La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 14, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Jl!Mi('f fti4ii r--" ' ......
"Jaurez, Mexico (After Bat
tle)' Kalem
The first motion picture ever
made of a besieged city direct
ly after battle. ; Scenes of the
poorly clad Insurrecto army In
'true life, together with scenes
of historical interest to both
young and old.
''Her Sacrifice" .... Biograph
Picturing a young woman's
sacrifice to satisfy the plead
ings of a "selfish mother, whose
only love was for her son.
"Range Pals" Sell
" Like the Btory of Damon and
'Pythias of old, there existed be-"
tween the two men a friendship
absolutely devoid of selfishness
and the story is beautifull por
trayed by the Selig company.
Song "In Summer Time'' sung if
Matinees , .
.Miss GarricU
, ,. Geo. Birnie
, - .v.-
Mr. and Mrs. C C, Penington left
this morning for Pendleton to visit
friends for a few days.
Chief Dispatcher J. F. Corbett ar-'
rived home yesterday from a two-)
weeks' stay to Spokane. j
H. M. Shannon, the harness maker, j
arrived home this morning from a vis-
It in Pendleton.
E. S. Wolfe of Wallowa was a La t
Grande visitor yesterday, staying at!
the Foley while here. . j
Mrs. L, C. Cocper of Turlock, Cal., '
stopped at the Foley yesterday whila j
spending the day in the city.
Miss Maude Cotner ihas been visit
ing relatives here. She is located at
Sand Point.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Funk and Gilbert
Funk, of Enterprise, were La Grande
visitors yesterday, slaying at the Fo
ley.. . -
Will Vogel, president of the Union
Commercial club, passed through the
city t'Ms morning on his way to Chi
cago, via Portland and San Francisco.
He will be gone several weeks.
M. R. Cox, a mining engineer, who
has been touring Eastern Oregon, was
in ths city this morning on h's way
to. Portland, Mr. Cox is an 0. A.. C.
grauuate. .-.v...,,.. 1..'.. "".;; " ..
9 33 $? S S $ g 4 s
v ,x,v . . ' LOCALS
. Dr.- Posey, specialist for eye," ear,
noss and throat diseases over Selders'
store, 9 to 11:30, 1:30 to 5 and 7 to
8 p. m. Eyes fit ed with glasses. ,
Mr. Joe Woods has taken charge of
the Crystal cafe. Mr. Woods has had
the place remodeled and newly furn
ished and will run a first class place,
known as the Delmonlco. Your pat
ronage solicited. , 8-14-tf
', . r. . ' -
-; Going the Round. '
Husband '.(., Tomorrow irerlewlna
wedding prenentiThiii awful crwt
seems Wife of Tomorrow
Yes. AJm jF,V w U, ui the,. Browns
IfbpjVgot l( nl u'wi'dillnp prone ut und
gave It to the Smiths lit their. It's
the 8miibs present. But never mind,
dear: Harry's wedding cornea off soon!
London Opinion. '
Special Train Excursion to Seashore.
. The f-Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company will operate a
special train consisting of free reclin
ing chair cars, tourist and standard
sleeping cars to Portland In connection
with their steamers to North Beach
, resort and Astoria. , The special train
- will leave La Grande at 8 p. m., Wed
nesday. August 23rd, arriving at Port-
, land the following morning at 7:16
Passengers mB7 nave their choice of
'kteamer Potter, leaving . Portland at
8:30 a. m. August 4th and 5th or the
steamer Hassalo, leaving Portland on
the same" dates at 8 p. tn, ' A round
tripr rate of $10.00 wllbe named whict
Includes stopover privileges at ; Port,
land and Astoria on return trip; limit
15 days from date of sale. Make your
Bleeping car reservations now, V
If ft Isn't an Eastman It hzl a
D. Taylor, chief aud'tor for the Eas
tern Oregon Light & Power company,
spent the day here inspecting: the lo
cal office. He registered at the Foley!
wane nere. .
Miss Marjorle McCall. Miss Helen
Bartltt and Miss Elsa Couch left this
morning for California. The latter
vp wMl resume' their school work in
California schools end Miss McCall
will visit relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dennis and eon
Jack left yesterday for Astoria where
they will spend the week : while Mr.
Dennis attends the Oregon Develop
ment league and they will also aUsnd
the Centennial celebration ; there.
Miss Bessie Bsuhler, who hag bsen
spending a. few weeks in Boise with
her grandmother, is here spending her
vacation with her father T. E. Beuh
ler. She returns soon to her studies
In the Anna WrUght seminary In Ta
coma. , , . , ;
:,C. r. Andrews, nifht chief d'e
patcher n,ere, leaves tonight for Min
nesota to join his wife and family who
have been vlsitinj friends and rela
tives there. , They will sojourn, in
Minnesota and Wisconsin points for
some time, returning in the course of
about a month. '. V .
i rj , i rfn h'.'rr'f'rn yq twit? - at!
Express Shipment During the Past Week Have Replenished Our Stock
Kne .Waist and Serge Skirt. This is the Newest and
Neatest Dress of the season for anything like the price
Colors for Evening Wear. They are Beautiful Garments.
Yokes and Sleeve?. You will find nothing like tlem for the price in the market
Special Sale of Oxfords Still On. Men's, Ladies', Misses'
Lacies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats, iON
40c to 50c Values' . ...
2 5 c
" Up to Specifications.
Across the loud piano .
Ha dragged the ragtime skit
It hadn't any meaning,;
. And so it mad hit, . ,
- Dr. and Mrs. J. D.' Gillilan left this
morning for. Caldwell where they will
attend the annual Methodist confer
ence of the Ia Grande district. They
will be gone most of fhe waek. F. H.
Greene, the lay delegate from this
point, hag also gone to Caldwell to be
present at the session.
Mrs. Verda Haworth and daughter,
Mrs. Frank Halley, returned Saturday
to their home near Portland. . They
were called here last week on account
of the death of their sister and aunt,
Mrs. W. D. G randy. Slnee the funeral
they bad been guests of friends and
relatives in the valleyl . '
Being comfortable la the specialty of
some srsons" and tnakingAhcm so It
the specialty of others.' j ,
.v -. , -.;,. -'Vi
Keeping np appearances Is such a
train that i the appearances soon be
come deceptive, i !-
Any man can smoke off his 11 tem
per If Lis tobacco ia good, brt what If
l oman to doT ; a:
Hit Idea of the Show.
"Whnt do you ihlnk of i he plot T
tsked the thenter niuiincr
"That Isn't a pli." replied the man
who had paid . S2 to w the show
"That's . a conspirucy."- lYflphlngtoo
Stnr ; ' ' '"v ., ;
company Pe.rry, Ore.
FOR SALE Good header and binder
combined. 12 foot cut . Deerlng
make. Inquire L. J. Ferguson, El
gin, Oregon. ,
V Another Quibble. ',.r .;- o
4 "Don't rou iiute to niwp in oo npper
berth r ;-y ,
j, ,fN; i like to sleep when I have to
( tak- an tipper berth "-Cliit npo Beord
. lernlt :
. Pntddg
keep Well.
up . excuses Isn't always
for sometimes they don't
' .'-.. 't ;ln't the Language.' ,
fietter a little . bad language
with good deeds than good'lun
guage with nothing else. De-'
trolt Free Press..
lltl,l,lltt. T t , t T 1 J t 1 t I , 1
f I T H 1 T t ? I If t I tTttttTTtTTvt
Tuesday Mdrii-:
THE m&t E'ClfeEAta6S IS
'The easy aij by daylight wsy
of picture making with the both
er left out .
-We earry a eomilpi line of
Kadoks and Kodak City goods.
Drug Co.
,We "will haVe fresh cottage
cheese, 20e a pint.
'Armour's Star Bollfd Hani 40c
Armour's Dried Beef, 40c lb.
'Fruits, Berries and TegeaWes
will all be frenh.
A gvod dinner is desirable, but
poor one Is often necessary.
Even when a nightmare Is driven
away It Is sometimes found that she
left, a lot of little colts behind hrr.
We never know what's coming next,
for If we did It probably wouldn't be
coming. , ... y - . .
,Tlie early bird geta the first chancee
and generally masafces to use it so
that he gets all the others as well.
A dark past Is no promise of a brQ.
liant future despite the taw of aver
It is always easy to please the ton'
with an ax to be grdnnd.
For sale by
t Pattison Bros;
Nt6 my etnlllng roeebufl -moutll
The mlllnsr barber deftly hooks
HIb m.u and nulls It awry ' -
To he whingers In the nook ,
At either earner, anl he a'K
And give my head a ncratch or two:
"Tour head Is very dirty. Don't
You think you need a nice shampoo?"
Then he says, "You need a massage.'"
But 1 InjilBt thBt I do not. ' ; . ,
And then he blisters my poor face ,
Within m towel reeking hot;
Then he Innlsts I ought to have ; I
A mess of tonic on my hair. '
And that Is why I hate to sit .
Me In a barber's easy chair.
And all the while the barber breathes
Ills onion breath Into, my face
And hooka his finger 'neath my lip
And drags my mouth all out of place
A bootblurk tumbles at my feet
And begs and begs me, with a whine.
To loosen up and come across . -
. And let blm glva my shoes a shine. .
. Because I do not want a shine, .
Because I hate the barber's hooks.
Because I want no shampoo and '
Because my face the barber crooks.
Because I oare for no massage
And want no tonlo rubbed In me,
X hate to do It, but am forced
To use a safety razor. 8ee?
Houston Post.
t Advertisina I
STENOGRAPHER wanted at Hot
Lake. Call up the Lake, Good po
sition open. . 8'12-
LOST Gold hat pin, with lopaz set,
between La Grande and Perry on O.
W. R. & N. track. Return to Ed.
. Bolton,, 1501 , Adatiis avenue. . Re
ward. 8-12-2t
FOR RENT Four good rooms Phone
.. Red 42. 1505 Madison avenue, 8-3-tf
WANTED Furnished 3 to 5 room
. house. Call at the Observer office
c-o 0. M. 8-11-fit '
FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any
Quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
FOR RENTPart of good barn, close
Hri. ' Apply this office. ' '
FOR SALE Two steated trap In first
class condHion. inquire Drl A, L.
Richardson. 8-4-1 f
BOY WANTED Good, active boy for
messenger at Western Union Tel
egraph Co. , ' 8-11 3t
FOR RENT Furnished room. Mod
ern. Close , In. Gentlemen prefer
red. Inquire this office.
FOR RENT Four room house In
North La Grande. Almost new, ami
modern. Inquire Mrs. Anna Brooks,
care J. A. Russel, residence corner
Third and Main. . 8-9-tf v '
LOST Black leather wallet contain
ing Insurance papers. Su'table re
ward for return to this office..
J. Gavin. ; 8-1 4 -3t
Cigar Store
Tool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobac
co and Salt Drinks best' and
most complete line of cigars In
the. city. ,.;
. Obsenf K Coast League base,
ball scores- every day there's- a,
game. .",
Corner Depot and Jefferson SB
John Melville
1428 Adzms Ave
' "
V-" " '
The valoe of my fine and large equipment It means that I can give
thorough and prompt attention to any orr for any kind of glasses
desired at perfectly moderate prices. , -
fi fiT- '''If; Si
While at the National OiIcal convention at Salt Lake City, Utah,
last week, I purchased the very latest optical , testing '; apparatus,
which added to my already modern equipment makes my office, ene
of the best equipped in the state. Call in and let me show yon the
equipment that It takes to FIT GLASSES PROPERLY, y
Z3k tuillllMmHlMllltn