La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 5
It will pay you well to take advantage of this sale. 0 omplete line Misses and Chrildren's and Boys' half pric e. This will make you a very cheap shoe to finish out the
season with: Large line of men's oxfords, ladies' oxfords and pumps, in this sale at one half the former prices.
Patents in button or lace, our finest dress line, $4.50
Tan lace, Russia calf, $3.50 values, now ...$1.75
:.$2.0Q Tan lace vici, $3.00 value, now ...
values, now
TnfiTrfc in 1-vnfAn ni loa nur finocf A rnca lino &.A. OC
values, now ""; ' ' y - 2.00 0ne strap tan Russia calf, $3.50 value, now. . . . . . . 1.75
Patent laee onlv, fine dress, new last $3.50 value, now 1.75 Patent Russia calf pump, $3.50 value, now . . . . . . . V . 1.75
Similar to a We $3 00 values, now 1.50; Patent oxfords iace, $3.50 value, now. . 1.75.
Gun Metals and Vici's, all new spring lasts, $3.00 . .. , . , ,
values now .. .1,. ' ' - :.-.,- 7 1.50 Similar style to above, $2.85 value, now ...... ... . 1.43
The above are all this spring's styles." There isn't an
old number in the lot
The above are all this spring's numbers. New lasts,
ana me laiesi styles.
Complete line of misses and children's oxfords, and strap. One and two strap pump, tan and vici, 5 to 8, $1.15
sandals, half price. value, now ...... i .... . 58c
nowraP VWV' in YiCi' SiZeS ne t0 3 1'2' 6C ValU6S' 30c 0ne strap pumps oxfords in tan and vici, 8 1-2 to
Ci .................. .....70c
ues, now . . . , . .. . . . ... ..... ... ... . . ... . . ,38c Similar to above, same sujes, $1.65 value, now. . . , . . , .83c
One strap pimp.' tan 'and i vici, 21-2 to 6, 90c vaiue, now45c Pumps and oxfords, in patent;tan and vici's, 12 to 2,
One ana tnree strap pump, Lau ami vici, 2 1-2 to S, ' S1-75 values. now .... ...... . . . . . , ; , Jf . . . . . .88c
$1.25 value, now . ........ ........ ...... ..... . .63c Similar to above in same sizes, $1.95 valuesnow . v. T;98c ;
Ladies'; Misses' and Children's Hate
The Complete Line on Sale at One-Half the Former Price
$5.00 Values $2.50 $2.50 Values $1.25
$3.00 Values $1 .50 . $1.75 Values .87
$150 Values 75c
$1.00 Values 50c
Special Sale this week on Corset Cover Embroidery
40c and 50c Values . . . . .
25 c
DOJti'T OVERLOOK' OUR 'BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIALS. Large line fancy assorted glassware . . . : ....... . . ... . . ............. ..... .23c
This includes handled Olives, Stemmed Jellies, Scallo ped Fruits, Vases, Rose Bowls and many other fancy shape dishes the price is very low for this class of goods. .
In the basement we carry goods that are a necessity i n the home and you can supply all of these home necessi ties with coupons you get up stairs in all departments
for cash trade. .We give one 5c coupon for each $1.00 c ash purchase. Trade with us. Save your coupons and get your home necessities absolutely free in our bargain'
basement, .
,,, Wi,liyi ;m ...... E,a'8Lm,wpWML.'n wmmmfmsnmLmssmMK
Li irnu u u
"The Cardinal's" EdlcK.EdlSon
''' A" magnificently mounted
drama treating of one of - the
Wonderful lncfderits lh the, life
of th great Cardinal Richelieu.
It Is historical and replete with
thrilling situations.
"Lean Wolff' Eii'd''.-;-. . . '.Kalem
- . . .
': A splendid Indian stdry.. Lean
Wolf, euactd:by that great ac
tor, Frank Lannlng. One of the
finest Indian pictures ever put
on. ' , ''-: l'
"That City'Feller" I Sellg
Comedy, dama, and love all in
one. The Wonderful intelli
gence of a collie dog saves the
day for the "city feller" who
has aroused the jealousies of
the "country fellers.- This is
an exceptionally good one.
ams. Home made cake, cream and,. D. W. Southerk and wife of Wallowa
aWht .-, ''. 8-8-4t stayed at the Sommer last night.
8 , v' . - " - . I A. R. Champlin of Newton, Ky., was
a Sommer guest last night.
PAY Y0CII WATER REST TODAY.. Miss Ethel Gulling leaves tonight
LAST DAY. - for Portland after spending a f aw days
' I here with relatives and friends.
,, ,, . I. 9fi Mias Olive Massee leaves this even-
Tha Valley creatntry H paing 30 1 Portiand where she will be the
cents per pouna ior uuncr i o -w guest of reia.ives for a montn. .
Kate Mullin of Tampa, Florida, was
Illustrated song by C. P. Ferrin
Square dealing, honest weights and
tests and the "highest possible price
fori: Wfter fat is giving -the Valley
creamery the lead in the Grande
Rond Valley. 8-9-4 1
IAST DAY. :.:' " "'
The patrons of the Valley creamery
are getting 30 cents a pound for their
butler fiit. . 8-3-Jt
The farmers Bhould take their cream
to the Valley creamery. They pay
more for butter it 8-9-41
a Sommer hotel gwest while transact
ing business in the city today.
J.. MacGregor, a Portland resident,
was a business guest In the city today.
He stayed at the Sommer.
Margaret Gesner of LOBtln was a
La Grande visitor this morning. ; She
was registered at the Sommer.t -
B. S. Jones, a western Union onv
cial, of Seattle, was a business visitor
in the city yesterday.; He was regis
tered at the Foley.!
Dr. C, B. Proebstel of Wallowa stop
ped in the city last evening while
transacting business here. He was at
ihe Savoy.' '. ' ;-. '
brick and stone. ' ; '
Plans and specifications can be se
cured of J. L. Slater, architect, of La
Grande; or at the city recorder's of
fice, Elgin,. Oregon. The council re
serves the right to reject any and all
,' JESSE CRUM, City Recorder.
Freewf tor Alms to Have Sjwclul Fruit
Pendleton, Ore., Aug. 10. (Special)
That "Peach Day," which Is to be
observed at Freewater on August' 24
this year, will he an occasion worth
while is declared by Attorney. j. r.
m a 1 . la a m Am hiif '
isen oi laai iuwii uu " a
of the executive committee and has
been in Pendleton today.
"The committee Is planning to have
the forenoon program devoted to Com
mercial club affairs," says Neil, "and
Prof. G. H. Jones
The Magnetic Healer
Das locafd at the Grande Rond Tall? house. The healer has bai
years of experience and feels compHent to treat all diseases frith
success. Do not fail to call 6n him at once. ; ' ;
Will be her from Thursday t Sunday of each week.
Olonzo Rodfern of Portland was a
Savoy hotel guest last night.
J. W. Kilgore and Joe Kilgore, botli
of Centralia, Wn., were Savoy guests
last night' : . ' i
W. F., Wade and wife of Cove were
La Grande . visitors yesterday , and
stopped at the Savoy hotel while here.
C. M Matthews a nffp and ten man
L'0CAXS, of Portland, was a Foley guest this
fr. Posey, specialist for eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases, oyer Selders'
store, 9 to 11:30, 1:30 to 5 and 7 to
8 p. m. ' Eyes fitted with glasses.
The ladles of the M. E, church will
give a lawn social Friday evening, the
11th, on the corner of Fourth and Ad-
v. s. iKxison or Bauer was a jui
Grande guest last night, stopping at
the Foley while here.-., :
H. White of Boise was a La Grande
business visitor yesterday. He mad9
his headquarters at the Foley
O.-W. Train Auditor Colp and Mrs.
Ivy Long Colp have been here from
Portland thiB week visiting with Mr,
and Mrs. Long.
representatives and delegations will
ho .iliail tn ottonH frnm All the towns
J. A.- Babb of Joseph, F. A. Howard of Umatina COUnty and from many of
of Huntington and Chas. Rogers of ne towng cf eastern Washington. Sec-
enterprise were some oi uv doiuuioi
guests yesterday. !
Judge J. B. Messick', wife and two
daughfers of Baker, who are visiting
friends In Cove, and Tobe Rees. of
Cove, comprised a party of automobile
tourists to the city today. They stop
ped at the Sommer while In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snodgrass of
Colfax, Wn., passed through the city
this morning on their way to Baker
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Snod
grass sister who was shot there by
her husband two days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Fuchs and
Miss Stack, prominent school teacher
of Baker, arrived this afternoon from
Joseph Lake where they have been
camping and will return to their home
this evening.
F. B. Halsten, a well known under
taker and furniture dealer of Wallowa
returned to his honre today after
snending a day with his brother, F. D.
Haisten of this city. Mr. Haisten has
been at Salem, attending a state meet
ing of undertakers and had a very
May Vokes will have the principal
part In "The Quaker Girl," which is
to be produced In Atlantic City, N. J.,
in October. Others in the cast will
Perclval Knight, F. Pope STamer and
Arthur Klein. '
retary Keefe, of th Pendleton Com
mercial club, will have a prominent
part on the program."
Aside from the Commercial club
men other, speakers at ,the "Peach
Day" program will be Water Commis
sioner Cochran of La Grande, who will
discuss water right, County Judge J.
W. Maloney, who will talk on roads,
and other speakers who will deal with
various topics pertaining to horticul
It is the Intention of the "Peach
Day'f managers to make th celebra
tion the best Freewater has ever glv
en, both from an entertainment stand
point and from the standpoint of
benefit. To this end speakers are be
ing secured who will talk on subjects
of direct interest to those who will be
in attendance,
pleasant trip while away.
' Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received by the
city of Elt'n until 8 p. m. Saturday,
August 19th, 1911, for the construc
tor of a new city' hall, to be built of
I . . ............ 1. 1, J, A
frfTTtt 'I ttfttft TTTTTTT 9
TreaMirers ! Call for City Warrant.
There are funds - in the treas
ury to pay all warrants issued against
water fund of La Grande city up to
and including No. 9,716, endorsed Sept.
21. 1910. Interest on all warrants on
Water Fund from No. 9-616 'o 9,716
inclusive ceases from date of this
call. ;
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 9, 1911.
' . , ROY W.LOGAN,
8-9-10t , City Treasurer.
From England
Are considered the most appro
priate Wafer for after dinner
Tld-Blts, LnnrbeonN, or Parties,
For sale by
Pattison Bros.
1 t, 'i-:j:a
Take Along
A Brownie
Let the little folks fake pic
tures of each; other. Yea can
take pictures of them, too.
Brownies $1.00 to $124)0. .
Come In and let ns show yon
how easy they are to ns. ,
Drug Co.