La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 09, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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"Mother and Sons of76"... -,'
A story of the day of the revo
lution. It la tragic In every
action. , ... . . :
Tb.3 Thief and the Girl" .... '
........... Blograph
A gentleman thief has as an
accomplice a maid in a wealthy
family. His reformation is com
pleted by the daughter of the
family he attempts to rob.
"Treasure Trove" ...Vltagraph
' Two sisters are saved from
the pinch of poverty by the un
expected discovery of a hidden
treasure. . A . fine Vltagraph;
. .; SPECIAL . :
By popular request, classic
songs in spotlight. Miss Garrick
will sing "A May Morning." Mr.
George Birnle wil sing: "Out on
the Deep." These r th tw
Vongs which made such a hit
last week and are being repeat
the request of many patrons.
ed at the request of many pat--
' rons. '. .
Chas. E. King, Musical Director.
- : . LOCALS -' -' :'- $
H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams av.,
Dr. Posey, Specialist for Eye, Ear,
Xose, Throat ' diseases and catarrh.
Over Seldcfg store. Eyes fitted' wltb
classes. Honrs to 11:30; 1:30 to
6 and 7 to 8 p. m.
Personal attention, modern methods
and practical teachers will Insure you
quick returns. La Grande Business
college. y ,
"' A class In conversation French U
being organized In the city,-. Anyone
Interested is asked to call up Main 728.
LEARN TO EAKN La Grande Busi
ness college. '' ,'
Don't wait until you see others get
a position; be the first to get one La
Grande Business college. -
'Electric and steam baths. Mrs. O.
C. Combs, 1620 Sixth street, y, '
Miss Young will be ready to resume
her class in violin, beginning Sept. 16,
at 1606 Sixth street. 9-9-6t
. .This is the time of yi?ar when ev
eryone should consider remodeling
Bradley & Co. has a crew of first
class plumbers, steam and hot water
fitters at all times ready to do work
satisfactorily. Come in and unload
your troubles to
Phone Black 971. Elm Street.
'. : v-
1 Haradon's Tru-Fruit
. Chocolates
. and Marshmallows.
Made Just Right.
No Imitation Flavors.
All Leading Gonfectioners..
.. Sell Them. .
Coward ?
They laoe In front Think what
that mean a the classic back
correct poise beautiful lines
ease of adjustment with abso
lute comfort. The proof 1 In the
Mrs. Robert Pattison
Corseilrrt. Phone Black I1SL
That operation may be unnecessary
if you will treat yourself easily and
pleasantly with the Davis Electrical
Medical Battery. A demonstration
treatment or two without placing you
under any obligation and without ex
pense, If you are interested. Address
The loter-ilountain Sales Co., 1102 Vs
Adams avenue, La Grande, Ore.
. 9-8-tf
We can usually supply all the new
drugs, new remedies, new sundries.
Up-to-dateness Is a habit with us. The
Wright Drug company.
Mrs. Coombs has opened an electric
and steam bath parlor at 1620 Sixth
street and Is ready to give treatments.
Mr. Joe Woods-has taken charge of
ihe Crystal cafe, Mr. Woods has had
the place remodeled and newly furn
ished and will run a first class place,
Knows as the Delmonico. Your pat
ronage solicited. 8-14-tf
As most people know we are selling
all school books at practically cost
and the publishers and their agents
are demanding of all buyers of school
for all school books we are obliged to
exact cash from all" buyers of school
books at the time they are sold.
0. E. SIVERTHORN, Family Druggist
Electrical Treatments
Don't pay a high price for them
when you can trtat yourself with the
most modern apparatus at a cost of
176 cents per mon:h if you have elec
tric lights in your home. Marvelous
results In the treatment of rheuma
tism, nervousness, sluggish circula
tion, liver and kidney trouble, itc.
Complete description of the Davis
Medical Battery with full particulars
by addressing a postal card to the In
tern-Mountain Sales Co., 1102 Ik Adams
avenue, La Grande, lOre. - . 9-8-tf v
On account of the 10th falllntr on
Snnday the water department will re
ceive water rents Monday. ' All ac
counts not jwld by i o'clock k. m.
Monday. Sept. 11th, will be shut off
on the 12th. ' ' '
L. M. HOYT, Water Sunt
S J g $ .
Elmer Plucker .of Enterprise, E. R.
Curfman, Portland, Tom Low.y and
Frank Miller of Walla Walla, were
Borne of the Savoy guests last night.
Miss Gladys Csaterllng left today for
Medical Springs.' She has been as
signed a rural school there and will
teach it during th coming winter.
H. L. Andersen and wife hava' re
turned to their home in Ontario after
a visit with Mr. and Mrs." J. J. Carr
of this city. - ' ..'-.' . Y .
William Hogg, the. High Valley man
convicted of assault, and sentenced
to from three to 20 years in the penr
itentlary, was taken to Salem this
morning by Sheriff Chilclsrs. .....
Lynn Hasbrouck reached the city
from th3 home of his parents south
of the city and will stay with Mr. end
Mrs. Spratt Montgomery while at
tending school here.
Attorney John S. Hodgln went to
Portland and Salem today. He will at
tend the state fair at Salem before
returning home. He intends to he
at his office again on Thursday.
. Rev. B. F. Meredith who, as secre
tary of the Methodist confernce this
year, passed through the city today
on his way , to Enterprise where he is
.located. - '. '
J SI i8s Sarah Smith left this morning
! for Elgin where she will teach a rur
al school this year. She attended the
University of Oregon last year and
contemplates returning to her school
after this year's work. , .
Miss Angst, the musical director of
the city schools, arrived today from a
summer vacation spent in Minneapolis
and other middle western cities. She
resumes her duties here the coming
winter. ..
P. B. Mitchell, of Haines, H. G.
Brown of Snokane. G. W. Mnnford of
Haines. F. G. Graham of Elgin, H. W,
B. Smith. Union. W. E. Dixon, Elgin,
W. Nayoer. Jr. Washington, D. C, and
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Seeds of Soap Lake
were of the Foley guests last night.
Deputy Sheriff . George Llndgren Is
home from Cornucopia, where he
spent his vacation and Where he has
mining properties. He found the dis
trict booming and some excellent work
being done. He Is well pleased with
developments. .
Miss Roesch leaves soon for' Phila
delphia where she will attend school
the coming winter.
. Mrs. Chas. Riggs has' returned from
a visit to Portland a'nd after stop
ping at the Savoy last night went on
to her home In Elgin today.
C. H. Conkey has returned home
from a visit to Portland and the Wil
lamette valley. He found crops look
ing good but not up to the standard
of his home orchard.
Miss Alton and Miss White, two
Portland school teachers who have
been at Wallowa Lake, and were
guests at the Savoy last night, re
turned to their homes' today.
Writes, to Union Scout That MIsIon.
m -w Uk.U C- - '
. ........ h... V WMM, V UVMIi, V
Steadfastly maintaining . his Inno
cence, William Hogg was taken to th
Sal ?m penitentiary this mornlg. Just
before taking his departure he sent7 a
communication to the Union Scout In
which he vehemently maintains Ms
Innocence of the charge Of which he
is accused. The letter follows:
I feel it the duty of every citizen vt
this state to be Interested in such hor
rible cases as I have been unjustly
convicted of. ; If 'th-n had been any
one Investigating this case immedi
ately to see if there had been a horse
tied to that fenci? or if there was any
tracks of that girl where she claimed
this took jjlace it would have proved
m Innocent. Whenever this kind of
thing Is reported all should look into
th? matter thoroughlv. Any man that
has a family of orphan children and
is raising them together In the proper
way should .receive the good will of
everyone. More attention should be
given to the orphans of the country
and not send so many missionaries
away to foreign lands. 'In m" n-i7n
be?ln the missionary worfr, a asxo In
which God will approve.
4 Although I have1 heen 'coflvleted by
the court, that doesn't make me eullty.
Prominent Teacher Hetnrns.
. Miss Gertrude Beaj,?r, who 4)asvbeefl
Irt Portland and Pilleton for eom
time, arrived ho" 'ast evening to be
ready for her old position In the La
Grande schools. :
mm out
I'loneer Day to Open Week of Festivi
ties In State Capitol.
State Fair Grounds, Salem, Sept 9
-TtSpeclal) The complete dally pro-
grom for the week of events at the
Oregon state fair has been announced
by Secretary . Frank Meredith. The
fair opens Monday, September 11, and
closes the following Saturday, Ths
detailed program ls: . ,
.o0 luriH-ctiuu vf Livu Stock and Poultry
8:30 Inaim-tloii of IlarncM and Hunnlng
00 He utilua of l'innT on Fa-r tlronmla. V. A t.. Kuml Cmcert to PlillntH.
W I'arker Carnival geant-lS Stiitulipii
AinuM-nii'iilK. .
;30 ,Aiitu f City front Fair Urotinda
to l'Unei r Ralom Board of TraiW.
;00 tl.nioK and Kunniiig erenta aa follow:
Two year old trot. 'Oregon futurity '
No. a ttlosid) ....1900
2:12- iaif. Caiitul " City . Pane.'
rlinn i;.. ...800
2:!rt , &
n.H. m )i- HutiI-ib Roce. . '
Vi inle (leiltlftneit'H
SO Kernllo Hi. nil fniiicrf with (Hawl Opera
wninkia in draiiii mam! In-tween het;
: . ShiKiiiiiK valilliltlou by W..-A. Ulllla of
Id-iii'ngii.n Arma Co.; Tree Vaudeville
. fraliin; DnionHiratlon Willi peee by
'Ilerinnn Abr.
:S0 TloinljiK I'lgtun Race to Portland. ' ,
00 O. . C. Band INi-K'ert on groiinda.
:3o Concert In Mm.k- Mall with the Kern I lo
.-. Kit nil ; fl mini 0iera Stara; Oregoo
Lailli-a' tiumr III U-: Mnllo-i pictures. 4c.
:W l'lon-era' big Ormn Fire.
:00 Wlllwm'a (JiRnntic Flrewnrk HiKftacie
00 lit Kin t WWirn Dtreatork. '.'
30 -ArHval . Multuomab Camp Tin. 7T, W
' . 1 w -' ,tvm Portland on n.-cl train.
. , Vlaltora jt Immedintely to Jww W. o!
' ,W; Building on Pair, (ironnda. Ad
, . dreak. of welcome by Governor Weat.
.; following Introdui'' tiv T. B. Kay
.. Prealdent W. O. W. Eteeatlre. Com.
' ' Rwponae by lira. Carrie Van
, Orwlall. Grand Guardian of thv Women
of Woodcrafl. Pcdicatlotr of W. Q. w.
Log Caliio by CongreaamaW Willis c!
, Hawlry. -fluhy Show, In Log Cabin,
four gold cup aa -Im awarda.
00 O. A. C. Band Concert. , -
:0O W. O. W. fawy drill for In Stat
of Oregon. W. O. W. military dr ll
. t for teams In State of Oregon. Athletic
events for W. O. ' :W.v members. .
:Wl Parker Carnival Pnjcianta and Snows..
.44 Paocy Brill by 247 Women of Woodcraft.
:18 Rarnru Raclug and llunnlug Events a
" " follows: 1
, S:85 pscs 5oo
I JS trot. Woodmen of lbs World
rnrm : .. 1O0O
Jbrrr frtr old trot ruturlty No. 1
(rlowd) . WOO
S(fpl Cbaa Rr. fr for 11;
hort . rour, aUtut IVi mt)M;
ibt 2S llw.. urlow the c)ri
matenra iHoivrd T lb, over pro
ffitiona1a; ; ftT x'r cot frosa
immry winnrn. ................
Ovr Klght Tunnlnv vent.
1:30 rrrullo Band Com-rrt wllb Grand Oprra
soloiatH Iwtwptn lif'ats. -
1 uo IirloaK Ilviulnc I'lK.ooa tor rar to
J IS Hf Prmonatrali.iii hr nrmao Ahlrn.
t 90 W. A. HUlia, abarpabootlns. trick akoot
tnc. Ac. '
I 00 , Concert by O. K, C. Band, on Oroimd.
1:30 Concert "In Muaic Ilnll. Includlnf For
ullo'a lland Cmirvrt; Motion Flctnrca)
Grand upr Vocal Soloa; Ort-foo
UaOIra guatirttt. ;
1:00 Wlllnuirtte Wool Grown' Aaaorlatloa
OMifi-rtnrf In Adnilnlntratloo Bolldlnf.
OO Juilglnf Stork and 1'uultry rntrlea.
10:0U O, A. t:. Band Concert on G round a.
11:00 I'arkir Carnival Pbowa 18 bll feature.
1:00 llarneaa and Uunnlnf Rar crenta, a
TUrr Jar old pace, Oregon Futur-
ttjr No. 1 (cloaed) 1500
1:08 pace, Oreater Oregon Purae,
(cloned) 5000
1 30 trot 500
Running Stake Race; mite: for
V all ai!e: welHltt .10 lba., below Y
til acalea. li to Dominate and
$10 to atart 230
Hunt Cluh Slecpla Cbaae ent.
1 10 rcrullo hand Concert In Grand Stand at
track, witb tirand Opera Stars; Big
Pree Vaudeville acta between rice
" bcata; fancr anootlug by W. A. Ulllla
of Ibc Remington Arma Co.
1:00 CarrW l'lgvon Race Rrleaacd from
track for race to Portland.
130 IWe Deiuouatratlon by Uerniao Abler,
I tW Concert by 0. A. C. Band, on Orounda.
10 Urand Concert lu Muaic limit with r'er-
v..... MMitea . vuartetlt
" " Mutlou Picture.
S 00 Or. g.m I'ure Bred LlTmtock Aaaoclatloa
Meeting In Aduilulalration Bulldiug.
SOU WlllMtu'a Stupendoua l'yrotecbulcal lia-
i'iy -
00 Judging of lloraa, Colli and Poultry
' eutriea.
10 00 Hand Concert by O. A C.
11:00 I'arker Caruleal Hbowa 18 Big Enter-
taimug real urea.
U 00 Nortbweat Augora ' Ooat Aaaoclatloa
Coixautlofl In Administration Building.
J .00 Uarnea ami Buiiulug eventa aa follows:
: Two ymcijtU pave, Orcgou ruturlty
. No., I
li 'IMice .
Y X: IX Irot. Uwia aud Clarke Puree. BOOO
. 8leeile Chat' Hace. 1 mil band- "
leap 100
Over wght sveot.
1:10 rervUla Band Concert la Urand Stand
i wiwtru . utriia, wua iwu aviue u
' ' ' ttratod (hiera Ht.ra. ,
S:00 llouilugv I'lgenua Rvleaanl from track
' (u rare to Portland. ,
2. So rancy abooting by W. A. Hulls of
Kciuington Atma Co. .
S uit . A. O. Band Concert on Orounda.
S oil Llveativk Parade on rai-e track.
I SO Uraud Coucvrt lu Muaic Uall. lucludlng
. Perullo'a Band, Grand . 0'ra Stars.
Oregon Ladles' Quartette, Motion Pic
00 t'milete luilglug of eulrles; box prUa
10 00 O. A. C. Band ConcM't on grounds.
11:00 rarker Carnival production of IS ster
ling aiiniHeinentw '
11:40 Welculiw of tluUed tieiuisu Societies at
. Capitol by Oo. , West. Uesponac. Oer
: man folk Mings. '
'1:00 llarnemi and llmuiing sveula. aa followsi
; t MO rtni '...,'.-... kl
, SHW 4iace,' ' 1000
llunniii i..i.i'' Itiue, Uermaola
Ueri.,v I 1 I,, iii.iv.; for all ages; r
' l.'i Urn., below the alea 1000
1:80, rsrullu Band Coucert In Oraud Htaud be
tweeu beats, wltb Orand dera solo
.. lata; Htuuendoua Free Vaudevilla
acta; Fainy abooting eiblldliou by W.
A. Hdlia. of Kemlnirton Aruia v.a.
2:oo Carrier Plgeoos relesaed from track tor
Doming race to Portland.
S:HU Re demonatratlou by Herman Ablers.
1 00 Concert by O. A. C. Band, ou Urouuds.
B OO Parade of Pieiuluu Wlnoers on i race
. trsck.
7:M Urand Concert la Music Hall wltb Per-
ullo Bund; Orsnd Opers Stars; Oregon
allies vuartette; Motion Pictures, ate.
S AO lnsM-ctlou of premium wlnuers. '
10:00 O. A. C. Band Concart ou grounds.
11:110 1'srker Carnival Pageant of 18 amuse
ments. ;
11:80 W. A. HI Ilia' fancy abooting exhibition,
wltb Reraingtoo Arma.
12:00 Entries received from visiting motor psr-
ties. ...
1:00 Hsrnesa and Running erenta, as follows: psce, state. Pair Purae,
(closed) 1000
rree-ror an trot. Rural Bplrlt Purse
(cloaed) , 1000
2:1J trot, Consolation looo
Steeple Chaa Race; free for all ... 250
' Over Night event.
1:10 Ferullo Band Concert wltb Grand Opera
eololats and big free attractions be
tween beata.
9:00 Morning Pigeon race to Portland
8:00 Concert by O. A. C. Band, on Grounds.
:10 nee demonstration by Herman Ablera.
1:80 Grand Concert In Music Hall by Ferullo'a
, .nana; orana Opera Stare; Motion Pic
turea; Good Roada lecture by Phil.
- Bates. .
:00 TbriUlDg Fireworks dliplsy to close fair.
tlce Is hereby given that In pursuance
of a resolution adopted by the com
mon council of the' city of La Grande,
Oregon, on the 9th day of Ftebruary,
1909, creating Improvement district No.
17 and designating. Jefferson avenue,
as such district, and in pui-Buance of a
resolution adopted by said comm9n
council on'the 30th day of August,
1911, whereby said council determin
ed and declared ltg intention to im
prove, all that portion of Jefferson
avenue in said Improvement district
as hereinafter described, by laying
thereon cement sidewalk, the council
will, ten days after the service of this
notice upon the owners of tlua proper
ty atTected and benefited by such Im
provement, order that said above de
scribed Improvement , be made; that
the boundaries of said district to be
so Improved are as fallows! ' ,
All that portion of the south side of
Jefferson avenue, from the west curb
line of Chestnut street, to the east curb
line of Fourth street.
(A) And the property affected or
benefited by said Improvement is as
The north half of block 115, Chap
lin's addition to the town of La Grande,
piVE times a year we make a de
tailed statement of our affairs
to the Comptrolles at Washington.
-we ask you to
look over the
report we pub
lish today and
note the splen
did growth in
deposits and re
sources during
Deposit April 1, 1909
DeK8lts November 16, 1909
Deposits Sept 1st, 1910 '.
Deposits Sept 1st, 1911 ........ i .......... . ...
united mm
Oregon. ; 'V.-..'; '''-.'7
Notice Is Herby further given that
the council will levy' a special assess
ment on all the property affected anl
benefitted by such Improvement ' for
the purpos.5 of paying for such Im
provement. That the estimated cost of
such improvement Is the sum of
$200.00. That the council will, on the
20th day of September, 1911,-meet at
the council chamber at the hour of S
o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti
' AbsouieyPurc
The only Baking Powder mado
Prices for
115 Set Teeth .........$8.00
$10 Gold Crowns, 22-K ...$5.00
; $10 Bridge' Work (best) . .$5.00
$10 Porcelain Crowns ....$5.00
I Teeth Cleaned ....... .v. '.'.$1.00
r a
Over Newlin Drug Co. Depot and v
Adams Avenue. 4
Statement of the condition of the
at the close of bosineHs September 1st,
1911. -'
Loans and discounts ......$261,833.23
Overdrafts secured' and un
secured 1,120.34
U. S. bonds to secure cir
culation ', . .' . 25,000.00
Other bonds to secure poa--
tal savings dep. ' 6,000 00 :
Premium on U. S. bonds . . . . 429.6
Bonds and securities-......' : 15,168.40
Banking house, furniture -', . .
and fixtures ............. 28,366.40'
Cash and due from banksr. 120,413.73
Redemption fund with U. S.7
treasurer 1,250.00
Liabilities. '
Capital stock paid In ... . . .$100,000.00
Surplus and undivided prof
its ......... 10.66T.77-
Circulation ............... 25,000.00
Due to banks .............. 2,476.35
Certified checks t. . . 1,006.67
Deposits 319,431.05
.. $122,462.43
.. $193,777.15
... $219,003.39
;.. $319,431.0,.
mm. m
mated cost, and the levy of said asv
sessment, when a hearing will Ber -granted
to any person feeling ag
grieved by such assessment.
La Grande, Oregon, i$eniember 6th
1911. ' . ;' V
7 By C. jr. HUMPHREYS,' " ;
Recorder of the city of La Grande; ,
Oregon. "v.
the best work
Gold Fillings $1.50 up
Silver Fillings ...75c
Cement Fillings ...........50c
Re-enameling .......$2.00
Plates repaired good as new
$1.00 up
Honest Work
Hon est Prices J