La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Call and get the early choice. If you do not want it made at once have it laid away;
. gc"""ji
. V
3 A
r !
Your Name in a Telephone Di
rectory shows you are progres
sive, vy-''; ::'y:'.;v
You can get a listing in
our new directory. Call
up the Manager NOW
Local and Long Distance Service. ;
Lcng Distance Connection with the Entire EeJi ' System , i
14 A PIT A Mn '. Uptown office Main 720 ;
. Residence phone Main 25 g
Reel Gedar Shingles
I Horrte Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732
Complete Equipment tor Resetting inn Repairing
;; ,' ," Rubber Buggy Tires 1
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor
Bradley 6 Co.
Saultarr Plomblig. .
' -Frr ' s . ,
" : . '' fj,' '
(.-'.4i--,v . . '
' . . . : !f?;vfi' ' ,
' Tr , .:
rnoxESt shop black iii,' NEXT DOOR TO
mm v urn: ifi
IM fill I i II IS 111
I nnnDctDiippi c
era, naturally, will not arrange their
t overtime , work o that any of them
win work less than two hours and 4U
i minutes after the eight hours, in the
event that they are called upon to
' work overtime. 1
If after midnight they shall ts paid
four hours for two hours' work, or !
the commonly accepted aisn ence so
obnoxious to followers of the Catholic
faith, but the American Prison associ
ation. While stationed at Salem he has
6tndied prison questions and wur'pe
an Important factor in the coming
meeting of prison officials.
Sevsral friends of the reverend
. , fraction thereof, the new scale pro- father, of this city, rcet him at the
i vfdes. The same principle of appor- ' train. . '
MACHINISTS F XORTBWEST KOT tioninsr the time is enacted.' I :
No &rike Has Yet Bren Culled, Mere-
; Iy Negotiating.
Sundays and all holidays designated
by the state or nation are to be paid
for at the rate of time and a half, and
if a holiday falls on Sunday and an
other day is designated as the holi
day, both days shall be paid for at
the rate of time and a half. No em
ploye shall be required to work over
time more than two nlihts a wek or
two consecutive Sundays. When ov-,
ertlme is required it shall be d!st:!-
Men working on a day shift
South Carolina Postmasters.
Glenn Springs, S. C. Aug. 10. The
South Carolina Pos masters' associa
tion began its annual meeting hero
tuiitty wi u i ie22cui. o. J. Ltuuui ut
Lexington, presiding. The postmas
ters wui spena two flays m tne discus
sion of various matters relating to
their official duties and the improve
ment of the postal service. ? -
An outline of what the points of
contention between western boiler
makers, machinists, pipe fitters, me
chanics, car repairers and blacksmiths
employed by western ": railroads, and
the railroud ofiiclals are, and an ap
proximate guess at the number of men ' bu'ed
involved in Portland, alone, is given ; nml transferr-d to a night shift, shall I
in the Oiegonian' of yes erday: ! be paid, tim.? and a half for the' flnf ;
More than 700 Portland men are in-; night, jndvice versa. If theae details I
vclved in the negotiations now pend-; and most others no change s are pro- i
ing between union machinists and j posed over present: conditions. 1
other mechanic employed in the 0.- j. q. Graham, assistant genera)
W. R. & N. and Southern Pacific sSops ! manager of the arr)man ,jn.3B in tj
and officials of the . railroads. whodtyi ln fnarpe of the mo(1ve power
have rsfused to consider their demand department, has been negotiating with
Cor a better wage scale. , .y. the men . The company Is unwilling
While the men have not asked for a , to grant the dsmands, and the mn
direct Increase In wages on the basis; are firm In their position. No strike
has been threa'ened, however.
of a nine-hour day, they will receive!
21 cen s more than at present If their I
proposal Is accepted by their employ-'
At present the men are paid 42
cents an hour, time and a half after
working nine hours, and double time
after midnight.
Their proposed new scale asks for
time and a half after eight hours'
work, but no Increase of thj per-hour '
rate. '. . ; ; - : , ,;' i ' '--'; :
As eight hours tonetltutee 4 ' day's'. TRAVELS TOTAL DISTANCE OF 300
work In .he local shops, the men de-j : ' . FEET YESTERDAY. ,
clare that their demands would not --
result in great addition- expense to the 1Wo st0 J1""8 nrlng Duy That K
. Five (lasxes Involved.
However, on account of the
dured Total Dl!anoe, Too.
heavy I Yesterday broke all records for dls-
demands made on the service of th i lan,ce traveled by the sewer tMnch
local railroads, employes frequently! dltfer. that machine going a distance
are called upon to work over the l-of 59Q tee ,?.n4 that, co. with. loss of
lotted eight hours. According to the considerable- time. This record for
n?w scale .hey would receive 63,cents ' 5i8tance covered In one day was es-
and fieatm
Citr plitce. cf tnshioss will be
lociitrd htrcaftcr In Hie Fowler
, warehouse, 1.137 Jefferson Ave.,
one block en-it f our present
We will do a general ware
house bnsines, besides carrying
a fall line of Feed, FuuMry Sup
'piles. Flour, Wood, He.
th28 Adzms Avi "
Phcite ns jour orders.
Main ;oc . 153T Jeffmoa Are.
for the ninth hour of work instead of
42 cents as at present.. The wages
for the first eight hours and for the
overtime after the ninth hour would
remain the same.
Involved In the present proceedings
are five classes of mechanics machin
ists; bollermakers, pipe fitters, car
repairers and blacksmiths. All these
have, made demauds upon the com
panies "employing them aslng for sim
ilar Increases In their wage scales.
The employes have drawn up an en
tire set of rules end regulations, most land.
of the provisions, excepting those re- , ' " . .
latin to the wages for the ninth hour FATHER MOORE PASSES THROUGH
of work, being similar to those already j .
In existence. , Former La Grande Priest, Now Prison
While the new scale provides forj Chaplain, Meets Friehds Here,
time and . a half af er eight hours'
work, it aiso calls for the payment of j Fa. her Moore, for many years par
lour iuu nours- pay ror any work done jsh' prie8t in this city and one of th
lamisned on Pennsylvania avenue
where the trench is being dug up the
center of the street. Tfos hug ma
chine stopped once during the day to
raise the big boom that a street could
be crossed, and another time stopped
to raise the boom for a water main,
despite these stops the distance men
tioned was covered with the nine-foot
trench digger. . 4 ! '
This morning 15 blocks of trench
had been dug since the work was com
menced here by Contractor Suther-
at r'
Post Office Confer tioneiy
Cigarettes, 5c to 25c; Large Size Orari'ges,40c a dozen;' Ice Cream, 5;
Soda Water, 2 for 15c; All kinds of Cigars, Gum and Candlts, Fruits
and Nuts, Post Cards and Stationary. v
Tom Kapellas - .- r
PE FRfi)M 7 A. M. to 11 P. P.
after the eighth hour. At the propos
ed rate of overtime payment a man
would be required to work two hours
and 40 minutes at the rate of 63 cents
an hour to earn the equivalent of four
hours work at 42 cents an hour which
Is $1.68. However. If a man would be
'culled upon to work but one hour af
ter his regular eight hour shift, he
would be entitled
to this rule.
Fmii'o) ers Arrange Time.
The men declare that the employ
most popular clergymen located in
this city tn . many years, passed
through the city this morning on his
way east with the remains of a broth er
who died at Salem this week. Fath
er Moore Is now living at Salem where
he Ib state penitentiary chaplln. About
ten years ago Father Moore moved
from La Grande to Salem and he hna
to $1.68. according been stationed then continually since.
Nxt month Father Moore goes east
again to attend an A. P. A. meeting,
A. P. A. in this instance not meaning
w - , - -w- -T- r . r rrr w W9wmmwm
g inink 1 his Uver, Mr. Married Man
. How many hours a day does your wife spend in
the kitchen? : - ' ; .' . .
Do you know that every minute spells drudgery
lutes iivt uaj s ... , '
. Can you expect her to be happy and cheerful when 1
1 me oven-iifie neat is robbing her of health and 'ood
looks? Of course, you must eat even if it i hni j
9 meaJs ruust be ready on time, but honestly now, don't
if you feel sorry for her, slaving over a hot stove f
Then, why not buy her an Electric Range?
- She can get the meals in half the time and in a cool
kitchen. . AM there is no fuel to handle or ashes to
fuss vrith ThinV lvliof 4l-.
... A,lld WelU m you a special rate on electricity so 8
I tbat );01ir fueJ m be about the same as vou mv
.?an y0ll tnk of anything that will please vour
wife more? Drop in and talk it over, or call Mai V34;
Eastern Oregop Light & Power Co.