ ke, N. J., Sept. 16. The
j rf'iisessl
. " thn ,
rence of governors, which
rdgress here since ,Tue
1 this morning with a
to the consideration of
the Problem-V'1 prison labor,
fia been i'
esslon devo
doflnlte ckws that yeggmen did the
Job, the provincial officers and detec-
i tlves seem at aea today. The country
between the' border '" of the United
States and Canada Is being combed in
a thorough manner but no trace of the
bandits is obtainable. . Heavy rains
have made the roads almost lmpassa
ble and the theory that the robbers
escaped in an auto is almost abandon
ed. It is now believed that they float
ed down the river. ; . ' '
Brymner this afternoon said he
could not give the loss exactly sus
tained by the bank but that $250,000
was very conservative. He also ,said
it w.,s the most aclentific burglary Job
over pulled off in Canada. Officials
so far have got no face whatever.
New Westminister, Sap 16. The
bank that was robbed today offered
$5,000 reward and five per cent of all
money received for the capture of the
banditis. Three of the stolen ' bills
were found in Vancouver today. De
tectives are trying to ascertain who
put tnem in circulation.
organized effort of the business In
terests is biaing made to down the
i reciprocity at the coming election. It I
Is also charged that American corpor
ation are paying large sums of money
lAtoHb nti-reciproclty organizations
wince these same corporations have
been whipped in the United States.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept." 16. Odd
Fellows from all parts of the United
States, Canada, and Mexico gathered
in "Indianapolis ; today tor the? 86th
annual communication of, the sover
eign grand lodge, which will be open
ed on Monday. Today many of the
defegateg went' to Greensburg to visit
the I. O O, F. horn there.
It Is estimated that by Monday 200,-
000 members of the fraternity will be
in the city. Addresses of welcome by
Governor MarBhall, former Vic Pres
ident Fairbanks, U, Z. Wiley, past
grand master, and John B. Cockrum,
grand sire of the sovereign grand
lodge, will mark the opening session
Monday morning. The parade Wed
nesday night and the military ball on
Thursday night are principal features
of the week's program. Auxiliary or
ganlzatlon will meet during the week.
These include the Rebekah assembly
and tho Patriarchs Militant '
Ki6ff, Sept. 16. Premier Stolypln to
day showed slight improvement from
the wound inflicted by the. bullet from
a gun In the hands of a lawyer at , a
theatre "here..'' The condition of . the
premier is 'said to be Very gratifying
to his physicians. The discovery that
Bogron, the assassin, . was in police
service at the time he did the shoot
ing and gained admission to the the
atre as one of the czar's guards IS
worrying officials very . much. The
officials who permitted him to enter
will likely be nunlahed severely. The
sassln intimates he was after the
czar and intended to assassnate him.
Talk of Insanity on the part of Bo-
gron finds no sympathy and the opin
ion still prevails that the terrorists
are again taking hold. , '
Atlanta? Sw Tabernacle. '
Atlanta, Oaf Sept; 16. The Rev. L.
G. Broughton will preach his initial
sermon tomorrow morning In the new
Baptist tabsrnacle, which" has Just
been completed in this city at a cost
of $200,000. v
HIh Defeat Last Night Puts Him Out
- of the Champion Class.
Segre Slayer of Policeman Dead
New York,' Sept. 16. Early In the
coming week John W. Collins, a negro,
will be put to death in the electric
chair at Sing Sing for the killing of
Policeman M. J. Lynch in this city on
July 1st, last. ,-'': "
'' The policeman was killed Just as he
was entering the negro's rooms in
Thirty-seventh street'.' to learn the
cause of two revolver shots which the
negro had fired out of a window. Col
lins had been drinking heavily, and on
the night of the murder entered the
house and fired two shots at the jani
tor. Later he left the house and re
turned with a bottle of gin. After
drinking most of the gin he fired two
shots In the air, and told a woman
who wad 'with him to lock the door.
Instead she ran to the street shouting
for help. Policeman Lynch appeared
and Collins shot him In the head. The
negro made his escape across the
roofs of the houses, but was captured
within an hour. His trial, conviction
San Francisco, . Sept. 16. President
Ragaln, of the. Federated shop " em
ployes of the Harrlman lines denied
today any knowledge of developments
In the controversy between the man
agement of the roads and he said he
had heard nothing from the railroads
and did not expect to hear from them
for a few days. The Federation will
not sign except as a single organlza
tlon, asserted the president and he
also asserted that the building of the Bay City. ,
stockades by the company was Just a
bluff. He would not talk concerning
the rumor that the men may strike
next week. '. :
'''.",",' Michigan Kfudy for Taft.1
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 16. Everything
is in readiness for the reception of
President Taft, who is due to arrive in
Detroit at an early hour Monday morn
ing for a four days' visit in Michigan.
Early Monday morning he will go to
Pontine, returning to Detroit before
noon of the same day for the opening
o fthe state fair. At luncheon he will
be the guest of the Detroit board of
commerce. A ride about the city will
occupy the early afternoon and at 4:45
p. ,m. he will start for Saginaw and
Balllnger Makes Denial.
Seattle, -Sept. ! 16. Balllnger ' today
emphatically denied the statement at
tributed to him relative to the public
land convention which meets In Seat
tle, September 28. ' The published re
port was to the effect that in accept
ing an Invitation to address the con
gress he wrote, "While secretary of
the Interior I had to conform to the
views of the administration, but as a
private citizen conditions have chang
ed." ; ,
New York, Sept. 16. That White
Hope Morris of Oklahoma Is a fail
ure for the championship class is the
opinion of those who witnessed his ten
round mill with Jim Flynn, the Pueb- and sentence to de ath followed wlth-
lo fireman, last night. " Morris got the in less than sixty aays. ,
worst of it despite his CO pounds more I .
weight than his opponent and his five Governor Will Resign.
inches taller. . Portland, Maine, Sept. 16 It Is re-
Thls leaves the sporting world sgain J ported today that Governor Plalsted
at sea as to who It shall pick "to beat will soon resign to seek the toga of
Johnson. tho late Senator Frye.
WET BY 181. -
"Butcher" Order to Scene. ,.
Peking, Sept. 16. Tsen Chun Suan,
pitiless suppressor of the outbreak
and known throughout his native land
as ''butcher has been ordered to
Szechufln to qtrell the rebellion. This
means that the situation ; Is beyond
control. The missionaries In the "in
terior are said to be safe but it is not
said whether or not any . have been
killed prior to this time. Chinese re
ports say 20.000 modern troops outside
Cheng Tu refuse to Join either side.
The American and British missionar
ies In the province number, at least
600. ''.. .:. . '
Wedded in the Rerkshlres, :
Plttsfleld, Mass., Sept. 16. The most
notable wedding of the season in the
Berkshires took place today when Miss
Marlon Burbank, daughter of General
and Mrs. James Brattle Burbank of
New York, became the bride of Ellis
Knowles of Peneacola, Fla. The cere
mony.was performed at Brattle farm
the summer home, of the bride's par
ents, by the 'Rev. Charjes O. Arnold
or New Lienox. ,
Bandits Kfll One.
Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 16. David
Steen, paymaster of the Pittsburg
Although no official figures can S
A Yta (ttttoln At sintll 1aiiia T)1 aim- A,
ted returns from' Spring Lake it Coal company, was shot and killed and
la now almost assured that !" companion injured. Masked band
Enid Celebrates Birthday.
Enid, Okla., ' Sept. 16. Today was
the 18th annlersary of the opening of
the Cherokee strip to settlement and
the birth of the toVn of Enid, and
the occasion has been fittingly cele
brated. The entire week has been
gala one, with a fair and carnival In
progress attended by thousands of
visitors from all points within a large
radius. ''.'. . " , . ' " "
Maine has gone wet at the recent
election by 134 plurality. 4
Its did the. work and escaped after
Roundup Has 10,000.
Pendleton, Ore., Sept. 16. Fully ten
grabbing the money hag. Amount of I thousand people were In the. grand
th theft Is unknown. A poae Is in J stand today at the Roundup to witness
pursuit. . ; the ,rontIer contests
MulU-MIllIonalre Dpad.
Los Angeles, Sept, 16.-Orlpped by
the haunting terror of disease and &
futurer which he" believed promised
only suffering, Martini Costello, worth.
five million dollars, Is Bead at 'a local
hotel. He committed suicide. Ills
money was-made in copper. After.
having lunch with his wife and chil
dren at ' their magnificent home he
went to a hotel without saying good
bye and killed himself.
Xegro to-Be Host of Whole Town.
Massllon, O., Sept. 15 In celebration
of the 48th anniversary of his release
from slavery, Gilbert Porter, one of
the best known negroes In Start coun
ty, has arranged to give a monster bar
becue tomorrow and Monday, to which
he has Invited all the people of Mas
slllon and vicinity. Several oxen, a
dozen sheep and pigs and countless
chickens will be roasted to furnish
free dinners to the crowd. '
Food Famine 1'lerce.
. London,; Sept. 16. Following tlws
receipt of dispatches from foreign of
fices a statement was Issued here to
day that the food famine In the Cheny
Tu province threatens to start a re
volt among the troops who are now
fighting desperately - against hordes
desperate rebels. ' '
Believes Alaska Great Country for
'' Many Pursuits.
Seward, Alaska, Sept 16 In an ad
dress here last night Glfford PInchot
said his views of Alaska were greatly
modified to what they had formerly
been. ' He admitted that her was amaz
ed at the agricultural possibilities of
the Matanuska valley and expressed
his belief that it offers great opportu
nities to the farmer and stock raiser.
Mr. PInchot reserved the right to
express himself later concerning th
matter of solving the coal problem
but declare he was strongly opposed to
monopolistic control. He said today,
for Cordova. . '