LA GRANDE EVH.I7Z7 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1911. - PAGET Sj. V-l -3. .W ... i Sill IlifilfeP OU OUGHT TO KKOTT, -'.m. 1 1 this (bop, and ltd ability to erre job best Our on strvngast r desire Is to tan oat the best ' LEANING AND PRESSING and to price oar services to meet your satisfaction. We be. Uere we do this. If your gar ment ned onr attention send them to an and we will do your work promptly am . guarantee not to rnn the materials. .lite dyeing & H. B. Waggoner I J lain M. TiY TOUR WATER) BENT T0M0R- Pliimbin and 3' Net a Word of Scandal marred the call of a neighbor on Mn. W. P. Spangh, of M anvil He, "Wyo., who said: shee told me Dr. King's New Life .Pills had cured her of . obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman." Easy but sune remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Olny 25c at all druggists, eod ft wkly CALIFORNIA CELERY SWEET POTATOES CORN ' ' ' ' ' TOMATOES 1 CUCUMBERS GREF.N PEPPERS. PEACHES PLUMS ORANGES BANANAS EATING AND COOKING AP- PLE8. ' PEARS.. --Fresh Car. Watermelons Jnst In. Last of the Season. THE GROCERY "' - :.'rhone (V. Stageberg& Sandborg PHONE EARLY. I Firebug Bad Placed Kindling Effort to Born Home. ilIii.Ei.E PENDLETON FAMILY DISOOYERJJ FIRE IN TIME. With Savoy Hotel! EUROPEAN PLAN ! l I; e ;' jThe rooms are good and ?ieAiu ucaicu viii y John Melville U2S Adams Ah LA GRANDE ORE- one block from depot D. C. Brichoux. Pro i r Southeastern Washington's Grieatest Fair September 18 to 23 1911 $00,000 IN PREMIUMS PURSES. AND Greatest Race Program ever offered in the northwest SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IS EYERY DEPARTMENT. Concerts Dally by Rossi's Fam- nos ' ' ITALIAN BAND Special Rates on All Railorads. WALLA WALLA, WASH. D'QN'T wi.iii. i- isgaiii-jaaAiJiauaLUiuwB A Let' the dealer select your cigars for you. Get what you want. Call for a Fam Us King Havana cigar and get the best that your money will buy, and not a cigar that the dealer wants to sell you for reasons of his own.- Fam Us King Cigar Factory W6 Fir Street La Grande's Leading Opposite U. 8. lanl Office ta A dam A venae. HiiiitMmiiiiiiiiimiiimiim"Hinn Pendleton East Oregonlan.) ' The cry of a two-months-old baby saved the house of Mrs. F. Downey on Garden street, occupied by the Downey boys and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Haden from Incendiary destruction last night and prevented a confla gration which might have consumed a whole block of residence dwellings. Awakened by her child's wailing, Mrs. Haden-could not go back to sleep be cause of a vague sense of uneasiness and a premonition that'something was wrong. The smell of kerosene smoke and ' the crackling of burning wood soon confirmed her tears and rush ing out tin back door, Bhe discovered a fire of kindling under the boxed- In porch, and lafr.r a burning candle in a pasteboard shoe box surrounded by pap.r and straw was found under that a "Are bug" had teen! at work. The blaze was extinguished by Mr. Had?n and the neighbors before any damage was done, but only the time ly discovery saved the building from destruction. The motive of the In cendiary Is a complete mystery. Mrs. Downey declares, to her ; knowledge she has no enemy, but thinks that the deed was intended to injure her. She owns six dwellings ciose togethT ?r b'tween Gardsn and Willow streets ?3 !t would have been difficult to prevent the flames from spreading from qne to another. The police think it possible that the attempt was made hv housebreakers wo thought to ply their nefarious trade under cover of the excitement. ' . ; Presentiment Endures. Mr. and Mrs. Haden are new arriv als in the city, Mr, Haden being em ployed as engineer at the merry-go- round recently started near the Bow man hotel. Mrs. Haden had retired about nine o'clock with her baby but was awakened an hour or so r " . he latter's cries. She sootLud the little one but could not go back to sleep. Her husband came home about 11 and she told of h"r unesslress tr him but he was tired and soon felt asleep. The woman's presentiment, however, grew stronger and she arose and walked to the beck window where she stood for some time looking out into the night. It was . midnight when she again tried to compose her self and forget h:r fears in sleep, but her efforts were in vain. . Soon after she had got Into bed, she caught the smell of kerosene, smoke and the indistinct sound of burning wood was borne to her ear. Rising she hastened to the back porch and discovered the fire burning freely beneath the porch. Waking her hus band, she ran Into the street shouting "Fire,"- and immediately , the neigh bors responded. Her husband was pouring water through a crack onto the fire when several other men ar rived. Teddy Houseworth tore away several hoards and the blaze was en tirely extinguished. E"n:exljcred Seeing Bos. Then Mrs. Haden remembered of having se3n during a day a paste board box through a small opening that led under the house and led the way to the hole. The box was dragr ged out and in It was a short, thick, lighted candle. Around the box was piled pap'r, straw and small wood and all had been thoroughly saturat ed with kerosene as had been the wood on the fire under the porch. Night .Officer Kearney was; sum moned but had small clew upon which to work. The box and candle were taken to the police station where it will be held in case th?y should be needed as evidence. . Mrs. Haden thinks the "firebug". had made his preparations the night before, for sh)e not only remembers of having seen the shoebox, but recalls that the steps to the porch seemed to have been moved and replaced. She thinks It probable that the culprit aropnea a ngnted matcn through a crack of the porch to start the fire which he had set. ' . ... and designating Sixth, strfet 8,auch district, and in pursuance, of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the 80th day of August, 1911, where by said, council determined and de clared Its : Intention to improve all that portion of Sixth street, In said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon bltulithic pavement, the council will, ten days after the service of 'this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such Improvement, order that said above described Im provement be made; that the boundar ies of Bald district to ba so Improved are sb follows: All that portion of Sixth street, from the north line of K avenue, to the south line of Washington avenue. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said Improvement is as follows: ' ..-. ; The west of blocks 48, 53, 56. 61, 64, 99 and all of block 101 and the east of blocks 102, 98. 65, 60, 57. 52 and 49 of Chaplin's addition to La Grande, KdUSE'FGZl 3M& regon. v , Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for provement. That the es'.uoated cost of Buch Improvement Is the sum of $28,561.12. That the council will, on the 20th day of September, 1911, meet at tb3 council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. ; , La Grande, Oregon, September 6th, CITY obUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, ; - 1. Recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon. A new eight room house vith al! modern conveniences. Co as t F ir finish throughout. Liberal Terms WEN AHA LUMBER CO. , GREENWOOD & MADL50N Home Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732 Hi If 1,. - r :. Complete Equipment t$r Resetting snn Repsking : j Rubber Buggy Tires II . . COMPLETE: MACHINE SHOPS A wn FiiiiKnoy n Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY $ f$$4?S$S$$'S ;ift 9 1 & ft: PHYSICIASS AND SURGEONS :. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and Surgfon. Corner Atoms Aye. and Depot SI. iJU--es: Offiqe, Main 68; KeR.ilenct, .09. . , : K: L. RICHARDSON. M. D. 1. W. LOUGHLIN, Al. D. DrB. Richardson & Ioughlin, Physicians and Surgeons Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Houre 9 to ll; z to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson s Res. Main 55: ' . . IT ( 12 .. is nuuiesume. I eOLUMBIA COLLEGE ! y MILTON, OREGON V is in& rjLAt- j.u stiMJ iuc'k uuia asu uucls. , v Christian, but not sectarian. Grounds and bnlldlngg Talaed at $75,000. 1 a select scnooi lor young men ana young aaaies, wno sees tor ue i t-li i. t ' r i n Ml 7 uigueBi laeais in iianuooa aua vvomannooa. : H 'SCHOOLS WITHOUT RE-EXAMISATIOX. . - - . .. i V t. I m .r . m ... , . n ta Mr xnorongn coarse, literary, schiiuiicj commercial aepanmeni in v eluding ghorthand and typewritings conservatory . of music, Including piano, voice and stringed Instrn inents) elocution; art. ' Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted com- ' fortable,-attractive, gymnnslam, good athletic flelV Beautiful for Situation. A land of fruits and flowers. Mountain water. ' fare air. Healthful conditions. Six passenger trains dally. Electric ' J streetcars.:.-';.- : : ; : . Not a saloon In 20 years. 'o gambling dpns. Moral atmosphere Is- I COME' to 'onr shop and let ns demonstrate the nse of Perry Pnen: K matle Water Systems to yon. We have Jnst instauea one ai -tennty; if L Poor Farm". Why not haT a bath room, hot and cold water, nice If j: lawns and also fire protection for yenr homes I r Ion ran hOTe a z-i it Inch stream at 95 pounds pressare Jn ase of nre. tail ana iei as iaae p you ont and show you one In etery day operation. .11 PLUMRFRi HFATERS. SHEEh METAL WORKERS Sotlce for Bids. Notice is herby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, for doing the. city printing for one year, all bids to be filed in this office before 5 o'clock p. m., September 15th, 1911. The council reasrves the right to reject any and all bids. : . By order of the pity council, Septem ber 6th, 1911. - , v C. M. HUMPHREYS, . 1 ' ; ' City Recorder. it ' ' '.-' ''-' NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice Is herieby" given that id pursuance of a Resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 30th day of August, 1911, creating improvement district No. 16 Dr. Loughlln's Res. -Main 757; Ind. -1297.- ' ''- . ', ; ' ' ' C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician ' and Surgeon. Special attention to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build-It ' lng. PhoneB: Office Main 2; Resl-; dence Main 32. v 1 i " " 1 DRS. UNDERWOOD A UNDERWOOD ' f Physicians and Surgeons, .' DR. H. I UNDERWOOD - ; Special attention to diseases and Burgery of the eye. t DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD f Specialist for women . Offices. Cor. Adams & Depot, over Wright Co.'s Drug Store. s i Phones Main 728; Main 22. m m ii II ii i i i . i i i 1 3EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, Q Qnrl 1 ft Tti.rtia ' Unm. 1 Q 9 O . W, W MUU J. V . A 1IUII . I VI III Q .UW, 11 Send for tatalogne or other informa lion to K ii c cuampi r r: ..! a:i. 1. The Home Looks More . Cheerfvft When Papered and Decorated by WUTTE 'v: "NEW STOCK JUST RECEItEW Phone Red 971 next door to Observer office. ; Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black ; 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore. G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste opathy ' Consultation free. Room 20, La Grande National Bank Bldg, I. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone. Black 399. . DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Brug. store, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phones at Residence. , ATTORNETS AT LAW COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. ; La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. 7 T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law, Practices in all the courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NEL80N M4nlng Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. -Only; One Ar Against giiment There Is only one argument ever advanced against e lectrlc lights. That la, that they coBt a trifle more, to operate than the "antiquated oil lamps. And that Is not as strong an argument as It formerly was, for while the price of oil has advanced with the high cost of Ifvlnsr. It ha nrlp'o rtf tnMrlftt Vtoa cnfuallw a. - di " y.-wv vi -i,n i.i ij ii ii u uv.Liinii uv.tvnavu. , , W Aside from their convenience, the fact that electric lights are the liJ only safe lights that they are the most bealhful llghs that they are , within the means of every home, however humble, In La Grande makes them the lights for you. ; ' ' '. . . f There is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy them; there are twenty-' 1 i nine reasons why you should. Ask us about them. Phone Main 34. j Eastern Oregop Light s Power Go. ? ' i ' I " !