PAGE 4 LA GRANDE JEVENINtf OBSERVER, WKDN ESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1911. Oiecia 1 T" I train via the . .-Oregon Washington Railroad and Nav igation Co. with the best of equipment, consisting of steel coaches and reclin ing chair cars." Pullman and Standard and Touriet sleeping cars to Portland. GO TO THE SEASHOtKE for an ideal outing, at little cost, on the finest Beach In the Pacific north west. Visit the Centennial Celebra tion at Astoria. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd, at 8 j m Is the date and the Ume the special train will leave and the round trip fare is only $10.00. The tickets are good for fifteen days and permit of topover privileges at Portland and Astoria. Enjoy a delightful daylight , - . .. ' t FLSHERMAN MANT TEARS, 3 8 NOW A MUSTER. ' S " , ' 4 4 4 ' For 40 years a fisherman and to then turn hunter Is the spin of the fortune wheel In the case of D. H Steward, manager of the Steward op era house, and the disciple of John Cort Is today unlimberlng a fowling piece for the first time In many a year. His huntsman instincts lying dormant so long were flamed yester- palatial and popular EXCURSION STEAMER, T. J. I'OT TER." Passengers may have choice of eteam en leaving Ash Street Dock, Portland on the "Potter" at 8:00 a. m., Thurs day, August 24th, or Friday, August 25th, arriving on the Beach at 3:20 p. tn., or on either the steamers "Harvest Queen" or "Hassalo," leaving Ash St. Bock, same dates at 8:00 p. m., arriv ing on the Beach at 9:00 a. m. For sleeping car reservations or further particulars, call on Agent O. w t a- im. Co. ....... WM. McMUKRAY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT day morning when he took a trio of tide down the Columbia 'river on the j grouse hunters to the hunting grounds with the intentions that Mr. Steward should wait about the automobile while the others did the hunting be didn't even consider taking a weapon with him. But, anyway, while tbe others were industrious, each iu a separate gulch, Mr. Steward kept his ere open for huckleberry patches. He scared up many bevies of grouse and he says any man that could point a gun at a barn could have knocked , down a dozen, anyway. When he haJ jspottedhis huckleberry patches ha when he reassembled his party and found that only one bird had been kll I led by the whole coterie of hunters while he had opportunity to kill at least a dozen. Then that dormant in j stlnct popped up. Today Mr. Steward has a hunting license and a shotgun and la as enthusiastic over grouse hunting as he was over fishing. NOTICE. accordance .with Jthe assessment here- YMm nd Day School for Glrh If cKuitttlMmtl 8t. John Builrt iKnlmnlii Hull, Aft. SloetuM, SvnBMlna For MUloi !- THK BUiTEH tiUrERIOK 1 OfO28. St. Udcm Han ; Iff li ' -'il) ana ? I0U OUGHT TO KNOW this thou, and Us ability to sirre job best. : Onr one strongest desire is to' torn ont tbe best CLEANING AND PRESSING "" and" to price our smicfs fa 0.-W. IS SUED, v';1" - ' Baler Stock Buyer Claims ISije om ' For Personal .iijnrles Saxta'tinl V. J. Brown, i:e veteran -f.t:ic buyer yesterday brought suit ayitlnbt the Oregon-Washington RallionJ & Navigation company asking $25,300 In payment for, damages received by him, it Is alleged, in an accident at the local stock yards on April 10 last, says the Baker Herald. ! Mr-; Brown declares that he has I practically lost the use of his left leg, as the result of a dislocation of the fibula, and a rupture of the surround ing ligaments sustained while loading a shipment of 100 cattle on that day. By this, he alleges, he has been bar red from the pursutt of bis usual oc- mcet yonr satisfaction. We be. upatton as stock-buyer, which netted Here ire do this. If yonr gar ments need onr attention send them to ns and we will do yonr work promptly ant guarantee not to rain the materials. ELITE DYEING & . CLEANP GAKS Vain U. H. B. Watponer O'CONNELL'S Cigar Store Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae. eo and Soft Drinks bent and most complete line of cigars In the city. -,...... : ,,...,. . j . Observer's Coast Lcapae base ball scores eury day there's t fame, , :-....- Corner Deitet and Jefferson St him $750 per menth. Also, he al leges he has suffered great mental and bodily pain and anguish and has had to pay out $300 for medical treatment. He declares that the accident was due to the fact that the railroad neglected to have run-hoards along the fences from which to drive the cattle up the chutes. While goading them along the chutes, and standing upon the fence to do so, he sets forth, he was caught between the cattle and the I fence and Injured. V r f The case is the largest personal In Jury case brought In Baker county in several years. ' " Notice to Public. My wife having left my' bed and board, I refuse to meet any acconnts she may1 accumulate, ; V CHAS. JOHXSOJJ. 8-15-tt -J '-'J c ' Red Cedar Shingle WEN AHA LUMBER CXX . GREENWOOD & MADISON v. Home Phone 421 BeU Phone, Main 732 Notice of the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, of the assessment of Washington avenue from the east curb line of First street to the east line of Fir street . . Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the improvement of Washington avenue from : the' east curb line of First street to the east line of Fir street being .In Improve ment district No. 4 in the city of La Grande, Oregon,, under the provisions of ordinance No. 642, series, 1911, en titled, "An ordinance declaring the cost of improving Washington avenue from the east curb line of First street to the east. Hue. of Fir street; deter mining the property benefitted there by, levying an assessment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the Improvement; providing for the as sessment roll of the same and direct ing the entry of said assessment in the docket of city Hens; providing a time when. the same shall become de linquent and requiring the city re corder to prepare a special .roll in ' Complete Iqulpment tor Rtsttting ann Repairing Rubbet Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS " .' :; D. FJTZGErXlD, Proprietor '' . COMPUTE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY in levied nd to collect said .assess ment," the same being In improve-, ment district No. 4 In said city of La Grande, Oregon, Is now In my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within ten (10 days from the 14th day of August 1911, without pen alty, Interest or cost; and each prop erty owner is hereby notified that on application to the undersigned with in ten (10) days from the 14th day of August, 1911, which is the first puD lication of this notice, they will be allowed to Day such assessment In ten annual installments, the first in stallment thereof being due and pay able on or before the 24th flay oi An gust, 1912. If application Is not made as above provided the whole amount will be and become due, payable and delinquent on the 24th day of August, 1911 All property owners Interested are hereby notified to appear at my-office in the city hall and pay tne same. The assessment roll is as follows: Block 1 Ni of 1 Com. at SB cor of lot 4, thence N 50 feet, w 67'fc feet, N 2 feet, W 67 feet, S 52 feet, B 135 feet to beg N. 8 feet of E of ' W4 of N 6 feet, of w aa feet of .,......:..;..,;; E 75 'feel of "-.--v"; E of WVi of e of ; :.; .: ' . W of kv of ; ' ;',..'.':.,.:. ..; Git ANDY'S ADDITION. -, Lot Name of Owner . 3 Mer'.le Aldrich A Bit' Assessm'nt ......$ 65.40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 , 9 14 14 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 IS S 5 feet of N 45 feet of S'4 of s'of . S 22 feet of , S 224 feet of E6 of 'W&.ot . Ett of V, W of H of E 75 feet of W 60 feet of N of NV4 of' E of wW of " ' N 52 feet of E of S 6 feet of E of W,4 of ' KM of N of ,' Wi4 of N of S 22 feet of S 22 feet of . E Of ' ; W of E of ; W of - e of ; . .w of O, M. Richey , 4 , T. J, Scroggin 4 Lizzie Gulling .5 Lizzie Gulling 6 Richard and Isabella C. Kelley. 6 Mary Kallembach ......... 7 Richard and Isabella C. Kelley. ' 7 Mary Kallembach ....... ... g Pauline Siemon 1 J. J. and Alma K. Carr ........ 2 J. J. and Alma K. Carr ........ 2 N. K. West ... 3 Ada Siegrist 4 Martha J. Long 11 Ernest E. Lewis 12 Julia Mathews ........... 13 Johanna Gangloff 14 Johanna Gangloff ............ , i Perry Stephenson estate ...... 2 M rs. C. M. Cates 3 William W. Kinzie , 4 William D. Delmore ......... H ' Frances and C. B. Cauthorne.. . 12 J.G.Johnson"................ 13 Mrs. S. E. McCall, 13 , J. H. Peare ...... 14 . Mrs. S. E. McCall 14 J. H. Peare . 3 Myrtle P. Hill ........... 4 Johanna Gangloff . . . . . 5 Carolina Jackson ........ ; 5 J. E. and Rose E. Stevenson 6 J- D. Slater.,, 7 J. D. Slater ............. 8 Joseph Jones 3 M. K. Hall J...:..,.,.... 4 M. K. Hall 5 C. E. Cochran ; 6 John and Mary Ella Collier, - a Geo. T. Cochran , 7 John and Mary Ella Collier 7 C. Tr Bacon .............. j 7 Geo. T. Cochran .......... 8 C. T. Bacon ............... 8 Geo. T. Cochran f ........ , l Roxle McCoy .............. . a Em'ly M. Jordan 3 William B. Sargent ... I) 4 W. J. Church estate ,'. . 11 L. C. Souder and Mrs. ' Souder 12 Lola M. Snodgrass . . 12 Marie B. Snodgrass ..... 13 Lolo M. Snodgrass 13 Marie B. Snodgrass ..... 14 -Lola M. Snodgrass . . . . , ' 14 'Marie B. Snodgrass 174.96 16.73 13.57 273.63 320.64 375.57 407.34 144.07 . 165.22. . 109.09 . 488.04 ' . 20.93 . 188.37 .128.35 V 37.89 . 65.36 . 199.10 . 298.03 . 645.80 , 645.80 298.03 . 199.10 . 65.36 . 62.21 . 189.10 i 134.56 . 149.22 288.96 . 322.71 ..109.09 . 309.28 . 450.59 . 339.38 . 757.38. . 294.47 . 103.84 , 94.89 ; 264.42 . 659.39 , 276.39 . 288.051 . 91.81, . 9.34 . 102.12 . 34.28 . 34.67 .,538.36 S. J. 252.08 171.11 57.12 40.77' 64.37 65.00 .' 99.81 100.50 223.93 238.72 CHAriJN'S ADDITION. Block 99 99 , 99 ; 99 99 ': V' All of block 101 Lot Name of Owner 1 S. C. Zuber . . 2 S. C. Zuber . . . 3 S. C. Zuber ... , 4 S. C. Zuber 6 8. C. Zuber j 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 102 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 t04 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 103 105 105 105 105 , Ami AsssHm't ..$220.90 17L37 .......... 85.76 57.15 57.15 ...2364.27 .... 46.76 33736 ..'.276.64 8-30 Interest in 17-30 interest In 1-6 Interest in . 8-30 interest In . , 17:30 interest. In 1-6 Interes tin :u N 10 feet of S 20 feet of r, N 10 ieet of S 20 feet of BK of N of 8 of N of SV4 of N of SE 8 2-3 feet of' Firat Presbyterian church 1 Eliza Ball and G. E. Ball 2 Eliza Ball and O. E.,Ball 3 Eliza Ball and G. E. Ball 4 George Ball and Eliza Ball 5 Bruce Dennis 16 M. H. Klrtley 17 D. W. Idcfatenthaller estate ... 17 Mollle Squires, Grace G. Fierce and Josle L. Slater ..." 17 J. W.. Lichtenthaller 18 D. W. Uchtenthaller estate ... 18 Mollle Squires, Grace G. Pierce and Josle u Slater 18 J. W. Lichtenthaller 19 First Christian Church .20 , First Christian Church.. 1 Annie Honan .......... i 2 Annie Honan 8 L. D. Reavls estate .... 3 L. D. Reavls estate . . . . . 4 L. D. Reavls estate ..... 4 Louis Given 5 Louts Given 6 Annie Honan 7 Annie Honan . .'. 8 La Grande Lodge No. 433. B. P, O. E. 9 La Grande Lodge No. 433. B. P. 2" 5; V ' 207.54 i . u. m. iucney 19 Bird F. Lewis 20 O. M. Richey 20 Bird F. Lewis 21 O. M. Richey 21 Bird F. Lewis 22 Bird P. Lewis and Nelli Ti. 179 T 23 Bird F. Lewis and Nellie Lewis 178 79 24 Bird F. Lewis and Nellie Lewis 61.64. NE 40 SW 70 NE 40 SW 70 105 NW 21 105 Iilotk -' 105 SE 20 105 NW 10 105"' 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 ' 108 108 : . i 108 108 : 108 108 By order ... Recorder NW , Lot TTaiae'of Owner AEi't Assssa't 1-3 feet or 24 - Blue Mountain Creamery Co... 127.10 ,? .. - . 25 ; Plue Mountain Creamery Co... ' "178.79 - ; ' ' - . , Lot Same' of Onner ' Ain't Assssm't of . 26 . Blue Mountain Creamery Co... 119.16 feet of 26 La Grande Aerie zo . u. 50.08 27 La Grande Aerie 259 F. O. E... 17&.79 "28 La Orande Aerie 259 F. O. E... 178.79 29 Johanna Gangloff 178.79 30 J. E. Foley 178.79 . 31 Mary T. Foley 134.68 32 Mary T. Foley .. 75.20 feet of 9 A. C. Huntington 8U2 feetof 9, City of La Grande 324.32 feet of 10 A. C. Huntington .'.. 62.68 feet of' , ! 10 City of La Grande 210.90 ' 11 Oregon Land Company!. ....... 231.17 12 Oregon Land Company.. 215.00 13 Oregon Land Company 182.54 1 , 14 Oregon Land Company... 182.64 15 Oregon Land Company........ 182.54V " '. 16 Oregon Land Company.......; 182.54 'i 10 J. H. Chllds & Laura E. Childs. 272.53 m . 11 J. H. Chllds & Laura E. Childs; 248.83 "; : 12' William Miller 225.16 13 WiUiam -Miller 196.72 . 14 E. O. Light & Power Co 188.89 . 15 D. Fitzgerald 203.53 . 16 D. Fitzgerald ................ 242.22 17 D. Fitzgerald 274.44 ' 18 D. Fitzgerald . 306.68 of . 26 Mary 'oble . : 4.88 f C ' ; : ' ' ; 27 Mary Noble 9.79 ' 28 Laura May White ' 12.23 ... 29 Claude Mackey ........ 14.67 30 Laura May White ............ 19.53 31 S. R. Haworth 24.46 " 32 S. R. Haworth , 36.64 33 S. R. Haworth ............... 48.87 Hi S. R. Haworth ............... 80.89 of the council, August 9th, 1911. ; C. M. HUMPH RYES. r ; of the clt yof La Grande.Oregon. FIFTIETH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, SEPTEMBER 1M6, 1911. - HOME COMING WEEK. IITESTOCK, POULTiEY AND AGRH I LTlTtAL EXHIBITS, RACES . FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'S GREATAST BAND REDUCED RATES 4N ALL RAILROADS. SND FOR PREMIUM v. ' 1I8T AND ENTRY BLANKS. Frank Meredith, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. iHHiniiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiHtimn Z 7;T" . , , p ;. - 1 r -r , f; 188.62 127.16 5.59 8.42 17.89,. ' 5.26 1 77.87t 37.97 11.17 108.84. 348.79 527.43 ; 74.15 148.39 222.64$ 74.15 148.39 ' 222.54 .222.54 222.54 207.54 134.11 44.68 134.11 44.68 134.11 44.68 Only College in lstern Oregon We are conducting a high grade school, offering instruction in the latest forms of Bookkeeping and Banking, such as Loos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting, The most substantial and well tried Systems of Shorthand are taught, together with the .associated branches ; found in sll well organized commercial colleges. IVre tot catalog ot call and see ' lis. Special terms lo those who will thiol! "; or before September lifth. i Baker Business College :V;:':: :,'j; '' BalrerOreg it 4saIVSpIWiIsmp'Im( - - 1 v. , nunuiT yon can anon1! iiWtrl. ito.ho. jl, 1,:': . - . 1' e qursuon is; can job affort to $it them!. . ;:;-;'i,-':,r: '-y Tbe; rates In U eraade are so reasoaable thi yea BeednV hesitate at the tol t I ; . j j I,wtrlc,ty 1 the moderB Hght the OBly Hs that Is healthful, safe and elean. T, f "f'f .Wa yonr Resting proposltt any ttae. Just phone Main 31 and ear-man . Eastern Oregop Ligh t& Pover