La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 09, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Chicago Boy Expects to Win Mill at
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Has the world's lightweight cham
pion, Ad Wolgast, made a serious mis
take In consenting to meet Packy Mc
Farland In a ten round contest In Mil
waukee, Sept. 15? Sporting men who
have followed the work of these crack
boxers cannot agree in framing an nn-
i ' "mm
Photos by American Press Association.
James J. Jeffries, for instance, declares
that Wolgast has blundered in allow
ing McFarlaad to weigh 133 pounds at
8 o'clock, and even Tom Jones, Wol
gast's manager, holds a similar opin
ion. Wolgast, on the other hand, is as
stubborn as a mule and refuses to ad
mit that McFarland will have even a
slight advantage in physical strength,
although he admits that Pncky will
enter the ring at least b1x pounds heav
ier. Having Induced Wolgast io agree to
his terms, therefore, McFarland. in the
opinion of those who knew his meth
ods, has put one over on the world's
title holder.
It is conceded thnt Wolgast has
never met a boxer like McFarland.
The stockyards pugilist is a marvel In
point of science. He is the quickest
man on his feet in pugilism, and for
that reason he can put up a wonderful
defense. Moving about the ring with
dazzling swiftness, McFarland can
shoot in blows with either hand in
such a manner that a slower opponent
becomes bewildered. Wolgast is not a
scientific mnn by a long shot, and
McFarland Is well aware of the fact
The champion's best work is done at
close quarters by rushing in, covered
up, and letting fly at his rival's body
with a free hand in half clinches.
McFarland 'never has allowed an an
tagonist to fight him that way, for he
persists in keeping at long range,
sacrificing hard hitting for speed.
Wolgast intends to fight McFarland
' just as .he did Moran, but McFarland
Is Moran's master in every way, and
the ring sharps believe that Wolgast
'will find it a difficult task to inflict
severe punishment Wolgast is what
Is known as a "rope fighter," because
he persists In driving his opponents to
the edges of the ring er the corners so
that they cannot get it way from his
rough assaults. But not one of the
men Wolgast has conquerod could be
gin to compare with McFarland in
footwork. -As a matter of fact, nobody
has possessed sufficient cleverness to
know how to fight the lightweight
champion, but McFarland says he has
studied his man with great care and
has hit upon a plan to offset bis rugged
assaults.' . - .--If
Wolgast Is outpointed by the Chi
cago phenomenon he will have him
self to blame, but he has an anchor to
windward in McFarland's promise to
meet him again in a twenty round con
test in California. If they hook up on
the coast the weight will be the same,
hut McFarland will Insist that the
lightweight title shall be at stake.
Packy always lias contended that so
Q :
f .... X t
La i n
lit Ak - ' - -"-I
; Rube Marquard , wasn't quite
ure he had been bought by the
Giants from Indianapolis three
years ago until he wus on a train
,-. bound for
New York.
The big
had been
beaten out
of 52 In Mc
G r a w's
n am e two
years be
f ore and.
once tor.
was twlta
John Henry
Myers, a
oi uuoes on tne canton VJ.y
team, Marquard's first one, got
the 11,000 beauty's $2. Here's
the story:
Myers showed Bubo a fake
telegram from McGraw, asking
Myers to report to the Giants at
$500 a month. Myers borrowed
CO cents of Rube to pay for the
message. He borrowed another
half dollar towlre McGraw that
he could bring Marquard with
Later Marquard paid 50 cents
for a telegram supposed to have
been sent by McGraw, saying he
would give Marquard ?400 a
month.' Rube gave Myers SO
cents to wire McGraw his accept
, ance... ' ''
Myers told Rube they would
jump the Canton club that night
Rube was nervous at the park.
Myers told him to act natural,
pack his clothes after the game,
check his trunk at the depot and
wait at a certain poolroom.
Bade Myers, Canton manager, ,
found Marquard at the pool room,
"now much did John , Henry .
work you for?" Bade asked.
. "Two dollars," said j Rube. ,
. "Why, what's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing." said Bade, "ex-
. . cept that those messages are writ
ten on sending blanks, and you
were receiving them."
long "as a man can make 133 pounds
during any part of the day of the fight
the championship is involved, but on
this point there may be a serious hitch.
Enterprise Plans Races.
There will be a good track for rac
ing at Ine county fair next month 1.'
constant work, regardless of expense,
win mane it so. a Dig water w.-ik-
on was I t lug used until the hard rains
this we.tnsdes Its further use un
neeesbary. More rolling and leveling
will be done later on. Interest Is al
ready at white heat over the 15 mile
relay Hce. .. It is thought there will be
at least four entries. It Is violating
no confidence to say, there will be
nue class to the hosses entered In
that race, and to the wagers on the
resuh, too. Enterprise News-Record.
The New England league has turned
down an offer to consolidate with the
Connecticut league.
' :.'-':;,
The Philadelphia . Nationals had a
Hot ot 25 players they wanted to land
by the draft route. - - !
. :
Pitcher Jeff Pfeffer, of the Boston
Nationals, will most likely perform
In the Southern league next season.
Rumors of the' baseball war are still
flying thick and fast, the the chances
are that there will be nothing doing.
"Nap" Lajolev has passed Jackson
and is nof crowding Ty Cobb for the
batting championship , of the Ameri
can league. .
Jack Dalton, now with Newark In
the Eastern league, will be given a
new trial by the Brooklyn club next
Durln the stay of the Athletics in
St. Louis President Hedges made flat
tering offers to Harry Davis to man
age the Browns next season.
Tuesday, August 31," was the first
day this season that not a major
league game was played. Rain put
the kibosh on the entire schedule.
As the Athletics will be playing at
Only Male Deer May Be Killed
Union and Wallowa Counties.
The deer law goes out on the 15th,
next Thursday, and many local hunt
ers are already planning long trips
and journeys that will take them to
the deer pastures. In view of the
fact that only male deer can be killed
fewer animals will be' slaughtered,
provided, always, that the hunters ob
serve the law in this and nearby
counties, which forbid such killing of
The duck season Is now well under
way and it is yet to be recorded that
anything like limit bags were shot
in a day. They are much less plenti
ful tha na year ago, though it Is be
lieved the number will be Increased as
the rainy season approaches.
The yank season ends on September
20, and followers of this sort of sport
should bear It In mind.
home while Detroit Is hitting the road
prospects for the pennant look pretty
sweet to Connie Mack.
Catcher "Chief" Meyers, of the New
York Giants, has his old war club on
the Job this season. He stands third
In the National league Batting aver
. .
Larry Cheney; the Louisville pitcher
has joined the Chicago Cubs, and will
be given a chance to show his puz
zlers against the eastern teams. .
It is sld that the Pittsburg Pirates
form the real "white ribbon" brigade
in the-big show this season.' .Last
year some of the Pirates were In the
habit of "cutting loose" now and then
but this season, with the pennant in
sight, the boys have lived vlose to the
Promoters , of the Wolgast-McFar-land
bout In Milwaukee Sept. 15 ex
pect to have a 150,000 house.
In his recent bout with K. O. Brown,
Matt Wells convinced the New York
fans that he is as clever as the best
In the business.
..,:.. 'V
Jim Johnson, the other colored
American heavyweight in England, has
challenged Jack Johnson to fight for
the world's title.
TP O NOT buy your 191 2 Auto until you have investi
gated our line. We will have the classiest line this
year we have ever had. Immediate deliveries on all models
Chalmers "30,t
". F. O, B. La Grande '
Chalmers "30"
F. O. B. La Grande....
Chalmers "36" Torpedo, Self Starting, 36x4 wheels, C&O AfIA
Demountable Rims, 118-inch Wheel Bae; F. O. B. La Grande....::.... :...:..:......:...:.;i .: .. .-... UilU
Ask owners of Chalmers Cars--They Know. ;
Cars and Motorcycles Sold This Week
Anto TT8 and Items.
From Los . Angeles. California, to
points In Wyoming was the tour map
ped out by a party of Los Angeles peo
ple and which had reached as far as
La Grande yesterday. The tourists
put up here long enough to rest and
to get some minor repairs made at the
Dlttebrandt garage. The tour Is be
ing made In a Lexington, a car new j
to this territory but which the owner i
ifornla. It was the first seon here and
many, indeed, have never heard of the
car at close range. No seriously tad
roads had been encountered thus far,
reported the party. They left for the
eastern- border of the state ysterday
forenoon. . . .
Cap Tuttle, a business men of Im
bler, Is the real baby fcuto owner this
weejk. ' He has Just recently purchased
a' Hudson 'Roadster from the Dltte
brandt Auto company. l .;.:
' ,
A seven-horse power, twin cylinder
Indian motor cycle was delivered this
week -to Ed Kline of Union by the
Dlttebrandt company. Another mot
orcycle sale was also recorded when
W. W. Adair, an engineer at the Palm
er Lumber company's mill purchased
an M. & M., four horse-power motor
cycle from the same dealers.
v ' .'
The Veil car, owned by Dr. Zlm
tha dentist, is adding to the
! list of variety in cars barned at local
The value of the auto wsb shown
the other days when Sheriff Marvin
teft the office at 10 a. m., went 20
miles to Sheen creek, served some
papers and was back a few minutes
after noon ready for more business.
Mr. Marvin owns his own auto and
Is using It for his work as sheriff.
He has made a trip to four miles be
low Imnaha bridge; served papers and
returned the Bame day. Enterprise
The Wlchelln Tire company In its
regular advice bulletins hast this to
say of the care of tires:
The -smallest particles of foreign
matter In an envelope will ruin the
.inner tube. - ,
A motorist will find that an Inner
tube has been Injured and perhaps
ruined from no apparent cause. Upon
examination small holes will be found
In its surface, the only logical reason
for their presence being apparently
poor tube material. This, however, Is
seldom the cause, says the Mlchelln
tire man. The real trouble lies with
the motorist. He has carelessly fitted
Pony Tonneau, Torpedo, fully equipped,
' w . - - v '
Four Door Touring
:;' . ::' v -
Napa' Outfielder Using Tiger Star's
Famous Fall Away Slide.
They say Ty Cobb is jealous
of Joe Jackson, but listen to
this: Ty taught Joe his fa'.!
away slide
and gave
blm s 3 m e
advice in
base run
ning that is
said to have
1 m proved
Joe's work.
Joe has com
bl ned his
own t:'.iks
with those
Cobb tausht
By watch
ing the out-
I VP" .
ijouldn't quite see how t'oLb
made his famous slide, so be
got up and asked Ty how he
did it Ty not Only told Joe, but
mnde a couple of fall away slides
with Joe at the base to see how
It was done.
Joe caught on in a second, tie
hadn't been starting his slide
soon enough and didn't get as
far to one side of the bag as be
should have.
Joe is Just about Ty's equal at
making the fall away slide, and
no other player in the American
league, if In either of the big
leagues, Cobb excepted, is a bet
ter slider than the Nap star.
the tube, allowing small particles ot
mud and dirt to enter the envelope,
the air pressure from within the tube
and the external pressure having com-
blnd to grind the foreign matter Into
the tube.
When fitting a tire It is not enough
to-simply clean the envelope and tube.
Care should be taken to admit no mud
on sand during the operation. The
'tire lever should tot be left lying on
the ground as they will collect dirt
which may find its way into the enve
lope. '
Many subjects on the proper care of
tires and tubes are instructively dis
cussed In two books issued by the
Mlchelln VTlre company of Mllltown,
New. Jersey. Copies will be mailed
free on request. ,
Treasurer's Call for; City Warrants.
There are also funds In the treas
ury to pay all warrants Issued against
the water of La Grande city up to and
and including No. 9,729, endorsed Sep.
tember 21, 1911. ' Interest on all war-
rants on water fund from No. .... to
No. 9,729 Inclusive ceases from date
of this call. .
La Grande, Oregon, Sept 1, 1911.
City Treasurer
Car, fully equipped,
'""TV'v '- . ........... .
Football Gossip of Various Kinds
Wallowa Well Supplied.
Though still complicated and Intri
cate, the new fcotball rules for 1911, ,
copies of which have now been receiv
ed In La Grande, show slight Improve
ment In this respect over last year.
It appears to be the aim of the rule
makers to occasionally at least throw
some simple phrases Into the rules
and In a few instances the rules are
much more clear than a wear. neo.
uuD Ktt or tne rules cnangea some-
what from laBt vear is of esoecial In
terest, as violations of its observance '
occur in tli onen entirely." : That is
In respect to tackling a man who has
caught a forward pass; last year the
catcher, was allowed a step after re
ceiving the pass, while this year he
can be tackled as soon as he touches
the ball. This particular rule and
others in direct relation of other im
portant points In football, are quoted
herewith: ...
Section 2, Rule XVI II. No player of
either side while in the act of catch
ing a forward pass shall be tackled.
thrown, pushed, pulled, shouldered or
straigni-armea umu .. no uau
touched the ball, provided that any
such Interference which is Incidental
to a boaa fide' attempt 'to catch oc- In
tercept the forward pass shall not
come within this provision.
' A man who is ineligible to catch,
the ball may not run Into the oppon
It should also be noted that any
forward pass, whether it crosses the
scrimmage line or not, must be made
from at least five feet back of that
scrimmage line.
Penalty For side which put the ball
In play, if such offense occurs before
a "third down" has , been declared (I.
e., if it occurs during a lay following
either a first or second down) the of
fending side Bhall put the ball In play
at the spot of the preceding down, and
the play shall not count as a down.
The point to be gained shall remain
the same. . ,
If, however, such offense occurs af
ter a third down has been declared
(I. If It occurs during a play fol
lowing a third down) the ball shall go
to the opponents at" the spot of the
preceding down.
. For side which did not put the ball
In play, loss of 10 yards from point
where ball was put In play and first
QOwn io euauc. .
If neither side Is In possession of
the ball, same as tree ball.
. Suction 3. Players of the side which
:Put the ball n piay aner
crossed tne une oi iMimuoB
not In any way Interfere with their
I' (Continued h rage Six)