La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 30, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
.1- "
rf 'August so, im.
Editor and Owner.
Catered at tie posUffice at La Grande
' as second-class matter.
ran;, tingle .. copy
Sally,, per week,
Dally, per month..
617 8 9101112
Like all rood towns La Grande la
attracting: what Is known throughout
the country aa a hobo element., The
pan who is out of work Is not the
hobo, but the man who will not work
is .the hobo all over the land. Every
, prosperous community attracts the
ldl who are Idle because they want
to bemen who have worked, so little
they have, grown to believe the world
owes them a living. .
At present ' this city hat more of
that class than we n-sed. .They are to
be found on almost every corner. T"?
police department .has issued the
"f50Y? n" order, but'so schooled In
-'' i art ef fctftftrfflg m tfc&'jfWi hft
The time Is soon at hand when a
ragnet prpposUlpiwiii be necessary
r to flean Up tht cltyThe whlta slay.
rt aft letting what they deserve and
will continue to get t Onl.!.?L!j
of .them haa becn colPUUnlfe
J?W,.,-Jha.,,, tnVr-Mnunca
ni tnrl)Ti the kBow2i'tol4'"bj
local 6fficiali It will Be but-a "short
tlnie until 'tlfte number, of slave tra'f"
' ickers will be 'clearly outlined 'and
they will' bebrought to answer, for
their .miserable crimes.', -
' , it has been suggested that a police
patrol - be established from the heart
of ifhe city to the bridge a mlVs north
of tjie" city! By doing thlat the hobo
whoibullda a small fire at the city's
oujkslrts and there takes hla rest will
tj4 unspoiled to move farther along
.', im line and La Grande will be freed
rom any possible"- taoieetation from
these brawny mea who ftever toil.
This ft the season of the year whtn
deaths by drowning ara inosi fre
quent. Every Monday morning's pa-
per and every holiday tells of a toll
of young llvs paid for foolishness or
, vt accidents that might have been avojl
viV'd. TJntil well on In September thes?
v " :;'' catualtlet will continue. , At the re-
j'jf.iult ''of old tradition, tlwre It in man
placet too ready acquiescence In
tho .
belief that a person who has been un
der water for live or ten minutes or
J i M fStrohg Modehi
. Efficiently 'conducted, not enly In the Interests of Its stock
.older, buW of its depositors and patrons at well 1
.With officials well known and t muted; In the commnnlty.'
With capital, surplus and nndhlded profits of &1MOO.0OO
' Md total resonreesnf 1,HKMKMM)0. .
The La Grande Rational Bank offers to Anna, corpora
tions and Indlvldnals the best banking serrloe, and Its offi
em ask a personal Interview wltn those eontemplaUnf
cboaging awwints or opening new ones, ! ' r ;
La Grande National Bank
; . . , capital," . $ ioo.coo.oo
; surplus :; 105,000.00
RESOURCES :i . ' . 1.000,000.00 -
Fred J. Holmes, Ves,
F. L. M eyeri, Casuei
0 1 1 1 sottojsX4e
tv-:n 15 or 20 m:nuies is necessarily
dead. There are well authenticated
recorda of the resuscitation of per
sons who had been submerged for
half an hour or even longer. Such
cases , occur particularly In women
and children, in whom the fright at
Hading themselves in danger of
drowning brings on a collapse or
faint in which the heart and breath
ing stop and they sink, but low grad-3
life processes continue for a consider
able period. Strong men who have
bat lied for their lives and then sunk
are, not so often revived,' though if
taken with a cramp they too may euf
fer from ahock or fright with the re
sultant collapse , that Is apparently
nature's method of giving the longest
possible opportunity for life under
these circumstances. la such cases,
efforts to revive the drowned person
should not be abandoned until all
chanceg of resuscitation is gone,, says
the Journal of the American .Medical
association in a recent editorial on
this subject.
-Patients have been reported as not
breathing for 13 minutes to half an
hour and yet they have been reeuacl
tated. ' - -
Ordinarily the methods of resusci
tation -an anil mivht nrnnerlv . to . b
exercised at the scene of the accident,
Often the person is pronounced dead
even bsfore a physician has seen him.
Only rarely are such cases transport
ed to hospitals to be treated. .'The or
dinary methods of artificial respira
tion might well be carried on in an
ambulance and then in the hospital it
self. Recourse might, be had to any
procedure, even surgical, that teem to
give the slightest hope. Certainly In
the present state of our knowledge it
would seem that some direct irritation
of the heart muscle should-be tried
before the patient it pronounced dead.
Ths saving of even a few of these
young lives would be a very precious
Jdyance for mnefa fge ejfcn j,
. ' " ' - ' !" ''
There, is- a little measly publication
'.n New York wiled . th '' "American
EcWrt.UV' which 1, devoted xcVua
' IViiy to , the protective , tar'itt , )e
Evidently supported ana" ftonfoUUd" to
live through the large, tfififcerhs which
benefit by the arltt. hat little paper
hi tout to tvery newspaper in the
country hnd to many individuals who
nNVr thought of tubscrlblng for It.
,?At present It Is devoted to abusing
'President Taffs reciprocity with Can-
ao' because mat reciprocity agree
ment affecta tom"3 of'the pett of the
paper. But the country at large paya
no attention to tubsldized newspapers.
It day of usefulness has passed even
if the large conoema such as the steel
trust think differently. No newapaper
can make sentiment unless It is on
the square. And when the paper re
ferred to states on its headline that it
is devoted to tne protection of Ameri
can labor It is a Joke. What it really
stands for it the protection of larg
concerns which In many instances no
longer ahould have protective tariff,
arid which by th grace of Taft and
the American people will not have
much longer. , . ...V-,,.
-'- .' " '' ' i .''V -4 ,' Sw-
No, Ringllng Brothers circus will
never pass up La Grande on a tour of
the west. Their
several thousand
coffers today are
dollars short of
W. J. Church, Vce Pres.
Earl'i. Csfi:er
what th-iy would have been had they
txhiblted Iri 'this city. 'But La Grande
people are several .thousand '. dollars
ahead because the show 'did not com
here. . 'W7 "" '
This has been, a great season for
La Grande people to go visiting. It
is estimated that on third of the pop
ulation of the city has taken some
kind of an outing. Could that occur
If" theity and community was not
prosperous,' " , '. " -;
.Reports from different wheat ranch
es show a remarkably 'good yield of
grain, this season. : The tost of a crop
Is when the threshing machine finish
es and, a number of .fields have yield-,
ed eved better than' was anticipated,
' -.'-"'' ",. ' , r i '
J'---.- ' i - " '
That Roosevelt, while president, al
lowod rights to be given for the con
struction of a dam on the Mississippi
river In Iowa to be used in connection
with a plant that will" generate 250,000
horsepowisr of electrical energy, while
he killed the proposition to put a $1.
000,000 dam on the Snake river to gen
erate .power to pump water for irriga
tion purposes !t the information con
yeyed to.portlandere In : ttatements
made by Secretary W. B. V. Kendrlck,
6f4the Keokuk, Iowa, Commercial club
who It visiting in this city, relates the
Portland Telegram. ' ' ; ' v'
It is this distinction in applying the
conservation policy which .Portland
people have, made the basis of objec
tion before. , Looking at the mighty
Industries to be created by the work at
Keokuk, and the aid to be given aviga
tlon in the Mississippi without a cent
cost to tho .governments they have the
pleasure of turning to the- Snake and
seeing the nine miles of rocks and
rapids which would have been covered
With ftavISBPte water, by ..the proposed
dam remaining CffifES??'? naviga-;
tion, arid ba "western river run
ning to waste the year through.: They
think If conservation, was good for the
''.f. " . waa
proposed, U Ottfeht to lave .been good
fSf tne Mlaslsslnplwhefe $25,000,000
v . . . .' iUf ' v. i .
hlan4 la err n In " i
The plant at Keokuk is being finis-,
cd by the Stone & Webster company
and will coat, with the transmission
lines now projected, $25,000.000.. About
150,000 horsepower is to be generated
by the, first units of Atho Installation,
and th'3 remainder as the field de
manda the energy. Of the total power
to be generated 60.000 horsepower has
already been contracted for delivery
In St Louis, at the remarkable figure
of $18 a year.- ' , r
"You people out here in the west
have great power possibilities and are
making rapid progress In "their devel
opment." said Kendrlck, "but JL. pre
sume iyou forget that we have, tome
resources of thla "character along the
Mississippi.. From this plant we will
send electric energy to St. Louis, 150
mllet to the south, and expect later
to send as far as Chicago, to tho north
which is within In (he 200-mile .rad
ius. ' '' '."v
"During the Roosevelt administra
tion the.rlgMs were, glwri tho-Stone a
Webster people to construct thla dam.
the only condition being that lock?rt)e
put In to accommpaaie snipping , vii
tho Mississippi." . . . '
A company once organized to put a
$1,000,000 dam In the Snake river, op
nomlte Palouse. aeneratlnr electric
power to pump water npbn tho bench
ea for irrigating purposes, and fclso
Installing locks to accommodate ahip-
plng. This plant waa killed by Presi
dent Roosevelt, who aald the govern
ment would oppose permitting a pri
vate concern getting a monopoly upon
power in navigable streams.
Ernest Rutherford.
. Prof. Ernest Rutherford, a noted
British scientist and educator who a
short time ago waa awarded tho "El
liott Cresson' medal by the Franklin
Institute of Philadelphia, waa born In
KAlRon. New Zealand. Auk. 80. 1871
His education was received principal
ly aj tho New Zealand university and
at Cambridge university, England.' In
1898 he waa appointed Macdonald pro
fessor physics at' McOUl uniTeralty,
Montreal, which position he filled for
about ten yearn. At present ho holds
the nrofessorshlo of physics In Vic
torla- university. Mancheater. England.
Professor Rutherford Is noted espe
dally for hit work in the advance
ment of the knowledge of electrical
theory. He la the author of numerous
papers on tho subject of radlo-actlvlty.
& -
n m
Modern ) GlotEes;5Makieg
The result of .many years' practice and experience
now-a-days, unless a man is greatly deformed,
it is possible to obtain a fit in a' ready-to-wear as in
a custom made overcoat or suit.
the excellent fitting qualities of modern clothes--Rot
all of them, but some of them-remove the last
reason for a man having his clothing made-to-measure.
lurkT nivrrl ni a vr v., nc . n rTuiiun
That, the reason why we carry three great lines of men'i clothing, each dcr
Alfred -Benjamin's Stouts
are tailored end shaped for stout men
t ny and gUe as pet fed fit and sf j e as
any Bitot's work, at $1000-to, $15.00
savin? in price- ''. r ' '.: ,!. To :T'"--
Benjamin Slims
Just because yon are tall and
'slender wjll not kep you front
finding a perfect, style and fit
among these, suits tailored es
pecially, for yon. . 43few; York
styles' i '': v, .
Society Br
. Has all the! snap
In 1903 his researches and writings
dealing with the 'various branches of
physical slcence-were recognized by
his election as a Fellow of the Royal
Society -..'. ,. '-.'-J-' J
: TI!1S DATE IN HlSt0KY. :V"
' August 30. f: -r '
1660 Marquis do .Feuqulereo assumed
" office aa viceroy of New France.
1708 French and' Indiana attacked
j. x and burned Haverhill, Mass.
1730 Jonathan Belcher became gov
ernor of Massachusetts and New
! Hampshire.
1776 Long Island, was evacuated by
tn9 Americans. ; : ;
1781 French fleet arrived In Chess
' peake bay to help the American
, . ' , cause. " t -180f
The French evacuated Egypt In
. favor of the British. :'-', ;;
18-12 John. Chllde, who Induced con
gress to past the first grant of
' public lands to benefit a rall
t '. ' 1 road, born In West ' Boylston,
' Mass' Died Feb. 8, 1858. '
1812 British were repulsed by the
Americana at Belalr, Md. -1862
Confederates victorious In the
V second battle of Bull Run.
Iti7 Turks defeated 'In a desperate
111 o u6
V-:? V
Mint Marshmalloiis in 10c tins
Barallona Filberts '
Fiffippi Almonds A CreamNul
Toasted Rolls Peanut'Butter FIaor
.'V-'WrrH' n
igncd especially to fit tome particular,
Benjamin's Business Suits
Designed to please ihe conservative
dresser whd desires quiet elegance in
his weari g 3pparel. ;
. ' .... C -
"Sincerity" Suits
for business wear. Many new
fall patterns now ', on display.
Tbei tailoring and style of iSfn
cerlty clothes cannot be ques
tioned'''' ' ; " '?:''" '
and style possible for tailors'
J sorties at Plevna, Bulgaria," by
- ; the Russians, who captured the
. i town. i" , -- ;.
I'ire Great reception in New York in
j; t-X:':: honor. o'.; William J. Bryan, on
Vt! ! returnfrom a trip around. the
1010 rTho Paa-American r congrest
' Buenos Ayres concluded its tes
'. . slons. .' . .. i -
. Xaln Line Bridge Earned.
A burned bridge in tho Blue moun
tains last night delayed traffic on the
jnaln line of the X-W. about 12 hourt,
No 1 due here last night at 8:30 pass
ing through the city about 8 o'clock
this mowing, Tho mail trains and
last night's passenger train from the
east were likewise tied up by the trou
ble. "," ,
; Among other things which suffered
by the delay waa the aewer project in
this city, which is at a standstill to
day because material on ' a freight
train due here thla morning was de
layed in transit, the freight being the
pesaenger rains. -v '
; 5fw Revolt Brewing. ; V
Juares, Mexico.' Aug.; 30.-Mexlcan
no united statea aecrit
e I iWsiiiifi
type of man.
" Men's Suits
"cut, In the swagger, stales "that "'"
only young men dlre. jIeas-T'
Ing pxtterns , and t attractive
prices. , i ':, r A r;
art to put in clothing. ,
watching what appears to be. a new
revolutionary1 movement of some Im
port The arrival hero of 50 members
of the liberal party from Los Angeles
and Arizona, plentifully supplied -with
money "has led to the belief thai thef :
arc, gping to receive a largo shipment
of. arms from New - Yorki;:-:"'!v'"'-:
at '
Stock Records In Salem Fair Doomed,
.V-;-. It Seems."
''''-'! t-'-.A.. i. i,.,-.--: t, 7, .
Falem. Ore... ftp$cijtVt-CBti''97,,'!l
has srnt cntric for exn"'tt-- thir'i '
l-"rf, n (f,r xnfri to hr lietf! ,-it ttie ,
,Orcirot Stitc Faif fr Kc:irr
It to 10 Inc'-'sW.' yynr'M
ctrnc to thr frou': .'cowitc"
trie and OTcr"' Vt :li:ivr .' rf'cn .,
fact nrtnes -:ii;ir"4 f '--: th.y;"sl
in the vnr!pMV:cv,1(c.;,-,n 'ii:c ? '
c:;r-- The r?"r ':"Kfi' !A,i'
o(,n'c rStf'.eTMU'i'frf" ,W '" ;
I'ieprtt i!;!'tii. tbc rrofltnri'; aw"
tlc ,to'lfi ;?'-;' "Y(pi Iitij f tire? rclj i
filled v.n.tut ' tlir: ,' of "-irie, It IV j
dairy and :, prh-v t"yKio' ' It"!'"'?
fhowr lift- well; 'ArrV 'A.'i,,','l. .tlel
display" "r.f vOrcr--ii ,rii'fif i ' -i
as -anything. 'nf prcvlfn"vfaris."" '
rinding thorarRhhrH' jvo'fV.-'hne ;
drivers 'trotter, -pacer-and, cbiichr.
The poultry fcor will also ,he !rn-
portant. Reduced rates are in effect (
for the fair s ittsial.
' -' AT