LA GRANDE EVEXIXaOSSEirvHr., ; . :.U ."WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, .1011. VAU I B .1 I I I I IKil' II 1 J , .- , )w OCGHT TO KNOW this snop, ana ns aoiuiy 10 serve you best Oor om strongest desire Is to turn out the best LEANING AXD FRESSIXG V and to price our services to meet jonr satisfaction. ' We be lieve we do this. If your gar ments ned our attention send L them to is and we wDl do your work promptly and! guarantee not to rain the materials. ... 3IJTE DYEING & V "i CLEANIN" w OAKS Jain 64. n. B. Waggoner 1 It TOUR WATER RENT TOMOR. ft t ' ' : '' ,( John Melville I tm Adams A vt LA' ORflNDE., 0?- BrttMTil lii'i'Vi mi'i'iiii liii wiMm Southeastern Washington's Greatest Fair Septemberl8to 23 191! $30,000 IX PREMIUMS AND ,;; PURSES. Greatest Race Program ever offered in the northwest SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IX r. 1.111 DCrAKljUCil X. Concerts Daily by Bnzzl's Fam- ITALIAN BAND Special Rates on All Bailorads. WALLA WALLA, WASH. riumpiiig M Heaiiii , , w-'v: WHIIHtMHffinilHMllWHfHHHtW J. H. PEVRE, La Grande's Leading Opposite U.' 8. Land OEBee e k dams Avenae, rniiiimiiinmiiiiiniinitmiiimiimin COME to enr shop and let ns demonstrate the nse of Perry Pnen matlc Water Systems to yon. W have Just installed one at "County Poor rnim irh nnt iiavM a hath lawns and also fire protection for "en stream at 9Z pounds pressure Jn oat and show yon one In etery f LUMBERS. HE ATtRS, '-1t-Mi i. . a. . n. n. i. .nri rtw rr Running up aad down Btidrs, sweep ing, and bending over making beds will not make, a woman healthy or beautiful. Sho must get out "of doorB, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets to Im prove her digestion and regulate her bowels. . For sale by all dealers, eod GRAPES CALIFORNIA CELERY ,i SWEET POTATOES CORN TOMATOES CC CUMBERS GttFF.X PEPPERS. '.?' PEACHES ' ; riUMS --' ' : ORANGES i 1 BANANAS '.. . I EATING AXD COOKING AP ""PIES. I ' ; Stageber? & Sandborg THOSE EARLY. - ;Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated (; only one block from depot 0. C. Brichoux. Pro . , Let the dealer select your cigars for you. Get what you want. Call for a Fam Ub King Havana cigar and get the best that your money will buy. and not a cigar that the dealer wan s to sell you for reasons of his own. - Fam Us King Cigar Factory 106 Fir Street room, hot and cold water, nice your homes! Yon can have a 8-4 in rase oi crc, wn ana in ns uie . day epe'ation. , 1 SHEET n HEME WORKERS j --.n .. -. g D ON'T SI !awr'fl'rL--. rrsr'?yin, .-a 1 ' BSB K I J M Wit H , 1 UlLIUdLULLtUL FUTURE DniGUT LARGE FRESKSAX CLASS TO BE ENROLLED. Indications for Milton Institution En eoarage tli Officials. Milton, Sept. 6. When Columbia college opens Its doors for the com ing year on September 12 an enroll ment of at least 30 in the freshman class is expected. ; According to H. S. Shangle, financial secretary of the In stitution never have inquiries been so numerous and requests for rooms and board con3 in so far ahead of the op ening of the school as has been the case this year. 1 ,The new president. Dr. , Janres Crutthfleld who has already left his former home in Phoenix, Arizona, will arrive in Milton tomorrow, September 7th. : Mr. Crutchfleld comes to the lo cal institution 'with a .brilliant rec ord back of him. He is, beside being ence both in the east and west, ft strong factor In Ihe political and so cial li?3 of the community in which he lives. He was chosen one of 62 men who drafted the recently adopted con stitution of the new state of Arizona and had a prominent part in forming every sentence of this document.; The imDliclt conSdence that i many .05le have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy - Is founded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected. For sale by all dealers. eod & wkly : : No. 8814.' : ' Report of tl;e Condition of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, at La Grande, In the state of Oregon, at the close of business, Sept. 1 ,1911. Resources. , Loans and discounts . . .$261,833.28 Overdrafts, secured ana un-. secured 1.120.31 U. S. bonds to secure clr- ' . . dilation ...... - 25,000.00 Other bonds to secure U. S. . ; v ' postal deposits ... .. . . .'. . .. 5.000.00 Premiums on U. 8. bonds , 429.69 Bonds, securities, etc.',.,;.' 15,168.40 Banking house, furniture ' ; and fixtures V.. 28,366.40 Due from national banks (not rewrve agents) ..... 7,840.38 Due from state and private ' banks and bankers, trust companies and savings ".; . J' banks v. .1.724.62 Due from approved reserve . agents 89.821.27 Checks and other cash items .1,947.77 Notes ! of othar national banks' -V- 380.00 Fractional paper ,curency, ' nickels, and cents ....... 358.39 Lawful money reserve in bank, vis.: Specie ...... ...$18,078.30 , Legal tender notes t 203.00 il 8,341.30 Keaempiion tuna .wtwvifij-p' 53 . treasurer (5 pe'njtbTl'., '. circulation) . : .'; r,""' " 1 J50.00 Total .................$458,581.84 . Liabilities. Capital stock paid in . . .. . ..$100,000.00 Surplus, fund .............. 7,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ... 3,667.77 National bank notes out n . . 1 . J TT . CI standing ................ 25,000.00 Due to other national banks 2,281.06 Due to state and private banks and bankers ...... 195.23 Individual deposits subject to check ; .', 222,412.65 Demand certificates of de- ,. posit! 38,950.4 1 Time certificates of deposit! 53,864.11 Certified checks ........... 1.006.67 Savings deposits 4,503.85 Total . . . . . . . . .... $458,581.81 State of Oregon, county of Union, ss..' I. T. J.' Scroggln, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. J. SCROGG1N, CaBhier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of September, 1911. J. F. PHY, notary public. Correct Attest: N. K. West, ' : ;': " ' , . ; A. T. Hill. H. E. COOLIDGE, ' Directors. Prisoners Are STuslcsJ. . -Pndleton, Sept. 5. "All this world is sad nd dreary, everywhere - 1 roam," . This was the melancholy refrain Is suing from the county jail this morn ing as the grand Jury was being con- vened In a room on the floor' above. The appropriateness of the song will be appreciated when it Is remembered that the sitting of the grand Jury spells the beginning of procedings which will send several of the singers to the state penitentiary for an inde terminate term of years. " ' ' Dr. Patton, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses and a "vo calist of more than ordinary attain ments, served as musical director, while ''Big Slim," the well known bronco buster, was among the leading voices in the bass department. After finishing with "thinking of the old folks at home," the group of pris oners evidently became more hopeful, for they passed to "Oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer." Others songs of a religious nature were then taken up one by one. The Impromptu concert lasted more than an hour. :. '. " " : PAY YOUR WATEB BENT TOMOR ROW. ;''' '."'' : 7 "-'.' '''.' . ,. ... . 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY -',.': ' :i -': PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS i MOLITOR, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, Main 68; Residence, 69. ; , A. L. RICHARDSON, M. D. ' I. W. LOUGHL1N. M. D. ' ' DrB. Richardson & Loughlin, Physicians and Surgeons .' Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Houre 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Or. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind. ; 312.. . ' ; : ' Or. Loughlin 's Res. Main 757; Ind. r 1297. -J' v .-. 0. H. UPTON. Ph. G. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to , Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build ing. : Phones: O.r.ce Main 2; Resi dence Mali oi. ORS. UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD Physicians and Surgeons. OR. H. L. UNDERWOOD . . Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. . i OR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Specialist for women - Offices. Cor. Adams & Depot, over Wright Co.'s Drug Store. , Phones Main 728; Main 22. ; GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7,' 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore. G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, j , not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste-' opathy Consultation free. Room 20, La Grande National Bank Bldg.1 f. C. PRICE, D M. D. Dentist. Room ' 23, La Grande National Bank Build' ing. Phone, Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Btore, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red . 701; Offlce Phone, Black 1361; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phones at Residence. , ' T. ATTORXEYS AT LAW COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys. Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon. ' T. H. CRAWFORD-Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the . State and United States. Office In La Grande National. Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon. . . D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. " OCONNELL'S ; Cigar Store Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobac co and Soft Drinks best and most complete line of cigars Jn the city. Observer's Coast League base, ball scores every day there's a tame. :! '-. Corner Depot and Jefferson St TT "! " y f'H 1 1 ' . ; ii nzv cr:nt rcom house' nun moani' ccnvemcncco. Coasu v ir It f?7IM'A'OAuI;I TTTO?n ' nh Home Phone 421 ,! Complete Equipment tor Rubber LA GRAPJDEmorJ YMUliQ D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE Cement Consult him before COLUMBIA MILTON, ; la lut x'XiAV iu Sisau lUttt if Christian, but not sectarian. Grounds and building:, valued at $"5,0CM . j'A.aelect school for young men i u.ftucDi lueaiu iu iuaunuuu ana womannooa. ; ? J ; CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AT STATE UNIYERSITY AND OTHER i U J 8CnOOLS WITHOUT RE-ESAMIXATIOX. , i I il xnorougn coarse. Literary, scientific; commercial, department; l eluding shorthand and typewriting; conservatory of music, tnclndrnff ' prnnv, voice ana sinngca msiru ments; elocution; art. is Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted; com- vy lortable, attractive, gymnasium, good athletic fieldj. ' i Beautiful for Situation. A land of fruits and flowers. Mountain water, t Tl- I.. .' V 11L X Aa . ...!.' i cum mir. jiruuuiui conoiuons. U street cars. lt Not a saloon In 20 years. Xo gambling dns. Moral atmosphere Is.' tl wholesome. " Send for Catalogue or other Infonna Hon to , :' H. S. SHANGLE, Financial Secy MHton, Oregon : The Home Lttioks More When Papered and Decorated by NUTT .. ;'. NEW STOCK Phone Red 971 next i Unlv Une M !; : : Agaiiist Them tw . There Is only-one argument ever advanced against e lectrlc lights. That is, that they cost a trifle more to operate than the antiquated oil. lamps. And that is not as strong an argument aa it formerly was, for .while the price of oil has advanced with the high cost or living, the price of electricity has actually decreased. Aside from their convenience, the fact that electric lights are the only safe lights that they are the most healhful llgbs that they aro within the means of every home, howev'er humble, In La Grande makes. them the lights for you. -( . : - I ' ' There Is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy them; there are twenty nine reasons why you should. Ask us about them. ; Phone Main 34. "v Dell Phone, Main 732 Resetting sun Repairing Buggy Tires SHOPS AND FOUHDRY Contractor letting ycur sidcval!; COLLEGE ) OREGON 2 JUOIS Al tillCLS. , . i. and young ladies, who seek for tSe ( t six passenger trains dally. ' Electric li : E JUST RECEIVED., v door to Observer office gumeni i i .;. 1 i ill V... L: s9 1 ftipm-'mff'tt