PAGE 4 LA QUANTE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911. IHc; OBSERVER BRUCE DENNIS Editor and Owner. school hi has at that moment made a', tie village of Malllane, In the heart of flaw In his life'a foundation which! Provence, September 8, 1830, His ed- Catered at the postoffice at La Grande ai second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATES tally, tingle fopy I! ally, per week, ItaOy, per month. t -L te lie "TT" 1 2 3 755 6 7 8 9 Imt lg mlimz 1ml 'fzil8llQ.20!21 12223 may at any time cause the entire structure to tumble. Those who are leaving now for the winter sesion have kept tbe faith, being diligent and steadfast hence they have been issued proper credentials. This ntwspapter will watch with interest the advance ment and achievement of each indi vidual pupil from La Grand?. May they make good, make good, make good. For making good is tbe crucial test of this existence. ' BOYS OFF TO COLLEGE One of the strongest assets this city las Is her young folks who have a de sire for a bightr. training and ad vanced (education. With considerable pride the Observer announces that tbls city will be -heavily, represented tbe coming winter In the colleges of the atate. " :Vb public school here has done Hi. part faithfully and veil and every pupil who leases La Grande this year will be armed with proper credits so that his recognition In tbe higher schools will be certain. ,'Thr?ee "represent compensation for thra long lard struggle which be underwent day by dy to master what Is taught here. Those credits represent moral ity, Integrety and sobriety. When tbe pupil Is gaining them day by day be doei not fully realize what they mean. If by chance he grows tired and quits PEOPLE SEEM TO FAYOR IT . Tbe comment following a recent edi torial In the Observer advocating th'J purchase of sufficient ground near the city to insure a race course for the future is very favorable indeed. Sev eral substantial citizens have expres sed themselves ready and willing to assist In such an enterpise. A start - i - . . , IS ail lUttl la uecueu tun a will "be plenty of support accorded the mowment. To procrastinate in a thing like this Is ot lose thi? opportunity forever. It means that later La Grande must go Into tbe country some distance In or der to secur what might now be bad within walking distance ot the busi ness sections. Every growing city that has not prepared for such a tract has year after witnessed its folly. Is it not worth white to profit by the lesson of experience? ucation was received in a boarding school at, Avignon, which was a few miles distant from his home. After leaving school he studied law at Alx, but soon he abandoned law for litera ture. Though Mistral's poems have won wide popularity for the charm of their omance, his chief work and the one that brought him the important prize of the 'Institute of France, is his Provencal-French dictionary, In the preparation of which be spent ten years. The poet is a leader in tbi movement to preserve local languages, literature and traditions. He believes that the historic sections ot France, Spain, Italy, Flanders, Hungary and all countries where localities had been strong enough to create a language, deserve attention for the revival of these. Year by year the importance of Mistral's work has come to be more generally recognized,1 and in his old are many honors have been bestowed upon him. ' ' ; " i "H,1 y y Hi' V V W W W W W -w r , - - - ft JLllilB-sOtL A 1111 21 11 V 6Ja.Ilfc? .Vis ' V V U V it 1V - - ' - - ,.. -, , ft n rrr,. ; jt-k - i f .-if n . - - it i Qim' ropuiarLUCUKur esses r i ( if -j,if tin I I V .111 I-' ; 1 II IS 14 II 2 I r-r, IB ft i 8 ! In choosing Judd Geer of Cove to Judg the exhibits at their fair Wal lowa county has exiercised its usual good Judgment for Judd Geer is an au thority In fruit. 17D5- VS,(si a Arcade The ADMISSION TEX CESTS. 8 11UDAY AND SATt'ItDAY Blograph "Bobby the Coward" f Of more than ordinary Intent H la as human as It is wel acted (and a Blograph). Sellg "A Craven Heart." Hene is an excltlng'flrama, with .a fire and a rescue from the burning building and a fall from a broken ladder. It is a good on. jubin-" Always a Way" A good live comedy, where love fludB the way. Change days Sunday, Monday, I Twsday, Friday.' V, I.'" '." ' ' Song by Miss Stephenson "If be 'Garden ot Roses Should Turn to Tnorns. TOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME , THIS BATE IS HISTORY. ' September 8. ' Enhriara Williams, founder of Williams College, killed in bat , tie with the French and Indian - Born In Newton, Mass., In 1715. 17D6 Col. John Armstrong, with 300 volunteers, lurprlsed and de stroyed the hostile Indians in western Pennsylvania. , 17C0 GenMal Jeffrey AmherBt as sumed office as govcernor of Canada. .'. 1761 British Belzed the forts at Mackinaw and Green Bay. 1760 Enoch Poor, who led the Amer ican attack at the battle of Sar atoga, died In New Jersey. Born I in Massachusetts. June 21, 1736 18H& The French and English allies i made the last grand assault on tba fortifications at Sebastopol , I860-Steamer "Lady Elgin" sunk in ' ct!"sion with the Bchooner "Au gustus" on Lake Michigan with loss of 2S7 lives. 187Vin!nm M. Hunt, famous pain m. died at Isle , of Shoals, N . "H. Born at Brattleboro, Vt March 31. 1824. 1889 The cruder "Philadelphia" was launched at Philadelphia. 1S93 Irish Home Rule bill rejected by the British house of lords. 1910 Explosion on the battleship North Dakota killed three and Injured nine of the crew. THIS IS MY X1ST BIRTHDAY.. "GERMAN LATCHKEYS." Ig Enough te Be Used as Weapons of Attack or Dofsnse. Locksmlthlng In Germany Is today aa Important a trade an plumbing, blacksmltblng or the vocation ot tbe barber, say our consul at Hanover in a recent report. Tbe first lock and key were Introduced Into Primula In tbe fourteenth century and caused a con siderable sensation at tbe palace ot tbe elector of Brandenburg. He found that by these device be could do away with tbe guard at bis private doors and thus materially reduce bis house hold exDnes. Since that day the acblosser, or locksmith, bas been an es sential factor Id German life. Tbe present German bouse key could be need as a weapon of attack and de fense, besides serving Its original pur pose. It weighs on an average about one-eigbtb ojP a pouud, and as each per son entitled to carry a bouse and cor ridor key has nearly a quarter ot a pound of soft Iron In bis pocket It Is conservatively estimate!! that the amount of Iron In circulation in Ger many In tbe pockets of tbe men and In the bnnd bags of women amounts to 2.005 tons, besides an additional 2,500 tons for tbe keys to tbe Interior of German homes., Thus something over B.O0O tons of Iron are put Into keys of a slse to be found nowhere In Atner lea. However large tbe bouse or nu merous the apartments, the outer door Is locked promptly at 10 o'clock, and an tbe German spends many of bis even tngs out every person carries at least one of these massive key to effect an entrance. Madagascar's Two Climates. Tbe Island of Madagascar has two distinct climates, two classes of na tires and two classes of fauna and flora. Tbe Island Is.nhont Hie sire c France. Along the coast It Is tropical and malarious, and the natives are darker tbuu In tbe Interior. The in terior Ih a hlitb tablelund and moun tainous. There the climate 1 cooler and the natives smaller and lighter lu color thnn on the const But In tbe Interior they are more Intelligent, and they rule the Island. Frederic Mistral. Frederic Mistral, the famous French author and poet, was born In Ihe lit- MMIMHMMinHmilHIIIHIHHIHTMHIIIHMH; A Strong Modern Bank Efficiently rondnctej, rot only In the Interests of Its stock .holders but ot If depositors and patrons na well t .With official1) well known and trtet In the community. With capital, surplus and nndhlded profits of f21,(HM.000 and total resources of 1,000,000.00. The La Grande National Bank offers to firms fenera tions and Individual the best hanking serrtcc, and Its ofti ren ask a personal Intwlew with those contemplating changing accoonts or opening new ones La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE. OREGON. Obliging. Excited Adtbor (rushing behind tbe tcenesi-Wby are you cutting out the second and third acts of my ptayt Manuger I am not rutting anything out. I'm merely varying the order ot tbe acts. Severn I Influonttnl persona In tbe audience have asked me If It would not be possible to bare tbe hero die In tbe next actChiraxo Tribune. an especially attractive line of stylish one- ; ; piece dresses in wool, silks, and dainty chiffons. Styles suitable for all occasions. PRICES, $9.50 TO $28.50. Exclusive- Fascinating styles that are seldom shown outside the exclusive shops of the larger cities. Only one waist of a kind $4.50 TO $11.00. Wooltex Suits and Coats. Seigel and Wooltex Skirts. UTZ & DUNN'S DRESS SHOES, ( PINGREE DRESS SHOES, SILK AND MESSftLINE PETTICOATS EARLY FALL Milihefijr AX EXCELLENT SHOWING OF THS SOFT FELT CRUSH HATS SO POP ULAR FOR EARLY WEAR. SEE THEM IN OUR WINBOW AND MIL LINERY DEPARTMENT Agents for HULL AND FOLMERK'LOGG Interchangeable handle UMBRELLAS The same prices that you ' have been, paying, for tbe old . - style. Will Fit In Any Salt Case. HULL UMBRELLAS DETACHABLE HANDLES Philosophy. Learn to be pleased wltb everything with wealth, ao far aa It makes us ot benefit to others; with poverty, for not having much to care for. and with obscur'ty. for being unenvted. Plu tarch, x-iiTve vvnu Till" I.lROlt WORLD. ' , CAPITAL . SURPLUS RESOURCES, Fred J. Holmeg. Pres. .' $ 100.000.00 . 105,000.00 , . 1,000 W.j.Ch' In Italian workshops and factories more than tnree-rourtna ot me cm ployes work ten to eleven hours. The Piano, Organ and Musical In strument Workers International In Ion has paid In aick and death beive f during the last seven years a total of 1238,095. Seventy per cent ot the children em ployed In the cotton industrW-a of Virginia are illiterate. In Alabama tne percentage is lower by ave per cent. Insurance against sickness Is com puisory in Hungary for all persons employed In Industrial undertakings gjf The QUALITY STORE nia, are planning to hold a "tag-day" In the Interest of the Labor Tempi.? Association, which proposes to erect a labor temple. At the International Metal Workera' convention held recently in Boston, a soeaker advocated five hours a day and five days per week, at $1 per hour, to safeguard workers' lives. W. D. Mahon, president of the Amal gamated Association of Street and Electric Railway employes, In his an nual report shows that $60,612 was paid during the yean, for sick, disabil ity and death benefits. More than $200,000 deposited in the various banks ot Denver by unions, bas been withdrawn because it was believed that some of the officials of the banks were Interested In mines where union men are being boycot ted. The latest trade to be organized into a union in .viw lorx cuy is mat oi the fancy umbrella handle makers. The members expect to be able by the aid of the organ Ixation to bring about an Increase of wages and better con ditions. William Johnston, ot Washington, D. C. was recently elected president of the International Machinists, over James O'Connell, who had held th position for many years. Johnston waa the candidate of the progres sives. 1 Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union of San Francisco, is planning to raise a fund of $6,000 to be uBed for tbe entertainment of delegates to the annual convention of the Internation al Union, which will convene in San Francisco In the fall of next year. Mlanesotans Favor Robert. Mineapolis, Sept 8. At a banquet here attended, by 300 progressive re publicans R. M. Lo FpBiette of Wiscon sin was chosen as the logical nominee of the republican party for president. WHEX HER BACK ACHES A Woman Finds AH Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away La Grande women know how the aches and pains that come wh?n the kidneys fail makes life a burden. Back aches, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary-troubles, all take no other. tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach ,of dropsy or Erigbfs disease. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only. They at . tack kidney diseases by striking at Ithe cause. Can La Grande . sufferers desire : stronger proof, than : this woman's j word? , ' Mrs. J. B. Sams, of Union, Oregon, says: "I was bothered for about 25 years by kidney complaint and doctors were unable to help me. , My back weak and ached constantly. It was difficult orf me to get up after sitting, owing to sharp twinges in my back and I often had to grasp something for support. The kidneya' secretions were unnatural, showing .that I hs4. kidney complaint, , Before I had used Doan's Kidney Pills long, 1 was re lieved and 1 enjoyed much better health. Another member of my faffl" Uy took this remedy and Joins m ,B recommending them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mliburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. " ' '..' '' ". . Remember the name Doan's a"4 Mint Marshmallous in 10c tins Barallona Filberts A rvii 'ii i A Cream Nut . rillippi Almonds ,.- ,.. .WV.T THEY ARE DELICIOUS AT . V..y ' .. -lm rntnra An not exreed 1300