PAGE 2 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911. Special Train viatte Oregon Washington Railroad acd Nar ration Co. witjj the best of equipment, consisting of steel coaches and reclla jxg chair car. Pullman asd Standard and Tourist sleeping cars to Portland. GO TO THE &EAMIOEZ for an ideal outijig. at little cost, on tie finest Beach In the Pacific nortb weat Visit the Ceattncial Celebra tion at Astoria. WIDXESDAT, AUGUST 23rd, at 8 p in ia the date and the time the special train will leave and the rotrnd trip far fa only 110.60. The ticket are good tor fifteen days and permit of topover privileges at Portlacd and Astoria. Enjoy a delightful daylight ride down the Colombia river on the palatial and popular kctbsion steamer, t.'j. pot. TER." Passengers may have choice of s.eam r leaving Asa Street Dock. Portlacd on the "Potter" at 8:00 a. m.. Thurs day, August 24th, or Friday, Aurcst 25th, arriving on the Beach at 3:20 p. sa., or on either the steamers "Harvest t3on 0r "Haaaalo," leaver Ash St. Dock, same dates at 8:00 p. m, arriv ing on the Reach at 9.00 a. m. For sleeping tar reservations or further particulars, call on Agent O W. K. & X. to, ."t'.'Tris. skst . -' GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT OYSTER COSTLY GENERAL BELIEF IN MOSCOW IS NATITE OYSTERS TASTE BADLY Notice to Public. My wife having- left icy bed and toard, I refuse to meet any accounts he may accumulate. CHA8. JOHNSON. ' -l5-4t ppl! j "J r '.. T i Imi 1 1 M l ' i I 1 . t . r- f "ErarAKk a ad la palatable" Denerip. Ilea Giea ot Is Hi. Washington, Aug. IS. That oyaters may be eaten in any month of the year in which the letter r appears la a role unknown In Russia for there the taste for Blue Points and Lynn Haven Bays remains uncultivated and eveif oysters, grown in the Black sea and described as "brackish in taste and in general on palatable", are all but un known. Oyster bouses are almost uakown and even in Moscow, with its population of a million and a half peo ple, there are not more than a balf a dozen placea where oysters may be purchased, according to consular re- The Black Sea oyster, which is not bigger than the end of one's thumb, seils In Moscow at S cents apiece in the markets, while in the restauranta a single stew costs $1.50. American oysters are all but unattainable, con ned oysters that sell from seven to ten cents in this country, bringing more than 50 cents in Moscow. When the wealthy Russian orders oysters he is served Ostend oysters which cost l2'.i cents to 20 cents each. Americans find it impossible to ob tain freshly imported American oy sters at any price. , JrrH K'U OUGHT TO KNOW this shop, and Its ability ( sen yoa best Oar cue ttronpit deIre Is to torn ot the best CLE A MSG AXD PRESSING an to price oar senlers to meet joar sa'Jsfaction. We he. Here we do this. If year gar nats af4 oar attention scad : them to as and wo will do yonr work promptly ant guarantee ot to rvla the materials. ' DLITE DYEING & ' CLE ANI? VST CitKS JJafn ft' H. B. Waggoner O'CONNELL'S Cigar Store Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae. aad Soft Drinks best aad sxost complete llae f elsar la tfc.,.cltjv. ; Obimef i Coat Leairse laii ball scores s-rery day there's a rane. v;, forarr Depot and Jeffersoa St. special Trala Excursion to Seashore. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company will operate a special train consisting of free reclin ing chair cars, tourist and standard sleeping cars to Portland in connection w'.th their steamers to North Beacb T'if s aad Astoria. The special train will leave La Grande at 8 p. m., Wed nesday. August 23rd. arriving at Port !&cd thi following morning at 7:15. Pasteugerg may have their choice of steamer Potter, leaving Portland at 8:20 a. m. August 4th and 5th or the steamer Hassalo, leaving Portland on the same dates at 8 p. ra. A round trip rate of f 10.00 wll be named which Includes stopover privileges at Port land and Astoria on return trip; limit 15 days from date of sale. Make your Sleeping car reservations bow. ROUGH DRY For several years we have refused to do rough dry washing. Owing to the small amount offered we have been unable to do the same at a profit. From the large number of inquiries recently received we believe we can orn this department of our laundry at a savin to our patrons and a profit to ourselves. .We shall give it a trial md if successful will continue the department permanently, - i Pfione for a priCerTist and.Our driv er will call. v.-. fevsrything will' be dene at' a piece prke only. CHERRY'S SEW . LACXDEI. 8-14-6t SOTICE. Notice of the recorder of tie city of La Grande. Oregon, of the assesx?nt of Washington avenue frcta tie east curb lice of Firs: street to the east line of Fir street. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for tie improvement of Washington arenue from the east curb line ef- First street to the east line of Fir street being in improve ment district No. 4 in the city of La Grande. Oregon, nnder the provisions of ordinance No. 542, series, 1S11. en titled, "Aa ordinance declaring the coat of Improving Washington avenue from tie cast curb line of First street o the east line of Fir street; deter mining the property benefitted there by, levying an assessment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the Improvement; providing for the as sessment roll of the same and direct ing the entry of said assessment in the docket of city liens; providing a time when the same shall become de linquent and requiring the city re corder to prepare a special roll In accordance with (he assessment here in levied and to collect said assess ment." the same being in improve ment district No- 4 in said city of La Grande, Oregon, is now in my bands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within ten (10) dsy from the 14th day or August; 1911, without pen alty, interest or cost; and each prop erty owner is hereby notified that on application to the undersigned with in ten (10) days from the 14th day ot August, 1911. which is the first pub lication of tbl notice, they will be allowed- to pay such assessment In ten annual Ins ailments, the first in stallment thereof being due and pay able on or before the 24tb day or Au gust, 1912. If application is not made as above provided the whole amcss: will be and become due. payable and delinquent on the 24th day of August, 1911. All property owners interested are hereby notified to appear at my office in the city hall and pay the same. The assessment roll is as follows: Red Cedar Shingles fflI-UMBER CO. -a & MADISON Bell Phone, Main 732 TtT i' r-tn r'T " t frr V"p"tiTrT! Complete tqulpmtnt lor Refrttiiiq'inh Repairing wrf.,m-. r L vni Rubber Buggy Tires B-m Ul i It:- LA GRANDE IROW WORKS COMPLETE MACmtiE SHOpS) AHl FOUNDRY .Minin r Block 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 :' 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 14 15 15 !15 15 15 X'.i of Com. at EE cor of lot 4, thence X 50 feet, w 67' feet, X 2 feet, W 67'4 feet, S 52 feet. E 135 feet to beg X. 8 feet of E of W4 of X e feet ot W 60 feet of ti IO leet ot TV.. EM of ' W4 of Eli ot W'4 of '" X',a of ... GBAXDrS ADDITION. Lot ame of Owaer 3 Mer le Aldrich 8 5 feet of X 45 feet of Si of ' 8' of , S 224 feet of S 22 Vi feet of E'of ' W'i of EM of ' WH of X of E 75 feet of W 60 feet of N!4 of XV4 of Eli of ' - ' '. " W of N 52 feet of E of S 8 feet of E'4 of ' or : V . EH of Xi or W14 of of 8 22 4 feet of 8 22M feet of EV4 of , WH of El of W14 of E'A of 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 1 2 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 t 2 4 11 12 13 13 14 14 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 3 4 , 5 6 6 7 :. 7 7 ; 8: 8 1 ' 2 3 4 11 12 ii 13 13 .14 14 G. M. RIchey ... T. J. Scroggin Lizzie Gulling Lizzie Gulling Kichard and Isabella C Kelley. Mary KaKembacb. ....I.',.'. Richard and Isabella C. Kelley. Mary Kallembach Pauline Siemun J. J. and Alma K. Carr ........ J. J. and Alma K. Carr . . . ... . . X. K. West , Ada Slegrlst ...... Martha J. Long ............. Ernest E. Lewis ............... Julia Mathews ............... Johanna Ganglcff Johanna . Gangloff Perry S ephenson estate Mrs. C. M. Catea ..... ... William W. Kinzie .......... William D." Del more Frances and C. B. Cauthorne.., J. G. Johnson Mrs. 3. E. McCall ............ J. H. Peare Mrs. 8. E. McCall ., J. H. Peare ... .,.."........ . Myrtle P. Hill Johanna Gangloff ............ Carolina Jackson J. E. and Rose E. Stevenson I . . J. D. Slater J. D. SlatOV ................. Joseph Jones ................ M. K. Hall ... .......... M. K. Hall ........ .V..;. i.i. C. E. Cochran John and Mary Ella Collier.... 276.29 -Amt' Assessm'at ..........$ 65.40 174.96 16.73 13.57 273.63 320.64 375.57 4074 144.07 165.22 109.09 488.04 20.93 188.37 128.35 37.89 65.36 199.10 298.03 645.80 643.80 298.C3 199.10 65.C6 62.21 189.10 134.56 149 22 28S.96 322.71 109.03 309.28 450.59 339.38 757.38 294.47 103.84 94.89 264.42 65939 Geo. T. Cochran John and Mary Ella Collier C. T.. Bacon Geo. T. Cochran . C T. Bacon . Geo. T. Cochran Roxle McCoy Emily M. Jordan William B. Sargent W. J. Church estate ......... L. C. Souder and Mrs. 8. J. Souder Lola M. Snodgrasa ,.. Marie B. Snodgrasa Lolo M. Snodgrasa Marie B. Snodgrasa Lola M. Snodgrass ........... Marie B. Snodgrass . 288.05 . 91.81 . 9.34 . 102.12 . 34.28 . 34.67 ,.538.36 . 252.08 . 171.11 . 57.12 40.77 64.37- 65.00 99.81 100.50 223.92 238.7? Block 99 99 CHATLIX'S ADDITIOX." V " r Lot Ame of Owaer . Am't Assssm t 99 t9 All ot block 101 I.. It i. ir.j I- K.M i Jl Hi ISSIO . 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 103 SU of 105 NVi of f 105 Si of 105 Nl of . 105 SV4 Of J"5 NH of, )03 1105 SE 8 2-S feet ot 8-30 interest In 17-30 Interest In 1-6 Interest In 8-30 Interest in 17-30 Interest in 1-6 Interes tin X 10 feet of 8 20 feet of N 10 feet of 8 20 fee of 1 S. C. Zuber 2 8. C. Zuber , 3 S. C. Zuber , 4 8. C. Zuber , f S. C Zuber . First Presbyterian church 1 Eliza Ball and G. E. Ball , 2 Eliza Ball and Q. E. Ball . 3 Eliza Ball and G. E. Ball , 4 George Ball and Eliza Ball . 5 Bruce Oennia , 16 M. H. Klrtley ............ 17 D. W. Lichtentballer estate ... 17 Mollle Squires, Grace G. Pierce and Joate L. Slater ! 17 J. W. Lichtentballer 18 U. W. Lichtentballer estate . . . 18 Mollle Squires, Grace G. Pierce and Josie L. Slater 18 J. W. Llchtenthaller 19 First Christian Church 20 First Christian Church 4 Annie Honan ........ 2 , Annie Honan I L. D. Reavts estate . . 3 L. D. Reavls estate ... 4 L. D. Reavls estate ... 4 Louis Given ......... 6 Louis Given 6 Annie Honan 7 Annie Honan 8 La Grande Lodge No. 433. B. P, 0. E. t La Grande Lodge No. 433, B. P. O B. 19 g! M. Rlchey,!.'.'.'!.".'!!iil'' 19 Bird F. Lewis 20 G. M. RIchey 28 Bird F. Lewis ,. 21 G. M. RIchey 21 Bird F. Lewie "" 22 Bird F. Lewis and Nellie Lwi i7 ?o 23 Bird F. Lewis and Nellie Lewis 178 79 24 Bird F. Lewis and Nellie Lewis 51.64 ...,..$220.90 171.37 85.76 ; 67.15 . 57.15 .2364.27 . 466.76 . 337.36 . 276.64 . 188.62 .. 127.16 . 6.59 8.42 17.89 5.26 17.87 37.97 11.17 10881 348.79 527.49 74.15 148.39 222.64 74.15 148.39 222.64 .222.54 222"54 207.54 207.54 134.11 44.68 134.11 44.68 134.11 44.68 Block 105 NW 21 1-3 feet ot 105 Block 1C5 105 1C5 105' 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 ICS 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 SE NW 20 of ' 10 feet of SE 40 feet of SW 70 feet of NE 40 feet of SW 70 feet ot NW14 of Lot 24 25 La 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 9. 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 By order of the council. August 9th C. M. HUM PHRTE3. pit, ot fce.cit vot La Grande 5ame of Owaer Arat Assm't Blue Mountain Creamery Co... 127.10 Blue Mountain Creamery Co... 178.7 ame of Owner Am't Asj?s5ia't Blue Mountain Creamery Co... 119.16 La Grande Aerie 259 F. O. E. 60.58 La Grande Aerie 259 F. O. E... 178.79 La Grande Aerie 59 F. O. E... 178.79 Johanna Gangloff 178.79 - J. E. Foley 178.79 Mary T. Foley 134.6S Mary T. Foley 75 A. C. Huntington 81.12 City of La Grande 324.32 A. C Huntington - 52.6S City of La Grande 210.9 Oregon Land Company.. 231.1T Oregon Land Company........ 215.0 . Oregon Land Company........ 182.54 Oregon Land Company 182.54 Oregon Land Company... 182.54 Oregon Land Company. 182.54 J. H. Cbilds A Laura E. Cbilds. 272.53 , J. H. Cbilds ft Laura E. Cbilds. 248.83 William Miller 225.1R William Miller .... 196.72 E. O. Light it Power Co. ..... 188.89 D. Fitzgerald ,. 203.53 ' D. Fitzgerald 242.22 D. Fitzgerald .... 274.44 D. Fitzgerald 306.68" Mary Nobis 4S8 Mary Noble 9.79 Laura May White 12 27 Claude Mackey : ,14.67 Laura May White 19.5.1 S. R. Haworth ....... ' 24.46 S. R. Haworth 36.M S. R. Haworth 487 S. R. Haworth ............... 80.8 1911. Oregon. ; ,., .. ' Ml I1HHH t4f 44 1 III! IWtl44fWtW4ftH4 111 I II H - - .. 4 FIFTIETH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR . SALEM, SEPTEMBER 11-16, 1911. HOME COMING WEEK. t WTESTOCK, POULTRY ASD AGRIfrLTURAL EXHIBITS, RACES FREE ATTRACTIONS AXD AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'S GREATAST BAND I REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. SEND FOR PREMIUM t LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS. V t rrank Meredith, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. WMHHIHIIIIIHUlllHIMIIIIIIIliMIMli i I Only College in Eastern Oregon lye are conducting a high grade school, offering instruction in the latest fjtms of Bookkeeping and Banking, such as Loos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting. The most substantial and well tried Systems of Shorthand are taught, together with the associated branches found in ill well organized commercial colleges. . Write for catalog or call and see us. Special terms to those who will enroll r or before September fifth. Baker Business College v .... ; It's DOt S mestlon nf whrtKer ''Tks e,ertr, lights: the question Isj can yoa afford; not to have tarsal The rates fa La Grande are so reasonablo that job needn't hesitate at the eost. ! , , ' Electrlcltj Is the modern light the anly light that is healthful, safe and clean. We'd like to figure on your, lighting proposItJoa anytime. Just phone Main 34 and our maa will ealt";' Eastern Oregop Ligh t & Power Co. i m " i ! r nirft) .tfkjmmjt. KWk4A -M. iijsp JpiriistjMi 'ajr'-ay