La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 22, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    ' PAGE 2
JIKE OF STREET IMPBOYEME- both day of August,, 1911. meet at the.
TtTXT n v.l.. ... .v. v .1
vuuulii uuomucr tti iu uuur ui o
TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN: No-! o'clock, p. m.. to consider said eti
tice is hereby given that in pursuance mated cost, and tie levy of said as
f a resolution adopted by the com- aessment, when a hearing will be
on council of the city of La Grande.' granted to any person feeling ag
Oregon, on the 28tb day of Juns, 1911, grieved by such assessment,
creating improvement district No. 33 La Grande, Oregon, August 16th,
and designating M avenue as such isn.
district, and in pursuance of a reso
lution adopted by said common coun
cil on the 19th day of July, 1911,
whereby said council determined and
declared Its intention to improve all Oregon,
that portion of H avenue. In said im- 8-i8-10t
j'rovemnt district as hereinafter de- '
ciibed, by buildlr-g board walka, the
council will, ten days after the ser
vice of this notice, upon the owners
cf the property affected and benefit
ted by such improvement, order that
aid above described improvement be
made; tbat the boundaries ef said
district to be so improved are as fol
lows: '
All that portion of H avenue, from
the west curb line of Fourth street,
to the east curb line of Second street.
A) And the property affected or
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Lhing Models Next
, New York, Aug. 22. (Special)
Whether or not visitors to New York
are to be afforded the novel spectacle
of living models in show windows in
place of the wax figures now used for
the display of gowns of hats, remains
to bs teen. At present feminine New
York is busily discussing the posslbil
itiei of such a plan, which was sug
gested at a recent convention. The
. ..... . .; , . . strongest supporters of the scheme
veuejuiea oy saia improvement i as .
follows: - - :
' Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 96,
lots S. 6, 7 and 8. block 95, and lot 5,
block 94, all in Chaplin's addition to
the town of La Grande, Oregon.
Notice is hereby further given that
the council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such Improvement lor
the purpose of paying for such fan-
are the show and chorus girls of the
city, who would welcome the chance
to wear the latest creations and be
come the center of attraction behind
a" plate glass window instead of tiug
secondary to the star on the stage.
Moreover, it would afford a source of
revenue during dull seasons. On the
other h&nd a well known dressmak
er's model thinks the idea Is not prac
tical since she Is certain that the pub-
General Belief at Pendleton Is That
; Only Four Will Run. ;
nrovement. That th caHmatoi
f imvm... . .v- .l1Ic tw crude to understand auch an
of such Improvement Is the sum of ... . . .. , .
1209.30, That the cpuneil will, pn the
. , ... . ( " . -
A 1 to B Awi
- 1 lMMfrnT:
IJj '"Ij ''Cy 1 1 1 '
. trw a mum .
Attorney Will M. Peterson, of this
city, today definitely announced that
he will be a candidate before the iram
ocratlc primaries for the congression
al nomination from the the new East
ern Oregon district, says the Pendle
ton Live Wire. .- - 1
"I have not yet had time to decide
upon the principles of my platform,"
said 'Mr. Peterson this morning, "but
I have decided to make the race.
"Of course, since the district is safe!
ly from 8000 to 12000 republican there
is small chance of a democrat being
elected. Especially is there little like
lihood that the leaders of the majority
party will permit a democrat to be
elected as the first representative of
tu. .. jLrtitr;' :C'.r: 7". n
Peterson came to Oregon from the
Carolina! several years ago. tt9 first
taught school In Wallowa county anj
the ntook up the practice of law. He
hung out bis shingle In Athena first,
and later moved to Pendleton, taking
office ifl the Smith-Crawford bullfr-
ldea and that the window , models ing.
would be guyed. "I don't know wheth-1 For four years he has been chairman
tr the pjan would help sales," said a 1 of the democratic county central com-
itore manager. Even the traffic cops
would forget autos and be drawn into
the mob. And it would be bard to get
the r'gbt women models for such ex-
mlttee.4" Recr-ntJy wzs appointed
by Governor West as a member of
the state bar committa revision of
laws, and has always taken a leading
bibitiohs. To show off fin gowns part In the councils of his party. '
without the right kind tot women in1 Peterson, however, will not have an
them would be a waste of time." One unobstructed run for the nomination.
of the country's most prominent lllus-
Urators has come out In favor of the
scheme and so the discussion contin
ues. It Is certain, however that It
There ate at least three other promi
nent Eastern Oregon democrats who
aspire to be the first representative
In congress from the district, which
will be necessary to call out the re- , wtu include all of tire Oregon counties
serv?s at the first trial of the living.' ea8t of the Cascades. '
tills fib op, and its ablllfy to sirre
jon best. Oar one strongest
desire Is to turn out the best
ntf to price our services t
mut jour sa'lifactlon. We be
Here we do this. If jour gar
ments need onr attention send
them to us and we will do yonr
work promptly anl guarantee
not t rain the materials.
fnn Ct.. H. R. W.strgoner
model plan.
New H impshfre Puy in Oregon,
Astoria, Aug. 22. New Hampshire
day was celebrated at the Astoria Cen
tennial today, tb? exercises having es
pecial reference to the share of the ! candidate, but he refuses to consider
granite state In the settlement and
development of the Pacific northwest.
Among the rivals of the Pendleton
attorney will be Turner Oliver of La
Grande, James A. Burleigh of Enter
pries and J. M. McCqUough of Baker.
District Attorney Samuel Van Vactdr
of this Judicial district, living in Hepp
ner, has been named as a possible
W'.W'j "''; ypqm
Cigar Store
Tool, Uilllards (1(furs Tobuc.
co - and Soft Drlnkn lit t : ami
most conijih'to line of clear In
the rlty, ; -'
, Oltserrer-s Coft L. ime haie.
ball score frerjr day there's a
Corner Depot and Jeffersoa St.
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated .( only ; one
block from depot
!D. C. Brichoux.Pro
, .. , ; 1,1 1
Home Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732 i
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing
' ! Rubber Buggy TireC
v D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor
he mattsr. . : : : .
All of the candidates are attorneys.
Oliver Is state senator from Union
county and was the democratic candi
date for eecsratary of state in the last
general election.
Burleigh is mayor of the .town. 'of
Enterprise, formerly represented Wal
lowa, county In th a legislature, and
for six, years served tha county as
clsrk of the court.
McCullough is state senator from
Baker county. He was recently re
tained by Governor Wi-st to dsfend
the executive In tfi'e . damage suit
brought aa!nst him and the state
land boarif by the Deschutes Land
and Irrigation company.
. Republican" Aspirants Numcron
Whil- the number of democratic as
pirants ia limited to four; no such
llmlta;lon . can b& placed upon the
number of republicans who are desir
ous of honoring the new district by
being the first to warm the new chair
in the national, house of representa
tives, for there are no less than 17 of
these.; ' ' .'- . .' '
Umatilla county Itself has at 'least
four possible candidates, and there
may be othrs. Probably chief among
there are ex-Congressman W, B. E11U.
Though a recent Portland Oregonlan
story announced that Ellis would be
a candidate for United States senator,
Ellis blmsalf would neither confirm
nor deny that he would be a candidate
tor any office. ; Close friends of the
former congressman have declared,
however, that th , Oregonlan story
was altogether unauthorised, that It
was inspired by political opponents
of Ellis, and that the latter positively
would not be a candidate for senator.
They Insist that If he i a candidate
for any office It will be that .of rep
resentative from the new district, ;.
Another,' local .. candidate Is (State
Senator' J. N. Bnrgesa. ,r Vn is one of
the leading sheepmen cf the . state,
having been president of the Oregon
Wool Growers' association for, three
years, and the sheep interests of East.
i ern Oregon are said to be urging him
to make the race.' . . ..." ,
Other Umatilla county candidates are
Joint Senator C. A. Barrett of Athena
and Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena.
These two men were pitted against
eath other In the last republican pri
maries and their campaign was one of
the hottest waged a that time. Wil
son's name Eas been considered for
some tims in connection with the new
congressional role and recently it was
ascertained on good authority that If
Wilson becomes a candidate " Barrett
will also.
Baker lias Two Candidates
Baker county has two candidates
for the new position in the persons of
ex-Mayor James A. Johns, who also
formerly was a candidate for gover
nor, and Sta'e Senator J. N. Hart.
Representative W. H. Brooke, erst
while candidate for speaker of the late
house of representatives, probably will
be, Malheur's lone candidate for the
republican nomination.'
Next to Umatilla, Union county has
the greatest number of republican as
pirants for the position. These are
George T. Cochran, the present .-water
commissioner for the Eastern Oregon
district; District Attorney F. S. Ivan
hoe and John P. Rusk, better known
as "Jerry," speaker of the last house
of representatives and a former resi
dent of Joseph. Rusk represented
Wallowa county in the ' last legisla
ture, but recently moved to La Grande
so as to be more centrally located In
the new district. ' .T't;'':
"Among the otber leading men whosa
names are connected by rumor with
the "congressional position are Joint
Representative T. J. Mahoney of Hepp
ner, Attorney Otis Pattison of Can-
yon City, Grant county; W Lair
Thompson, representative from Lake
county, and one pf the numerous can
didates for speaker of the last house ;
Judge R. R, BvttJrr, who recently re:
moved from Condon to The Dalles;
Attorney Nick Sinnoft of The Dalles.
and state senator from Wasco county;
District Attorney Fred W. Wilson, of
The Dalles, and ex-Congressman JM.
A. Moody, also of the DallsSj f -'
These are the principal ones who ar
known to be considerlnj the advisa
bility of entering the race, but ther?
probably are others. The process of
elimination; therefore will be clossly
watched by Eastern Oregon's political
,' ' ; .
w t -
4 $ & 'f ''
Postofflce. department has authoriz
ed estalbishment. of Postal bank at
Phoenix. . '. .
; Bonds for sewer system to cost
$308,000 have been sold. Sixty miles
of ccw:r work will be constructed.
Snlend'd ' progress being made ex
new 17i room' Hotel, Adams. Phoec??
will, have finest hotel in southwest
when notel opens Nov 1, 1911.
Centsr street bridge, longsst ecu
crete br'dge in the world, 2,100 fevt
leng, now carrying traffic betwee:n
Phoenix and south side of Salt R';ver
valley. ' ', ' '' ";.,,- ' r ". ''
One hundred cars of watermelons
shipped from Salt River valley In th?
season Just closed. Trade territory
extends (ib far north as Seattle, .Wash.
Contract for 6,200 barrels of cement
for bridge on territorial highway be
tween Phoenix and Tempe, has been
let. Work on foundations Is progres
sing rapidly. '
Maricopa county with its great ag
ricultural resources is rapidly increas
ing in wealth.; Assessed valuation for
1911 will approximate over, J21.000,-
ooo. . V '. . , , ;
Machinery being Installed at Ari
zona cement factory. Plant will make
500 barrels cement dally an Includes
Immense crusher t for breaking . rock
for road and all other purposes.
Contracts have ; been awarded for
high school buildings to Include ad
ministatlon building, domestic science
and arts building, science building, the
power house and shops. . : f
Much interest in mining activities
In vicinity of Phoenix. Outlook for big
properties convenient to Phoenix Is
very good.i. Several important devel
opment works in progress. . . . ,
' Income of Phoenix postofflce for fis
cal year ending June 30 shows an In
crease of 110.241.39 or 15.8 per cent
over previous year. , v , , . ,
Water Users - association have
awarded contract for construction of
extensions to important canals... The
femmint vf Is ton aaa
Salt RJver Valley, Electric Railway
vuuipauy orsanuea ana propose to
tulld Hnea throughout Salt River val
ley, all centering at Phoenix.
Outlook for further Increase of rail
road facilities in Salt
is very encouraging.
River valley
Notice Is hereby given that there
now exists a vacancy in the office of 16:a, 1911.
the city scavenger and applications for (.
the filling of this office will be received
at the office cf the city recorder cf th
city of La Grande, Oregon, until Au
gust 30th, 1911,. ..
By order of the city council, Augu.-t
City Recorder.
Take two-thirds of a glass of cold
cling" SAM-P, add one;tHird;of
any of the following fruit juices: r -Leixion
Orahge, Pineapple or Grape
"areasnre It ribt ae mix It topetber , -v.,
It's good for what alls yon in this kind of weather."
Ht 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 j f tj4f f h-h mm 1 1 f ti ntnt
: T rlr lltTrl ANNUAL
' fS.UEM, SEPTEMBER 1M5, 1011. ' i : ' '.'
Frank Meredith,
s Salem, Oregon.
, .Kit I t ttt (Hi Mil It i 1 1 4 4 4 V 1 '. ,i
Only . College in Eastern Oregon
We sre conducting a high grade sen ' of, offering instruction,
in the latest htms of Bokkzeping and Banking, such as
Loos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting.
The most substantial and' well tried Systems of Shorthand
are taught together with the associated branches found
in all well organized commercial colleges.
Write for catalog or call and see us. Special terms to
those who
Baker BusiriesEfeollgel
Baker, Oregon "
It's not a question of whether yn ran ifford
electric lights: the question" Is cai yon afford not
W Have them! ; ;..g,y .rl,,,.
J The rates In La Grandeare so reasonable that
yon needn;t hesitate at the eosU fl I ; ' t ''
ieciricitr is the modern Hght-the only light
that Is healthful, safe and clean, t ' ,
Wd like to figure on yonr lighting proposition
anytime. Just phone Main's! and our man will
fall; ;.. .7'' '. : , ;t ;; (,. , v,.-.--
! t"
1 .'('.
..;; . ,. i . , ,.- W E
1 '