LA GRANDB EVENING OLGEUVER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1911. PAGE ( mm r n BATHE Keep your eye on this "Ad. "Kbmara" .... Pathe A beautiful daughter of Rus 'sian peasants is beloved by one 'i'of her own station In life. ' Sup erstition and Intrigue to prevent their happy union are of no avail when the lover 'appeals tp "a powerful prince.' It Is power fully dramatic. . "A mexlcan. Rose Garden''. . . Kalem " An entrancing story of sunny Mexico's .flower gardens, and the two principal charatcefs are more than ordinarily put to the test. . " , "Teaching McFadd? to " Walts". . . . ... .... Vltagraph " Here it is again. Vltagraph comedy with , our old friend Bridget, McFadden as Romeo and his wife as Juliet at a mas-;, querade ball. It is great. , We I say it's good. You'll see. . 'illustrated Song: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon." , New version, sung by ' . Miss Oarrlck . . . .Mat'nee? Mr. Ferrln ..,! ...... Evenings 0 v ' v "'; - : :' k" LOCALS "J. il. T. Love, Jeweler,. 1212 Adams av Dr. Posey, Specialist for Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat diseases and catarrh. Dver Seldefg store. Eyes fitted with .lasses. Honrs t to 11:30 1 :30 to and 7 to 8 p. in. , . .. :i L : Mr. Joe Woods has taken charge of he Crystal cafe." Mr. Woods has had he place remodeled and newly furn ied and will run a first class place, nown as the Delmonico. Your pat ronage solicited. . , v 8-14-tt The Amalgamated Sugar company lositlvfly forbids any huntlngn-Its arms, ' Strict enforcement of the .br ier will be made. Hunters take no- ice. . !, 8-17-et" P' i. .;. v "' Melons kept in cold storage at leddes Bros. - ' 'v J- Ethel McCormlck wishes to know of Ihe whereabouts of her mother. Her another has married since last heard f, and she does not Jtnow her present tisme. Address, airs. O. JN. cauenaer, :mmett, Idaho. 8-17-12t The Fourth of July coffee was good ald 1800 people, Try it. ; Geddes Biros, have it. ':1.a ' ,t ":'.. FOB SALE. ' Extension table, two cook Btoves, BRADLEY & Co. SAMTART PUJMBIXG. Do their plumbing work according io the plumbing ordinance of the city. Consult our record, 'bones i Shop B. 971 1 Res. ft. S18& The picture that you lake today ' with your kodak will tell you tnost Interesting story In after years when many of the , lac- dent are forgotten. , AVe carry kodaks In all sizes and a full line of kodak supplies Take a idak with you on youv' "vacation -and bring . back " the very best souvenirs of your trip. Pictures! Tell : ; MOST: S Drug Co. THE KODAK STORE. ' beds and springs, fruit Jars, go cart, carpets, heaters, kitchen treasure, chairs, rockers, center table, two dres sers, two cupboards. . dishes, lamps. Inquire 1417 Washington, or phone Red 752. . 8-19-U The Modern Brotherhood gives a so cial next Thursday night, the 24th. A dance and supper and a general good tlm9 for all.. Every member of the M. B. A. is entitled to invite two friends. ''.' ' 8-21-3t No coffee like the Peerless at Gedd-es Bros.' , only. . 4 .-. ,;, s - . PERSONALS. ' J. A. Patterson of Oklahoma City, Okla., spent last night at the Savoy. Ed. Wilson as d wife of Campaign, 111., were Savoy guests last night , E. E. Taylor, of Cornelius was aSa voy net last night. ' H. Connelly of Kamela was In La Grande last night. He stopped at the Savoy. ' ." . , Guy Huffman of . Joseph spent yes terday evening and this morning at the Foley. " ;,-: The family of Henry Young Is home again after a short outing in the mountains. "" , ; ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mar in of Minne apollB stayed et the Pavoy Isst night while transacting: business In the citv. , Lester Bramwell of toe local ticket luin ..i' - "2 '11.. - ' i 1 ... J 1 ouh'o iurr.e, was tanta 10 luioir on business today. " ' , ,' Mrs. nrace Foye, proprietor of-the Ccve hw:l, was a business visitor in the citr today. ' '. ' " "; Adbuna Richins of Union transact ed bueiness in the city yesterday and stopped at the Foley while' here. , W. S. McCall, an attorney connected with the Burlington route, and having headquarters at Kansas City, Is 1 gu?st st the Foley today. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robson of San Francisco stayed at the Foley .yester day while. Mr. Fobson transacted bus iness in the city.;--:..-.-' '' x-" aiiss Pge Clark and Miss Irene Krlngle of Nerth Powder, wena visi tors In the city last jjljht, sto'ppln it te Foley while hr. ' : PauKFleshinAn of Spokane,' fi G. j Barter 'It leattls and J. S. Jacobs and wif of Portland, were some of 1 the Foley guests last night and this morning. . f ::: : ; :" ' Miss Etta Wehm3yer,' who has been in Kansas City and Chicago attend ing the millinery openings of the wholesale houses, has return to her position In the Golden Rule, store. , Clint Van Flet, one of the head clerks in the Golden Rule store, has returned from Seaside .where be bad a. A nol r9 antwt -or ocean and oth-?r minor attractions., i Assistant Superintendent William Bollons and W. W. Jaekel, both of the O.-W. at Portland, were Foley gues's last night. They went west thls inorn- ing. '.. ' George Wyckroff, In the legal de partment of the Warr.en , Contraction company, Is staying at the Foley to day while looking after company bus iness in the city.- . 'v K?-,:''ls : Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kewlln and family haVe returned from a three weeks' outing In the mountains. "Mrs. C, T. Bacon and daughter Mis Runa were also tn the camp. . Attorney and Mrs. George T. Coch ran,, and Mrs.- Samuel Cochran went to Milton this morning. They will at tend the peach day exercises them Mr. Cochran; will make the principal speech of the day. , - . Mr. and Mrs. Sprat Montgomery have returned to their home In South Ia firande after an extended camping trip in the mountains south of lite city. Mr. Montgomery is not in good health;., rv , "''!'r- ' v: ' A' party of young people returning east after a visit in Portland, passed through the city yesterday In a special train, conducted by General Manager O'Brien, ofthe O, W.. The O'Briens returned 'to Pdrtland dn STo. 9 last night.-- :;: : ; MAAGERMcCREDlE SUSPENDED. Reaver Manager Is Tnnished for Tic -r , lence Used at Portland. , San Francisco. Aug. 23. President Graham of the Pacific Coast league, today indefinitely suspended Manager McCredie of the Portland Beavers for assaulting and cursing Umpire Hllder brand in Sunday morning's game at Portland. , .' rirSCER GATES ECT1EI. Remains Erongrht From Paris rolice Secessary to Handle Crowds. New York, Aug. 23. Funeral ser vices were held today over the body of John Gates, who died at Paris. A hundred police were necessary to handle the crowd. The funeral was held from the hotel plaza and the body was burled In Woodlawn cemetery. To Discuss Railroad Valuation Lincoln-, Neb., Aug.. 23. Methods of obtaining physical valuation of rail road property will be discussed by th? railroad commissioners of many of the Middle and Western States at a conference to be held here n-ext week. ' ' M'ornen Compete to Golt Title. -Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 23. Women golf experts representing the two lead ing clubs of Wisconsin thronged the links of the Blue Mound Country club today for.' the several preliminary events leading up to the annual tour nament for the state championship. Play in the championship tournament will begin tomorrow and continue over Friday.,;.' : ? $ ' " How Gelett Burgess Came to. ! $ Writ "The Cave Man." How a trifle ' can determine the fate ; of a book is Illustrated by Gelett Bur- I gess, in telling how he wrote the story of "The Cave Man," from which"! his play for Robert Edeson was dram ati;d."'' The manuscript of his novel, "Lady Mechante," had been accepted by his publishers, on condition that, in ad dition to the three parts satirizing life in London, San Francisco and Boston, ; he should write a fourth satjre on, life In '.Now York. Burgess put off doing It until the time to goV," 3 : was almost come, then retained 'to J N:w York, and in the hottest weeks i of July, dictated th whole of "T 1 Cave Man" in twelve days. He em ployed two typewriters, dictating about ten hours a day. One after noon, when he Wl c:me to a stoat , Wli In the ploi. .u'.vh h could not think of any vay to urmount, and was. racking' h's brain f6r a solution, he was called to, the telephone. j The two stenographers, left alone, , put up a joke on Mr. Burgess, and ' one who thought herself a good ! Judg3 of style, wrote in a paragrapn in' close imitation of Mr. Burgess' work, and wagered with the other young lady that Mr. Burgess would not discover the forgery. When Burgess returned the manuscript wa9 re-read, and h'' naturally spotted the bogus paragraph and had a good laugh at it. : i f However, it happened that the would-he Imitator had used the word "post" rather conspicuously. The j word caught j minded him of th-3 "poBt-Impresslon ) lata," whose atrocious paintings In a hew and unheard-of style have lately , been making London and Parlsr af t", circles' gossip, f Burgess' had feachedi a Doint In his hero's development oprt when Haullck Smagg. thO coal-heaver, f introduced Into society, and dlsguBt ed with It turns to other and better things. The idea came, through the word "poBt" that Smagg might take up this new, fierce knd of painting, which , would develop Bmagg's Uste ( for the "real thing. . and the novel was carried out on those lines to a greater strength that might otherwise have been achieved. Ire Wizard's Centenary esterday. j Pittsburg, Pa.. Aug. 22. Today saw the centenary of the birth of William Kelly, who Is generally Oredtted with the Invention of the Bessemer pro cess for converting an el ted -cast iron into malleable -steel, 4 discovery that revolutionized the stedl industry and helped to make Pittsburg and the neighboring towns one of the greatest Industrial centers in the world. Kelly was born in this city August 22, 1811, and early in -life manifested an uncommon aptitude for mechanics. In 1845 he removed to Kentucky where he acquired an Iron works on the Cumberland river. Here it was that he -conceived 'the plan of dispensing with fuel in the process of refining and decarbonizing iron by the intro duction of a current of air. ' After sev. eral years of experimenting he finally perfected the pfocess which' was long known as "Kelly's air boiling process" and which was used for the manufac- a.zr.-f.ii'j'..!iiSiJKnKii. , . - - -t ; In the history of the manufacture '-''- ''.. -'.-',' in . TH .The. Cleans 1 i ''.'-" ' " ""-'"'' -" i To every one who will trade 1100.00 cash in our store, we will give one Cleaner absolutely- FREE; or Jf yon ; 'wish when you trade 125 cash you nwy buy one cleaner for $340. ; , : . IG1E (S&'QJBEM G2U!LC '..-..' . ; ."'.'.,..-.,: i ."', ,..,- ' ' .';'!.' -...''. ..V ; V- '. '..',' "" :;- ,. ' ,;';; ., ; .:,'...''-''..'"' .'. ''',.'""'.' "'::.. La Grande, Oregon tpre of boiler plates before Sir Henry Bessemer was knowni When the lat ter brought out his pracess in Eng land 11856, Mr. Kelly asserted that Bessember had obtained his knowl- edge of the process from English work men employed by him in America, gUD8equentiy, both inventors applied for patents 4n the United States, but the commissioner issued one only, to Mr Kelly, acknowledging the priority of hta nventIon of the process. : ; ; -' "': " TO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ' 'f LOST Brown gold amethyst pin. Re turn t0 Castt Bazar. 8-23-7t ' '., I '.'. ;,. ' ' ' ,', ' " " , ' , ' WANTED Experienced or apprentice . operators. Appiy Home maepena ent Telephone company. 8-236t ; ; Notice to Hunters. '. Notice is hereby given that there must be no hunting on my 'premises. 8-23-4t ! V W, J. BALING. THINK THIS .OVER. This Offer Should Gain the Cenfidsnes . of the Most 8kptlcl. We pay for all tb medicine used Airing the trial. If our remedy falls to completely relieve you of constipa tion. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us In any way what ever, if you accept our offer. That's a mighty broud statement, but we mean every word of It Could any thing be more fair foj your . A most scientific. , common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. Their active principle is a recent scientific discov ery that is odorless, - colorless and tasteless; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant In action, and particularly agreeable tn every way. This ingre dient does not cause diarrhoea, nau sea, flatulence, griping or any Incon venience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. If yon suffer -from chronic or habit ual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember yon can get them only at our store. 12 , tablets 10 cents; Z0 tablets 25 cents Tna Rexall Store. HILL'S DRUG STORE. . c-1 of the Hand Power Vacuum Cleaner, V ' . ' substantial ever sold at the price. easiest 1 tioFongiily WEIGHS ONLY FIVE POUNDS. Is equipped with a new valTe worked ont sWentincally and for the first time In the history of manufacturing vacuum cleaners of this type, THE All parts are- handsomely finished the noszle having the apiKrance and efficiency as on the (ISO machines. The tube 1s highly enameled in a beautiful blue In fact, no money has been spared In making The Quikwork Cleaner a Model of .; Uv'f :l'y) ' ' Perfection 'r'y& -4 ' " REGULAR! PRICE OF QUIKWORK VACUUM CLEANER MM r 44'M'iMi'M'' X. - m THE VALUE GOOD EYES ; Is inestimable: Most of the bad eyes can be made perfect with the assistance of Spectacles. I hav dug to the very bottom of OPTICAL SCIENCE and am prepared to do fitting that Is unequaled... If you would be free from pain and inconvenience,, loss of time 'from work or school, wear a pair of my glasses. ' I grind all my glasses. . : IHE A C OCK I I r. Eye Sight Specialist " J " ' ' i 1 COME to onrshop and let us demonstrate the use of Perry Pnesr matle Water Systems to yon. We have Just installed one at "County Poor Farm". Why not have a bath room, hot and ' cold-water, uiee lawns and also fire protection for your homes! Yon can have a S-f Inch stream at 95 pounds pressure 1m ease of flrei . Call and let ns tale- i yon ont and show yon one In every day operation.- f BAY 6 ZWEIFEl j! PLUMBERS; I HEATERS, SHEtV METAL WORKERS i sn.m,m.ljt1MM4 the Qnfkwork Is the latest and ntost . " - .V n ST r M I ated Tacoma would like to have the dem ocratic national convention meet la her new stadium, which has a Beating; capacity of 30,000 people. KZ THE GROCERY Stageberg & Sandborg Phone 70. '.Ut'ii 3 HOI Brothers and Dwlgkt EI- We havei r Armour's Ham, Bacon and Lard ward's and Crescent Mfg. C. Teas, Coffees, and . Spices and Extracts. '. ' - ' " They taste better and "go fsrtli- er than any other. Let us show you. Kto- trouM to show goods. -,-r IB' ' irr;.7rr,,T'...i.a:::.':rr;::,:'il,,.,'l::,rj t ' i- " " ..-' - .. v . I "; ' - ' -; , r. r i r.. ;. .,,., , , ,. .rSJ l'i.i '1