LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1911. PAGE 5 rheOfios ifHEATKE other and Sons of "76". . Fatne A story of the day of the revo- jtlon. It Is tragic in; every ition. - ' i. Thief and the Girl" .... Blograpn A gentleman thief has as an complice a maid in a wealthy mlly. His reformation is com eted by the daughter of the imily he rob. Treasure Trove" ...Vltagraph Two sisters are savea rrom lie pinch of poverty by the un ipected discovery of a hidden l-easure. A nne vuagrapn. . at mi t . . Alnaaln J pOpUJar hijucdv, uasiit ngs in spotlight. Miss Garrick sing "A May Morning." Mr. eorge Birnle wil sing: "Out on he Deep." These are the two ongs which mads such a b't Let wi?ek and are being repeat- fto request of many patrons. d at the request of many Pat- OEi. rhas. E. King, Musical Director.; That operation may be unnecessary if you will treat yourself easily and pleasantly with the Davis Electrical Medical Battery. A demonstration treatment or two without placing you under any obligation and without ex pense, if you are interested. Address The inter-Mountain Sales Co.. UOZ1 Adams avenue, La Grande, Ore. 9-8-tf Mrs. Coombs has opened an electric and steam bath parlor at 1620 Sixth street and is ready to give treatments. Hi SCHOOL BOOKS. As most people know we are selling all school books ait practically cost and the publishers and their agents are demanding of all buyers of school books cash on delivery for them. Hence for all school books we are obliged to exact cash from all buyers of school books at the time they are sold. 0. E. SIVERTHORN, Family Druggist NEWLIN BOOK & STATIONERY CO. Electrical Treatments TOCR WATER! BEST TOMOR- LOCALS p Love, Jewelerj212,4 Adams av.. r. Posey, Specialist for Eye, Ear, e, Tbrout diseases and catarrh. Ir Settler's store. Eyes fitted with isses. Honrs 9 to 11:30 1:30 to 2nd 7 to 8 p. m. Personal attention, modern methods practical teachers will Insure you lex returns. La Grande Busintss lege. T YOrR TVATEE REM T03I0K- A. class In conversation French ia ing organized In the city. Anyone erested is asked to call up Main 728. Don't pay a high price for them whn you can treat yourself with the most modern apparatus at a coBt of 17 cents per month If you have t-lec-tric lights In your home. Marvelous results in the treatment of rheuma tism, nervousness, sluggish circula tion, liver and kidney trouble, Btc. Complete description of the DavlB Medical Battery with fall particulars by addressing a posttl card to th tern-Mountain Sales Cx, 1102 Adams avenue, La Grande, Ore. 9-8-tf but his family has spent most of the summer la the east. ' A party of Elgin people consisting of J. L. Hindman and wife, Roy G. Brown and wife, Robert Jones ami Mrs. Towmar, were guests In thV city last night, stopping at the Savoy. They made the return trip In Mr. Hlndman's car. " " ' ' ' '.' : . ' . Nate Ardrey, the piano tuner, is here from Portland and will meet his cus tomers before returning. Claude Hampton of Pendleton was a business visitor in the city yesterday staying at the Sommer while here. Mrs. Mae Walker waB a guest in the city this morning staying at the Fotey wbile here. ' . ' Fire Chief Joe Jones leaves in a day or two for Seattle where he joins other fin? chtefs of the northwest on a junket to British Columbia. f Dr. Chas. ;Ault of Uinierpiute, i turned to his home this morning after having spent a few flays In the. city. He canon to La Grande with his daughter who is on her way to attend schol in the south, and while here he stopped at the Savoy. . E. S. Givens and wife of Seattle who, with Mr. Richardson, are Interested In Grande Ronde valley fruit land-, arriv ed this morning and are taking B. F. Givteos, of St Louis, over the valley today as well. . This is B. F. Givens' cumr i flrst visit to tnis aistnci. ne is me he In-'fotv,. f the Seattle man. They are quartered at the Sommer. v granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, September 6th, 1911. . CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. : By C. M. HUMPHREYS, . Recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon. ... ' 9-8-10t , -. ' Rebutting an Empro Once. ihf tr.v roti. Emperor Nicholas of Rusnln asked Llxzt to play in bin presence : The oiuxioiun coin piled, but during the iwformance the cwir started a ponversatlnn wltn to ald-dt- amp, Ustt topfd playing at owe. ' Tr-oc ttnr mmkhI wtnit wan tin matter. "Vhn the iiiK-nr i tents, jiuld Llaxt. ""vry on must De aliM." Tbe cjsiii Hiulllnv'l.v t"k the Dint, a or tb iiitirln irwl rERSONALS. ' ' $ $ $ . H. H. Lenox of Wallowa, was a guest at the Savoy hotel last night. I. M. Cox a resident of Rock Springs stayed at the Savoy last night . U YOUR WATER REST T0M0R- inr. f ARN TO EARN La Grande Busi ness college. ' ' Don't wait until you Bee others get position; be the first 4o get one La fande Business college. . Mr. Joe Woods has taken charge of b crystal cafe. Mr. Woods has had M place remodelea anil nnwlv fnrn- ped and will run a flrBt class place, POWn U9 the Delmnnlrn. Vmir nat. f nage solicited. 8-14-tf Electric and steam, baths. Combs, 1620 Sixth street. Mrs. O. This is the time of year when ev- pyone should consider remodeling fcelr jHEATIXG AXD PLUMBING JOBS. Bradley & Co. has a crew of first 'ass plumbers, steam and hot water i'ters at all times ready to do work atlsfattorily. Come in and unload our troubles to BRADLEY A CO, : pne Black 971. Elm Street. Miss McMurray returned today from Union where she has been the guest of friends for a few days. v Mrs. F. J. Holmes and daughter. Miss Nell Grimmit arrived home this morning from a visit to the metropo lis and beach points. 1 , . Attorney E. W. Barrett went to Portland and Estacada this morning after spending a few days here with friends. Fred Hooper, a memhr of the Elgin IndlanB, and now proprietor of the Wigwam, an Elgin cigar emporium, was in the city this morning on busi ness matters. Will N'cill wi?nt to Eugene this morning to resume his studies in the state university. He spent the sum mer vacation here with his mother Mrs. Nell!rs Neill. . Druggist and. Mrs. A. T. Hill teft yesterday for a tour of the states, go ing to Boston from here. They will cover the important points on tourist travel before their return home.' ' '. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Moon returned this morning from a business visit to Pendleton. They are now located at this city, where Mr. Moon was former ly a resident, but of late had ben sta tioned at Pendleton. Night Chief Dispatcher and Mrs. C. M. Andrews' and family arrived home today from an extended visit to points in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Mr. An drews has been gone about four weeks : ' Temporary Chief Jiamed. , . Fire Chief Jos. Jones has named Clarence Jackson as temporary chief during his absence. All applications for permits should be made to Mr. Jackson at Snodgrass grocery. ,Jfo Guess Work whether Ingredients of a prescription are powerful or not; they are all care fully weighed or measured her. It's the only way to insure right results. If you want accurate compounding, bring your prescriptions to us. Wrlghi Drugjcompany. ; ; ' , DO N'TFORGET that school opens Monday. and the boys and girls will need new shoes, w start to school. Our new fall shoes are now la stock and wie can fit the boys and girla out with the newest and best shoes on the mar ket. ... : $LS0 to $31)0 ....... tU0tof&50 Boys shoes from Cirl' shoes from ILo JJ FRENCH. EC. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ONYX HOSIERY. . Round House Foreman Created. For the first time In the history of local shops and round houses, a fore man hag been created for the round housv? alone. Ed Thomas was former ly round house and machine shop fore man but of late he has devoted his at tention to the shops and Frank Leav ltt has now teen , made permanent round house foreman. ' NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of tbe city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of February, 1909, creating Improvement district No. J.7 and designating Jefferson avenue, as such district, and in pursuance" of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 30th day of August, 1911, whereby said council determin ed and declared its intention to lm prove all that portion of Jefferson avenue in said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalk, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the proper ty affected and benefited by such im provement, order that said abo de scribed improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as fallows: All that portion of the south side of Jefferson avenue, from the west curb line of Chestnut street, to the east curb line of Fourth street. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said improvement is as follows. The north half of block 115, Chap lin's addition to the town of La Grande, Oregon. :'.."' ,!, :V if Notice is herby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected ani benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $200.00. That the council will, on the 20th day of September, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as- THERE'S NO RISK. Pay Nothing. A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dys pepsia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute ludlgMtlon and chronic dyspepsia.' Tbelr Ingredients are sooth ing and beating to the Inflamed mem branes of the stomach. They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive Ms known to medicine. The relief they afford is almost immediate. Tbelr use with persistency and regularity iot a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disor ders. . ' Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sin cere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give yon entire satisfac tion, we will return you the money you paid os for them, without, ques tion or formality. . They com in three sizes, prices 23 cents. CO cents and $1.00. Remember, yon can ob tain them only at The Rexall Store. HILL'S DRUG STORE. & '5 G$Q$'$Od&M&ft ICIsssifiedl o ft Advertising WANTED Girl for general house work. Swedish girl prefered. Call 1208 Seventh and N streets. 9-8-St . '' FOR RENT Oregon Hotel dining room, No. 10 Depot street. 9-5-3t LOST Black auto cushion between La Grande and Hawes bridge up the river. ' Reward. Leave at Observer office. ": ' 8-31-tf FOR SALE A desirable home, on rea sonable terms and easy payments; . a nine-room house with acre of land; good location. Address P. O. box 254, Wallowa, Or. (A. 19, 8 19.) FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any quantity. $1.60 per cord at the Per ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber company Pe.rry, Ore. 6-lB-tf FOR SALE Two steated trap in first ' class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L. Richardson. 8-4-tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Ried 251. 9-2-tf FOR RENT Furnished suite of two rooms for light housekeeping. In quire Emil Neiderer, 1201 Eighth. , HELP WANTED Gird or woman for housework;' good wages; apply 1104 ' O avenue. 9-5-tf V A SNAP 80 acres of the best land in Grande Ronde. Plenty of water, 6 room house with, first class barn. Two acres of commercial apples. MuBt be sold to satisfy mortgage at once. Call W. H. Davis at Black 831 La Grande, or Mrs. Foye at Cove ho tel. ; ' 9-8-tf FOR SALE 10 acre fruit farm at , Cove. The very best kept orchard in the valley. Owner is too old to handle crop so it must be sold with ' in ten days. Five room house and good barn, the crop goes with sale and all for $4,300.00. Terms. Call W, K. Davis at Black 831, La Grande, or Mrs. Foye at Cove hotel. fpj IVE timc3 a year we make a de tailed statement of our affairs to the Comptrolles at Washington. -we ask you to look over the report we pub lish today and note the splen did growth in deposits and re sources during the past few months. Statement of the condition of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, at the dose of business September 1st, 1911. . 5 .. ; : , Resources Loans and discounts . .... .$261,833.23 Overdrafts secured and un secured ................. 1,120.34 U. S. bonds to secure cir culation ................ 25,000.00 Other bonds to secure pos tal" savings dep. ....... . . 5,000.00 Premium on U. S. bonds , . . ; 429.69 Bonds and securities 15,168.40 Banking house, . furniture and fixtures ...,......,. 28,366.40 CaBh and due from banks. . 120,413.73 TteriAmnHrm fund with TT. S. ... ; treasurer ......... .', . ." . 1,250.00 r, . 3: $458,581.84 . Liabilities. Capital stock paid in ......$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided prof its ..................... 10,667.77, Circulation 25,000.00 Due to banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,476.35 Certified checks ........... 1,006.67 Deposits . , ... ...... . .' 319,431.05 $458,581.84 : COM PA DATIVE STATEMENTS ' April 1, 1909 . . . . .... $122,462.43 November Id, 1909 $193,777.13 Sept 1st, 1910 $249,0039 Sept. 1st, 1911 $319,431.05 Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits 1ITED WESiTIOHI ' An article - that has real merit i should to time become popular. That such. Is the case with Chamberlain's Cough 'Remedy has been attested by many dealers." Here is one of them. H.' W .Hndilckson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croup Haradon's Tru-Fruit Chocolates and Marshmallows. , Made Just Right. No Imitation Flavors. All Leading Gohfectioners Sell Them. and is my best: seller." For sale By all dealers. ' eod mm -TPocUMd, Oregon - HMldcnt and Dy School for Girl. In- chrm of Birten o( St. Johm Baptist (Eplmpll OollifUto, ioOiali u llnuaurj "-- -T-li I . Mul. Art, SlMvtias, TBoula. I ' Fo mUloc adireM THE SISTER SUPERIOR I .' Omoe24. t. Hnlem Hall I They laoe In front Think what that means the classic back correct poise beautiful lines ease of adjustment with abso lute comfort. The proof Is In the fitting: . ;; ; Mrs. Robert Patlison CorseiJere. Phone Black 143L 1 - ' : '' ' ' '" - ' ' '' ' fc' ill" T aitHFItilti I mkiiMSiimii,m min mi iS3 n - 1 . .. V oes For Iess Money OIo:"i Oil BA'LTON'S 13 18 Adams A venue