PAGE 5 ID) T2) 3 o3 LA GRANDE EASING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. 3 1 If You Get That Pair of Oxfords At Our 1G GIlEMIM ' M hi WW- I i 7; They are going fast - It's the price coupled vith good, up-to-date style -- vell made shoes, that makes them go quick. A few evening slippers - in suede - satin and kid for the women. Some rare bargains in tan and patent oxfords for themen. Buy them now and save money. U nrr 7 I THEATRE , TWO REEL "SELIG" FEATURE "Heroes Three' Edison 'Amateur Fire: Brigade K roes (?) See how they get off with the girla. It's a scream. 'Cther fire brigades take notice. 'tWO rr.EL "SEL1G" FEATURE; TE SIGHTS IS A MA II- ROOM" SUfr J" "Free, disenthralled, - I Bland a m'an once more." Everybody should see this. ' -; : ' Mistake ..Wll .Hsjvuen' Edison !' An old maid, a policeman, and burglars. Sterling comedy. Illustrated Song "Down In the ' CM Meadow Lane": sung by Square dealing, honest sights and tests and the" highest possible price lor uuiiei 11 i creamery the lead Ronde valley. to proceed, ary. The delay is only tempor- BUTTERFAT 30c in the Grande 8-9-4t ; ' .-; '- - Mount In Creamery. boarders. Apply at Observer. 8-7-5t g FERSOXALS. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Siraktns are this week moving into a new and comfort- i able home at 2708 North Second stree Their new -home has Just recently been completed and is a credit to the resident portion of La Grande. : ' ;The patrons of the Valley creamery are getting 30 cents a pound for their b-iUr fat. - 8-3-U K. S.'Jepson and J. H. Clark of Den ver were Savoy guests last night. ., The farmers should take their cream to the Valley creamery. ; They ; pay mnr"for fc'utiisr '.-.f , 8-9-4t Because of lack of material,, delayed in reaching the city, laying of sewer pipe is retarded this week.. While there is plenty of pipe on hand, the contractor is short on Y's with which - Mr. and Mrs. William Eccles and Miss Irma Geddes comprised a party of La Grande people going to Joseph Lake this morning to spend a few days tamping . ' . . ' Classifieds I A dv&tti sing 1 WANTED Man's wheel in good con dition. Apply Observer., 8-10-2t Frank Grant and family have re turned to -their home in Phoenix Ari-, vnna aftr AlnHino' ttft h HbvM Raw onrl other relatives in La Grande' for the past month. ' '". ' ' . ' Miss Garrick'' Mr. Ferrin -f ..Matinees Evenings 12 LOCALS ' Dr. Posey, specialist for' eye, ear, nose and throat diseases, over Selders' store, to 11:30, 1:30 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. nii .Eye . fitted with glassea. The ladles of the M. E. church will give a lawn social Friday . evening, the 11th, on the corner of Fourth and Ad ams. Home"made cake, cream knd sherbet. :;' '-' J-Vv . . The Valley1 creamery is paying cents per pound for butter fat. 8-9-3t ) . " I V J ; '? ..: -i j I v Li2 ; Sheriff ' Ed. Raud of Baker passed through the city, today on his way home after attending the funeral of his father at Hood River. The aged Mr. Rand was S3 years 'of age. . George C. Russell, of Joseph,' was a business visitpr in La Grande ' this morning, when : he purchased 'som isolated land at the land office. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, formerly of Joseph but now of Huntington, went over on the Joseph train this morning to spend a week at the. lake. Dennis Madden of Elgin, H. N. Jones of Portland, J. M. Heekart. of Boise, J B. .Williamson of Lostlne, George Loucke and Theodore ; Schmidt of Council Bluffs., Iowa, were some of the Savoy guests laBt night. . r. C. J. Freese and wlfel and Master Chas. Freese, Jr., their grandson pas sed through La Grande to Joseph this morning. Mr. Freese is dls riet agent for the Spokesman Review witli "bead Quarters at Walla Walla. "They stop-' ped at the Savoy while nere. : ... We specialize on bridge work. It Is frequently unnecessary to have ail the teeth extracted ana plates inserted, a little acYed exwnse and work will put jonr teeth In condition where yon will . i not nave to wear a luuie. j N If you care to consult us we shall I. !. A 4a aviklntn tin mAtiA! l tail n,iD detail. I STEVESSOVS DESTAL OFFICE. 30 i. E. STEVESSOS. D. I). 8. A. BROWS. P. D. S Vegetable and Fruits FOR SALE Young pony, safe and gentle. Just right for young children F.D. Halsten Furniture S orel 8-7-6t FOR SALE Furniture ; . practically - mw -.-n ,'- imma. Have- lease. phone B 3881. 905 Spring St." 8-7-6t BOY WANTED Good, active boy for messenger at Western Union Tel egraph Co. 8,-11. 3t i FOR RENT Furnished room. Mod ern. Close In. Gentjemen prefer red. Inquire this office. , , ! FOR RENT Four room Rouse in North La Grande. Almost new, anl modern. Inquire Mrs. Anna Brooks, care J. A. Russel, residence corner Third and Main. .V ; 8-9-tf FOR RENT Four good rooms. Phone ; Red 42. 1505 Madison avenue. 8-3-tf FOUND i-A' sum of ' money. Ownr can have same by proving owner ship and paying for ad. Call on F. :s Gelbel. - " 8-9-3t FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per ry j&rds.' Grande Ronde Lumber f "compctnyPe.rry, Ore. ,,,; . ( -l5-tf : OXONNELL'S J igar atore Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobac co and Soft Drinks best and mogt complete line of etgnrs In the city. Obserreifi Coast League base ball scores every day there's a game.'- 'j Corner Depot and Jefferson St uilMlMJ.llMM'ljiw)flyjgn(yyjBimniiia am SATURDAY FOR SALE Good header and binder " combined. ,12 foot cut , Deering , make. Inquire L. J. Ferguson, El gin, Oregon. ' - ' V FOR RENT Part or good barn, close In. " Apply this office. ' FOR SALE--two steated trap in first class condition. Inquire Dr. A. L; RicbardBon. v 8-4-tf, -..,' . . '." ' ... FmySALE Winchester rifle. 25-20 take down 1892 model. Price only $9,00..' H. Coffin, 1107 Adams Ave. :8-5-lw ' -,, r; Home Corn on Cob Cucumbers : (? -Wai Beans String Beans : Cauliflower V Eagle Valley Tomatoes Cabbage '. -Onions ; ; ' . . Beets ' .'': - Eating and Cooking Ap pies Watermelons , Cantaloupes) ' Peaches Bananas ' ' Plums Oranges , Blackberries ; Red Raspberries J. P. Larson of, Haines;' J.' P. Kelley of Baker and W. C. Parish of Baker and V. B. Wood of Baker were some of the Eastern Oregon ; cl izens - who transacted business in La Grande last night. ,They .were registered atjthe Savoy, ''t; ; , ' '-''.;;-.' a. . . J Mrs. A- A. Brown and daughter" are visiting with Doctor George Brown, the dentist. .They have been to t-an-: fornia for a few months and are now J on their way home to Wisconsin. They are the mother and sis er of the doctor respectively: - ., . ; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ravenscrort of Wallowa returned to their home this morning after visiting a few days wi'-h friends here. Mr. Ravenscroft is con nected with the Nlbley-Mimnaugh lumber companv at Wallowa a con cern which daily puts out a big output ot lumber with, their new mill there. Mrs. Colon R. Eberhard and daugh ter left this morning for Joseph for a visit of about two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapper. If the public business permits, Receiver Eberhard, w. ill Join them later. , LOST A brown ' aack coat between La Grande and Cove. Liberal re ward. Leave at Observer, 8-9-4t T will bring a fresh supply of f T Vegetables and Fruits. , EAGLE VALLEY tOMAtOES . CALIFORNIA ELBEJtTA f PEACHES ' HOME GROWS ROASTING CORN. BLACKBERRIES RASPBERRIES T CANTALOUPES , 'WATEiKOT ELON S, ETC. 'Cottaire CIieee at 20c a Pint all ready for the table. ' . t . 1 For sale by WANTED A limited number of ' I Pattison Bros. nun If It isn't an Eastman It lnt o Kodak , !.'tt'"i1 1 V!:! THE BEST 15ECREATI0N IS f KODAK the easy all by daylight way of plclnre making with 1lie both er left out. We carry a eoniiJte line oi Kadoks and Kodak City goods. fright Drug Co. THE KODAK STORE. City .Grocery and Bakery IHE HOME OF GOOD IHINGS TO EAT. .mONEt Main 5':Jyiien you have looked over all lines ;ot autosl carried in ;LaGrande and still want a machine that will never fail, investigate Mrs. E. H. Cupernell, accompanied by her mother, are in the city the guests of Mrs. J. T. Richardson. Mrs. Cupernell has made an extended visit to her old home in Omaha; and' her mother is returning With her to visit the west. Mrs. Cupernell now lives In Rock Cut, Washington. s Earthquake in San Bernnrdino , 8an Bernardino, Cal., Aug. 11. A Might earthquake occurred here this forenoon but no damage is reported. THE piii R. W. Leighton, Exclusive Agent . It does the work and does it easier th an ,any of them and costs less to main tain. We can prove it to rou. ";:.( ' ', ;;. ' ,' ; ':';.' ' :. Leo Ditrichstein, plays the-important role of Gabof Arsny in David Belasco's production of "The Concert" AND FLYER BICYCLES They are standard the world oyer and are honest values to the purchaser. IT TL7 IT (T 7T IT mm: I ON s Repair department fixes troubles after others have tried and failed. Take your work to. him first and save time and expense. ;':' ' , ;?: i .