La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 05, 1911, Image 1

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Review of Ihe French and German
Varies Adds to Fury of Excitement
German Ambassador to France Is
Rumored Killed Movement of
Troops Indicates Serlonsness of
- 'mUMittnna. - ?.v. . -
- Berlin, Sept. 5. Owing to the In
creasing commercial uneasiness and
wild war . rumors as a result of th$.
long drawn out Moroccan negotiations
with France the government tonight Is
expected to Issue reassuring state
; ments.' It Is reported, that large sums
are withdrawn from the savings banks
In the provinces and a wild rumor
from Alsatian that Herr Schoen, the
German ambassador to France had
been murdered, caused an unexpected
movement of troops - Into the upper
Alsace seemed : to confirm ' the fru
mors. '
,,. French Speeches Alarm.
, Efforts are being made to quiet the
. provinces. The government la Issu
ing unofficial statements declaring the
war rumors are untrue. Alarm is In
creased by the -newspapers "printing a
speech of the minister "of ' war, Del
Casse, at Toulon, In which he declared
the French nary was ready for any'
eventuality. '. '; ' V' ' .;.
Other Actions Warn' England.
Kiel, Germany. Sept. 5. With the
guarded Intimation made In various
papers that the display was a warning"
to Great Britain, the kaiser today re
viewed the German fleet. - One hun
dred and forty-three warships salut
ed the Imperial yacht, as It steamed
through the lines. ' After the review
the kaiser boarded the ; battleship
Deutschland and started seaward tb
witness the manouvers. v
Salem, Sept 5. Moved by the ap-i
peals of the 17-year-old Julfa Webb
and the two poems, "The Tragedy,"
and "They Hanged Bill Jones," Gov
ernor Oswald West shortly before the
hour set for the execution of Webb,
the "trunk murderer," commuted his
sentence to life Imprisonment. Webb
almost collapsed. " -
He was cool and prepared for death.
The governor said that when he, had
eard Webb's child's plea he couldn't
stand the Idea of what his own'daugh
ter would think of him if he allowed
another father to choke to ."satisfy a
few blood hungry persons.""
Webb was convicted of th murder
of William JL Johnson a" wealthy
ranchman whom, he kilted In the New
Grand Central hotel In Portland, Oct.
21, 1910. He was Indirectly aided Iff
the commission of the crime by Mrs.
Carrie Kersh, who had accompanied
Johnson from Spokane, and "who pre
viously had desertled her husband," a
Toulon, Sept 5. Fully' coaled
and provislon'ed the entire home
fleet of France, 98 warships In all. "
today was massed oft " Toulon, S
where It was reviewed "by the
president and his cabinet, i The
fleet exceeds that of the German
home fleet w blch the kaiser re-r
cently renewed. 1 ' '
.. .. ' . . ,
Til r i tin uriinr nr inn niiiniiTrn!
I H 1 1 Rl r LU t N lyj H I b UflU bH J hli
: Photo-Engravers Meet la Detroit
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 5. The annual
convention of the International Photo
Engravers' Union .began in this city
today w,lth .delegates from 5S' local
branches In the United States 'and
Canada In attendance, - "
President Matthew Woll of Chicago,
Is presiding over the sessions, which
tlon ofan old age pension fund and
r.. . . r ' . i
technical education maintained by
the union are among the most lni.
portant matters to receive the ' atten
tion of the convention.
International lax Confef .,.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 5, Eyp3rt3'
from many states are In Richmond for
the "International ' Tax Conference,
which met today for a four days' S3S
slon. ; . Several Canadian cities . aro
also represented at the conference.
Th iHwlnn IH . H
field of taxation methods. A number
of governorssenators' and other .pub
lic men of prominence are on the
programme for addresses..
Burns Gave Heney (he Names of Men
He SougM Fearing His Own Life.
St. Louis, Sept. 5. "Burns
has j
landed ori the right men when he ar
rested the McNamaras for the dyna
miting of the Times, said Francis J.
Heney, the famoutgratt prosecutor
today. .. "Two months" before the ar
rests were made, Burns teld me his life
was In dally danger and he gave me
the hamei of Jfhe men he tracked.down
so they might be prosecuted if he was
killed." ; ;
' Arizona Asylum Burned.
Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. B. The -east
wing of the 'Arizona state Insane asy
lum was . totally! destroyed by Are to
day, causing an estimated loss of $50,
000. No lives were lost. . .
Seattle electrician, for Webb. Mrs.
Kersh Is now serving a 15 year sen
tence in the Oregon penitentiary. ' ,
The prosecution alleged that Webb
and the woman conspired to kill John
son for $1900 which he had given to
Mrs. Kersh for safe kieplng. ; ,
Johnson was killed with a bludgeon
and his body was stuffed Into a trunk
before life was extinct and Webb call
ed an express wagon and had the trunk
taken, to the Union dl?pot where he'
purchased a ticket for South Puyallop,
Wash. Blood, however,' leaked from
the trunk before It was put aboard a
train and it was opened. Two days la
ter Webb and Mrs. Kersh wftre in Jail
charged with murder. ; 'jf '
. Mr a. Kersh was convicted: first and
sentenced to the penitentiary. Webb
Carried his case to thte supreme court
and lost. Appeals, were made to the
governor but he would not Interfere
until the last hour.
Fisher Homeward Boond.
Seattle, Sept 5. Secretary Fisher is
due to arrive here from his Alaskan
trip next Friday. 1 He will be ban
quetted the same evening by the local
Chamber of Commerce and the Com
mercial club. He left Skagway yes
terday aboard the revenue cutter Ta
homa. Bank Statements Doe.
Washington, D. Sept.
t. Thai
controller of the currency today Issued I
a call for condition of national banks,
at the close of business September 1.
Several Witnesses Corroborate Paul
Beattle During; Rebuttal Testimony
Case Will Go to Jury Next Friday
Is Belief Beulah Not to Be Called
, to Stand, Says Prosecution Today
.. Rnattfo rAnflilon a Wnmw..-
( Chesterfield, -Sept. 5.-Henry Beat
tie, Jr., said today that he believes his
testimony yesterday is making a favor
able Impression on the Jury, On the
grounds that the case has fully dea
veloped, the'judge has limited Beat
tie's examination today. ' j ;
Prosecutor Wendeburg ;ln cross-ex-maining
endeavored vainly to make
Beattie admit he owned a' gun. The
prisoner' was excused later but the
defense Is waiting the privilege of a
re-direct examination. '
; On rebuttal, Henry Latham, testified
that on Thursday night before crime
he heard Henry at the telephone say,
'Meet me at Short and Main streets
snd IH be there," ThU is where Paul
Beattle said he met Henry, which the
defendant denies. "" '
Latham's Story Stands.
On cross examination the opposition
failed to shake Latham's testimony
which was corroborated later by W.
R. Hart and. Mrs. Houchlns, Paul's
mother-in-law, .
John McEvey testified seeing Paul
and Henry Beattle together on Thurs
day night. :a;?.v ;','. ,
Prpsecutor Wendenburg' today said
the case will probably go to the Jury
Friday or Saturday. He Intends , to
close the rebuttal for the prosecution
this afternoon. It Is -expected the de
fense will close tomorrow afternoon.
The prosecution will not put Beulah
Binford on the stand unless the case
is desperate as Wendenburg said she
would testify to save Beattie.
HV For International Golf Title.
New York, Sept 5. The annual
champlonshio tournament of the In-
t . . ...
tercplleglate Golf Association was be
gun today on. the course of the Bal
tusrol Golf Club, to continue until the
end of the,, week. Harvard, '-Yale;
Princeton, Dartmouth, Pennsylvania,
Williams and Columbia are represent
ed In the tournament The team title
is now held by Yale, and R. B. Hunter
of that university Is Individual cham-
Sacajawea'a ' world-famed feat of
guiding Lewis and Clarke, the Intrepid
explorers to the Pacific northwest
carrying a papoose .on her back the
while, was emulated and in some re
spects outdistanced In 1862 by a white
woman who died In La Grande today
Mrs. John Baker, highly esteemed pio
neer of Oregon and " Union county,
who passed away at an early hour
this morning at the home of her son-
In-law, Frank P. Chllders, after a
It- . 1 ( m .
lingering illness of many weeks
Apoplexy and old age- were responsi
ble. She sank rapidly about midnight
and by an early hour in the day was
dead, leaving a sorrowing husband,
John Baker, the grand Jury bailiff, a
J son, Charles Baker, a local tailor, and
two daughters, Mrs. Frank Chllders
and Mrs. W. S. Wines. Her condition
j has long been such as would not give
hope of final recovery. The funeral
ill. mm
t'nion Leaders. Go Into Conference
. When Ultimatum Is Received
President of Shopmen Agrees It Is
up to Them , to Act Negotiations
End Without Ado and Situation Is
V IP 4mI i-t..-:.
Chicago, Sept , 5. Officials of the
Illinois Central today broke off the
negotiations with the system federa
tion shop employes , and notified .the
unions to. this effect. The union lead
ers Vent Into conference to decide on
iutare action, ., ; r ,
Shortly before the conference, Pres
ident McCreary of the federated shop
meir,sald. "It seems to be up to us
ndw." It is said the strike orders are
read to be sent out to the Bhopa ojx
a moment's notice. ' . j ,
. Unions to Try Again, 1 1
After a conference It was Intimated
the uplons will make overtures for
further negotiations and that If grant
ed, modified demands will be present
ed ur.der a new form.
- Strike matters have again become
warm in the middle west and Judging
from Indications of the hour It is the
central west that will precipitate the
strike if It Is. called and not the
Pacific slope as originally believed. is generally conceded that
it remalps only for one section,, otjthej
CoiUilD L tt?S j the fireworks that,
wilTapjFead t uot nly all Illinois" h,?-:
r, i tr i ,, ut 'MDowHng, a half breed rtaHve woman
Central and Harrlman lines but sev- . '
, lV - known as the most beautiful woman n
eral others as well, ,,.,.-. -
Reunion on Battlefield
' Lexington, Mo.," Sept. C The an
nual reunion of the Confederate vet
erans of Missouri began here today
with a celebration of the fiftieth an
niversary of the battle" of Lexington,
the exercises being held on the bat
tlefield. ..- ..','; '':; '": ;''"; ; ..; . ' - :.'
The reunion , will continue ' over
Wednesday and Thursday.
University Hospital Dedicated. '
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 6. The
Elliot Memorial hospital, a gift to the
University of Minnesota from Dr. and
Mrs. A. F. Elliott of Minneapolis, was
formally dedicated today with Inter
esting exercises held on the univer
sity campus. President Vincent of
the university and the heads of the
college of raedlcine and surgery were
among the speakers.
will be held from the Chlldeirs home
on Washington avenue at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon. ,! .
. Walked Across the Plains.
Many hardy pioneers boast, and
rightfully, that they crossed the plains
In a prairie schooner, but the late
Mrs. Baker actually walked from San
dusky, Iowa, to La Grande, landing
here In 1862. Not only did ahe walk
,wlth tbe men of the party, but she car-
I... . .
ried a baby In her arms most of the
way, allowing the little babe which
has since grown up to be Mrs. Chll
ders of this city, to ride at times and, sory. - The law requires, furthermore,
when the baby grew restless It was that the statements must not Include
the sturdy mother with her face to-J only the amount of money spent, but
ward the setting sun that caressed and ( the amount promised or received,
soothed the little' one as she pressed ; The law also places a strict limit
on. It la said positively that Mrs. Ba- upon the amount of money that any
k'er rode less than 20 miles of the en-' candidate can- spend for his nomlna
tlre distance across the plains. tlon. The amount allowed Is to be
Ceufal Illinois M. E. Conference
Peoria, III.. Sept. 5. The Central
Illinois conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church began Its annual
uieetlug here today and will continue
In session until Tuesday or Wednes
day of next week. Bishop Quayle of
Oklahoma City, is presiding. A large
number of ministers and lay membera
an in attendance. The opening day;
was given over to session's of the Ep
worth League and. Methodist Brother
hood. ' , . ' :,
I'ncle Sam Disposes of Some 'Juiik
"Washlnstor.. I). C, Sept. 5. A; ;iii
oilices of the Sstliulan Canal C)ii
rriUsion Lids wrs opened today, for
U'c purchAte if more than' .i1 00,00;.
tons of Jt.nk whicn Uncle 3aiii
for sale. The j-.j k Includes ;bi"1
(;ied loco"ro: ; ps. edges, du ric ' iirs,
auchlnery and toa's, the lot duaia-Lh-
in? ""fhfl last'.'romnant j ' of '. th "W i :1V h
Uollais' worth of equipment reti to
the Pavaira ni': by Frnee'i '.y
neeis several 'years ago, ' '
Many Bodies Recovered and Five Still
Mlsslnur Hospital Full
Juneau, Sept. 5. With six bodies
already recovered the smoking ruins
of the Juneau hotel and the McGrath
buildings were searched today for bod
ies. ; Five Others are missing and 14
are' in "the hospital. . Two. William
Southwlck and Boyd jililes, It Is be
lleved will die. ": "V f y:i J . ' .', -
rr.. ,....:. ' . , o,...
Fights Scheduled for Tonight
Sam Langford vs. Joe Jeanette.lp
rounds, at Madison Square Garden,
New York. ' " .'
II 01
Columbus. 6.i Sept. 5. The KlmV In' proportion Ao the population of
ball corrupt practices act enacted by : the territory In which 'ijhe candidate
the last session of the Ohio legts- .seoks nomination or election. Ia
lature was given -Its first , practical addition, the law-spiscifles 'a things
test' In the primaries throughout the that are to be regarded as' legitimate
state today. The. law In all Its pro- campaign expenses, such' as adver
visions applies to the primaries aa Using, traveling expenses,11 expenses
well as to the regular elections. Th of halls and speakers, offices and head
results of, its operations are awaited quarters, 'the preparation of lists of
witn Keen unerest, particularly in.,-
Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus and b.e,i
other', large cities where it "was tried"
The advocates, o? the Kimball act
f St TlA iW rk
in tjjf inefifod. of practical pollt cs.
The measure is designed ' to bring i
political party and candidate Into the , who way to
daylight of publicity.' publicity nfluen(ce " control the votes of those
feamre Is attained' by fterovi'sloas ' ln : lvhe r employ- made, amenable
of the law ivhlcft compel, the filing ,th9 ; Poyer who, threat-
Within ten days after"ariy eloction. ' of " '. ' '' " ' . - . 1 '
. . . , ..- -;i '.?.) W(Coatlnued on Page Eieht.)
oi money spent Dy every cannm;
party committee, or association or
organization of two or more persons,
Interested In the election, and showing
In addition how every dollar was
spent primary elections are includ
ed, and the law makes the filing of
such statements absolutely compul-
Generally Believed Russian Quit Cold,
, Know In if lie Was Assured Good
Money From Gates Bets Called Oii
to Avoid Prosecution It Is BelleteJ
RSussian Trained But Little, - .
Q 4 t 4 4 i q & &
.;, LENGE. ' v
Chicago, Sept. 6. Stung by the
; defeat at the hands of Champion
f Gotch, Hackenschmldt today Is-
sued another challenge to Gotch.
The proposed bout will be private
$ and each will put up $5,000 a side
bet..The match is to be held af-
ter he returns from England and
? Gotca 'tfa'ys he Is wililnr.
$ "t--ft.-.
Chicago, Sept. S.That George Hack
enschmldt quit cold In his match with
Fran V Gotch, yesterday and that his
action will put a crimp In the wrest
ling game ifor ) some years was tbo
ncocensus of opinion today. It ta
believed that "Hack," having receive,!
assurance of pay in advance, figured
that but little was to be galnjsd by
arduous training and so didn't pw
pare for really a hard struggle.
"Hack's Days Are Over.'
It Is believed that his wrestling daj i
In America, at least, are dona for. Beti '
were jirobably called off by the referee
to '.Al aay poslbift prosecution for '
gambling'. , There is a dark brown -taata
in te mouths of fight fans frera
today over the outcome of the match.
.Gotch, Intends to arrange his affairs '
immediately to ' leave tor a tour of
America, England, Scotland, Germany,
Austria; Sweden and Australia. He
will not play any theatrical engage-'
ments but will appear In large halls.
-voter, etc. ' ' ; . '
The - penalties for thd; violations of
any of the provisions of th law are
SeVere. JFnr a rnnrlMafa It ma,n.
forfeltur- of office. In addition to the
fle " Imprisonment.' .The. fine Is to
im to 500 and fhft ,
onment not to, exceed six "months.
in i -. hi nil 4
:;?.'?..:.;;' ' -
1 Logi Angeles, Sept. 5
Hor the S
first time since their connection
with thV McNamara case, Attor-
ney Darrow and associates today
were shown the exhibits ln the
McNamara case which will be
$ used when the trial begins Octo-
ber 11. The articles include
clocks, bombs, receipts for mon-
ey,dynamlte, etc." .
'.. ;v ' .