LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot 0. C. Brichoux. Pro . Cimnnf They law In front Think what that moans the classic back ' correct poise beautiful lines case of adjustment with abso lute comfort The proof Is In the fitting Mrs. Robert Pattison p l r :- r. - ., Treasurer's Call for County and Sculp Warrants. Notice 1b hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on hand wl.h which to pay all county and scalp bounty warrants which, wers endorsed prior to August 1st, 1911. Interest ceases on the above warrants after August 8th, 1911. . " ; -. - JOHN FRAWLEY. 8-7-5t County Treasurer. : x- La Grande usihess tone Rooms 4-5-6 Foley Build'ng Term begins lugusf 15ft Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping Maihemztia Penmanship Commercial Law Banking and Legal Forms C. El Taylor I Principal XOTICE OF STREET IHrEQYEJIEXT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that iu pursuance j of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, "on the 15th day of December,! 1909, creating improvement district No. 13, and designating North Fir j street, as such district, and In pursu-j ance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 28th day of June, 1911, whereby said council de termined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of North Fir street, In said Improvement dis trict as hereinafter described, by con structing cement walks on each side of street, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected i and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described im provement be made; that the boundar ies of said district to be so improved are as follows: ' ! All that portion of North Fir street . from the north curb' line of Monroe ! avenue, to the south aide of W ave nue. '''.:...'.'; (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement is as follows: Lots 7 and 8, block 150; lots 13 and 14, block 155; la s 1 and 26, block 154; J r.nd lots 1 and 26. block 151; Chaplin'3 addition and lot 13, Predmore block end lots 13 and 14 block 2 , lo 8 thirteen and fourteen, lock 1 3: lota 13 and 14, block 4; lots 1 and 26, block 23; lots 1 and 26, block 22; lots 1 and 26, block 21; and lot I, block 4, Predmore addition; ail in the city of La Grande, Oregon. ' Notice is hereby further g'.ven that the council will levy a special asseds-m-nt on all the property affected and 'entflt ed "by1 such Improvement for he purpose of paying for euch Im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement Is the sum of J2.12S.00.'. That the council will, on the 16th day of August 1911. meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said es i mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggriev ed by such assessment, .;. La Grande, Oregon, August 4th, 1911. ; CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, Oregon, -:;y. ,: - Ey CM. HUMPHREYS, ; Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. ;" '' , "" . ".' he mm DUB TODAY BODIES TO BE LAID SIDE BY SIDE IN BAKER CEMETERY. Lodges and Band to Participate 1n the r unenu services. La Grande ' people are advised, through notices from Baker, that the funeral of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mansfield, who were well known lo cally, would be held Frluay afternoon. The announcement says: The funeral of Louis' Mansfield, murderer and suicide, and the wife he killed will be held Friday after noon en the First M. E. church. Mans field .and the victim of his insane Jealousy will be buried together. The services will be held at 2:30 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. D. C. McColm, pastor of the Metho dist church. The Baker Concert band will attend the funeral of their un fortunate member and his wife, as will also the Modern Woodmen of America, of which he was a member, and the Fraternal Brotherhood, . an order to which , Mrs. Mansfield . be longed. It was to get a dress to wear to the meeting of this order, according to the statement of the woman's father, hat Mrs., Mansfield went to her home tne niut oi iu w6uj.. ... ... ,. Following the funeral services the bodUs of the jealous husband and bis victim will be laid side by side to their final rest in the faimly lot in Mt. Hope cemetery. , . . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY miSICIANS AXD Sl'RGEOIiS N. MOLITOR, M. D. Fhyeieian and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, Main 68; Residence, 69. A. L. RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson & Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Houre 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind. 312. . Dr. Loughlin's Res. Main 757; Ind 1297. HUE STARS OF OLD TO PLAY SODAY WILL SEE GAME THAT SHOULD BE FAST. Old Aggregation Which Did Thlug for love to Play Sunday. Conley, Carter, Myer3, Kail, Wal ters, Allen, Smith, and many ather members of the star Cove aggregation playing together in 1910 when they won .about everything coming their way, will.p'.ay in La Grande naxt Sun day "when the balance of the pennant winning team of La Grande, augment ed by other players, -will clash with the Cove team. Wl.h the exception of about three players, the game will see much :h8 same lineup for La Grande that was used in thf league games. .At Cove a few weeks ago. La Grande won from this same team by a small margin and it is believed next Sunday's game will be an exciting one. -.V ' ; ''''.' " : ' C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build' lng. Phones: Office Main 2; Rest dence Main 32. 5 1 SIM' ljrJ i CAR LOAD RECEIVED atihe ; ; i George Palmer Lumber . Co. 5 Retail Dept. Phone, Main 8 ji DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office, Main 22; Residence Main 728. Ind. 631. . ';' 1 GEO. W. " Z1MMKKMAN osteopaia Physician.' Sommer Bldg., Rooms. 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: . Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore. SPECIAL WALL PAPER SALE REDUCTIONS 50 cent paper for 30 cents. 90 cent Odt meals for 70 cis, A Nice line of 10, 15, 20 and 25 cent paper. CALL and LOOK THEM OVER Mil Phone Red 971 next door tw Observer office. G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste opathy Consultation free. Room 20, La Grande National Bank Bldg. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone, Black 399. - Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur- geon. Office at Hill's Drug store, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phones -.. at Residence. ' ' '.' ' TELEPHOXES DISCUSSED. Cove and Allcel Hold Meeting Yester day Afternoon, v fOi; Ol'GHT TO KNOW this shop, and its ability to st m ' yon best , Our one stronipst desire Is to tnrn out the best CLEAXISG AND PRESSING and1 to price onr serrlcts to ;JJ ' meet your saifsfactlon.; We be. fci ( Here we do this. .If your far ; ments need onr attention - send . . them to ns and we Trill do j onr work promptly and; gnarautce not to mln the materials, ELITE DYEING & , LEANJW ORES Kaln 64. H. B. Waggoner Cement Contractor & Builder Get my figures before building your sidewalk. You can build a cement house , as cheap as frame. 25 years experiences Phone Main h6 ' ; Allcel, Oregon Aug. 10. (Special) Cove met with Allcel In farmerB hall at 2 m. this afternoon for the pur pose of formulating plans to organ ize a co-operative telephone company in Wallowa and Union counties. W. J. Case of Allcel was : chosen chairman and Geo. W. Miller of Cove, secretary, - .. Letters from Wallowa county were read and endorsed. . ' . " ; It was unanlmoutly decided by mo tion to send a representative from each locality to meet with the people of Wallowa county at their next meet ing in the town of Wallowa, August 12, 1911 at 8 p. m. " W. J. CASE, Chairman GEO. MILLER, Secretary ATTORNEYS AT LAW COCHR1N & COCHRAN Attorneys. Chas. E. Cochran and Gto. T. Coch ran. La Grande National ; Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the State and United States.. Office In La Grande National Bark Building, : La Grande, Oregon. V new i imri a rm i vnx: mii ton nnrnnw M TsTIIE TLACE TO SEXD YOl'R BOYS AND filRI S. Sf Christian, but not sectarian. Grounds and buildings valued at l.1,000, if A select school for voune men and "nune IbiUpb whn seek for the ' highest ideals in Manhood and Womanhood. CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AT STATE fXIYERSITY ASD OTHER SCHOOLS WITHOUT RE-EXAMIXAT10X. ' Thorough course. Literary, elcntific) commercial department; In H eluding shorthand and typewriting conservatory of music, Including & piano, voice nnd stringed Instru ments ; elocution; art, . J ft Dormliorv refitted, refurnished, s ton in heated, electric lichtedi corn v- D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. For summer diarrhoea In children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Cnetor oil, and 1 speedy cure 1a certain. For sale by ai Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted eom ortable, attractive, gymnnslnm, good athletic field, Beautiful for Situation. A land of fruits and flower. Mountain water. Vnre air. Healthful conditions. Six passenger trains dally. Electric streetcars. ' :' ','"':."'; Xo gambling dns. . Moral atmosphere 1 t not a saioon in years. 4 'wholesome. .'-'-V U Send for Catalogue or other Information to is. u o cut A moi c c: . Mi o : :!. r 11 'WW la Grande's Leading ;-;v:ievyeer:; Opposite C. 8. LabI OJSce A dams Atenae. Notice of Imopundcd Stork. . ' Notice Is hereby given that on the 7th day of August, 1911, I took up while running at large In the city of La Grande, Oregon, the following de scribed animals, towit: , , One white mare about 14 hands high and age unknown, right eye knock ed out, no brands or marks visible. One bald-faced gray colt, about a month old; . that I Impounded said animals in the city pound of La Grande, Oregon, un der and by virtue of the ordinance thereof and will, unless the owner claims and pays the costs and expens es of such impounding and keeping of said animals, at the expiration of ten days from the date of this notice I will advertise and sell s'ald animal as provided by the ordinance of said city Done and dated at La Grande, Ore- i gon, this 9th day of August, 1911. J. W. WALDEN, Chief of Police. 1 8-10-5t Sprains j set 4 careful treatment Eee quiet and arp'; . Chamberlain's Iintmeiii treelv. It will' icmrv the toreneM and nuickly restore lie pnrts to a healthy con dition. For by til dealers ' ... t. r O o MCE LEVEL LOTS LOCATED WO BLOCKS UORThOE THE RAILROAD SHOPS. IVe are offering these lotsat from $160. to $200. each, on the most liberal terms We furnish you an abstract of title, When yov have paid for these lots. Not a poor lot in our whole offering Better call a our office .and learn more about these lols. m GRANDEI NVESTBMT CO. Bell Phone Main 752. Independent phone 262. Foley Hotel Block. LaGrande Oregon