LA GRANDE EVENING ODSEIiyH, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1911. . Ut JL.J p , n . o - l.-TMcviCx- DT7' HOME OF HIGH CLASS PHO TO PLAY AND KT7SIC , "The White Medicine Man.. ; '.....;.,'..,- Sellg ' Hypnotism and tha supersti tions of the Yuma Indians have a great deal to - do with this story. . It is wonderfully con ceived. One of Sellg's best . '"The infant at Snakeville". . . - .......... ".rs.'i.. EsBanay The stage coach leaves Mm. 'Graham's hjibj' with, the cow 'boys. They are compelled to . do the dntleg necessary to the "Infant's welfare. To see them attempt ta do Jt is to scream.' ' 'The New Cook". . ', ; . . . .Kalem Papa throws his daughter's suitor out of doors, but said suitor returns in the disguise of "a cook and is engaged by the 'irate, .parent. - When he starts in to cook, "Look out, it's com-" - m. -. .. . tt tually wins' out. ' Y .',; 'illustrated song-r"Brocho Bus ' 7 ter"' sung by . Miss Garrlck ; . .'. .... . Matinees Mr.. Ferrln . . . .. ... Evenings Musical Director Chas. K. King LOCALS y:.?. Y; vY:i ' H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams av.. Dr. Posey, Specialist for Eve, Ear, .5086,.. -Throat diseases and catarrh, 'Over Solder's store. Eyes fitted with glasses. Hour to 11:50 j 1:80 to -., ,V : '.V .v Mr. Joe Woods has taken charge of Jhe Crystal cafe. Mr. Woods has had Tjne place remodelevd. and newly furn ished and will run a first classrplace,' known as the Delmonico. Your pat ronage solicited. ;, r; r.. ,V 8-14-tf ' :f . 1 '. .'- The - Amalgamated Sugar company -positively forbids any hunting on its - Jarms. Strict enforcement of the or ,? de'r will be made. Hunters take no tice, .8-l?-6t IT A rrt : Ethel McCormickHlshes to know of the whereabouts of her mother. Her V, mother has married since last heard or, and she does not know her present name, ( Address,vMrs. p.. N. Callender, . Emmett, Idaho. ' ; ' 8-17-12t . ' -' : s, .: "N'FOll SALE. v; Extension table, two cook stoves. .. beds and springs, fruit Jars, go cart, i carpets, heaters, kitchen treasure, chairs, rockers, center table, two dres j sers, two cupboards, dishes, lamps. Inquire 1417 Washington, or phone Red 752. ' ' 8-19-4t The Modern Brotherhood gives a so- BRADLEY & Co. SANITABY PLUMBING. r Do their plumbing work according U the plumbing ordinance of the city. J, Consult onr record. V Phones Shop B. 971; Eos. B. 8482. Perfect Prescriptions Every medicine that is com pounded in our Prescription De partment la backed by our per tsonal guarantee as to ita poten cy and efficiency. When you have sickness at home ., give those who are near and dear to you' the advantage of this care-, a ful Bervice. There la no ddi 'tlonal wpense. . You will be pleased with our perfect ' pre scription work, and your doctor will be delighted. ' Wright Drug 'Co; ai next Tuesday tight, the 24th. .A dance and supper and a general good tin9 for all. Every member of the M. B. A. is entitled to invite two friends. 8-21-3t No coffee like the Peerless at Cedtes Bros.' only. . The Woman Home Missionary soci ety will meet tomorrow atfernoon at 2:30 at the. home of Mrs. J. A, Whit by. 1501 y Sixth street. By order of the president.- , The Fourth of July coffee was good said 1800 people. Try it. Geddes Bros, have it. ' : W. H. Lowe will open' a second hand store at .1419 Adams avenue. He will carry a good stock of goods as soon as the place is ready for business.-' '' : ' Molons kept, in cold storage at Geddes Bros. . :.'. '' R. B. Grider .will now occupy shoe repairing quarters at 1419V4 Adorns avenuewlth a full line of repair ;na- terial. -.,7 Y7,"':, . j ; rEEsosAis. 'j- J, B. -Havety and wife of Boise ware among the Savoy guests over Sunday. , W.'A..Hackett of Elgin stopped. at the Savoy yesterday. ' ' ' ' ' ; " J.. S.' Nees o Pendleton . stopped .'at the Savoy yesterday., i , A. G. Wayels of Fprrest stopped at the Savoy yesterday. . . Mrs. .L. Ferguson and son George .vep3 Sunday visitors in Union. v Mr. and Mrs Ed. Halley and daugh ter and ' MIsb' Gertrude Halley spsnt Sunday la Baker City. , . . . Miss Ethel Gray of Jamieson, Ore gon, Is hire Tlslting. with -Miss Don kelia Taylor of the Paris Hair store. C. O. Fredrickson, a. lumber inspec tor with headquarters la Coeud'A lene stopped at the'Foley- o'v'er Sunday - .C- M.' Mobely, of Portland Sundayed St the Foley transacting,'' business here this morning. . , : Mr. and Mrs." H. G. Tripleit and son of Spokane visited at th-s. Foley last evening.. , ,:: .' : Grant Lincoln' was .In Baker Sun day attending the funeral of W. M. McClure.' ' y ? ! .'' ; ' Mrs. J. E. Reynolds and daughetr went to Baker City Sunday morning to visit with her' Bister, Mrs.. Floyd Jones. V .i : -. ,.. y Mrs,' Upton H.(Gibba leaves tonight for her old home In Clearwater, Min nesota. She wlll 'go by way of Sale Lake to Colorado Sprlnss, and will be gone several weeks. ' ' . v Mr.' Atkinson of the Old Town store ruptured a blood vessel yesterday and for a time was In a somewhat critical condition. He is Improving today though will b9 unable to be about 'for several daya to come. Fred Sheets, of the Baker' City Her old, accompanied by his. young aon, w3re in La Grande Sunday, coming over to see J. W. Earls who has been GROCERY Stageberg & ' Sandborg ' PHOXE 70 EARLY. ' Look ever this list for Sun day dinner, GREEN CORN , CABBAGB ; , SUMMER SQUASH : : . TURMPS ; . : . " : CARROTS ',)-"; rV-'' K GREEN OMOSS: A POTATOES (3TEW) CUCUMBERS "-.'... ' GREEN BEANS ' 1 WAX BEANS :-v EATING APPLES ' V ' V COOKING APPLES i .' -' ORANGES -CANTALOUPES , v PEACHES ' . ' RASPBERRIES ' I BLACKBERRIES WATER MELONS BANANAS TRY OUB HOME BACON AT SOcPERLB. : ' .. i quite in.. ?.ir. Earls is a - ln - law of Mr! Sheets, Mrs. W. A. Blake of Baker stopped at the Soramer last night. R. F. Muslch of Cove was a La Grande visitor this morning, staying at the Sommer ' while here. Miss Mildred Reavls and MIps JRuth DIshman, obth of Portland, were Som mer hotel guests th-.s morning. , Chas.' E. King, the popular mus ical director' at the Isis theatre, has returned from his hunting and fishing trip, and in the futuro the high stand ard of music at the popular picture house will be maintained by Mr. King as heretofore. ; ; . ' '. ' Among the members of the La Grande lodge of Masons .who" attend ed th-2 funeral of-W. M. McClure it Baker City yesterday were Chas. E. Cochran, H. T. Love and J. M, Hilts. A number of Welser and Union mem bers also attended the fuiyeral. ; Dr..McKennon and ..wife of Arkan sas, who have been visiting the fam ily of L. L. McKennon, of Union, left this week or Arkansas. The doctor think? well of Arkansas, but nearly lost his heart to Oregon. He will come back. -Union .Republican. .-5 . ,' A, J. Rlcford. a life insurance man VorV. ntnnnlns h Folev today,.--, ; - ' r v ; '.D. H. Miller was In the city fro North Yakima Sunday. ; He was a guest at the Foley.. .j'' :'i ' - :j : Mrs. L, M. Otostead of Hot Lake spent yesterday in the city, -staying at the Savoy while here. " R. 8. Thomas and wife of Pleasais tbn, Kansas, were Savoy hotel guests yesterday ,, y.lny, -,7 C C. Mercfr a well known North Powaw titizen, was in the city Sun day tiit stopped at the Savoy. i , Mr." and Mrs.' Pete .Beiver and Mr. and Mrs. -Ted Leavitt have left town for a week's camping trip. ; ' , ; . Mrs. Ww H- Kranskopp and Mrs.";G. W. Mearrll of Pueblo were guests' in the city; yesterday, , stopping , at tjiie Foley while here. . . ' , ;'.! ," H. 'S. Radcliff, A Salem resident, spent Sunday in th3 city visiting with friends. H was registered at tie Foley, ': '? i i fi. H. Scribner, wife and.daughre'r of .Cherokee, Iowa were guests in pie city over Sunday, staying at the Foley hotel.,.; . ?. . I .". P- E. Cljlanda well nown , insur ance man, formerly located here, ar rived yesterday from. Haines and; Is quartered at the Foley today. : ,' Mr. and Mrs. Jfartin Wilcox, of South La Grand'3, left this morning for Suttun, Nebraska, to visit old-time friends. " v '.'.y'1"'' !'':':: Y -h- i .. Mts. A.- N. Thomas "of Colfax ; so journed in the city yesterday after noon, r She was registered at the Sa voy ho'ej. ..i :.:-v" V" ' ' R. W. Varcum, mixer of delicious dv'nks at the Silverthorne drug store, leaves tomorrow for Portland and from there he gcos east in a few days. George L,, Bates, a prominent stock raiser of Alberta, Canada, arrived to day and is a guest with. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bridges. Mr. Bates is a Brother of Mrs. Bridges. ; : Mr. and Mrs. George Ball and Mrs. T., W. Lusk and children were Sunday visitors att the home of Mr. and Mrs. C H. Blystone and-were treated to a sumptuous wild bird dinner. , i v Otto Kehil," a brother of Mrs. Ed Propeck, who has been spending the past several - months in the city, re turned to his home in Hastings, Neb., this' morning. ::v':;;r';;';:, ' ir. Todd, vice president of Willam ette university at Salem, arrived this morning from Caldwell I where he spent a few days in attendance at the Methodist conference, drawing to a close today. ?.i;V-j'S'..";' :, ''-::..;: , ( Miss Luella Mckean a popular young lady of Walla Wallaand Mrs. Edward I Holmes of Wallowa, , were guests at the Foley last night Miss AIcKean has been visiting friends in Wallowa county aid is now. on her way home..;' . lti and Mrs. F..fcl. Regan ot Glen dive, Mont., who have .been visiting their brother and brother-in-law, En gineer W. E. Regan, left this morning' for their ' home. 'The local engineer accompanied them and . will spend a few days In ite metropolis. , , ' P. Marqulu, assistant general man-, ager. of the Western Union Life In surance' company at Spokane, and . a party ot Spokane, men were In the city- yesterday and today, looking after business matters. They were located at the Foley while here.' Mr. Marquis Is a friend of F. R. Bridges. , -. " Montreal Welcome Togo. Montreal, Aug. 21. Admiral ' Togo 1 received a cordial" welcome unon his arrival la Montreal this morning. IU ; was the guest of the Canadian club at a luncheon given at the Sailors instl- tute and later in the day was tendered a civic reception. Tonight the dieting- ulshed Japanese naval commander de- parts for Vancouver. New Jers4Y T.nhnr rnnc-f r. -Camden. N. J., Aug. 21. The 3rd annual congress oi ue isew jersey State Federation of Labor began its sessions in this city today with a good attendance of delegates. Numerous matters of Importance to organized la bor are scheduled for consideration during the three day's sessions. ., Right in your btwieai seMon when you bnve the least time to spare you are moot 'ikely to take diarrhoea and lose several lavs' time, unless vou have Chamberlain's olic, Chdler ana Diarrhoea Remedy at nrd ami take a dote on the first ajipear nre of the diwaae. For sale by all dealers. assise FOR SALE. A fine' milch cow. In quire of Hugh McCall. 8-19-5t WANTED Girl for-general house work!' Apply 1312 Penn Ave, 8-21-tf FOR RENT Four good rooms.' Phone Red 42 , 1505 Madison avenue. FOR SALE A desirable home,1 on rea sonable terms and easy payments; , a , nine-room house with acre of land; good location. Address P. O. boX 254 , Wallowa, Or. (A. 19. S 19.) FOR SALE Dry chain wood In anj quantity, $1.50 per cord at the Per ry, yards. Grande Ronde "Lumber ... company Pe,rry, Ore. '; 6-15-tf ; FOR SALE Two steated trap in first class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L. ; Richardson, - 8-4-1f FOR RENT Four room house In . North La Grande. Almost new, and modern. Inquire Mrs. Anna Brooks, ' care J, a!1 Russel, residence corner Third and Slain. ;u 8-9-tf WANTED Girl for general house-' ' work. inquire Mrs. J. J. Carr, cor. I Fourth and Washington, 8-18-3t I For summer diarrhoea in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and captor oil, and peedy cure u certain, for sale by ait li-alers. FRATERNAL ORDERS OF LA grander y V, A. M. t . rV -oiao 1, V. A. M. a. meet- ' ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. ta. Cordial welcome to all Masons. Li' M. HOYT, Vf. M. ' C WILLIAMS. Pecretan' 9. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's rlub, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothei are cordially In- TiUd to. attend. , ; V, ' f ,H. J. RITTER, Ex. R;i. : H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN . OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No, 169 W- ' O. W meets every second and fourth Sat nrdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebers welcome. ? D. FITZGERALD, C. C. X H. KEENET, Clerk. If. W. A-La Grande Camp No. 7703 . ' meets every Monday In the month at the L O. O. P. hall. All Tlsiting neighbors are cordially lnviteJ to attend. t . ;:; 7 ' - E. E. DANIELS, . . . . ED. HEATH. Clerk. 1JSBEKAHS Crystal Lodjfe No. V meets every Tuesday evening In tb L O. O. F. hall. AH visiting metn . bers are invited to attend. MISS HELEN McLAUGHLIN, N. G. MIS3 ANNA ALEXANDER, See. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croa .Lodge No, 27 meets every Montia? j night In Castle ball, (old Elk's ball.i A Pythian welcome to all vlsitln Knights. " .".','"' ' ; . -t JESS PAUL, cc " R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. 8.'.,: Or E. P. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. V C. boWs itated communications tht second and fourth Wednesdays of ' each month. Visiting' members cor dlaliy Invited. CARRIE B HUNTER. W. M. ' ' MARY A. WARNICK, SC . Hrafl Advertising K ... .. ' 1 1 ' : j I j If phen Main 70 ROUGH DRY s r n La Grande, Ore... Name jQdJrest. IRONED Sheets 3 Slips ......3 Spreads ........10 up Table Cloths .....5 up Towels, Roller ......3 I - ' ' i '. ' Towels, hand ....... Towels, Bath ...... Napkins Handkerchiefs, ilk..B Rags l ' NOT IRONED ,.. . . Overshlrts .5 Nightshirts 5 . . . . Undershirts . .... , . ,5 , . . .IDrawers ..'.,.... ;...B , .i.lSocks, per pair .....3 ..ITies, each . 3 up Hose, per pair ......3 I ....IPa jamas suit ...Junion Suits . ..8 .10! .. JLadles' Vests ..... .3 ..;Jci Child's Overalls .....3 NO INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE Please remove all Jewelry from Clothes, as we will not be re sponsible for any left therein. , , , ' In case of mistake, notice mustbe given and original list. muBt be returned, to the Office with'n 48 hours or no claim will be allowed.. Not responsible for goods left over 30 days. " . . . NO BUNDLES LESS THAN 50 CENTS. hSt H liCK ATVin ; VftZV. L'- AMBULANCE LET ME EMPHASIZE The value of my fine and laro equipment It means that I can give thorough and prompt attention to any ortyr for any Kind of glasses desired at perfectiy moderate prices. , .; I While at the National Optical I last week, I purchased the very which added to. my already modern X of the best eqnlpiied In the state. eqnipment that It takes to FIT GLASSES PROPERLY. :-:t I GRIND ALL MY GLASSES MEMX3C ; OFFICE NEXT DOOR J; : . .-..' : .:- n .19L .. : STARCHED. ....Dresses. ,.,'.10 '. ' Dresses Girls' ... ..5 . ... . .... Skirts '..10 .... . . .". Skirts, .flannel .... ,, .5 . , . . .. '. Y. Waists . . . . .".7 . . . ,' ... Corset Covers ......3 .... jCbemieo . , . i . .5 .... . '; . .IDrawers ....... . ,Y.. . .5 .... . A'lght DreBses , , . . . . 6 . ... . '..'VjWrap'pMrv7:;;;.io '.r:: . . . jAprona . . 7;; .; . . . .2 . . . 'eillow. Shams ... . . .10 . . . . . . (Child's Pieces . . . . .3 . . ;. .''',:;'." EXTRAS . ... . . Blankets, wool, pair 50 . . ; . , . . ' cotton, 25 . . . , J .... Quilts ...,..,,.',.,,.25 '....;' 1. 1 1' 1 ' 1 , ' , .... Amount This Bill ........ . . . . Previous Acc't v. . . . . . . . ; ' . ... TOTAL .... ...... .,.. .... Rec'd on Afc't... .... .... . ... BALANCE s.... ..... ,.' Ptown office Main 720 'Residence phone Main 25' e. l. bussey convention 'at Salt L'Alio City, Utah, latest optica) Ic-sUng 'apparatas, equipment makes my Office, one , Call in and let trie show yon the F" EYESIGHT SPECIAUST TO THE rOSTOFFICE. - t . . ...... . , - , : ' ' "' . , V - . . " t P. k -- - , ii f 4 T.--pl- I