"PAGES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notlcvj is hereby given that sealed 'bids will be received for the construc tion of approximately 400 lineal feet of five foot cement sidewalk on Mon roe avenue, bids to be filed with the city recorder before 5 o'clock p. m. September 15th 1911.. . The council re serves the right to reject any and all bl&n. Certified check of 5 per cent of tie amount b!i must accompany all Wds. By order of the city council, Sep tember 6th, 1911. C. M. HUMPHREYS, j, ' ' City Recorder. The twelfth annual convention ot the California State Federation of La bor will be held in Bakersfleld, com nuenelng October 2. . . ft , AT THE PARIS HAIR STORE. It i per rent on on all foods; Snitches, C6mhs, Rurettes, Ban does. Sale 5th, Gib, 7th, 8th and PREJUDICE against SPECTACLES Many people are prejudiced against wearing spectacles be cause of some foolish notion or hearsay. ' ' Spectacles am essential to ths relief of eye troubles and noth ing will take their place. If there is trouble with your eyes the sensible thing to do Is to consult an eye specialist. I am a specialist in the treat ment of eye troubles, and In vite investigation aa to my superior; equipment and ability to relieve all eye troubles. You may save your Belf much discomfort by con sulting me at once. I grind all mj glasses. HE A C OCK Ee Sight Specialist Prices for the $15 Set ot Teeth $8.00 $10 Gold Crowns, 22-K ...$5.00 $10 Bridge Work (best) '. .$3.00 $10 Porcelain Crowns ....$5.00 Teeth Cleaned $1.01) TWELVE YEARS SALE MODERN fPAINLES6 DcNTIoTo oTdTeTr N Over Newlin Drug Co. Depot and 1 Adams Avenue. TNT 01 IS AIRED FEDERAL TERM OF COURT MAI EXPLAIN MYSTERY. -;- Fitzgerald WW Be Tried for Iibbing . , Government Treasury. Chicago. 111., 'Sept. 8. Chicagoahs are wondering if Hie veil of mystery will be, lifted from the $173,000 sub- treasury when George W. Fitzgerald Is tried for the alleged embezzlement at the present term of thi federal court. Public , opinion as to the guilt of Flzgerald or his innocence is divided, as it has ever been since the finger $,$3$$$.jj.j$$8j$SS '--'.. FRATERNAL OBDERS OF LA GRANDE. -8 (3 $ tQb$4&4Qv&4Q L V. b A. M. -1 -M)ln, No 41, tt F. & A. M. Lt-' :' meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. L. M. HOYT. W.M. K. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. ' i 4. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at S o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot atreet and Washington avenue Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. H. J. RITTER, Ex. JRai H. E. COOLIDGE. Rec. Sec. WOODMEN Otf THE WORLD La . Grande Lodge No. 169 W O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. II. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday In the month at the 1. 0. O.. F. hall.1 All visiting neighbors are cordially Invite J to ifteod. ' ' '. ' E. E. DANIELS. . ED. HEATH. Clerk. 1 .EBEKAHS Crystal Lode No. V meets every Tuesday evening in th I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem berr are Invited to attend. MISS HELEN McLAUGHLIN, N. G. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Bee. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croat Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday olgbt In Castle hall, (old Elk's hail.) A Pythian welcome to all vtslttnt Knights. : ' JESCPAUL.C.C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. S O. E. P. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. E i C. hoi' stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays ot each month. Visiting members cor (Mahy invited .-. CARRIE E HUNTER. W. M. MARY A. WARNICK. 8ec best work Gold Fillings $U0 up Sliver Fillings 75c Cement Fillings ....... ....50c Re-enameling .... .......$2.00 Plates repaired good as new $J.00 np GUARANTEED Honest Work Honest Prices Painless Extraction 50C of Suspicion was first pointed at him. Many persons firmly believe that the accused man Is the unfortunate vic tim of a great mistake. Others do not hesitate to declare their opinion that Fitzgerald Is one. of the. smooth est rogues with' which Uncle Sam's secret service men have ever had to deal.- ' The only point In the case concern ing which there is not the slightest doubt Is that a fortune in cash offi cially stated -'to -'be $173,000 disap peared from within the steel cage and granite walls of the subtreasury as if the money had wings, literally, as well as figuratively, and for nearly five long years Its whereabouts has re mained an absolute mystery. The first intimation subtreasury of ficials had of a shortage was on a Wednesday afternoon, in the summer of 1908, when Fitzgerald, who had been a government employe for seven years, walked from hla cage over to that of the cashier, F, C. Russell, and "told him he was short $173,000. An examination of Fltzgeralds ac counts showed that it was not a mat ter of bookkeeping, but of actual loss. Further investigation, it is said, de veloped that by strange coincidence the balance retained by the assorting teller In his custody the night before was the exact amount of mon-iy miss ing. ' Inquiry at Washington showed t Vi O t tSn rnnno-.: tin I, ,1 ... . -,-.-'-' there by mistake. Thomas I. Porter, chief of the se cret service of the United States for the Chicago district, ascertained that three previous thefts had taken place It is alleged, in Fitzgerald's cage prior to his time. The losses were, respec tively, $500, $600 and $900. . Fitzgerald, when questioned, laid suspicion upon a party of workmen who had been employed about the subtreasury the day previous. The mpney, Fitzgerald said, lay in stacks upen his desk In a dark corner of the cage and might easily have been reached from under the grating. He said that at least a dozen men had access to the cage. The private life of every emplcfya was investigated, among them Fitz gerald's. His manner of life wa3 simple, his' manner genial and he was popular among his associates. He constantly asserted his inno- cence with an air or injured dignity which ultimately was effective in the absence of direct evidence In divert ing suspicion to other quarters. John E. Wilkle, chief of the United States secret service, after a consul tation with secretary of the treasury Shaw and President Roosevelt took personal charge of the case. A wide spread and systematic Investigation covering the whole country followed, tut w'thout obtaining sufficient .evi dence to warrant an arrest. Fitzgerald, although out of the ser vice, was never lost sight of for a day. More than two yaers later interest In the case was revived by the an nouncement that Fitzgerald had been arrested and charged with the th-ett. It was said at the time that the secret service men had found that he was spending money wry liberally. He was reported to have bought a home for his family and to be In easy clr cumstanees financially. Moreover, a report was circulated that a Chicago business man had confessed that Fitzgerald had offered him a liberal commission If he would . pass sonis $1,000 bills for him. However much truth there may have been In these stories the fact or the matter is that the accused man was discharged almost Immediately after is arrest and without trial. It was Intimated that ;'ie officers had made a serious blunder by taking the nan Into custody l.etoie the Urn wss ripe. Fitzgerald explained hla alleg ed liberal expenditures at the tlmo by trying that he had made considerable money by speculating in eggs. : ust when the public had about con cluded that the matior had been drop ped it was surpr" led to learn that Fitzgerald was again under arrest on lie old charge. It developed, that tlvs grand Jury had returned a new Indictment upon evidence furnished by the secret service men. The Indict ment was returned secretly a few days before the statute ot limitations would have made Fitzgerald, guilty or in nocent, Bate from all prosecution. Altogether several thousand un skilled migratory laborers have been organized through the efforts ot the 1 ... , . i ll . T - I. auiornia oitue r euerauua ui uauy within the last few months. IBMO! Ill DIETED LETTER FROM .PAYETTE -, EX ; PLAINS MINISTER'S DEATH. Former Snmmervlle Minister Asleep . When Train Approached. Accident and not "nrurder Is respon sible for the d?a:h of Rev. H. P. Peter son at Payette, end until a month ago of Summervllle. according to a letter received here today from District Su perintendent Halley who was at the scene of the accident the next morn ing. Writing to Dr. J. D. Gillllan of thli city, Mr. Halley says: Payette, Ida., Sept. 6, 1911. Dear Bro. Gillllan: Brother Peterson had ben working as night freight clerk here since the 1st Inst. One duty was to put tha mall bag on the crane for No." 18, and guard it until she went by, taking the mall on the fly. She was 15 or 20 minutes late on this morning and passed her? at 3:10, going about 4Q miles an hour. About 3:30 the night operator went out to sea why Peterson did not return and found his lifeless body lyingrclose to the'track. Two doctors, the station agent and my self were at once called and we found ilvs whole right side of hla skull ami face over the temple crushed in, and I brains scattered on the ties and gravel. No other scars or wounds. At the inquest it was brought out that- he had dozed oft sitting on the lowest or bottom sti?p of tne crane rrame, facing the track. Aroused by the rush and roar of on-coming No. 18, he lean ed forward to rise and the right side of his head was struck by the upper pilot beam end, partly turning him aronrd. We found him face down ward, within six Inches of the track. We found pieces of his glasses 10 to 20 feet down the track, his hat 15 feet j away In the direction No.' 18 was go ing. . The ti-javy felt hat was cut. The j shape of the wound exactly conforms1 to tha shape of the round lron beam I mentioned above." '-.''.- ; NOTICE OF STREET IMPROYEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by tne com- mon council of the city of La Grande, Oregon on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement district No. 1, and designating Adams avenue as sucn district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the Gth day ot September, 1911, 1 whereby said council determined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of Adams avenue. In sail Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalks and macadamizing, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners .of the property , affected and benefited by. such Improvement, order that said above described improvement be made, that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams avenue on north side from the west line of Alder street, to a point 200 feet west of Al der street. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said Improvement Is as follows: The property owned by the Grande Have the Children's Teeth Examined j J ! i V ' ' L, Ronde hospital, described as follows: Commencing at a point 60 feet west of the southwest corner ot block 14, of Grandy's second addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon, mnnlnj thence west 380 feet to the west line of the southeast quarter of Section 6, Twp. 3, S R 38, E W M, thence north 212Va feet, thence east 380 feet, thenca south 212 feet to the place of begin ning. , . '-'.-. . ,.-' :. Notice. is hereby further given that i the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement for the purpose- of paying for Bucb Improve ment. That the estimated cost of such improvement is me sum or ooi.o. Tnat tae council will, on the 20th day of September, 1911, meet at the coun cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., .to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per- STATEMENT. of the La Grande National Bankt)f La Grande, county of Union, state of 0 ;on, showing the amount standing to the credit ot every depositor July 1911, who has not made a deposit, or who" has not withdrawn any part his deposit, principal or lnterest, for a period of more than seven (7) yK immediately prior to said date, with the name, fast known place of re3ider Residence or N AME 0F Postoffice Ad . DEPOSITOR dress J. H. Parker . La Grande, Ore. Miry S. Smith La Grande, Cre. I.e? McDonald La Grande, Ore. John J. Curren .... La Grande, Ore. J. A. Wood ........ Elgin, 'Ore. T. W. Lusk ,.';;...; La Grande, Ore. M ke Flnnerty La Grande, Ore. State of Oregon. Gounty of Union, ss. : . . - . j 1, F. L, MeyerB, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I a: he cashier of the La Grande National Bank, of La Grande, county of UnioJ State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, coriwc a:., complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postoffice a-: I dress, fact of death. If known, and the amount to the credit of each depositc S as nsqulred by the provisions of Chapter 148, of the general laws of Oregoii (Seal) . . Subscribed and sworn to before me WSL HACK AND AMBULANCE BB8MRMT3 BAKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Only College in Eastern Oregon A high grade school. Well established reputation Many graduates holding good positions. Skillful, pains taking teachers. LIVING EXPENSES THE LOWEST. Let ustell you etcul OTHER LVNTCFS. Write for catalogue, also ment to enroll. on or before September fifth. Baker Business College Baker, Oregon Dentist. IT MAT SATE AN OTOLD AMOO'T 'OF PAIX ASD" ASXOYv ACE 15 LATER LIFE. DECTDF OlS TEETH EITHER LEFT IX TOO LONG OR TAKEN OUT TOO SOO MAYf CAUSE lREGULARi TIES IN THE PERMANENT SET THAT WILL PR) VE SERIOUS. DR. J. E. STEVENSON DR. G. A. BROWN. son feeling aggrieved by such ment. La Grande, Oregon, 1911, CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRam ' OREGON.' By C. M. HUMPHREYS, j . Recorder of the city of La Gm ' dregon"-"'"-- . .. ' ' -. 9-S-10t . v " ! O'CONNELUSi -Cigar Store ! ,r'... Peel, Billiards, CIgari, lifoj ce and Soft Drinks best most complete line of cigars It the city. . j : Obserrcri.Coast League kaj ball scores every day there'i , ' fame. v j Corner Depot and Jeffersos sJ wmmmmxmfm 'iwmms iiiwinu.. Dead, if Fart Is known to . Secretary or ( ashler Ami Unknown Unknown. Unknown Urkzown 'Unknown Unknown Unknown F. L. MEYERS. this 8th day of July, A. D. 1911. H. A. ZURBRICK. Notary Public for Oregon. Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 . L BUSSFi special .terms as an induce-' by a Competent i w Fred J. Holmes, Pres. w.J.tinurcn, r.-uw ' , IP.-t fTwill,J' r ot exreed S500l I " r " " ,s is