X7 . . ' Ox frrtS: IT 7 'Mm c ,..V --r ? ! ! 1 M t V V VOLUME X. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. MONDAY') AUCUST 28, 1911. NUMBER 2G2 1TTSC1IT LI 08! COM H -PATRICK M'GRANE. Ml 001 TIEliD III SIIIH GOVERNOR A. J. POTHIER. Namad at Accomplice of Qaidal In the Now York Hotel Murder. Hutu i riinrnc iirTrn ni i ,Rhod Island Exaeutiv Has B oun Cruiad Againat Gambling., V LLfiULIIuJiiriLlI ItLL r fl TEXTS DUfllfJG llfflG'101 ytf 1 1 II J V NORTHWEST TO-HEAR TAFT ON Ai "sN " QUET 'A BELIEVED HE H ILL DODGE'S JUDICIARY RECALL ic Biff Audlanceg Looked Out f . y Itinerary South Left 'Alone' ;o t Is Deemed Solid for Him Jul west DelmtaMe Ground; Pointed Jmr. Spend Time hi Michigan Too. ... ... . i..'C--.....' Beverly, Aug. Openly preparing for a vigorous campaign for ,aecend term when he Invades i the -west -and northwest this fall. President Taft' today announced he' would devote Just two weeks to rest. No visitors will 'be welcome. , . Oft his trip he will defend his acts and assail the motives -of Senator -La-Follette, and Invite- progressives' 'sup port In the west and northwest this fall. President Taft today annojjpced he would devote Just two jveekg 'to rest,, -No.vlsltorg will., be welcomed. On his trip he will defend. his acts and assatd'the motives of Senator La Follette and Invite the progressives' support. In the west the tariff and clentlfle revision will be his text. - In the northwest the Alaska trouble will be his subject and he will attempt to show that he Is doing everything to safeguard Alaska from monopolies. Reciprocity Uppermost. He will also devote much time throughout his trip to reciprocity. It is thought he will sidetrack the Judi ciary recall but otherwise will defend his other veto messages and outline the Issues for the coming campaign. Announcement is made that the pro posed trip to the south Is abandoned and that the time will be devoted to Michigan where the progressives are active. ' . t ; .".,' ; The president believes the southern states are safe for him and that" the middle west and far west are debat able ground, ' . " '.' ';'.( ' ' His itinerary has been arranged with an eye to big audiences. He will leave here for Washington September 15 and return to Washington October 31st " ' ' -,, " ' ': ' ' Among the cities that Taft will visit are Detroit, Chicago, Oklahoma City. Denver, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Port land, San Francisco and Seattle. jo settle ftounaary manure. Ked WmgVMinn., Aug. 28.-Offlcial representatives of the Wisconsin and Minnesota are to meet here tomorrow io engage in a goini inspection oi me disputed boundary line dividing the two states at Lake Pepin ahd In the, Duluth-Superlor harbor. ; It Is the de- ; sire of both commonwealths that the controversy may be -settled without recourse td the federal courts. CONFESSED MURDERER' OF PAR- I,. 1CSTS RECITES DETAILS) . Seond CoBfesslon GlVen Today lr! ; He-Loted Tarts1 BTIm' Awy.. Jefferson, Ind., Aug.. 2,8. Mlna Tay lor whO' was to wed William' Lee on the night he killed his father, mother and brother to secure funds to set up himself with, today repudiated Lee and declared she -would not stand by him ny longer., ; - Lee signed a new" confession" today, j 'ecitlng the triple murder lh detail, j He charged his father with cruelty to. the children and said he and his broth-j er had long .ago planned to murder him. . l m if i . fciii ii Usui ' Photo by American treaa Aaaoclattoa '. .Canadian National Exhibition. , loroniovv unt, Aug. 28. An enor mous crowd was In attendance -today at tie official opening of the Canadian National Exhibition by his excellency, Earl Grey. v governor general of Can ada. The exhibition will continue un til - Septem-ebr -11. Every department of the big -fair is filled this year with attractive exhibits. ( A notable feature for the entertaldment of ftie visitors will be the reproduction of the coro nation procession and the Festival of Empire. y . :. 7 ' BAIL WILL BE FURMSHED ; foue ix jail. ; : ;: BY Arrests Will Lead to Arraignment Next Wednesday Sometime. ; Seattle, Aug. 28.CouncIlman Oli ver Erickson, one of the nine arrested Saturday .charged with "Conspiracy Against Justice." In the .fight to lm peach and remove Federal Judge Han1 I ford, and two others who -went to Jail, today said he probably would give $5,000 ball. '; : ' Deputy Sheriff Hugh Kelly and Paul Mohr will do the same. The defendants will be arraigned before the federal court Wednesday. United States Commissioner Totten states the cases will probably be tried within eight mouths, when the federal grand Jury convenes. Judge Hanfbrd refused to comment on the matter and said he had nothlna: to ao with the arrests. , The charges are the result of a mass meeting when the Judge was hanged In efflev because he Issued an injunction In the Interurban railroad case. ' V Retail Shoe Dealers. .; ' Rochester, N. . Y., Aug. 28. Members from all over, the state were on hand today when the annual convention of the New York Retail Shoe Dealers' as sociation was called to order by Pres ident Fred Bealer of Jamestown. Sev eral' matters of Importance to the trade are slated for consideration by the convention. 8 TOWS MOURNS tS DEAD. Cannonsburg, Pa., Aug. 28".- This city Is a sorrowful sight to day. Funerals of the 26 victims" of the panic in the moving pic ture show which was' caused when a film broke and a boy yel led ".fire" Saturday are being held today. A score of the seriously injured are in the hospital and 30 are Injured In minor ways. : Re wards are offered today for the arrest of the persons who start ed the panic. 7 ' JAILED FOES OF ha rnnn n it Strike Will Be Deferred Until Thursday Illinois Central Men Anxious to Wdlk Out Federation System Only Real Stumbling Block -rr GENERAL FEELING OF IMPROV EM E N T AND MANY EXPRESS BELIEF THERE WILL BE NO WITH FEDERATION SYSTEM OFFICIALS .THURSDAY- KRUTTSCHNITT TALKS. , .-, San Francisco, Cal., Ayg. 28. Julius Kruttschnitt la here but will not con fer with the federation shopment un til Thursday If he confers at all. President iReguin, of the federation said today that ; he expected Krutt schnitt would receive a delegation of presidents of the craft unions involved and said he believed that the federa tion's officials will-b3 recognized and finally dealth with directly.' He Inti mated that otherwise there -will be a strike. " ' Reguin said: "Kruttschnitt has the reputation of being a man of his word. Me has been quoted as saying he la willing to meet anyone to discuss this matter. If this is true we won't have any' further trouble. The nie,n, up and down the coast, are willing to await the results of this conference and I believe that danger of a strlka , is Hargely past. Of course should Krutt- Bchnitt refuse to deal with the federa tion the men In the shops would un doubtedly take measures to protect themselves," ' ; Kruttschnitt in a long statement today said he would probably meet the representatives of the employes but said nothing concerning" whether N'ew York, "Aug. 8. Unprintable and vile testimony was given today at the murder trial of Paul Geldel. the bellboy accused of the murder of Mil lionaire Jackson. He sale? that Jack bon frequently gave him money gifts and. that be went to Jackson's room for money promised him on the day S IS NOT I Portland, Aug, 28. Detective Burns arrived here today from California. and said he came to straighten out the tangle between his local office ad LAWSOX EUXS A LOTTERY. Financier Arrested and Fined for Vic : lation of Laws; Plymouth, Msbs., Aug. 28. Thomas Lawson, the well known financier, was today convicted and fined 110 for op erating a lottery. He was Interested in the county fair of his county and devised a scheme whereby each visi tor would be entitled to a chance on a horse and buggy When the gates were opned and the lottery started Law son was arrested.' He announced that he will appeal. . Clapp Speaks In Calfornlal Los Angeles, Aug. 28. United States Senator Clapp of Minnesota is sched uled to speak here tonight In favor of direct constitutional amendments, un der auspices of the direct legislation league of California. This marks the opening of the direct legislative cam paign in the state. He will also fa vor the recall of Judiciary. wiiX UUNFER ON he would meet them aa Individuals or as representatives of the federation. Illinois Central Strike Near. Chicago; Aug! 28. A strike of 4.000 Illinois Central shopmen, members of the system federation, is .threatened within three days. The men voted to strike unless their demands are grant ed. ' ": -. -7 . - : J. F. McCreery of Paducah," presi dent of the Illinois Central federation, arrived today to confer with Assist ant General Manager Thomas Foley re? ardin the demands, which include recognition of the federation. Increas ed wage's and shorter hours. The rail road intimates it will refuse to treat with the federation. , v!;77 7 Labor leaders are hopeful tuat the threatened strike will be averted. They believe Kruttschnitt has become Im pressed with 'the strength of the "sys tem -federation" , idea., and will decide that the shopmen's demands are not so excessive as they might be. 7: Unmarried Men Laid Off. 7 "' Los Angeles, Aug. 28. Two hundred and fifty Southern Pacific employes, Including some clerks ' and shopmen, were laid off today. Most of those laid off were-unmarried men. 7 he killed the millionaire. The nature of the testimony contains the black hors. the defense has promised to ln rotluce, and tended to prove that crlminai ' acts 'were committed fre quently, it was the defense's big card and created a sensation among those who were allowed to hear it. PROBING GRAFT per aln police department officials He oeniea ne came nere to investigate the Dol'ce department government. He had nothing new to say on the Times dynamiting case. ; 7 TOGO IS HONORED GUEST. Famous Admiral WIU Sail Tomobrrow for Home In Japan. ' Seattle, Aug. 28. Admiral Togo Is here today, having arrived this morn ing. He paid an official visit to the mayor and later lunched with the Bus iness Men's club. This afternoon he will be given a semi-public reception and tonight will be the guest of hon or at a banquet. He will sail for Ja pan tomorrow. , " 7 , Total Abstainers In Session. Danbury, Conn., Aug. 28. Danbury Is entertaining for two days the 42nd annual conyention of the Catholic To tal Abstinence unton of Connecticut. The delegate attended high mass Inj St. Peter's church this morningfol lowing which the business sessions were formally opened In the opera house. The roll call showed an at tendance of more than 300 delegates from. all parts of the state. ..v7. V ""V r RETOLTER BULLET ENDS-LIFE OF DESPONDENT IOUNO' MAN. Hundreds Witness Act but Can't In- 7; 1 terrene In Time. ; NewYork , Aug. 28 (Before any of the hundred persons who witnessed the deed could Intervene, Arthur Velt, aged 22, the son of B. C. Velt, the mil lionaire head of the lighterage depart ment of the Standard Oil, committed suicide today in the financial district by shooting himself fhrough the heart with a revolver. It Is believed that a quarrel with his wife was the cause of the deed. SATS MEN WILL ORGANIZE. Gompera Will Address Workers on Au thority of the Judiciary. 7 , Seattle, Aug. 28.rSamueI Gompers president of the American Federation of Labor, arrived here today and will devote much of his speech tonight to the discussion of the authority of the Judiciaryt The theme was suggested by the arrest of nine Seattle men for urging tjie recall of Judge Hanford. Gomper believes that the railroad men -will organize a -system of feder ation despite the railroads or their actions. . 7 - 7 ., . , Mrs. Jobnson Is "111.'" ' London, Aug. 28. Tbe seriousness of his wife's Illness Is said to be. like ly to cause Johnson to cancel his pre vious engagements Including the es tablishment of training quarters and may postpone the Wells bout. , ' HEAVY SMOKE TO THE SOUTH ' Fires in the forest south of La Grande and In close proximity to the city Is Indicated by a heavy pall of smoke hanging over the mountains to the south this af ternoon. There Is no report of the Are and officials are on the alert to learn particulars con cerning, it.' The nearby moun- . tains have been obstructed from $ view by the smoke all day. $ - .. . . SOHSICI MOTHER OF DEAD GIRL TESTIFIES A"1 THE TI:IAL MOTHER SUSPECTED BANKER OF HAVING COMMITTED CRIME Believed Siren Will Not He Allowed to Tell Her Story to the Jury a Defense Chance Sonirht- Mrs. Beat tie Broken Hearted on Learning of Her Husband's Physical, Condition;:: Chesterfield. Va Aug. 28. It was announced today that Beulah Binford, ' for whbse companionship Beattie is nleged 'to have killed his wife, prob- Ally will'not be called as a -witness 'n the young banker's trial. Fearthat 1 er love tor Beattie or regard for hla uoney may Interfere with her testi mony,' ia given as, a reason,. ; It is also, . feared that the'' defense would get .a chance to impress' on the jury, the Im- propriety of convicting Uaattle on his sweetheart's testimony;' ," ; 7 ' ' . -Mother of Wife Testliles; 7 - " Mrs. Owen, mother of the murdered woman, was on the witness stand In the Beattie trial today. She told ' of frequent crying spells her daugh ter had after finding her husband was raftering from a certain disease. Shows Evidence of Shame. Beattie hid his head when the wo- . mm ft-st began but later watched her with clenched hands. 7 . , vv . , Prosecutor Wendenburg developed the fact that Mrs, Owen had not been : Invited, to go.autolng the night of the tragedy' and that she accused of killing his wife wh.sn the corpse was brought home. She was unshak en during the cross examination. Vancouver Exhibition Oieus. HV Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 28 The sec- ' ond Vancouver exhibition was form ally opened this morning by Premier McBrlde. The exhibition will continue until next Monday and from , present Indications it Is destined to eclipse the exhibition of last year both In the number and variety of exhibits and in the matter of attendance., The shew of, fruits, agricultural products, live stock, poultry and machinery is. the best ever displayed In British Colum bia. Hundreds of visitors from across the border are expected here next Fri day, which has been set aside by th exhibition management as "American " Day." ':, . '-; -y ' :.,-v.; i :'.: Busy Week for Laurler. ' St. John, N. B., Aug. 28. Sir WU frld Laurler came to St. John today to begin a week's campaign In the mari time provinces. In addition to this city the premier Is scheduled for ad dresses in Dlgby, Halifai and New-Glasgow,- Nova Scotia;;. ChaHottetown, P. E. I., and Moncton, N. B. mm DANGEBj OF FORCING VOTE AT ' POINT OF THE BAYONET. Presidential Campaign to Be Ran With .'7 Blood Is Fear Expressed. 7. 's: Huachuca, Ariz., Aug. 28. Bearing alleged orders direct from Francisco Madero for the retaining of all his for. mer soldiers, Earl Bowers, late cap tain of the sharpshooters In the army, is here today with alarming reports. ! Bowers said the old soldiers are to report immediately at Hermoslllo be cause Madero Is reported to be alarm ed at the promises made by Reyes In his fight for, the presidency. It may be possible that the election will be held at the point of bayonets. noons