LA GJtAXDE EVENLSU OBStl i VH, B ATIJj i D A Y, SEP.XEM BEH 2, 1911. iJACiE6 'mtsm i , ' - n EEP YOUR EYE ON j i THIS : AD"3 e hate a magnificent kogram for tonight, see jlE ELEPHANTS WORKING. t SWONDERFUL. r I - . 0NG5, nof lllustnted, 1H SPOTLIGHT TONIGHT ihpiit-'' 'hi Miss Warrick fSo- I , prano.) ; Somewhere'-, by -Mr. Ferrln (Tenor.) TOMORR&W (Sinday) y special ' A Hay jMVl'UiatK t uj w .!. tick. v.-,. lOnt on tnt Deei by Mr. Geo. , Blrnle, .-, a Grande's incomparable bari tone soloist, ': IT IS A FEAST OF MUSIC viiui imuu eviJUVi UWJSS Will bought for cash at Bilverthorne's fam ily drug store. 8-28-7t Y TOUR WATER! REM TOMOR- 4 4 4? LOCALS a4fattj&$$$3$&S$ T. Lcve, Jeweler. 1212' Adams ay.. l)r. Poser. SiteciaUst for Ere, Ear, se, Throat diseases and catarrli. fer Scldefg store. Eyes fitted ivita isses. Honrs 9 to. 11:30; ,1:30 to. and 7 to 8 p. m. v- ; .,iit' 1 Don't wait until yon. others let position; be the" Ri't:ko get one La rwjd-BuiS8- olie;rAw'.'"'".t"."-'."-' ; r ;Y'-YY?-;.:;y Mr. Joe Woods has taken charge of e Crystal cafe. Alr Woods hasihad e nlare remodeled and newly furn- fbed and will run a first class place, iiown as the Delmonico. 'Your pat jmage solicited. , v : - 8-14-tf . Personal attention, modern methods lid practical teachers will insure you lick returns. La 'Grande ; Business ollege. YVY...Y-; i Don't forget the machinists' dance Labor day. Etta' Hall. Tickets $1.00 ;r Y.:- ; 9-1-St ' ; Y ' Pendleton Business College opens Sept 5. A large enrollment is an ticipated. Ten per cent discount will be given to pupils enrolling before September 20. Graduates assisted to go j! positions,- M. L Clancy, B. A., Principal. i: ' ', ' PAY TOUR WATEIS BENT TOMOR. BOW. ,.. ; LEARN TO EARN La Grande. Busi ness college. t Mrs. Chatas of 1617 Fourth avenue, hag been under the care of Dr. Dar land, the chiropractor, for- five weeks, with goitre aid other severe compli cations. She lias - entirely recovered from all attending troubles. ' School books, second hand, such as used here will be, bought for cash at Sllverthom's family drug store. VA V YOUR, WATER! RENT TOMOR ROW. ; . . v 4 t 4 $ PERSONALS. S 4 Mrs. John . Bafter contlmTs to bo critically ill. ; . , Dr. and Wrr. Charlton left ih! morning for Portland and Salem to attend the state fair.. i Y SI'ss - dive . Masse ' returns honu. tqmorrow from an extended visit with friends and relatives In Portland. .: Paul Massee leaves tomorrow" for Portland where hi? will make his fu ture home, , ; ,,rvs;-".i' Savoy hotel grisstB tunny ifltlude; Prof. L.r D. Etlards of Baker., J. L Haller of Telocasef, W. f Klrkhuff of imbler and O; R, Barnes 'of Elgin. . YMiss Florence happersett "of ' this city who has been . visiting friends and relatives in Portland, for .some time,- returned p) .pftr. -JjQifie.'".' this with. Mrs. Fred O. Schilke .will con tinue her trip homeward, iier daugh ter. Miss Lorene, who has been a guest with Mrs. Schllke during Mrs. Riley's abeence wjll return with her mother. hi IDffl QUIET 10 PUBLIC BIULDIGS TO BE CLOSED FOR THE DAY ) - Labor Ball Id the Evening Only Sem--. blance of Labor Celebration. Labor day- comes next Monday and while labor in this city will not cele brate in any appreciable way public otflees will be closed, giving, a double holdayi ' The court house will be clos ed all day and the postofBce will ob serve holiday rulss, opening, however, from 5.30 until 6 in the evening. The city and rural farriers will not go out. i t". , .' , Other public buildings will also be closed, though aalde from these there will be no (Bssation lni business in any way5. . '-. :: ; - As for the labor unions, they will olWrt, nlw with a rtnnf ffiven hv machine shop unioh- members at' the Elks' hall in the evening. .. Advertising & 0 i 000000000'. IGassfledl o 000000OO0OOOOOO LOST Black auto cushion between La Grande and Hawes bridge up 'the river. Reward. -Leave at Observer '; office. . 8-31-itf FOR SALE A desirable home, on rea .' sonable terms and easy payments; a nine-room house with acre of land; good location. Address P. O. ' box 254v Wallowa, Or. (A. 19, S 19.) YGR SALE Dry chain woo'' 4 quantity. $1.60 per cord at xer- ry yards. Grande Roncle , Lumber company Pe.rry. Ore. 6-15-,tf Y AttorneyY "Dan? Sheahan-, qf Enter- : vi . .i . i. 1 . v .1.1.1 prise puesea ' nruuea , iiia vnj: -uiio morning on his way home" after a trip to Portland and tie beach. ... iirY and Mrs. Herman Selgrist and son Ken leave tomorrow for Portland and .Salem. They will attend Y ne Salem fair while away. ; BRADLEY & Co. S ANlTARy"rLOIBI"G. Y? Do their plumbing work according o the plumbing ordinance of the city. Consult our record. Y bones: Shop B. 971; Res. B. 5482. THE CHOICE IS YOURS Editor E. H. Flagg, of the Elgin Re corder, was In La Oranae last even ing with ma son wnom he is taking to Hot Lake for treatment. Mrs. ' Horace , Kinney,, ne Lillian! Mtt'all, Is in the city irom Oakland, Cal.,' visiting her mother; -Mrs. Mc Call and otner relatives, in La Grande. She arrived this week. No. reliable druggist would; ever question your right o choose your own physician. No reliable physician . will ever . question your right, to choose the druggist who is to supply your drugs or .fill your prescrip tions. Wherever an attempt is made to deny or tkwart his fight, someone Is thinking mors about your money . than your 'good.- . Y.-.'Y.';Y We have a rare Y stock of ; drags; we fill prescriptions ac cording to true scteritiflci meth ods. , : '.' '' 1 ' . ''.' We can fill any properly writ ten prescription of any physi cian anywhere. 1 : Wright D rag Co. . H. T. Shiilley, . a cigar dealer of Portland is here today visiting old time friends and Joined Mrs. ahelley who has been spending a tew week here with her mother. They return to Portland tomorrow vning. John Collier and - daughter, Miss "Trottie," arrived home trom the east this. morning. Mr. Collier went, east ! a few weeks ago and joined his daugh ter who has been spending several l months there, , :. :'; : v" Prof. L. D. Edwards: a well known musician of Baker, is in the city to spend a few days. . Hb contemplates locating here permanently and - will be welcomed by the musical elements for the professor is considered one of the peer musicians of Eastern Ore gon. . , ' . - - . ; ; -.. : Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Stievenson arrlv ed home tbla morning from the sea i shore. While away the doctor and Mrs. Stevenson enjoyed themselves im mensely, it btelng their first vacation in some time. Mr. Stevenson will be Teady to meet his patient Monday morning. :Y-'"' -'-".'Y'V- " ' Wallace- Lane of South La Grande Is walking with the aid of crutches today following an accident while worker in the timber. He austained quite serious injuries when . a tnee bounded against him. His mother, Mrs. E. J. Lane, was called home from Wlallowa where eh was visiting wltn friends, on account of. the accident. William Dalzell, deputy' lahor in ttn!tor. with Kiadauanters in this unprtlon In ' Eastern Ortton. This morning he inspected the auxiliary pumping .piant or me cuy water system and found everything in sat isfactory order. . . Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley, "worthy grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, arrives tomorrow from an offi cial tour of the Coos bay country, and Astoria, and after, spending Sunday soiicr. Y Y Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned for the construction of board walks on H avenue from Fourth street to Second street, and on Second Street from II avenue to C avenue, same to be constructed In ac cordance with the plans and specifi cations on file !n this office. The amount to be Jaid on the streets above mentioned can be tad by applying to this office. Certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid must accom pany ; all proposals, which must - be filed with the recorder eerore 5 o'clock p. m., September 6th, 1911. The coun cil reserves the right to reject any and 'all bids.1 YY C M. HUMPHREYS, i :"'.'. City Recorder. FOR SALE Two steated trap in nrsi class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L. Richardson, .i' t ? T 8-4-P WATED Two or. :hree rooms furn ished, or thre or four rooms unfurn ished. No children. Phone Main 735 8-22-tf v-Y: - . '' ' ' FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Oted 251. 9-2-tf FRATERNAL ORDERS OF , LA Y, GRANDE. W i. ft A. M. i-f ri' uo'lge a 41. A F. A A. M. uo ' . " meet Inga first aid thud Saturdays at 7:30 p. -n. Cordial welcome o all Masons. L. M. HOYT, W. M. ,' i. C. WILLIAMS, 8ecretar. - ' 4. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 : meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's rlub, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothel are cordially tn vitea to attend." ' : H. 2. HITTER, Ex. Rai . Hi E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W, O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. ban. All visiting mebers weloome. " D. FITZGERALD, C, C. , ' 3. H. KEENET, Clerk. ; !. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 ' meets every Monday la the month at the 1. O. O. F. halL All TlslUng neighbors are cordially lnvltevl to .ttteod- ' , .u. . . E. E. DANIELS, . ED. HEATH. Clerk. ;, 1JSBEKAHS Crystal Lodtce .No. ( meets every Tuesday evening in th I. O. O. F. hall. All rlsitlng mem " belt are invited to attend. - miss helen Mclaughlin, -n. g. WIS3 ANNA ALEXANDER. Bee. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croa Lodge No. 27 meets every HonUj night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hIL) - A Pythian welcome to all vlsitlnj . Knights. Y- ':"".'. JESSPAUVaC. TL L. LINCOLN. "M. of R. ft B. NOTICE. Notice 1 hereby given that sealed bids will be reecived at the office of the undersigned for the construction of cement walks on Fir street from the O.-W. R. and N. right of way to Monroe avenue, ' and on North Fir street from Monroe avenue to W ave nue, same to be constructed in ac cordance with the plans and speclfl- .. t . - , - I ! i FARyisifCfe : c-'-iz J XI ptnoutlinei in ilia anS' amount to be constructed on the above mentioned streets can be had by ap plying to this office. -Certified chfcck for 5 per cent of the amount bid must I accompany alL proposals, which must J oe niea witn ine jecoraer oeiore o oclock p. m., September 6th, 1911. The council reserves the right to reject any and -all bills. : Y C. M. HUMPHREYS, ' Y Y ' City Recorder. You read find look afar with equal facility, but no one ob- serves that you are wearing bifo cals because the usual "lines"' are absent. Wear the genuine KRYPTOKS awhile and you wCl never willingly return to old- style bifocal glasses ' . Jewelers and Opticians La Grande, Oregon WHY PAY MORE PERMANENTLY ! P O. Bf. 8.Hope Chapter Xo. '13, O. E C holis stated commnnlcttlons the second and fourth Wednesdays of '"' each month. Visiting members cor dlauy utrlted. , CARRIE B 'HUNTER, W. M. MARY 'A. WARWICK, -BeC. LOCATED 6 iX Li ami. DENTISTS Vie would rather be busy all the time and make a smaller profit from each Individual patient than charge prohibitive nrlces. People n all sta tions of life ptaronise this lntJtue of Modern Dentlntry. WE STERILIZE OUR INSTRUMENTS BEFORE AND AFTER EACJII PATIENT. fili PRICES, DR. A. ZIMMERMAN, Expert operator. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 1 i. S. FREEUA1MN, ; Prethctic Dentist. ' j Our prices for the best work skill can produce Honest Work Prices Twelve Years ; Protective Guarantee $15 Set of Teeth $8.00 V $10 Gold Crowns, 22-K ...&M ' JJrjjjgJ $10, Bridge worn (oesw , ..).uw $10 Porcelain Crowns v. ..t.00 Teeth Cleaned ;..'.. MM Gold Filling .,.;... $U0 np Silver Fillings . . , . . , . . ,7&c Cement Fillings 60c Re-enameling , . , ,:. $2.00 Plates repaired good as new ....'P,...' $W np If your gnmn are swollen or bleed easily or have started to re ecde, it will caase yonr Iwth'to loosen in time. We can care them. and make them healthy and strong OFFICE HOURS Open daily 8i$0 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sundays 9 to 12 m. M ODE IRN DENTISTS O ver Newlin Drug Co. Depot and Adams Avenue.