La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 12, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Local Nurses Treated to New Method of Preventing Typhoid Fever s Smalliwx Yacclnatjon and Diphtheria
Anti-Toxin Hare Been Used In the Fast Treatment Not severe.' v
, Three doses or Injections con-
stitute immunizing treatment.
First injection only leaves re-
action, and almost invariably
light. Last two have no reaction.
Local nurses now being Innoc
4 ulated In first series of treat
O ments.
Leaves tody Immune for three
years at least.
Especially desirable for persons
exposed to typhoid or drinking
water suspected of containing ty
phoid bacteria.
Administered only to persons
S perfectly healthy, , , . ,
Nurses ministering to the sick and
maimed in Grande Ronde hospital are
the vehicles through . which anti-typhoid
vaccination is being Introduced
into Grande Ronde valley and Eastern
Oregon, For one of the first times in
the history of medicine and surgry in
this city which, toy the way, has blaz
ed the trail of up-to-the-minute treat
ments in many ways, of late a vac
cine to prevent typhoid fever has been
administered and right now the nurses
at the local liospltal are inoculated
with this new method of fighting ty
phoid fever.
Anti-typhoid fever vaccine 1b a new
thing: new not only to the northwest
but it is new to the biggest labora
tories and clinics of the east for out
side of experiment carried oh by the
armies of the leading nations of the
world the past decade, little use has
been made of this fever preventative
In practical medicine until the past
few years.
Simple, Like Vaccination. ;
The remedy is as simple as vaccina
tion. To be as near correctly adminis
tered as possible, three injections are
made under the skin of the arm; the
dosce thus to be given consisting of
600,000,000 killed bacilli therein lies
the secret of this vaccine, for it 1b
only recently that the killed bacilli
were substituted for the living cul
tures, and with more success. The
first injection therefore is the lightest
of the three but strange enough to say,
the only reaction in the whole series
of injections comes from the first one.
Tea days later another dose, consist
ing of 1,000,000,000 killed 'bacilli Is ad
ministered and again 10 days Inter the
third and last dose of a size equal to
the second la administered. That done,
the body is immune from typhoid for a
period of three years at least, and
likely longer.
i 111 Effects Trilling.
The reactions which Bets In after
adminlstrctlon of the first injection is
not severe and In less than 48 hours
has disappeared entirely and leaves
the persons with no lasting ill effects.
There is usually a slight headache and
malaise and a red and tender spot on
His arm about the size of a hand. In
extreme cases the individual may de
velop severe and general reaction with
nausea, vomiting, headache, backache,
and slight loss of weight; but this is
only in extreme casRs. It ims not so
proven with the experiments with the
nurses in the local hospital.
Army Ofllwr Biased Practice.
While the armies or England and
Germany were the principal Introduc
ers of the method, the American sol
diers have their very year on the
Texas borderbeen Inoculated in
great numbers to -prevent typhoid in
that verv SllBrentlhla i-Pelnn nnit nnf
one case of typhoid was reported. The
number of Inoculations done art
counted by the thousands, so it is seen
that the method Is practical.' The lo
cal physicians who are going td nat
the method here are confident of its
popularization In La Grande. -It is
easy to administer, leaves but little
111 effect, and leaves the Individual im
munized Just as vaccination prevents
ji "ft lw f,p'!t"1y feasible method of
I Frank Meredith,
preventing typhoid, and to persons go
ing into a typhoid laden territory or
called upon to treat typhoid victims or
drinking water that la 'suspected,' we
find that it has a splendid value and
effectiveness," . agreed several ' La
Grande physicians today in speaking
of the method. The nurses at the
hospital are soon to be given the sec
ond injection, ' ; -
History of Method Interesting.
Now that it is a foregone conclusion
that many La Grande people are going
to be Inoculated with this virus that
fights away typnold fever bacteria, a
brief review of the method is not
amiss. : "
Summarizing the work with anti-typhoid
vaccine at the Massachusetts
general hospital. Dr. Mark Wyman
Richardson, secretary of the state
board of health of Massachusetts, and
in. Lti.Ivj '..H."."CjCCST'..-t???
cal and Surgical Journal, January 5,
1911), state: -, . ; . :
"Our experience, therefore, covers
1,583 Inoculations practiced upon 405;
inamuuais. as yei tnere nave Deen
no untoward results, and we believe
that the inoculated individual have ac
quired an increased resistance to ty
phoid Infection which will last them
for several years at least. We expect
in the coming year to extend the influ
ence of these inoculations, especially
among nurses and others attendant up
on the sick. Furthermore, we have
strong; faith that the procedure will,
within a short time, find increasing fa
vor -with the general public, which, ex
posed as it is to many sources of in
fection, is In great need of specific pror
tectlon." ;
In the Boston Medical and Surgical
Journal, Major Russell reviews briefly
the history of anti-typhoid vaccine as
follow: ' " ' - ' -:' . , ',
"Experience with vaccines in gen
eral and with typhoid vaccine In par
ticular has shown the possibility of
increasing the individual resistance to
infection. As far back as 1886 Sim
mons and Frankel immunized small
animals with living cultures, and Beu
mer and Piper immunized mice. Chan
temesse, Widal, Sanarelll and others
veary early began Investigations or
typhoid prophylaxis by immunization.
Little or nothing came of these ex
periments, largely because of the im
practicability of using living bacteria
on men. It was not until 1893 that
Brleger, Kltasato and Wassermann
found that the use of living bacteria
was unnecessary and that a high de
gree of Immunity could be produced
by killed cultures. In 1893 and 1894
Pfelffer reported his investigations on
the nature of the immunity in typhoid
and cholera and elaborated a test for
the presence of protective bodies in the
serum which lias become classls under
Hie name ot the Pfelffer phonomenon.
Soon after, In 1896. owing to the dis
covery of agglutinins by Grubler and
Durham, our knowledge of typhoid im
munity advanced rapidly, In the same
year Pfelffer and Kolle immunized two
men against typhoid and made cora
nltte and comprehensive studies of the
blood changes .following Inoculation
with killed cultures. Their work show
ed, according to present laboratory
standards, the identity of the immunity
nrodured by vaccination and by an at
tack of the fever, both agglutinins and
, macteriolyslns being greatly increased.
Wright Perfects Method. s
A few weeks before Pfelffer and
Kolle's experiments became public, Sir
A. E. Wright, at that time connected
with the English army, inoculated two
men with killed typhoid bacilli, but
his studies were apparently on the
coagulability of the blood, since no re
port was made of the specific changes
In the blood serum. In the next year.
1S97. he launched the present antl-ty-Dhold
campaign In a publication de
scribing the Inoculation of 18 persons.
In 1898 he Inacu'ated 4.000 men of the
.British Indian army, and In 1900, on
trie outbreak of the Boer war, the vac
cination was carried out on troops des
tined for South Africa. Wright furn
ished some 400.000 doses, and it Is un
rtorwiood that 100.000 men were Inocu
SALEM. SEPTEMBER 11.16. 1911. ' '
lated one or more times." ' . '
Timely Hints Given.
The surgeon general of the army
medical laboratory at Washington has
Issued these timely instructions to the
army surgeons under him, concerning
the use of this method now being in
troduced in this city.
"The most suitable time for adminis
tration of the vaccine is about four
o'clock in the afternoon, as the greater
part of the reaction is then over before
morning. -
"No applicant should be vaccinated
who is not. perfectly healthy and free
from fever at the time, and It is ad
vistable, in case of doubt, to take the
temperature and to examine the urine;
in the case of any man who has fever
or any other signs of illness, It should
be postponed until he recovers. This
precaution is necessary to avoid the
vaccination of men who miirht be com-
ln Aown With tVDhold. ... ; .i.u,
"The men should be cautioned not
to drink beer or liquor on the day of
treatment." . - - - : .
Men Will Be Sent Into Borned-Over
District to Gather Cones. . ,.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 12. Official
announcement will be made the end
of September by the Pacific Power &
Light company of its plans to develop
1,000,000 horse power by hydro-electric
installation in the Columbia river
at Priest Rapids, Wash., southwest of
Spokane, at a cost of from $8,000,000
to $10,000,000. It Is estimated, that
eight years will be required to com
plete the work.
The iprojecf includes the construc
tion of an .enormous dam across the
river at the foot of the rapids, the
face of the wall to be 75 feet in height
or egual to the drop of the stream in
a distance of nine miles; the building
of the high -line canal of the Hanford
Irrigation plant, and the stringing of a
network of transmission lines to sup
ply power and light to a large part of
eastern Washington. . v
A wing dam, diverting part of the
current of the Columbia river from the
main channel into a power canal, is
now furnishing power for the com
pany's electric plant at Priest Rap
Ids, and the use of this method of de
velopment will be continued until the
large dam Is in position and ready .to
take the load. ,
. The bill passed by congress recent
ly, giving the Pacific company author
ity to dam the Columbia river, also
provides for locks, whereby naviga
tion will be aided by. the completion oi
the big . wall. .
Until the company determines its
plans and establishes its rights at
Priest Rapids, the construction of the
Chicago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound
railroad from Beverl on the main
line, 60 miles up, the river.; The rail
road company has completed four sur
veyors around the face of a 400-foot
rock wall and the line will npt fol
low a 75-foot grade to keep above the
level of the dam. This involves one
of the most expenses pieces of railway
construction work In the west coun
try, as it means a cut of nine miles in
solid rock.
' Spokane, Wash., Aug. 12 More than
100 men will be sent into the Coeur
d'Alene national forest next fall to
gather fir and nine cones, to be used In
reseedlng the timber districts In north
ern Idaho, burned over by fires a
year ago. The United States forestry
department will mnke an effort to
gather 20.000 pouuds of seeds, which
are to be planted during the spring
and summer of 1912. .The depsrtment
and the timber protective associations
have more than 800 men doing natrol
duty in the Idaho forests, which are
ofe this season, according to re-ports
received by Albert L. Flewelllng. the
president or the Western Forestry and
Conservation association with head-
nuarters In Spokane. The recent rains
have been general In northern Idaho,
eastern Washington and Oregon, and
Western Montana, also In the boun
dary country, and It Is believed there
Is no danger of serious outbreaks this
summer. Six arrests and convictions
for neglecting to extinguish camp fires
are reported by wardens In the state
or Washington this season, The lum
bermen are giving the state and feder
al authorities every assistance and as
a result of this strict vigil It Is ex
isted that several millions of dol
U'' worth ot timber will be saved
from destruction In the four states
this year.
Rookane. Wash.. Aug. 12. Paul Pat
tison. of Colfax. Wash., orosecutlng
attorney of Whitman county, whose
wife Is recovering In a Spokane hos
pital from an injury sustained while
playing basketball in the champion
ship series, is authority for the state
ment that with a single exception ev
ery member of the Colfax team, of
which he was manager, has under
gone an operation, also that all the
players on the Cheney Normal school
have been under the surgeon's knife.
Dr. A. R. Shunt, who attended Mrs.
Pattison. declares that 'basketball Is
Injurious and should not be engaged
in by . girls or women, adding. 'The
nature of women should keep them
from this dangerous sport."
Mrs. Pattison formerly Miss Maud
Smith, was a member of the Colfax
team when, it won the championship
of the inland empire and has been un
der two operations within the last six
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 12. Dr. Sam
uel Fortier, chief of Irrigation Investi
gations for the United States Depart
ment or Agriculture, who is making a
tour of the Pacific and northwestern
states, said In Spokane that It is only
a question of a few years when many
farms, orchards, truck gardens, and
berry fields In most of the eastern,
central and southern states will h v.
tered by artificially supplied moisture.
v-onnnuing. Dr. Fortier said among
other things: . , '-..,.
"The growers have seen or heard nf
the successes in the Irrigated districts
.iui r;a!.;c
fits of this form or insurance npalnnt
deficient rainfall or nrnvlrlin mathnlu
to supply moisture to growing crops
ai we proper time, me can be regu
lated by employing any of the several
systems nractlaed in tha Pnrifln sinna
country and elsewhere. -,
"Just now the department is making
a series of experiment to determine
the amount of water reouired for irri
gation as well as the best time to ap
ply the moisture. We have arranged
for a practical demonstration in one
or tne vaueys west or Spokane, where
the work will be under the direction of
Stenhen C. Javne. lrrlirntlnn
and investigator for the donnrtmpru nf
"We also are encoiiraplnv whaur inl
grain farmers In the semi-humfd dis
tricts of Washlneton to nl aA soma nf
their holdings under irrigation and de-
oio wore attention to diversified
farming. This would not only permit
from three to four times as many peo
ple to make homes rn tha lan1 K,it
also means larger and more profitable
crops. There Is an abundant water
supply at depths ranging from 55 to
juu reei ana ieBS in numerous in
stances. Besides, the farmer will find
it pays to diversify and rotate his
The action or 6.000 Sunday school
workers carrying bibles in 'rocesslon
through the streets of San Francisco,
was probably, intended to familiarize
many of the inhabitants with the ap
pearance of a book, they had never
seen before. Sacramento Bee. .
$ $$ $! s $ s 3 $
::- v.:7. ':
V. F. ft A. M. Lr- ,-Tvl' ''.! !'
41, A F. & A. M. ia ; ' meet
ings first and. tunc Sat?.raa;s at
' 1:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all
Masons. Li M. HOYT, W. M. .
i. C, WILLIAMS, Secretary
I P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433
meets each Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In Elk's flub, corner of De
, pot street and Washington avenue.
Visiting brothel are cordially in
vlted to attend.
H. J. RITTER, Ex. Rui.
H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec.
Grandt Lodge No. 169 W. O. V?
meets every second and fourth Sat
urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting
mebers welcome.
J. H. KEENEY, Clerk.
K. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703
meets every Monday In the month at
the IO. O. F. hall. All visiting
neighbors are cordially InviteJ to
itteod. , . . ; ,
. ,.... ED. HEATH, Clerk
i JBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. f
meets every Tuesday evening in th
I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem
bers are invited to attend.
: Lodge No. 2? tneaes every Mondaj
night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.
A Pythian welcome to ail vlsltlni
. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of B, A 8.
O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. tt
C. holds stated communications th
cond and fourth Wednesdays o'
each month. Visiting members cor
dlaliy Invited.
Youth a Blerlot Stadent.
Spokane. Wash., Aug. 12. John La
grive, a 19-year-old son of a wealthy
Swiss mine owner, who claims he is a
pupil of Blerlot, the famous French
aviator. Is building a monoplane in
Spokane and expects to make several
flights next fall, before returning to
New York to tour the United States
and Canada. The machine Is of the
cross channel type, 25 feet in length
with a wing spread of 24 feet, 6 Inches.
The engine is of 20-horse power. The
apparatus represents an Investment
of $2,000, which young Lagrtve saved
from his allowance and earnings in a
local factory since coming to Spokane,
a year ago. Lagrive has been in Am
erica three years, passing a year In
New York, where he attended the pub
lic schools to learn the language. He
left home because his father objected
to his work with Blerlot. but he has
not yet advised his parents that he in
tends JTollowin" in the footsteps of the
French birdman.
Conference of Socialists.
Milwaukee, Wls Aug. 12. Office
holding members of the national so
cialist party from all sections of the
country have assembled here for a
three days' conference to discuss the
affairs of the party and to make pre
liminary plans for the next municipal,
state and national campaigns. Victor
Berger. the only socialist member of
congress, Is to preside over the ses-
nearly all of whom have arrived In
the city, are the socialist mayors of
But;e, Mont.; Grand Junction, Colo.;
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Berkeley, Cal.:
Girard, Kas.; Flint, Mich., and several
other cities.
tice is hereby given that in pursuance
of a resolution adopted by the common
council of the city of La-Grande, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of December,
1909, creating Improvement ' district
No. 13, and designating North Fir
street, as such district, and In pursu
ance ot a resolution adopted by said
common council on the 28th day of
June, 1911, whereby said council de
termined and declared Its intention
to improve all that portion of North
Fir street, in Bald Improvement dis
trict as hereinafter described, by con
structing cement walks on each side
of street, the council will, ten days
after the service of this notice upon
the owners of vthe property affected
and benefitted by such Improvement,
order that said above described im
provement be made; that the boundar
ies of said district to be so improved
areas follows; : '
All that portion of North Fir street
from the north curb line of Monroe
To be bothered with your glasses
falling off when at a slight extra
cost you could possess a PARAGON
The very latest
Vv;:V Mounting
We have been
N XWITH A VFJ vrr muru . I
in that time have made a great
many satisfied Eye Glass customers
Why not you
Jewerlers &
avenue, to the south side of W ave
nue. .
. (A) And the property affected or
benefitted by said improvement is as
Lots 7 and 8, block 150; lots 13 and
14, block 155; lots 1 and 26, block 154;
and lots 1 and 26, block 151; Chaplin's
addition and lot 13, Predmore block
and lots 13 and 14, block 2;
lots thirteen and fourteen, lock
3; lota 13 and 14, block 4; lots 1 and
26, block 23; lots 1 and 26, block 22;
lots 1 and 26, block 21; and' lot 1, block
24, Predmore addition: all In the city
of La Grande, Oregon.
Notice is hereby further given that
the council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such ImDrovement for
the purpose of paying for such im-
m i .i .... .
jiiutcuicui, 4uai mo cauiuaiea cost,
of such Improvement is the sum of xnat tne council win, on
the 16th day of August 1911. meet at
me i-uuucii.t'uauiuer at me uour or ,
8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said esll-
waiea cum, uuu me levy ot saia as
sessment, when a hearing will be '
erantert tn nnv nfirRnn ffipllno- npprlnir.
ed by such assessment.
- La Grande, Oregon, August 4th, 1911. -CITY
By C. M. HUMPHREYS; ' ' "." "C y
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
this shop, and Its ability to serve
yon best, Oar one strongest
At,. I f 4 ... A. .
ucbuc is iv mm vui me uest
and1, to price our services to
meet your satisfaction. We be.
lleve we do this.: If year gar
' ments need our attention send
them to us and we will do yonr
work promptly ani guarantee
not to ruin the materials.
Kaln 64. Tt n Wimminw
in an Eye Glass I
. ill
here six years and I