PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. N ; W 8 Us J La L4 "3 msKaww!,1 " AND READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION To those who want the pick of the finest and newest cloths pro duced this season, we say: "Come Early." The styles we shew will please your eye. The values we offer .will please your pocketbook. Call' at once and see our immence stock of New Suits, Winter Coats, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Under- wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Etc, Men s Nobby Oxfords, $5 values hoF$3.65 Tans, Blacks,: Patents; Dull father LOOKERS ARE JUST AS WELCOME AS BUYERS THE STORE TO PUT YOUR FAITH IN TONEY SGRANTON Treasurer's Call for tit Warrant. There are funds in the treav wry to pay all warrants lsBued against water fund .of La Grande city ' up to and including No. 9,716, endorsed Pept, IV 1910. Interest on all warmnta on Water Fund from No. 9-616 t0 9,716 Inclusive ceaBes from date of this Call.' :' ' I1' ' ' " .'. ' '. La Gramle, Oregon, Aug. 9, 1911. J ' . v : ROYW.LOOAN, " 8-9-1 Ot City : Treasurer. EVELOPM EN! CONGRESS v j vp-w l. 'v -,rm ,i ar : iv" m ama a r HBHK- Fresh Shipments of Payette Cantaloupes riEver Watermelons Oranges Bananas Peaches Grape Fruit Raspberries Blackberries Apples Plums Phone Main 43. Tomatoes Cucumbers Green Corn Cabbage Cauliflower Green Beans Turnips Green Onion OPENS NX I MONDAY INN al college. , 'Industrial Education" L. R. Aid-' ; cruian, Salem, sute supeiiutendent , public instruction. . . "Good Roads and Rural Uplift" P. L Campbell, Eugene, president Uni versity of Oregon. . "Community Co-operation in Colo nization Work" Louis W. Hill. St. Paul, president Great Northern rail way.'. : -- - . "Oregon's Opportunity"-r-Represen-tative of President Lovett, of Harri man system. "Helpful Suggestions" Howard El liott, St. Paul, president Northern Pa cific railroad. "All Together for a Greater Ore gon" Carl S. Gray, president Hill lines in Oregon.'" . Wedneniday, Angnst 16, Good Roads ' Day. ' Reports from Commercial clubs, vice presidents of league presiding. Addresses cn good roads by Louis W,, Hill, chairman board of directors. National Good Roads association; Sam Hill; Judge' W. S. Worden, Klam ath Palls; speakers representing the state grange; C. S. Jackson, editor the Oregon Journal, on "Good Roads Leg islation,' and olhers. Election of officers, unfinished busi ness, adjournment.' . ' WANTED Furnished 3 to 5 room house. Call at the Observer office c-o O. M. g-ll-6t Portland. Ore., Aug.! 8. (Special Astoria will give a warm welcome to the delegates of the Oregon Develop ment League convention which meets in the city by the sea August 14, 15 and 16. Coming as tt does when the Astoria Cehtennlal celebration ,J In progress, there will be many Inter- estlng events to attract attention from the leaguers.. Matters of great importance to Ore gon communities wilt come before the convention. Addresses scheduled will deal with publicity problems In a helpful way, calculated to solve ques tions that vex the average develop ment worker; ideas will be exchanged on methods and those attending will come away better Informed on matters ot the greatest moment to the state. . During the three day session there will be enough entertainment to avoid the tedium that might follow uninter rupted business. A big banquet will bfe given by the Astoria people and the various point of interest about As toria will be viewed." Then, too, the historic importance of the Centennial will be appreciated when the pageaota and scenes depicting the first century of Oregor history are viewed. Morning conference will be held on each day of the convention by com mercial club secretaries, and active workers. Among those who will speak at these sessions are;. Jeff Mosier, Mosler, Ore.; Bruce Dennis, La Grande, Oregon; J. S. Van Winkle, vice president of Oregon Development league, Albany, Ore.; J. A. Buchanan, Roseburg, Ore.; O. C. Young. Culver, Ore.; S. W. Slgler, Dayton. Ore.; O. H. Byland. Warrenton, Ore.J J. M. Wil liams, Eugene, Ore.; J. E. Sawhtll. Bend, Ore.; Jaa. J. Sayre, field secre tary of Oregon Development league, W. L. Crissey, secretary Inquiry bur eau, Portland Commercial club. The program as now outlined for the convention follows: Monday, August . 14. Organization day, and Tuesday, August 15, Railroad day. .. . , .. , Call to Order, Dr. H. L. Henderson, tcnairman Centennial committee, mav- or of Astoria. . - ' Address of Welcome, John E Grat ke, editor Astoria Budget. President's address Theodore B. Wilcox, president Oregon Develop ment league. "'. ' "Next Year's WorK'lC, C. Chap man, secretary Oregon Development league. ' ; : '' . " , "What Better Organization Can Ac compllsh" William Hanley, Burns, vice president Oregon Development league and president Central Oregon Development league. ! "Hens, Hogs and Harmony" J. W. Brewer, Redmond, vice president Cen tral Oregon Development league. "Our Responsibility to Newcomers; How Commercial Clubs Can Serve Them" William M. Colvig, president Medford Commercial club; vice pres ident Oregon Development league. ."Exhibits as a Means of Education" Hon. James S. Brady. Boise, ex-governor of Idaho; president Western De velopment association. "New Awakening for New Duties" Tom Richardson, founder of Oregon Development league. 'Exhlibtlng Our Products" John F. Carroll, editor the Evening Telegram. "Team Work Between Commercial Organizations and the State" Hon." Oswald West, governor of Oregon.'. "Portland's Attitude Toward State Building" O. F. Johnson, chairman Promotion committee, Portland Com mercial club. "More People on Farms' J. H. Ra ley, Pendleton, vice president Oregon Development league. "Community Solidarity" J. Robert Hargrares, Hood River. "Settling Our Logged Over Lands" N, B. CofTman, Chehalls. vice president Southwest Washington Development association. .'. "Foreign Immigration" A. E. Hofer, secretary Salem Board of Trade, rep resentative state board of Immigration. ."Business Men, Bankers and Hogs" D. O. Lively, rice president Port land Union Stockyards company. "Assimilating Settlers" W. J. Kerr Corrallls, president Oregon Agrlcultur TOXY MORGAN IS HERE. Wallowa County Man. Sow of fallfor- nlu, Arrives. In days gone by Tony Morgan'and his wife were as well known people as Wallowa county possessed. . They settled near Joseph and made good. Then they decided they wanted a milder climate and removed to Cali fornia near Ceres. - Following the same tactics they had in ' Wallowa county they Boon become permanent fixtures or their new state -and now It Is hard to Bay how much' money Tony Morgan Is worth. He was the trail blazer for about 100 Wallowa families who have located and made homes in the irrigated region select ed by Mr. Morgan. To an Observer renorter today, he said the Wallowa delegation were all doing well, that they liked the country and everything and everybody Is prosperous.. v- Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will remain In Eastern Oregon for several" days visiting old friends. - 1 . DAIRYMEN Tile Bluff MniinrJitn pronmontf tfc cldes-, largest and best equipped creamery In Eastern Oregon, The de mand for Blue Mountain' butter was never better.; ; , ; , ; We need your cream. The present price for butterfat is 3D cents. ' Yours for a square deal. - BUE 3I0UXTAIX CREAMERY CO.. p: and Heating: H28 Adams Avi LA GRANDE,1 ORE' m-..nii iftiHi-,Ti M Tif lnia,-a-.-l.;l, ,T , ii-Vf-,"g7T GROCE Stageberg & Sandborg Phone 70. GREEX COKX ' CABBAGE , SUMMER SQUASH TURXIFS - CARROTS : . GREEN OMOXS POTATOES (JfEW) . 'CUCUMBERS -:".ri GREEX BEANS ' ' WAX BEANS ' . EATING APPLES COOKING APPLES '. ORANGES ': i ' BANANAS CANTALOUPES PEACHES ' RASPBERRIES ' BLACKBERIRIES . WATER 3HELONS TRY OUB HOME BACON AT 20o PER LB. II I I -:::T7r7 iii ,7 . , ' , . PRonrECT: CO !a4 if Natl ' o E3 Commercial Banking This bank has unexcelled facilities for the care of your business In com- . merdal banking, and solicits your checking arconnt. - When yon pay all your bills and con- tracts by check yon can rest easy In case a dispute arises, as to payment. Yon have In your paid check an erl- -dence of payment that cannot be dls pnted. Too do not need r large amount of money to open a checking account with this lank. Open an ac count and acquire the habit of paying Mils by check.' Ton will find It both safe ans) convenient, V In addition lo taking care of your business In this department we can giro ' J on an Interest account or f nUilsh you a safe deposit box at a nominal rental ' Burglar proof tauIU It is onr aim to ' mePt J"r requirements la every way. Call and see ns. ' ' i i i. . r