La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 01, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Il DIJAivDE EYHNlXii Oliii'i-'Ii VEIC FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911.
Ladies 18
button tan
DOOi, ine prp- R!
per style for
fall wear;'
Also tanplain
toe with cloth
, . .. . .. ....... , . .,, ..
The New
Fall Styles in
high tbs are
in great d
marid.; We
can snow you
the biggest
and test as
sortment in;
the city.
'V .1 v'
" ' ' ; " ' "' " T" "' " "
Agents for v'$
Onyx Hc::sry
"The Price of a Man" '..Edison
,A clever . drama. Knowing
there is a reward of $500 for
his recapture,' the man gives
himself up to a poor widow,
thereby giving; her claim to the
reward. The ending is emi
nently satisfactory.
;To the Aid of Stonewall "'
'Jackson" ........ . ... , Kalem
Authenticated story of an ex
ploit of the girl spy during a
most critical period of the civil
war.-v.y ; ' : '. :'
"The. Spinster's Marriage" . . ,
. Pathe
' The town council Imposes a
fine of $100 on all spinsters
and bachelors. , This homely
spinster makes good. Come and
see how she does It, V
wonting Kiepnants" ;:t ; , f atne
,-, Elephants are trained to han
dle heavy pieces of timber. It
is a wonderful exhibit.' ' V
4 ' ;,; .' special;-a-
Not illustrated soifgs, but in
sootllght Miss Garrlck will sing
"Absence,'; MnFerrlifwlH sing;
BOW, - -
; LOCALS :-,
H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams av..
'Tr. Posey, Specialist for Eye, Ear,
Nose, Throat diseases and catarrh.
Over Selder8 store. Ejes fitted .with
(classes.' Honrs 9 to 11:80? I'M to
and 7 to 8 p. in. V ",
Lee Wernick has accepted . a pqsi-
jtlon, with Geibel's department, stprc
where "will havk' ciiitgrvt1 the
clothing and men's good3. '-"Mr.: Wer
nick Is. an .old time La Grande boy,
and has a host qf friends and will be
a good man for this place. . Mr. Wer
nick has had years of experience both
in tbfl east and west and is very pleas
ant and accommodating. We wish him
great success in this, popular store. "
. Doij't waijt until you sea others get
a position; be the first 'to get one -La
Grande Business college, ;
Mr. Joe Woods has taken ciharge of
the Crystal cafe. Mr.; Woods has had
the place remodeled ana newly furn
ished and will run a first .class place,
known as the Delmonico. -,Yonr pat
ronage solicited., -8-14-tf .
" Charley Christy has diosed of his
entire interest" In the . Black "Marbli
Lime company" to Dt. JG. Fleeiaor,
Tha doctor expects to devoteconsidi
erahle time to this industry and assist
in bringing R 'to the hlghest.jflegree of
development. Joseph Herald.
Personal attention, modern methodB
and practical teachers will insure you
quick returns. La Grande Business
college. ... ,;j.;.;';::r:;;.,r-;: ;
Second hand school books will ,be
bought for cash at SHverthdrne'B fam
ily drug store.'. .. . 8-28-7t ...
Pendleton Business. College' opns
Sept. 5. A large enronment: is an
ticipated. .Teo per cent discount will
W given to pupils enrolling : before
September. 20. ' Graduktes'' Assisted to
tcii ' positions. , M. LJ Clancys B. A.,
LBARHf TO EAf?N La Grande Busi
ness college. .
School books," second hand, such
as used here will "be bought for cash
at Silverthom's family drug store. :
. Do their plamhing work, according
to the plumbing' ordinance of the city.
Consult our record.
Irbonesi Shop C 971; Sea. B. tiS2.
They say a jood milliner is very
hard to secure, therefore, we wisn to
congratulate Fred Geibel on securing
Jlrs. F? W. Williams, as head milliner
in his department store. Mrs. Will
liams comes very highly recommended
having trimmed both in Cleveland and
Toledo, Ohio, which gives her an ex
tensive city experience. Mrs. Wil-j
liams has Just returned from Portland 1
where she has been buying her fail
Stock of hats and in a few days .will
bo ready to show the most up-to-date
line of women's hats ever brought to
La Grande.
A TREASURE CHEST, full of hun
dreds of dollars In hard cash!. The
TRAIL to It, any wideawake boy
an follow. Don't worry any longer
where to get real money or whatever
article ycu want. Come to me and
get It. Parents investigate !-for
Jhis self-same ROAD has led many
a boy to a bank account. Corns with
your, boy. if you choose. Come early.
,sTvr. Rosen baum, mt tsixin siretst, ls
. Grande Ore. ' .
Evangelist ML. Balthezor contin
rfis his services in the M.'E. church,
South, this ' week. Excellent success
marks his efforts. . ' y
BOWi . '. ) i,': A;'-'
v f f
j J. M. Gam was In from Imbler last
night, a guest at the. Savoy hotel. v
-Frank Force, a resident" of Baker,
spentvlast evening, in La Grande, .i
gufst at the Savoy, .;; v : .
Mr. and .Mrs'.' Raymond -'1 '"ere
from" Baker yesterday evening'.." They
stopped at the Savoy. . '
T. W. Norwll and wife were in La
Grande from Elgin this mornlng.' and
stomied fit the Savoy hotel..' i'
.'-Jtasse E.Smith of Elgia spenf, the
nights m 'La Grar..f,. ag-iG8t ais tm
Savoy hc'el.1 - . .
J. R. Towner of Hilgard was a busi
ness .v!sitor i La Grande today. He
Registered at , the Savoy.
: Mrs. C. B. Clark left this morning
for Portland where she will Join her
husband and make their future home,
' Lynn Bohnenkarap arrived nome
his morning from Portland and the
? Miss Theresa, McMurray is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Kelley at Union this
"week. . " ,
i Mr. and Mrs. John French of Hilj
gard are visiting La Grande friends.
Mr. French is employed with-J. D.j
Casey of Hilgard. , a , . .
' District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe left
for Seattle this morning on a hurried
business trip. He will return Tues
day. , -
Miss Irma Martin, daughter of
Storekeeper J. H. Martin of the O.-W.,
has returned from an extended visit
in Indiana points and Chicago.
P. L. Hedgren and wife of Telocaset
were La Grande visitors this morning.
They registered at the Savoy whie
here..; ,'
' George vM- Rogers, .J. W.. Messen
ger, and M. A. Forstad of Wallowa
were registered at the Savoy this
morning. , - . . -
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ellsworth and
son and daughter returned to their
home in Portland this morning. They
have been goests with Mr.: and Mrs.
George-.Birnie.' ' : ' ''
vMrs. E. Relth of Spokane, who has
i been , . visit jng her . daughter,- Mrs.
Adolph Newlin and other relatives in
;La. Grande., left this mornin for Tier
home In. Spokane. i .. C V-
E. D, Selder.-th'e candy mah. hds re
turpd,from a junket to' .PoMtend
and North Beach. He was accompa
nied home, by his daughter, who. has
been visiting friends at The Dalles
,and Portland for several wiecks.
Mrs. John McKenna and Miss Ellene
Peare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,J. H.
Peare, arrived home last ' 'evening
from Southern California where they
have spent the past month with relatives..-
.. '. -
; O. W. (Dad) Moon and wife are here
to make their future nome in South
La Grande on C street Mr. Moon
lately resigned his position In Pendle
ton as engineer,. He is one of the
wry oldest engineers in Oregonv and
pulled the first passenger train into
the Grande Pond valley." i ......
T. Hullard. of Portland registered at
he Foley this morning.
XCMayeeldrrwas in the city from
Enterprise last night transacting bus
nftss. !le stopped at the "Foley.
lrs. N. C. Longfellow, of Joseph, is
a visitor in the city for a few days.
She is a Sofnmer "house gu-est.
. Osbourn-Richlns, a well known res
ident or Union stopped at the. Foley
last night while transacting business
matters in the city.
; H. T. Chelley arrived tomorrow
morning to join Mrs. Shelley who la
visiting relatives here. They will re
turn to Portland Sunday night , :
; Dr. P. A. Charlton leaves tonight
or tomorrow morning for Portland
While away he will attend he Salem
fair. '. v..'
H." ft. WeatherBpoon. premier pota
to and fruit grower of Elgin, was In
La Grande yesterday afternoon on
business matters and stopped at the
Foley while here.. ,
Rbv. C. E. Deal, for the past year
located at Joseph, left today with his
family . 'for Fruitland, Idaho, where
they will be located the coming year.
with' fronds in La Grande the past
few days.
R. L. (Dick) Duignan, accompanied
by Mrs: Duignan, arrlvd this morn
ing from the Willamette valley where
they were i married- this week, and
will make their home in this city.Mr.
Duignan is employed in the N. K.
West-store. ', V'', . ' .
Trej8urei8 . Call . for City WanSuits.
There are also funds in the treaa
ury to pay all warrants Issued against
the water of La Grande city up to and
and including No. 9,729, endorsed Sep
tember 21j 1911. Interest on all war
ran ii on water fund from No?-.... to
No.'. 9,729 inclusive ceases from date
of thiB call. ' .. ..
La Grande, Oregon. Sept 1, 191lv
'V ": y;f ROL W. LOGAN,
; ,v : ' City Treasurer
Ready fdr business
Ttli A. Zll5ltBMA!l J S. FBEEBA1BJT
'.' ,' Expert Operator. ' Prosthetic Dentist, j
Over Nevylin Drug Co. Depot and
Koran .to KeH English Heavyweight
London, Sept. 1. The Jack Johnson-Bombardier
Wells bout is not the
only Anglo-Americaa vient on the
pugilistic calendar. One' of the .Lon
don clubs has arranged to bring Frank
Moran, the Pittsburg flghtw who has
been on this side for some time, and
Fred JJrummond, tno English Iavy
welght, together tomorrow night for
a 20-round contest. If Moran defeats
the Englishman he will be signed up
to meet either Gunner Moir or Fred
Storbeck, the South African) heavy
weight, at the National Sporting club.
Physician Kills and Suicides.
Los AngeleB, Sept. 1. Fear that he'
might be sent to the- insane asylum
today caused Dr. Owen Ryan, aged 50,
to blow out his wife's brains and then
suicide with a revolver. . Their tw
sons were upstairs dressing when
Ryan shot their mother downstairs
at the breakfast table. They were
vealthy. She- had consulted another
physician regarding her husband's
.. , r Congressional Jaunt to Hawaii
San Francisco, Cal., Septal A score
or more of 'senators and representa
tives, nearly of ' them accompanied
by their families, have rounded up in
this city preparatory Ho sailing on the
steamship Sierra, which departs to
morrow for Honolulu. The party
.will spend the entire month of Sep
tember in the islands, the guests of
the Hlwaiian government. ; - ' ; !
i ( Excavations Xearly Done. ; :.
. It is planned ' to complet; the ex
cavations for the federal building this
evening or tomorrow forenoon. ' The
cut Is only five. feH deep, the base-ic-:nt
rising above the ground a height
of five feet.
For summer diarrhoea in children aV
ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad
Diarrhoea Remedy and enrtor oil, and a .
-peedy cure is certain. For sale by art
j.-alers. . .' - 1 ..'.'
in a few days. It will
Don't forget the machinists'' danea
Labor day. Elks' Hall. Tickets $1.00
The Coquille Herald eay no county
in the Btate is doing, more practical
and permanent work on Its public
highways than is Coos county.
No reliable druggist would
ever question y.our . right to
choose your own physician. No
reliable physician will ver
question your right to choose
the druggist who is to supply
your drugs or fill your prescrip
UpnSt j ytbereyer an at tempt,. ',
V made to deny 'or th wart ' thid
right, Someone is thinking more
; about your; money than your
good. -.-.J ,.'..
We have a rare stock ' of
drugs; we fill prescriptions ac
cording to true sclenting meth-,'
ods. ;'"..'.
We can fill any properly wrlt
' ten prescription of any physi
cian anywhere. if
pay you to wait for us
$15 Set orvieeth . . . .'. . , . .$8.00
110 Gold Crowns, 22-K . . .$."i.00
'$10 Bridge Work (best) . .$5.00
$10 Porcelain Crowoa . ,.,$..00
Teeth Cleaned ......... .. .$10
Gold Fillings'.... ".;:$2.00
Silver Fillings ........ 1 .. .75c
Cement Fillings ..
Re-enameling .... . .' .'. , . .$2.00
Flates sepaired good as, new
: ri $1.00 up.
TEED. : .
Adams Avenue.