La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 06, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
PJIVE times a year we make a de-;
tailed statement of our affairs
to the Comptrolles at Washingtonv
. ' EgBB5ssgafipflCU
-we ask you to
look over the
report we pub
lish today and
note the splen
did growth in
deposits and re
sources during
the past few
months. .
.Matiment of (he condition of the
at the close of business September 1st,
Loans and discounts .."..,..1261,833.23
Overdrafts' secured and un- '
secured -. .... .'. . . .!. . 1,120.34 '
JJ. S. bonds to secure clr-
culation 25,000.00
Other bonds to secure pos- - "
tal savings dep.: .', 5,000.00
Premium on U. S. bonds ... 429.69
Bonds and securities ..... s 15.168.40
Banking house,1, furniture - ,
' .and fixtures .......... . . .' 28,306.40
Cash and due from banks.. 120,413.73
Redemption fund with U. S. r
treasurer . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 1,250.00
f 158.581.84
ijlMUIOI.M'n. ' '
Capital stock paid in ; .... .$100,000.00
Surplus and undivided prof-
its 10,667.77
Circulation 25,000.00
Due to banks .............. 2,476.35
Certified checks 1,006.67
Deposits 319,431.05
April 1, I)9 ......
November 16, llMti)
Sept 1st, 1910 .....
8pt. 1st, 1911 ....
Roy and Chora Disappear From Salem'
and Can't Be Located Now.
City In Total Darkness and Warring
Elements Still War.
A Joseph dispatch says: At a meet
ing of the city council a resolution
was passed discontinuing the electric
lights on the streets of Joseph, there
by placing the city In entire darkuess,
It Is rumored that on account of the
war between F. D. McCully and the
city over the water system, the city
council Is taking this means of retali
ation against McCully, who is alBO
owner of the electric light plant.
. The feeling here is Intense against
the council for this action, and unless
the lights go on a?aln, the city will
probably go dry at the fall election,
as the majority of the business men
who have heretofore advocated a wet
town will now vote dry. The council
wants the town to go wet in order to
get the benefit of thellcense fes, the
town, being very; much hi need of
funds, having spent considerable in
litigation with McCully over the water
system. :-,r . ; . i - .
One Commissioner Absent and Bills
Being Audited and Allowed. ;
County court for tine September term
convened this morning and during the
day "little was done except to audit
bills and accounts against the city.'
Commissioner Cecil Galloway couldn't1
be present for the morning session and
Judge Hranry and Comissioner Selder
wadted Into the work alone. ' j
The docket Is a light one this term
and the sessions will end tomorrow It
Is bellevd. ' . '
Few, If any, medicines,' have met(
with the.unform success hat has at-
tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, '
Cholera and Diarrnoea Remedy. The'
remarkable cures of colic and dlarr
rhoea which it has effected In almost
every neighborhood have given It a'
! wide reputation. For sale by all deal-
ers. ; ': . eod
i Distracted at the prolonged absence
of his son, J. R. Chapman, a resident
of Salem, is combing. Eastern Oregon
for traces of his son. While he 4s quak
ing his headquarters,! ,:at Pendleton
during the search, be lias made an ap
peal to, the- people of Uulon county to
help In the search forthe missing boy.
..The anxious father writes to the Ob
. server for assistance In the' hunt. The
Btatus of the apparently sad plight of
the parents Is well told In a recent is
sue of the Pendleton' East Oregonian,
Searching, ' for their 14-year-old
runaway boy who they think an ad
venturous spirit and the lure of the
wild west has led Into. Eastern Ore
tern have been in Pendleton since Fri
day but so far have found no' trace
of the missing boy. They know that
he and his companion, another Salem l
boy of the same age, have been in
this city and believe that they will
again b9 attracted here , by the
Roundup. and, In hopes ' that he may
find them" in the crowd, the ..father
will remain here through fair, week.,
i The two boys, Sam Chapman and
Ben (Minton, according to the story
Mr. Chapman tells, were students In
the Salem high, school but shortly be
fore commencement last May, they
suddenly and without announcement',
forsook the dull, prosaic school room
arid set forth In quest of adventure.
Neither boy, says Mr. Chapman, had
any bad habits but were full of life
and ambition which, with the read-1
ing of many wild west books, led them
to leave home and friends that they
might share in the life of which they
had been reading. , ' ' w
, j ' . . Trail Is Lost
For the first t,wo or three W3eks
the parents of the' boys .were hot
alarmed for they anticipated an earl?
return after the young rovers had ex
perienced something of the hardness
of the actual world. But as time went
on and no word of the runaways' wes
received, fear and enxlety began to
grip their hearts and they began a
search for their sons. They traced
them east to the mountains, found
where they had stopped over night
beveral times, discovered that the
snow had' forced the-intrepid young
sters to turn back and then followed
their trail to- Oregon City, where It
was lost, Everywhere dwellers along
the road told them of having seen
the boys and none believed them any
;ilng but two school boys out on a
vacation. '
"During the rose show in Portland
Mi . Chapman haunted the streets ex
pecting the boys would drift "In to
participate in the festivities. He was
disappointed, however, and returned
sadly to his home., There he remain
ed without further clew to the where?
ebouts of the boyB until a short time
ago when a school friend received a
IIIIIIIIMIMIH l , , , , i.imiiiiii, , I,, imf
Boys Black
sateen shirts
special 2 5C
Armor Plate
Hose for Boys
and Girls
25 cent value
now 20 cents
Pay cash and
Buy Right
if r 1fj 1A
1 1 .
45 cent HARDWOOD
While they last
29 cents
w 1 ;
- III S5'
'' V I
Watch Our
Show Window
The Close of Summer - The Qotfies of Fall
, .... -. - , ' ,, ! ," : ' , ,l ......
The dog days are over. The cool Fall days and cooler
nights-are ' almost here. Time to think of heavier
.1 lft
: weight clothes; and may be a top-coat.
For up-to-date styles' land dressines
Michaels-Stern Fall Suits and Overcoats will discount
anything you've seen.
And a perfect fit for every man
Toney arid Scranton
postal j card from Pendleton from
young Minton. -
Hear Son Is Killed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman prepared at
once to come here and last Thursday
Just ns they were starting. Mr. Minion
brought them a report that their bo?
had been killed near this city. Heart
broken, they came here, expecting to
disinter the body of their only child
and take It back home for reburial.
Arr.vlng here they were overjoyed to
find that the report was false, having
originated from the Injury sustained
by Jamrs Best on the Harrah combine
cn which harvester another son ot Mr.
Minton was working.
Mr. Chapman has exhausted everr
means of locating the boys and finally
decided to ask the aid of the news
papers. He describes his son as be
ing dark of eyes and hair, tall for his
age, straight In bearing and as wear
ing his hair pompadour. Young Min
ton Is described as being very light
and girlish In appearance, the smaller!
of the two and left handed. The
anxious parents ask that any one
knowing aught of th wanderers noti
fy ;hls paper.
Mr. Chapman declares that he does
not want to take the boys home unless
they desire to go, but simply wants
to find where they are that the fears
and doubht which are agonizing his
life and that of the other parents
might be dispeled. He has no inten
tion If he finds them before the Pound
Up. of depriving them of the enjoyment
ot that show but declares he will cele
brate the . reunion by showing them
th beBt time of their young lives.
Mr. Chapman Is a fruit and nut far
mer a short distance from Salem, but
was formerly an officer In the United
States army. , Should trace of the
boys be found after his return home
he asks that he ba notified at the Twin
Oaks Farm, Rout a 2. Box 9, Salem,
Oregon. ' - -
Marriage License Issued. -County
Clerk Wright who, by the
way Issues 'so few r.uch documents
that he has almost lost his knowledge-
of how to do It today gave the per
mission to Fred Krofford and Rose
Lanius, both of Union, to be married.-
Home From Canada.
J. E Reynolds ot the Grande Ronde
Cash company arlved home this morn
ing from an extended visit to Canada
where he has property holdings
Marriage Ceremony Today.
This morning at the M. E. church
parsonage Leon Hansen, a brick ma
son ot this city, and Miss Hazel Piatt,
also of La Grande, were united In mar
riage. Dr. J. D. Gtllllan officiated.,
yV:: " OTICE. -
Notice Is hereby given, that sealed
bids will be received at the office ot
the undersigned for the construction
of cement walks on Second street from
Jefferson to Main avenue; on Thirl
street from Jefferson to Main avenue,
and on Fourth street from Jefferson
to O avenue, same to be constructed
in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file In this office. The
amount to be laid on the streets above
mentioned can be had by applying "
this office. Certified check for 5 P
cent of the amount of the bid must ac
company all proposals.' which must be
filed with the recorder before 6 o'clock
p. m., September fctb, 1911. The coun
cil reserves the rights to reject anf
and all bids. i . : ; . ,
: ' ' City Recorder
8-Sl-5t ;V':'
An article that ! has ' real mer
should In time become popular. That
such la the case with Chamberlain'"
Cough Remedy has been attested W
many dealers. Here la one of them.
H. W JHndrlckson, Ohio Falls, lad
writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Rwmedy
is the best for coughs, colds and croup
and Is my best seller." For sale W
all dealers. ,V eod
rn rr'n m.
i- !
. 1