f - V - PAGE 5 - ' FEEMtt'AlS, ; '.. 4 4 4 &4&& A. A. Reardon of Portland stayed at the Sommer last night. " . F. L. Harper of Hollywood. CaJ., was a Sommer hotel guest last night. "Happy" Day, the contractor, left this morning for a hurritd trip to Ba ker. . - . .TV TMEATIIE TWO REEL "SELIG" FEAITCBE "Heroes Three' ........ Edison Amateur .Fire Brleade He roes (?) Sed how they get off with the girls. It's a scream. 'Other fire brigades take notice. -1 c - . 1 - 1 0 f TWO 1SEEL "SELIG" FEATURE TEN KIGHTS IX A BAR- ' ROOM" Sellg' "Free, disenthralled, I stand a man once more." . Everybody should see this. ' . . "Mistakes Will Happen" Edison An old maid, a policeman, and burglars. Sterling comedy. Illustrated Song -"Down in the H - HI n n rt n w , uu . - " ' Miss Garrlck . i Matinees Mr. Ferrln ......... Evenings MrB. Nellie Hansler of Tacoma was a La Grande guest last night, staying at the Sommer., , ,, .. Night Officer Ed Brady, who has been on the day shift of late, left to day on a fishing Junket. L. A. West of Portland was si busi ness visitor In the city today, and stopped at the Savoy. Miss Snook and Miss Bork arrived home this afternoon from a camping trip at Joseph lake. ' ' ,e4l8$44 . , LOCALS .- 4t $ 4 Dr. Posey, specialist for eye,, ear, nosa aud throat diseases, over Selders store, 9 to 11:30, 1:30 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m.1 Eyes fit. ed with glasses. . Mr. and Mrs. Jay Van Bureri ar rived home yesterday from a short stay at Joseph lake. J. ' H. O'Neill, traveling passenger agent for the O.-W,, stopped at the Rommer last, nieht while transacting business In La" Grande. , .- Circuit Judge J. W. Knowles and ! Court Reporter Hanna are home from Enterprise where they attended a short j session of circuit court. I .,., .. . . --- ,.' t l- ' ' t ' . 1 . U 11 "J .11 1 17 . 1. , L'UV il ran arrived home this morning from a Portland visit where the attorney tran sacted business matters. The Valley creamery Is paying 30 cents per pound for" butter fat, 8-9-3t , Square dealing, honest weights and tests and the highest possible price for butter fat is giving the Valley .creamery the, lead in 'the' Grande Rond yalley. , ' '""7V ,:V- 8-9-41 The patrons of the Valley creamery are getting 30 cents a pound for their butter Hit, L-, Miss Elsa Newqulst, stenographer in the dispatcher's office of . the O.-W. here, left this morning for an extended vlRit with relatives and friends in the Willamette valley; - , ' . ' The farmers should take their cream to the Valley creamery. v. They pay more or butter 'fit.--''. .':'' 8-9-4r Special Train Excursion to Seashore. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company-'will operate a special train consisting of free reclin ing cbalr cars, tourist and standard sleeping cars to Portland in connection with their steamers to North Beach resorta and Astoria. The special train will leave La Grande at 8 p. m., Wed nesday, August 23rd, arriving at. Port land the following morning at 7:16 Passengers may have their choice of steamer Potter, leaving Portland at 8:30 a.' m. August 4th and 5th or the . steamer Hassalo, leaving Portland on the same dates at 8 p., m. A round trip rate of $10.00 wll be named which includes stopover privileges at Port land and Astoria on return trip; .limit 15 daysf5opjr,date f sale." , Make you leeping car .Reservations now. ' V" If It tent an Eastman It isnt a Kodak.;. L : . . mm Hill THE BEST, KECREATION IS KODAK The easy all by daylight way vnf picture making Vlth the both er left oat. We carry comply line of Kadofcs and Kodak City good. - Drug Co. THE KODAK STOKE. ' Mrs. Atkinson of South La Grande is reported considerably improved over her condition of the past few days i ! wnich she was quite ill. : Mrs. H. , D. Spencer of Elgin and Miss Spencer, also of Elgin, were Sa-i voy guests this afternoon, arriving on j the afternoon train. ' , : . W. R. Holmes, a prominent banker of Elgin, and his brother, Eugene Holmes, a well known business man of Wallowa, are business visitors in the city today. ,- , Express Shipments During the Past Week Have Replenished Our Stock M COMBINATION PRINCESS DRESS, SHk Mccsa- tey.MjfHy -.line Waist and Serge Skirt. This is the Newest and Neatest Dress of the season for anything like the price NEW ARRIVALS IN SILK COSTUMES; Light Colors for Evening Wear. They are Beautiful Garments. $7.50 OfY SERGES AND PANAMAS; Made with Lace t JL J9SJ' Yokes and Sleevet. You will find nothing like them for the price in the market Special Sale of Oxfords Still On. Men's, Ladies', Misses' arid Ghiidrbn's, CNE-IIALF THE FORMER PRICE Laaies and Misses Trimmed Hats, ONE-HALF PRICE LARGE LINE OF CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY 40c to 50c Values ; . . . . 2 5 DUE (BflDQ-OMEN OBQJtLtE GdDMtPANV Mr. and Mrs. Frank George, of the Arcade theatre, took their departure h's morning for Idaho points where Mr. George goes on business for the People's Amusement company. ; ; George Miller of Cove was in the city this morning, on his way to Wal lowa where a meeting will be held of Elgin., Imbler and Alicel representa tives to discuss the telephone situa tion. , . ' O. M. Heacork arrived, -home this morning from Salt Lake, where he at tended a national convention of opti cians. Mr. Heacock had a oleasant and instructive trip. He has been one several weeks. ' Councilman W. J. Church and Chief of Police J. W. Walden arrived home last evening from a short stay in the interior of Wallowa county where they fished in the wafers of the Wenaha. They report a splendid trip and good success In the Ashing line. "-"Miss' Mar1orIe"'McCa1lT"'illss Elsa Couch and Miss " Helen J3artlett leave Monday morning for points In Califor nia, The latter two named will resume their studies In Berkeley and Pala Alto nchools. respectively, while Miss Mc CaJl will visit relatives at various nolnts in Califom'a. ro ivunute :: Washing Compound i Will Wash Clothes ' in Five Minutes mid!, jn . An Ideal Ooting. ; . . The Oregon-Washington . Railroad & Navigation company will have ou sale1 August 23rd , 'special reduced round trip tickets to the seashorv. which will afford their patrons an op portunity enjoy a delightful outiDg on . the beach.' ' Also the "privilege of stopping at Portland and Astoria. The rate for the round trip is only $10. Children half fare. Tickets are lim ited to fifteen days. Make your reser vations at the earlles' practicable mo ment. : . ',. .' ': Modern Maps. . There are Ugyittlan mops' dating from 1400 B. 0, but In spite of this long history It has been astonishingly dlfflcalt to make progress in charts until very recent times. Errors are perpetuated: truth Is forgotten: ad vance Is slow. As late as 19(10 charts of toe Alaskan const Issued by the United States were said to be thirty miles wrong., and netiriy all commer cial map makers still represent moun tain chains an caterpillars, and the fringe of the short Is adorned with a blue wavy frill.' As for railroad maps, the less.sald the better, the great rail road map of the northern bolt-of the Cult ed States adorning tbe.walls of the Broad street Pennsylvania station In Philadelphia being distorted east and west, north and south and other wine, its accuracy In large part not being over 80 per rent yet It is a more than usually good railroad map. En gineering Magazine. Mlxttf Mttaphor. - well known blsbop, speaking in the tipper boose of Canterbury con vocation on prayer book revision, rather startled some of his Episcopal brethren by declaring, according to the Chnrcb Family Newspaper. "We are not writing on a clean slate; there if a good deal of fit nder the door." gentle. Just right for young children F. D. Halsten Furniture S.ore. 8-7-6t FOR RENT Four good rooms. Phone Red 42. 1505 Madison avenue. 8-3-tf WANTED Furnished 3' to 5 room house. Call at the Observer office c-o O. M. 8-H-6t, ' FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any - quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per ry yards. Grsnde Ronde Lumber company Pe.rry, Ore. ., C-lG-tf FOR 8 ALE Good header and binder combined. 12 foot cut Deerlng make. Inquire L. J.. Ferguson, El gin, Oregon. FOR RENT Part of good barn, close in. Apply this office. FOR SALE Two. stoated trap in first .class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L. Rlohardson.' . 8-4-tf LOST A brown sack coat between La Grande and 'Cove. Liberal re- ward. Leave at Observer. . 8-9-4t ' FOR SALE Furniture practically new for 12 rooms. Have lease. phone B 3881. 905 Spring St. 8-7-6t BOY WANTED Good, active boy for messenger at Western Union Tel egraph Co. . 8-11 3t FOR RENT Furnished room. Mod ern. Close In. Gentlemen prefer red. Inquire this office. - FOR RENT Four room house In , North La Grande, Almost new, and modern. Inquire Mrs. Anna Brooks, care J. A. Russel, residence corner Third and Main. 8-9-tf O'CONNELUS Cigair Store Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae. and 8oft Drinks best tad most complete line of cigars In the city. ObserreKs Coast League base, ball scores every day there's a 'fame, , ' Comer Depot and Jefferson St and EeatlEg: j John Melviile 125 Adams Am, LA GRANDE, ORE- -r ; hen you have looked over all lines of autos carried in'' LOrande and still want a machine that will never fail, investigate THE MAXWEU I BUTTERFAT 30c 20 Washings 15cts 1 40 Washings 25cts For sale by I Patlison Bros. j I" 1 at the Blue Mountain Creamery. I 0 CreeTOMc , :. : 5 t A dierfisiriti 2 - mm w m m m m mm- m m .; - g Si o : STENOGRAPHER wanted at - Hot' Lake. Call up the Lake. Good po sltlon open. 8-12-tf, i LOST Gold hat pin, with lopaz set,1 between La Grande and Perry oil O.1 , W. R. tc N. track, Return to Ed. j Bolton, 1501 Adams avenue. Re-: ward. - ' 8-12-2t R. W. lighton, Exclusive Agen ; 'It does the woi-k and does it easier than any of them and costs less to. main tain. We can prove it to you. : : : AND FLYER BICYCLES They are standard the world over and are honest values to the purchaser. lL-4 Rmd LIT Repair department fixes troubles after others have tied and failed. Take your work to him first and save time and expense. ' ' ' r j 5 inimHHHHlllH III' FOR SALE Young pony, safe andgyip si. i 1 i. : u rr i