La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 09, 1911, Image 1

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I J 1
New Head of the G. A. R. Was With
Sherman on His March to the Sea
l'- nrill BIT TftTfil Young Richmond
i DtULAH NllllLl" ""J " K ,wlf 'i
j ; . BANKER : 7 Y"
J' -'' ' ( , '
First Degree Murder 'Means Death lu "' f-' , Y
.Electric Chair XoHope, is Belief, ' w """? i
I Ito Get Sew Trial, Although Appeal ' ' - " , - I
Will Be Taken Death Stayed -by
j . Dictate of Court to :AUow Appeal by ff $l
fc-" - Yonne Banker. i . . . o j. L jfCiii-fei.
I I rhoatiarfield. Sent. .8. Sentenced to ' ir . V-'.:. . .. ' -' ..Ji , ;?,v".'.., 1
rhoatiarfield. Sent. .8. Sentenced to
death for the killing of his wife, Henry
j. Seattle, Jr., was calm today and In
differently read the newspapers In his
Cell. .' ' . T .
i Judge Watson- has granted a stay
of execution until November 24 . to
allow the prisoner ,jo file an appeal.
No one doubts that an appeal will be
denied and that Beattie's liaison With
Beulah Binford will liead him to the
electric chair, ' " .
His father ihas collapsed and is In a
serious condition.
Beattle was permitted to remain In
ho mmtv laii for.' at Least another
day. AjJouble guard was placed on
him to prevent suicide. In a day or bo
he will be taken to Richmond and
placed in a cell alone in murderer's
row in the penitentiary. , '
Says Jury Transgressed.
Beattle said he was convicted with
out regard to the testimony1. He said
the jury convicted him on account of
his relations with Miss Binford and
that he had not lost hope. '. '.
Beattle reiterated his innocence. and
said he knew a country jury cannot
understand how a man of the city be
comes entangled with a woman not
his wife. k , v-.i W 1
"In the city such things are com
mon but in the country unkown, Nev
ertheless I cannot Bee how either the
court or the prosecution could want
to send an innocent man to doom for
another's crime. I consider the ver
dict unfair." '
Jury Prays to God.
Chesterfield, Va.. Sept. 9. Twelve
Virginians, mostly, farmers, knelt last
night at dusk in the obscurity of a
small jury room and prayed fervently
that they might pass Judgment aright
on Henry Clay Beattle, Jr., arose from
their knees, deliberated for nearly an
hour and silently one by one recorded
their verdict of guilty. After weigh
ing carefully the meaning of their de
cision and once more on bended knees
beseeching divine assistance against
possible rror, at the end of 68 mlu
utes the Jurors filed into the hushed
court room and with startling sud
denness, the 12 . voices, Instead of
the usual one of the foreman, spoke
the word "gulUy" In almost a chorus.
It was almost a shout.
W. L. Burgess was elected foreman
of the Jury. They balloted and it
was a surprise. . They afOerward de
clared that all had voted alike. They
, prayed that they might not take a life
wrongfully and opened their conscien
ces to one another for nearly an hour
so that they might go beck to the
court room firmly convinced of their
duty and of one 'mind. In the court
room Beattle sat with the sporting
page of a newspaper before him. He
foldd the paper and concealed his
face in it. Those who sat near the
boy of iron nerve, observed a twitch
ing of his lips as though moving in
prayer as he sat with closed eyes
awaiting the verdict. He whispered
onoe or twice to his father and broth
er.. : ; . :. :
It was nearly dark In the , court
room when the Jury returned and the
three oil lamps added to the gloom of
the scene. Tbw last rays of the set
ting sun streaked through th win
dows. On every sill rested a tele
graph Instrument, operators awaiting
tha Matiifv
The court asked the prisoner to rise.
"Have you gentlemen agreed upon a
verdict?'' asked the Judge.
"We have," said Burgess, and almost
at the same Instant the court asked:
"What Is your verdictr and all twelve
shouted "guilty
Unversed In the forms of murder
trials the Jurora did not specify in
what degree or murder. Undr the
Virginia practice, murder Is presumed
to he second degree unless otherwise
specified. In seven minutes the Jury
men, who were sent back by the Judge,
returned with the verdict of "murder
in the first degree." .
The prisoner ' stood erect and mo
tlonkss. His face, a yellowish green
throughout the day was Immovable.
The light of the lamps cast a dreary
shadow on the upturned chin a he
faced the Jury. .
fMtt.'t ;--:' ,
The young banker will be taken to
'Murderer's Row In the state pen
itentiary kooiu .Fearing suicide,
guards are placed at lus slue con
Time Is Fast When Government Can
" Key Hands off Territory. ' '
Seattle, Sept. 9. The day for private
exploltatlon'and ownership of the vast
resources of Alaska are gone, was the
keynote of Secretary Fisher's address
Just before he left ' last night . for
North Yakima, thence to the Yellow
stone park, thence to Utah, and then
to California. ,
Fisher said he will use all his Influ
ence w ith Taft to bring about the de
velopment of Alaska and intimated
that either a leasing system of a gov
ernment ownership of coal may be a
means to this end. , .
Deposits Are Not Growing la Number
or !?!ze Fast Month slow..
Government savings banks are not
proving as popular as was deemed
likely. The deposits are not growing
very rapidly and the size of deposits
are also small. Ail In all the past
month as not been as active as the
previous one. . ,
Howard Jefferson Wedding.
Buzzards Bay, Mass., Sept. 9. Miss
Cornelia Frances Jefferson, daughter
of Thomas Jefferson and granddaugh
ter of - the late Joseph Jefferson, the
famous actor, was quietly maOled to
day to Carrlngton Howard1, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Howard of Mont
clair, N.. J. The bride Is an actress
of considerable talent, having been on
the stage since her 15th year. In her
professional life she has been associ
ated almost wholly with her father.
New. French Liner Coming.
Havre, Sept 9. The new steamship
Rochambeau, of the French Transat
lantic line, sailed from this port to
day on her maiden voyage to New
York. The new steamship is more
than 700 feet long and rivals the most
modern of the transatlantic liners in
luxurious appointments as well as in
oted Speakers for Appalachian Fair.
. KnoxviIle,.Tenn., Sept. 9. The man
agement of the Appalachian exposi
tion has everything In readiness for
the opening and a big parade will he
a feature of the program. President
Taft is scheduled for an address at
the exposition on September 18. In
cluded in the program are other otn-
er noted speakers as follows: William
J. Bryan. Governor Harmon of Ohio
and Champ Clark, speaker of the
bouse of representatives.
Startling Charges Made by Samuel
Gomperg to the Effect that Govern
ment Oftichils Are Behind the Pro
posed Railroad Strike Conference
of Representatives from Jlany Lines
San Francisco, Sept. 9. That be
hind the refusal of the Harrlman lines
to recognize the federation system
stands the power of the United States
government would proceed against the
unions under the anti-trust law as a
combination, in , restraint of trade, if
they struck, Gompers left today for
Los Angeles. , .'
There is a strong current of Indig
nation at the New York dispatch made
public here by Gompers to the. effect
that Julius Kruttschnitt had been ad
vised that the Taft administration will
prosecute the leaders of the shop fed
eration under the . anti-trust law if
they call a strike.
Gompers refused to say where he
received the telegram or got his in
formation concerning the alleged ac
tivity of the government in the rail
road's behalf. , v..
No Immediate Strike.
Prior to resuming a special meet
ing of federation representatives of
the Harrlman lines.ethe general offi
cers of the craft unions attending, re
newed their declarations that there Is
no likelihood of a strike immediately,
Posibly the conference will last into
next week. . :;- ', v.
He and Polndexter Joining Govern
. ment Party at Seward. -
Seward, Alaska, Stept. 9. Gifford
Plnchot and Polndexter and 1 , party
reached Seward, the prospective port
of the Matanuska coal fields today,
en route to Join the government geol
ogical Burvey headed by Dr. Holmes.
Plnchot said that the time had-come
to utilize the coal for the benefit of
the people now that it has been sav
ed. He said he could, not say whether
he would favor the government owner
ship or leasing of the coal lands.
! v , Many After Negro. '
Los Angeles, Sept. 9. Stimulated
by a reward of $500 for the capture of
the negro, dead or alive, who Wednes
day assaulted and then killed Mrs.
Harkins, scores of farmers near
Compton' have formed a vigilant com
mittee and began heating the country
8-IIonr Law Upheld. -
Seattle, Sept. 9. Stating the courts
should never declare th acts of the
legislature unconstitutional unless
they were clearly convinced, Judge
Main, today upheld the eightJhour law
for womin when he fined Mrs. Helen
SonvervIUe $20 for violating the law.
. This is the first superior court de
cision on the law.
Aerial Mall Service Starts.
London, Sept. 9. Postal authorities
today are prepared to establish the
first aerial postal service. Several
aeroplanes have been purchased to
carry tha mall to places not easily ac
cessible by land and water routes.
Col. Butler Falling; .
, St. Louis, Sept 9. The last church
rites were today administered to
Colonel . Edward Butler,' once demo
cratic boss In this city, whose reign
was ended by the onslaughts of Jo
seph. Folk. Butler had been uncon
scious since Thursday night.
' Sergeant at Arms Sentenced.
Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 9. Convicted
of complicity In the legislative brib
ery. Rodney piragle, sergeant at arms
in the Ohio senate, was today sentenc
ed to three years In the penitentiary.
He will apply for a new trial. "
Divorce. Granted.
: Circuit Judge J. W. Knowles has
Issued a dlvoroe to Maggie McLeod
from her husband. They lived at El
gin. Desertion was the grounds.
McNsmara's Eves Snffer.
Los Angeles. Sept. 9. Afflicted with
failing eyesight due to constant read
ing In his cell. John McNamara today
was fitted with glasses.
'.'.'-; '. : .
Jantes Harvey M. Trimble of Princeton who was elected commander of the
l& A. IR. recently. Born lu'OWo, he has lived In Illinois since 1842j was
atudent atnrek .cfellegei Jojued ..the valnnteers and was promoted
Itapldly.f' Judge Trimble fuvors the Sherman Pension BUI Which la AsV
cured passage at the next session of eonpress. "
Constitutional f prohibition Hangs In
the Balance.
i Portland, Me., Sept. 9. One of the
most bitterly fought and most strenu
ous campaigns ever known to New
England ended in this state today and
on Monday the voters of Maine will
decide by their ballots whether the
policy of constitutional prohibition of
the liquor traffic, which has prevailed
for more than a quarter of a century,
shall be retained or not. Both aides
in the fight have been extremely act
ive and for many weeks the state has
been flooded with campaign literature.
Meetings for and against the proposi
tion to eliminate prohibition as a con
stitutional feature were held by the
score in all parts of the state. The
press was divided upon the question
and each side devoted columns to ar
guments and attacks. Speakers of both
parties presented their respective sides
to thousands of attentive Usteneres
and even women and children were
drawn Into the agitation by . the pro
hibition element.
Constitutional prohibition, in which
Maine was the. pioneer, was first
adopted In 1884. In 1901 a bill for the
resubmission of the subject was before
the legislature, hut was defeated. In
1907 a similar proposition was again
defeated, but only by a narrow mar
gin'. But at the last election a demo
cratic governor and a democratic leg
islature were elected and resubmis
sion was voted. The Issue will be de
cided next Monday, but, although both
sides claim victory, the result -of the
election Is extremely doubtful.
Busy Week for Rival Leaders. .
Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 9. -With but one
week to run before the day of election,
the political campaign In the Domin
ion will be carried forward with a rush
during the ensuing seven days Both
parties have preparedt o put every
available speaker In the field. The
liberal standard bearer. Sir Wilfrid
Laurler, will put In the week in Que
bec. Mr. Borden, the opposition lead
er, will continue his campaign in
Nova Scotia. ,
m :. .. .
Officers Themselves Fooled bj Clever
ness of the Promoter. ;
San Francisco, Sept. 9. Dr. John
Lyman, a prominent social business
man of Los Angeles Is under arrest
here on' a telegraphic warrant froraJ,
Los Angeles charging him with fraud
ulent methods in connection with
stock sales of the Panama Develop
ment company. It is Bald he has pro
moted a dozen other bubble concerns
and he disappeared from hoi Angeles
about ten days ago.
It is alleged he secured $50,000 for
practically valueless stock in this
transaction alone and deceived his
own officer concerning the value of
the stock. .
New Banks Opened.
Portland, Sept. 9. Jimmy Dlneen,
aged 11 years, deposited the first mon
ey la the postal bank when It opened
today. The deposit was two dollars.
Seattle, Sept. 9. The postal savings
bank here opened today. Several hun
dred dollars were deposited the first
hour. .
Siren Leaven for America
Cherbourg, France, Sept. 9. Gaby
Deslys, whose liaison with King Man
ual lost him his throne sailed today
for New York aboard the liner Lor
ralne. A detective accompanied her
and his Job Is to guard the Jewels that
were given her by King Manuel.
Clara Barton Sinking.
Oxnard, Mass., Sept. 9. Clara Bar
ton, former head of the Red Crosi, Is
near death and not expected to sur
vive. She came here recently from
(dlen Echo, Ld., and was stricken
shortly afterwards.
Air Ship Travels Far.
Berlin, Sept. 9. Carrying six pas
sengers, the Zepelln airship, Schwa
ben, sailed over this city today arter
a 305 mile-trip from Baden Baden.
After encircling the city thu Vessel
landed af Potsdam. .
i ... , v, I
1 I '.I . i
Hurry From Yacht at ix O'clock and
Take Auto to Villa W here a Few
Friends Witness the Nuptials Will
Leave at Once for Long Cruise to '
the Southward Rev. Lambert Per-
forms Ceremony. . . ,
Newport. R. I., Sept. 9. John J.
Astor and Miss Madeline Force over
came the obstruction of the . nation
and the church and today were mar
fed by the Reverend Joseph Lambert
of Elmwood Congregational church, at
.m. at Bereswood, the Astor villa.
The bride's parents, her sister Kather
lne, Rufus Darrax. Vincent Astor, his
son and Rev, Joseph Cooper of New-
port wre the only witnesses.
Ttoe party arrived in the yacht Noma
at 6, and the party disembarked at
nine, and autoed to the villa, and then
rushed back to the yacht.
It is expected they will start on a
honeymoon cruise to southern waters
to be gone some time.
The ceremony was performed in tha
drawing room, packed with American
Beauty roses. The bride wore a pearl
gray gown. t
Summons 8erved on Groom. -
The first, person to greet Astor as
his yacht anchored here today was
Deputy Sheriff King with a summons '
for $30,000 damage suit by Mrs. Bridge
McGowan on account of the acciden
tal electrocution of her son at the
Berehwood in 1910. , ,k
. "Now .that we are happily married."
said Astor, "I am npt interested in
questions of divorce and re-marriage.
I sympathize heartily ,. with stratght
Iaced people In most of their Ideas,
but I believe re-marrlage should be
possible at once, as It is the happiest .
condition for the Individual and the .
community." . s
Rev, Lambert Criticised. ;
San Francisco, Sept. 9. Dr. Charles .
Aked, pastor of the First Congrega
tional church here, who was Import
ed from England by J. D. Rockefeller,
severely criticised Rev. Lambert for
the Astor marriage ant said It was a
disgrace to the Congregational church.
Cruise of the Black Cat
Detroit, Mich.; Sept. 9. Four hun
dred lumbermen, with their wives and
friends, departed from Datrolt today
on the steamship City of Cleveland for
a five days' cruise on the upper lakes.
The lumbermen are members of the
Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo and
the cruise is in connection with the
20th annual convention of that frater
nal organization, the sessions of
which will be held on board the boat.
The cruise will be through Georgian
bay to the Soo, returning down the
eastern shore of Lake Huron.
Milwaukee Bride to Live Abroad.
Milwaukee, Wis.TSept. 9 Two'thou- ,
sand guesta attended the wedding this
afternoon of Miss Ruth Mitchell, the
daughter of the late United States
.Senator. John L. Mitchell, and Wil
liam van Rhelnfelt van Breda of Lon
don. The wedding took place at Mea
dowmere, the country home of the
bride's mother, on tha outskirts of
Milwaukee. The bridegroom Is a prac
ticing lawyer In London, where he
and his bride will make their home.
Celebrate Church Founding.
' Geneseo, 111., Sept. 9. The 75th an
niversary, of the organization of tha
First Congregational church of. this
place will be celebrated with an elab
orate program of Jubilee exercises,
commencing tomorrow and continuing
for three days. The society had its
preliminary oragnlzation at Bergen,
N..Y., Sept. 13, 1836, Just as the mem
bers of the colony which came to the
Illinois ' prairies were preparing to
leavie their homes there. Of tha char- .
ter members there Is only one living.
Mrs. Harlt T Millerof Geneseo.
mi Starve Msrd&eiU J
Montesano, Wn., Sept. . 9. Sheriff
Payette has determined to wait for
John Torno. who Is suspected of mur
dering his two nephews. Will and John
Bauer, to come out of the woods. Dep
uties have been nlaced at Torno's
camping plar. This policy Is adopt
ed because Torno is a dead shot and
there Is no use to risk any lives in
capturing him. .