LA GRASDE EVENING 0B3ERVJE3l,SATIJRDAT,UGUST 19, 1911. PAGE 4 3 THE OBSERVER -BRUCE DEN Hi S Editor aad wser. nitr. Tt Coal l&c-; of tie naia, 30T1CE OF STREET ESPEGTEffiE- :lxl4 at tie nVstsfficeat I Graade M SeeOSd-elSSS ttt. " grBsaarnos tins 'Cf. atari espy ............ 5 Daily, per Week... Daily, per t.... IS I AUGUST 1311 i cat I U Kill estabtiited. A crew cl I surveyors nadir A. J- EUi5T of Chicago is fclng tie o and termlslsg the exact acreage , f owner of land has snier the A?:ch. As ?n t tt: work U done the mortgages wi:i t isssea rcBrc . tie ka Besirjr to finance tie rro- JecL r The contract for Use cotstrsctSca may be riM by September 15. The specifications for tie pushing outfit tare been made ard to ccaspanies have already filed their kid for thia I art of the wcrk. Bid have alao i been jnade co tb? .W feet of pipe line. The land nnder this project i antctr Use very tt In Eastern Ore ftm. Tbe placing of this vast body " of lacd under irrigation win double ! tie amount of laud ncder eultiTatksn ; la the vicinity cf ' Ontario and add I math wal:a and population to this ' section. ' Representatives of tie Kubn inter 'csrs are negotiating for water powe. contracta In the vicinity of Ontario re YlitlBf tbe Dead Oa flat country and otter nearby : auction a where pumping plana for irniMi ; are being contemplated. ! -this is T sjth birthdai." If AvUtor Atwood accomplishes bis . trip with success from St- Loula to Frederick II of AnbalL New York, which Indication justify 5 Frederick II. the reigning dnke of the aeaertlon that he will, a long .ajiiult, waa born Augnat 19. 1. the stride toward maetery of the air for aou of tne iate Duke Frederick, whom .commercial purpose will have been nft enccded cn the throne in 104. taken. But that la not the greatest Anjj4t j, a jachy of the German em proof needed to mak aviation practi- pire gQ(j u almost surrounded by eal for commercial purposes, it At- gzxonf. The area ia leaa than a wood can fly half way acroaa tbe con- thousand square miles and the popn- ' jl2345 0 7 8 9Mlli2; 1311415:16171119, ;02l!22232425'2S, 27i22iQ31i ) i XUtH IET TO SOLTE, tlnent he can fly over the entire V'nft- e4 Statea but it i by eay itagei ihat h'dof it and would commerc'aHsm aH&w tb machine to await aaitable weather? Today tor icatance. . dla patchea Mr "Atccd si held is a " Pf.nnavJvaoia town awaiting more fa vorable weather. That the flights can made froar cl'y to city !a not vnough, tbey mut be with reg nlariry and precision l"ke a iraln runs n Schedule. It will requirf much loa of life and lapte of marh ttrce to pot aviation on a reaj acuca .coasmerciai ; Baaen. lation ia about ZCCXKrO nearly all proteatanC Anhalt began to be an independent principality in the first half of the 13th century. It has been repeatedly, in tbe courte of Ira history divided among branches of the reign ing family. It waa dtridtd into thre duchies in the beginning of the 17th century, but the first line becoming extinct in 174, and the second in ISf 3 the whole territory was reunited into one duchy. Th present ruler was married in 1SS9 to Princess Marie of BREADED FIRES RESUMED ! ws hft-t s!8ttf La Grande land office d'sMrt fcrifd ewarte ari 0" fres xWtye&r?' The aon has advanced .o far w!tH n!y. minor blazps and notblna a a'! l'ke the d!s trons crnflaeratrop cf last 5ear; Ex treme care ?ma to hav bD exr- r h !" s-fHird b the state of Oreen last, ye roar have left . on Indelible imprVssion on the minds ot erstwhile care!es woodsmen. Yet the re south of the city today was ap parently set by soro) careless indi vidual and should the c!tv of La Grande suffer because of its water nnpl being menaced hv a forest fire, then the year will not pass over without its annual toll by ffrst firea. If care and nrecautlon can lessen tie loses. then the disaster can be averted entirely. And why pott MORE IRRIGATION EM'OriHGES. THIS DATE IX HISTOBT. Acgust 19:t'"-- l."i0 James Crithton, known for his , . u ni ve rsai - -eeconrp ttsh no n t a as the "admirable Crichtcn," born 'n Scotland. Kil'.ad in Italy, . July S, 1582. 1617 Sir Walter Raliegh tailed from Cork on his last voyage to Am- . erica. 1752 Grand army of tbe allies en tered France. 1 SI J Ad Ion between the American ' ahip Constitution and the Brit ish frigate. Guerriere. 1832 First Sunday school in Chicago organized. . -'-.-- 1835 Richard P.: Bland. Missouri ' ; statesman jborn. Died June Vt, 199. ' . .' .. 1Sj Conference at Paria respecting the 0 Danubian principalities ' closed. - 5 1S67 William Bowen Campbell, gov ernor of Terfnesaee, died. Born Feb. --;, 1807 :': , ' i lSfr9 British parliament passed tbe South African Inloq bill. TO WHOM IT MAT, CONCEEX: No tice is hereby git en that in pursuance a reeolaticn sdeptea by the eoaa cos ecjnncil cf the city of La Grande. Oregon, oa the 2Sth day of Jut. 1311. creating Improvement district No. 33 and esinaitsg if avenue as', such 0 1 district, and In parsaance of a reao- cfl on the 19th ear of Jaly. 1911. whereby said eoonc3 determined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of H avenue, in said Im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, fcy building board walks, the council will, ten days, after the ser vice of this notice upon the (ownra of the property affected and benefit ted by aucJh' Improvement, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said, district to be so improved- jre as fol lows: ' All that portion of H avenue, from the west curb line of Fourth, street, to the eaat curb line of Second street (A) And the property airected or benefitted by said Improvement Is as Lots s. 9, 10, 11 and 12. block 96. lots 5, , 7 and 8. block 95, and lot 6, block 94, ail in Chaplin's addition to the town of La Grande. Oregon. Notice is hereby further given . that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property.affected and benefitted by such. Improvement for the purpose of paying for such "im provement. That the estimated coat of such Improvement is, the sum of 1209.30. That tbe council will, on the 30th day of August, 1911. meet at the council chamber at the hoar. of. 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider aald esti mated cost, and the levy , of, said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, August 16th, I 1811- ' ; ;" .CITY COUNCIL OF LApRAXDE. OREGON, -f-.. ., ;' ' 'ftV '-.U'r'. C. M. HUMPHREYS. ; Recorder of the CHyl of jsl Grande. Oregon, r : - .-. -vt w 8-18-10t R ...... 4 . v ; t V i : Hi ii W. N.'V. Ivsilfc ?? T ,VJ.. 1 " ',.;. .. jWl iff ' ' " - . - - ...-- Oi-'NC KXM jL clothes i ..r:in i. ; r ' ' ' f - ' - Anas it Ontario Is greatly encouraged at the prospects of mfrre irrigation in that district. She Is justified In her? exuberance for what valley of dis-lA NOTRE DAME If.DY'S APPEAL trict Is not benefit by irrigatlonl A dispatch frons Ontario reflecta rotne of the elation there over the tpetdy contemplation of the' project: ' Work has been resumed onbe Or-tarto-Nyssa irrigation project hich 4 IIIMA . I- V( i. iu .v n iiiu m ; i(w im Mm4. umI Wlrhtma lb r, vlrlnitv hv means nf rmiElr. n'.ant. ! iti:r ihi icm m ib wwiU .- II Uw 1he water to be taken frum the Snake T It kolnf mf.rrm at rtmnxtiMs. wbetb I. ivW, im to tti kwlixi or Moraiicia l'l. to mTHm, to bT fur bone trratnbt kirk ku tuilKl!r rnrrt U of tkm luriurn. M. frri H krr dutjr to arod II to all (offmtn FRKE. Vu mrt f"nvlf ftt ba M fWiiAa0 iiJ ttir)r -o cbaote f cUomi kr)n w Miry. Tlit tiBl aif,rf7 tetMn srie kM fnn im ut nwm4 Jnlata. par- V tkiauwn. B, It, Noire Uh, In 4 A ( Strong Modern Vvi: rBaiikv.::', ? C t Efficiently roiiducted, rot ttnly (n the Interels of Its stock 1 . .balders, bat f it i-pooitors and imfoss as wellj ' i -.lMth official well knB and trut In the ruminaultv. '.', Hltb eap!tai; .farjIa and vndivlded proflfs of 210.(MXI.0H i aad ivUl reBrces fljtoajMKiJM). , , i , v - ' ;. . j v. ". ' Tie la (irsode (itlonal Bank Ifers'to firms corpora - fln aad Individual the feesl banking sfrvlreaod Its offl . : exit personal tuttrtlew with thoe roatemplatlns; changing accounts ror eitealng new oae. , f LsGrande National Bank ; . ; LA GRANDE. OREGON. v' V' ; CAPITAL SURPLUS RESOURCES FrodJ. Holnies, Pits. F, L. Meyeri. Cas.1:; . -. $ 100,000.00 . ? i .. . . . 105.000.00 . 1.000,000.00 ? W. J, Church. V'.ce Prer. Earl ZundeLAss'?, Caster ..: NOTICE. . :;- Notice !s hereby giventhat ipo per son or persons shall connect vrith the sewer system now being constructed In this city. Any one doing so will be liable for damages. f , . . By order of the common council. August 16th; 1911. 5 i " : ' ; ' I k. HOYT, ; 8-17-10t . Water Superintendent C? --.ft S .: 'v.: . ''Advertising 5 1 FOR SALE.-A fine milch cow. In quire of Hugh McCall. M9rs', FOR RENT Four, good rooms, Phone Red 42, 150 Madison avjii;.- FOR SALE A desirable home, on rea sonable terms "ami easy , payments; a" lne"-rciom ihous'eh "acfe of land: good location. Address P. O. box 254, Wallowa, Or. (A. 19. S 19.) MONEY TO LOAN on " real eatate In in vicinity of .Elgin. , .alre cot 6r.6, La Grande.- - 8-19-lt STENOGRAPHER - wanted at Hot Lake. Call- up the Lake. Good po aitlon open. 8-12-Jf FOR SALE Dry chain wood in an.v quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per ry ysrJs. Grande Ronde Lumber company Fe.rry. Oe. '.' C-15-tf FOR SALE Two steated trap in flret class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L. Richardson. ' 8-4-tf FOR RENT Pour room housa In North La Grande. Almost new, an-1 modern. Inquire Mrs. Anna Brooks, care J. A. Rusael, fesldenca corner " Third and Main. , , 8-9-tt Wanted-Girl for general house- work., Inquire Mra. J. J. Carr, cor, Fourth and Washington. 8-1&-81 ' y For Sale, a :,' - LafgV ten" room houaa on Sixth, close In." Rentihg for 850.00 which can eas ily be increaaed to 175X0.. Especlall adapted for housekeeping suites. East frontage. Nice shade treea, cement walks, lawn. Lot 80 by 110. Excellent location for large apartment house. Easy terms, for further particulars aP; ply to Geo. H. Currey. 108 Elm street 8-17-1 2t CORRECT NEW YORK FAHI0NS JUST RECEIVED From Americas fashion center, "New York City'f a large shipment of Alfred Benjamins clothing for men ; FEATURING TWO NEW SHADES -THE RICK RED--THE BLUE GRAY- Benjamin Suits $20.00 to $35.00 WE'RE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Society Brand Young Men's Suis. Sincerity Brand Men's and Young Men' Suits. Manhattan Shirts i -- J. E. Tilt Shoes '.;,If you buy it here you know its right Right Style : : t Right Price Kignt quality f M K. WEST, The Quality Store Scirainsi set careful treatment Kee lulet and app"; Chambcrtsin's Llnlmeiit ireelv. . It wiil" remove , the soreness ano . i . . . . i i.i quickly restore pn re ocsjuij on dition. For 4. by all deala DBN'T i: 1 :Tmr-: f 1 I 6 SPECIAL PRICES i Post Office Confectionery M- .; : . . ::,.. . ...... . - . . . , ; Cigarettes, 5c to 25c; Large Size Oranges, 40c a dozen; Ice Cream, 5; rSoda Water, 2 for I5ci 'AH' kinds of Cigars, Gum and Candies, Fruits and Nuts, Post Carda and Stationary. Tom Kapellas propietor. OPES FROM 7 A. M. to 11 P. P. 1 iS kwfe fcW(l"- '- " - 1 '" -W iji Let the dealer select your clgara tor you. Get what you want. Call for a Fam Us King Havana cigar and get the best that your money will buy, and not a cigar that the dealer wan s to sell you for reasons of his own. Fam Us King Cgar Factory 106 Fir Street i'any krfi COXE to oar hoy and let as demonstrate the nse of Ferry Pneu matle Water Systems to jou. We have just Installed one at "County Poor Farm". Why not have a bath room, hot and cold water, nice lawns and also fire protects oa fcrr your homes I Ton ran have a S-4 Inch' stream at 95 pounds press are Jn rase ot fire. Call and let as take you oat aad show jon one In every day operation. BAY 6 ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS aaVakaal m atlft f at a, -M ift fc-f ft tltft tfta al - Mm Am mm a sl,, '-"f 1- l i U I I U I W lusTpniy 'fty Mint Marshmallous in 10c tins BaraUona Filberts Fillippi Almonds Toasted Rolls PeanuCButter FlaYor A Cream Nut THEY ARE DELICIOUS '"' '. " AT ' SELDERS li a t ii 1