otkt. Notice of the recorder of the city of L Grande, Oregon, of the assess ment of Adams avenue from the east liDe of Third itreet to the weet Hue of Alder itreet. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the liapnovement of Adam a avenue from the east line of Third street to the west lice of Alder treet. being In Improvement district No..U In the city of La Grande, Ore gon, under the provisions of Ordinance No. E47, Series 1911. entitled, "An or dinance declaring the cost of improv ing Adams avenue from th east line of Third street to the west line of Al der street, determining the property benefited thereby, levying an assess ment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the Improvement; pro viding for the assessment roll of the came and directing the entry of said seetmen: herein levied and to collect said assessment," the same being In improvement district No. 1 in said city of La Grande, Oregon, U now la my hands for collection and that aoy as sessment therein may be paid to me at any time In ten (10) days from the 7th day of September, ' 1911, Without penalty, Interest or cost; and each property owner is hereby netifled that on application to the undersigned within ten (10) days from the 7th day of September, 1911, which i the first publication of this notice they will be allowed to pay such assessments in ten (10) annual installments, the first installment thereof being doe and pay able on or before the 16th day of Sep tember, 1912. If application Is not made as above provided the whole amount will be and become due, pay able and delinquent on the 16tb day of assessment In the docket of city liens; September, 1911. providing a time when the same shall All property owners are hereby no isome delinquent and requiring the ( tifled to appear at my office in the city recorder to prepare a special assess-j hall and pay the same, xnent roll In accordance with the as-1 The assessment roll is as follows: ; GASGLOFF RECOXD ADDITION. EloeS ; let Sames of Owner. Amt Aifsessm'nt p. . Johanna Gangloff .... ..$26.37 q George and Emma Marx ...... 61.75 GBASDY'S 8EOCXD ADDITION. KaiuilMMa1 Pint. Block 13 13 13 13 U 14 14 14 14 14 14, 14 11 11 . 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 ; .12 12 12 12 12 5 Am't ?! ' LotXames of Owner. 1 E. Z. Carbine ............. City of La Grande ........ City of La Grande . Ev Z. Carbine . .'. ......... Earl Rankin .............. Earl Rankin ......... . . . Earl Rankin Earl Rankin ....... . . ..... 13 Earl Rankin .............. 14 Earl Parkin .............. 15 Earl Rankin .............. 16 Earl Rankin 1 Fred Tufveson, Lavlna Littl 2 W. E. Oesterling ....... '. 3 W. E. Oesterling .... ... . . . 4 VW. E. Oesterling 13 B. W. Grandy ............ n B. W.' Grandy 15 B. W. Grandy i ....... B. W. Grandy ............ R. D. and May Hamilton., R. D. and May Hamilton . . W. J. Church ........... 8 W. J. Church ........... 9 R. D. Hamilton ........... 10 R. I). Hamilton 11 R. D. Hamilton 12 R. D. Hamilton 5 Emma C.; Harding 16 6 6 7 Aesmnt .... 207.17 ....156.39 .... 158.39 .... 208.6 1 .... 187-20 .... 85.50 .... 57.00 28.50 V... 30.50 .... 61.00 .... 91.50 .... 199.20 193.20 87.00 58.00 29.00 29.00 58.00 87.00 193.20 29.00 58.00 87.00 193.20 193.20 87.00 , 58.00 29.00 29.65' Fresh For Sunday Grapes Sweet Potatoes Bananas Cucumbers Watermelons Celery Cantaloupes Green Peppers Oranges Peaches Apples V; 1 ': t Green Corn Cabbage Imperial Tomatoes Phone your order for Peaches to can, we will have them next vvee V n -,'t'-':,:v ' '' ' -n Li Clock 5 6 5 5 5 5 5. ' 5 5 5 $ 6 .6 ' 6 , ( :. 6 6 6 . 3 3 ' 3 Eli of Wof E1 of W4 of. EV of , W' of E'-4 of of tT; S 35 feet of N 5 feet of , 3 3 3 3 15 Block 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 15 , 16 16 16 16 ' 7 7 ' 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 3 3 S 40 feet of N 5 feet of t, LotXn-8 nl Owaer. Ami A8sesDst 6 Emma C. Harding ........ ... 59-30 7 Herbert R-Hanna .... 88-95' 8 Herbert R. Hanna 195.80 9 P.' L. Thornton 97.90 9 Hugh McCall 97.90 1Q P. 1 Thornton , 10 Hugh McCall 44.4S 11 s P. U-.Tboraton : 29.C5, 11; Hugh McCall 29.65 12 P. L. Thornton ............ . . . 14.82 12 Hugh McCall 143 1 Andrew Anderson 195.80 2' Andrew Anderson ............ ; . 88.95 3 Andrew Anderson ............ 59.30 4 Anna Anderson 29.65 ' 13 William A. and Horace C. Ludi- ., ,J keri ;..a..f ? 29-5 14 E. E. Bragg 59.30 15 E. E. and Jean Bragg S8.S5 16 E. E. and Jean Bragg 195.80. 1 Elizabeth Cross-Ladiker 205.80 2 Elizabeth Cross-Ladiker ....... 84.39 2 La Grande Investment. Co. C.. L. Payne 12.06 3 La Grande Investment Ca-C L. Payne 64.30 4 Gertrude Mitchell and J. H. 32.15 Burke ' 32.15 13 Joseph Palmer ............... 32.15 14 Joseph Palmer 64.30 15 Joseph Palmer 96.45 16 Joseph Palmer ......... i.,... 205.80 ' K P. 1 ThdlMIl ...i......... a2iR 6 P. J. Thelsen . J. . . .1; . . . 64.30 7 Wm. B. Sargent and' John Thei- . , sen .96.45, . 8 George Parker . . ; .. "'. ... I . . . .'. 205.80 i i 9 . Frank W and Carrie E. Pattison 205.80 10 V Frank W and Carrie E. Pattison 96.45 . 11 Frank W and Carrie E. Pattison 64.30 ; 12 George W. Webb . 1 . . 1 '. . '". . , . . ' 32.1 5 i 4; W. J. Church i. . . 18.53 AmH Assessm'nt 18.53 83.40 120.26 223.46 225.96 120.23 . 83.40 18.53 242.00 111.13 74.13 18.53 18.53 74.13 101.18 244.50" 238.C0 105.42' 13.18 79.05 J9.77 19.77 79.05 118.60 265.60 19.77 88.95 128.47 245.83 , 245.83 -128.47 88.95 19.77 GSASDrS ADDITION LotXames of Owner. 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 7 2 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 4 5 W. J. Church ................ Mra. Carrie", P. Duryea . . . .. . '. . Jennie M. Hackett .. . '. Anna De Long ' David Grelner O. Knutson .. David Greiner O. Knutson .. Helen McLachlen ........... .. L. C Souder W. J. and Ella Case W. J. and Ella Case ;". .' . . . Frederick Syuhorst Frederick Synhorst Frederick Synhorst . , . . . . . v. , . . Frederick Synhorst Ellen L. Kerr ................. Ellen I Kerr . . . Louie McKennon Louie McKennon .... B. G. Fritts B. G. Frltta Queen V. Harrell ............. Ella M. Candish .............. Ella M. Candish .............. Lilla Richardson ............. Lilla Richardson ......... . ' . . .William' D. Delmore ;.Tr.r.' s E. Endlsy .. ...!. ... .. 6 ' Lydia Pi Grandy . . .". .......... 7 Mrs. A. E, Jones ............ Minnie J. Thomas ............ Martha Harris B. A. Benham ............... C. B. Cauthorn Carrie L, Rynearson and Kate R. Hanley ........ ..i. . ... . Carrie L. Rynearson and Kate 1 R. Hanley Johanna Gangloff ............ Ernest E. Lewis ... . .". . B. W. Grandy 8 . 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 11 B. W. Grandy ...V. Sallie A- T. Palmer B. W. Grandy Sallle A. T. Palmer B. W. Grandy ...... Sallie A. T. Palmer , i i S it . ' i E 75 feet and N 30 fet it w .CO feet of " 12 ,3 S 15 feet of W 60 feet of : 12 3 E 75 feet of , 13 3 W 60 feet of , 14 3 E 75 feet of ,, ; 14 3 W 60 feet of ' li Commencing at a point 60 "feet west of the southwest corner of block 14 of Grandy's Second Addition to ' the city of La Grande, Unlon - , county, Oregon, running thence' west 380 feet to the west line of the southwest quarter of section1 1 1 6 In Twp. 3 S R 38 E W M, thence . ' , " north 212 feet, thence , east 380 feet, thence south 212 Vi feet to the ; ' ,v . ' place of beginning ........ Grande Ronde Hospital By order of the council August 30th,1911. ' C. M. HUMPHREYS, I ' ' ; 1 Recorder of the City of La Grande.Oregon. , 18.98, 15.41 10.71 2.35 2.33 ,7.66 1.83 5.98 8.26 8.9S 12.40 88.15 . HE? 10 001! CXIOS TO BE H&ST TO WOKXEES. COCXTY Settle 'ational Organizer to Be ' speaker at Contention. structed tc the south side of L vj. cue, in front of the court house, from the center of the slock to Sixth street. All bids muBt be filed in this offlceb e fore 5 o'clock p. m. September 15th 1911." Certified check for five per cent j of amount bid must accompany bids. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J By order of the street . commute? September 6th, 1911. , - ' '; C. M. HUMPHREYS, City Recorder.. 9-8-Et : s ' ' " ' ' 1 1 i Union, Sept.8. (Special) The Un ion County W C. T. U w ill hold Its annual convention In Union, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 19 and 20. In the Al E. church. The Union coun ty officers are: President, Grace McAllister, La Grande. : Vice President Laura Boyd, Elgin! Corresponding Secretary Cllve M. Bolton, La Grande. : ' Recording Secretary Hattie M. Wolfe, Union. ' : ; i ' . Treasurer -Hattie Clark, Union. Convention speaker will be Mrs. Jackson Silbaugh of Sea tie. Wash., a national organizer. ' ' ; Superinten62nts of Department ristons are: ' '.""' ' f -'"" ' ' ; -,. ry Organlzatfon Grace McAlllBter. Prevntlve Laura Boyd. Educational Olive Bolton. ' Evangelistic Para Thornton, Grande. ' ' :;' ;;: '. Social Hattie Wolfe. Local flattie Clark. ; . Local convention committt:s named as follows: :f, ' ', Entertainment Mary Eaon. Reception Me'sdames Anna West,' Catherine Casper, Isabel Hutchinson, Josle Doney and Mrs. L. L. McKen non. , . r.;- Refreshments and social features Mesdames E. E. r Pansel, Eelle M. Wright, Delia Wright. : Plan of Work Nelle E, Carman. Auditing and Finance Maggte Eob ins .. ; .' : -. r , If yon knew of the. real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back soreness of the muscles, sprains anl 1 rheumatic . pains, you would never i wish to be" without It. For sale by , all dealers., i : " r.eod , SECOND ANNUAL KORTHWEST FROSTIER ', and. .'-.."j; K0OD. EASTER 02EG0X DISTRICT FAIR di- La are PEKDLETOX SEPTEMBER, 11th 16th. ' "" OXE AKB OSE-THIRD FABE ". via the XOTICE TO COXTRACTORS . Notic.9 is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, for the construction of approximately 125 lineal feet of ce nVsnt walk, 7 feet'in width, to be con- OREGON-WASHIN G T O N KA1LKUAL)& NAV-. Excursion fares on special dates, ask your nearest agnt. v LET 'ER BUCK! Bronco busting steer roping, rid- :nf acd racing wild horses, Indian war dances, cowboy and cowgirl races relay horse and pony races, northwest inmtier parade, horseback tug of war horseback pistol .shooting, etc. Wm. McMurray, j General Passenger Agt 1 A Ready to Raee at Montreal. ; , Montreal, Sept. 8. The Montreal Jorkey club's final meeting for 1911 opens tomorrow with the promise of one q the best meetings ever held at th famous Blue Bonneli track. Tho track is In aa nearly perfect condition '. possible, and many Improvements have been made to the plant since the doss of the spring meeting. The sta bles are filled whh nearly 400 horses. all fit and ready for the starter's bell. I The meeting will continue through I out the whole of next week. The over night purses will be mostly of a value of $;C0. while there are a number of handicaps to be run. The big stake events of the meeting will be the Earl Grey cup, for S-yeai'-olds, six furlongs. with J1.000 added, mile and a quarter: the Hochelega handicap, for 2-year-olds, six furlongs, with $1,000 added: the Strathcona steeplechase, for. 4-year-olds and up two and a half miles w th $1,000 added; the Derby cup; for 3-year-olds and up, Canadian owned, one and three-fourth miles, with $1,000 added; the Champion stakes, for 3-year-olda and up, one mile, with $1, 000 added; the Henrie Memorial stee plechase, for 4-year-olds and up, three with $1,000 added. AM- UMMER uggestions "ake two-thirds of a glass of cold sparkling SAM-O, add one-third of any of the following fruit juices: Lemon, Orange, Pineapple or Grape , , "Measure It right and mix It together iX good for wbal alls yon In this kind of neather.'' ' of A full tin 1 i miles. etables Received Daily. i' L... '. 1 : IVafermeons, Caniaoupes,,;:;; ' : y Nice : Free . Stone Peaches, Eagle Valley ImperiatfoMtoes A Hew Lot of S mffs Premium Hams ancf Empire' Bacon City Gidcefy' and Balxefy THE HOME Of GOOD THINGS TO EAT. rnOXE: Mala 75