La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1911, Image 1

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. . -
FOOD SUPPiillib: TttJS
One Hundred and Fifty Tlionsand Now
Out on Strike Truck Service Near-
) ly Ended and Wa Comes Staria
tlon Markets Caut Supply Do.
f C !..
tlon Is Bad.
London. Aug. 10-With 150,000 dock
ers. car;ers, freight handlers, and rail
way teamsters on a strike here today,
trouble 1b spreading hourly. .London-
-nil aiirwiv Eo hunitry within 4S
hours unless peace comes. Fuel for
the motor busses upon which this city
depends for transportation, is running
low. Thousands of tons of food Is rot
ting on wharves and the Thames is
blocked with ships unable to discharge
their cargoes. ,
Many large food markets are unable
to secure supplies and. their doors are
closed. Great distress exists among
the poorer classes and constant clash
res between the police and strikers oc-
The government has ordered two
regiments of soldiers to be held n
readiness at Aldershot for service in
this city. ' '
Liverpool Sufterg Too.
Liverpool. Aug. 10. Troops arrived
here today to assist the police to bat
i iu iriker who have practl-
n ofaiv7i the street trade of this
dDlty. The police are powerless to dis
th mobs around the railroad
yards Only a few 'passenger; trains
are running nw. ... .. . V -'
widest "rlotlmt continues anu
. . -- tvlalnn are
armea iruupo, au - . i ,
streaming Into the cuy x"'S"
government will stamp out the dis-1
order no matter at what cost, nre-,
elective of th rights of either thO(
strikers or the rs.
London a Tenwaiuiyr
One thousand troop in
vision and a second at Aldershot . are
ready to move. Tomorrow London)
will look like an armed camp That
tbe government will BtHke hard to w-
Mnmo SBoretarv Churchill. He said:
store oraer i
"Unless the strike Is settled today
It will be necessary for the govern
ment to take hold and to supply the
city with food. The government will
not shirk Us duty." .
. The mayor of Liverpool has also
asked for troops.
Local Realty Dealers Are in Line to
Get Share of Immigration
Commencing August 15, next week,
the new rates from middle western
states to the Pacific northwest become
effective, lasting: 30 days. Local real
estate men by systematic letter
writlne and sending out of pamphlets
have gotten In touch with a great
many homeseekeYs, who have prom-
aaA tr onmA west Alirlllir hte low
w " ' o
rates. '
It ls believed by the local dirt deal
ers that this valley will score as many
locations the coming month as It did
last fall when a gTeat many settlers
found permanent abiding placer here.
The La Grande Investment company
especially has led In the sending out
of pamphlets to easterners who antl
clpa'e coming west. These, with the
distribution of circulators made by
the Commercial club, should show
considerable fruit the coming 30 days.
Regular traffic, both directions, ls al
ready heavy and It is likely that prac-
41 ,, .11 1 .j fia
- lllaliy mi wcdi uuuuu iaua t, u
run In two sections. This will not
only mean a great Influx to the north
west, but Incidentally will give local
railroaders some extra large pay
checks. '
August 29 Will Find Thai' Circus
Showing at Baker.
Local railroad officials-are prepar
ing for the arduous task of hauling
the many circus trains : carried by
Rlngllng Bros.' circus, from Walla
Walla to Baker on August 29. On that
date the big show appears at' Baker
and It behooves the O.-W. officials
hers to get the trains across their di
vision. - ' "
Many from this city will ' plan on
gotng to Baker that day for a glimpse
tt the trains will be about' the near
est La Grande will get to seeing that
circus this year.
W hile Lb ery Stable Owner Scold,
Yanderbilt Relatives Frown.
Newport, Aug. 10. Society here .to
day is rippling with excitement over
the elopement or Miss Julia French, a
niece of Mrs. Alfred Vanderbtlt. with
John Geraghty,' a garage employe and
Son of a livery stable man. They were
married in Central Valley and started
in an auto toward New York, but
their .preseni whereabouts .are "un
known. - ' ' '
Mrs. John Geraghty, his mother said
today: "I don't see why my good,
ihjubbi 'uu; u.-Azi, -'y r1,L
He had no bad habits and was always
a. hard worker.'' His mother doesn't
like it. - "
The bride's wealthy relatives are
likewise horror stricken at the union
and are Just as angry. Her relatives
are scouring the country today In an
effort to locate her ana the bride
groom., ' . , s. ,
Inmates of Hnzstird Institution Suffer
ed Terribly Say Nurses.
Tacoraa, Aug. 10. Accompanied by
his attorney the British consul: Agas
slz. is In Seattle today procuring affi
davits from former patients of Dr.
Hazzard who Is charged with the mur
der of Miss Williamson. Agasslz ob
tained the names of three persons who
were forced to go 20 days without
food at the Olalla institution except
for water they pumped for themselves.
Miss Conway, a nurse there, says the
scenes at the sanitarium were pitiful
as the patients became more and more
emaciated and helpless dally.
- Later on Agassi? goes to Victoria
and Vancouver for more evidence.
---f "-
r :" ' t
.FrJ(4C0 Portland and Seattle Aim to
Get Executive Visit.
gan Franclgc0 Aug. i0.As a part
of the :genera, movement having for
lts object Taffs acceptance of an In,
Jnclude porUand
Francl8c0 and other coast
on the ,tln of hl8 propo8ed
weatern tr, th,a fan commerclal bod.
;les throughout California today. were
asked to forward resolutions urging
Mr. Taft ' to' visit San Francisco for
the exposition ground breaking exer
clses. -'
Underwood and La Follette Come to
- Terms Over Free List BUL
Washington, Aug. 10. Senator .La
Follette and Representative Under
wood, who formed a sub-committee of
the Joint conference committee on the
farmers free list bill today reached an
agreement Underwood announced the
, agreement . ls almoBt certaln to g0
1 8ubmltted to the other confreres. The
text of the agreement is not yet pub
Escape From Reformatory and Are
Now Fighting Sea Waves.
Avalon, Catallna Isladn, Cal., Aug.
10. Adrift In an open boat two boys
attempting to. escapte trom the state
reformatory camp on the Island, are
believed to be out on the ocean today
fighting to land against counter cur
rents on the mainland 30 miles dis
tant. A search for them Is being Insti
tuted. ,
Sleuth to Ferret Out Graft In Police
, ; Department Next Week.
Portland, Aug. 10 It was made pub
lic today that Detective Burns, head of
the detective agency of the same name
will come to Portland next week from
California, to personally direct the In
vestigation Into the reports of police
grafting. The detective agency and
the police have clashed several times
and Burns intends to even up the
score. - ,
: House Tabes Amendments.
Washington, Aug. 10. The hsuse
agreed today to accept the senate
amendments to the Atilzona and New
Mexico statehood bill. The measure
now goes to tha president. It Is gen
erally believed he will veto It, but its
advocates are hopeful, as they will
pass It over his veto, If possible.
New Feature of Recent Decisions
Handeji Down by Interstate Com
merce Commission Made Public To
, day Five Zones Created Instead of
' Four, as Existed Heretofore Four
- Znn In East. .,,., v.. '-V
',. Washington, Aug. 10. To facilitate
the rendering of the new railroad
rates, the Interstate commerce com
mission today divided the country in
to five zones. Instead of four. Zone
No. l Includes all west of a line ex
tending southwest from Grand Port
age, Mich., along the Arkansas and
the Oklahoma border to the gulf. Oth
er zones are in the east. ' -
The commission held in Its decision
made public today that the freight
rates complained of by the Spokane
chamber of commerce were unlawful
and ordered them suspended for a per
iod of two years, from November 15th.
The rates Include charges for trans
portation of origin In zone 1, to Spo
kane, Walla Walla, Pendleton. Baker
and La Grande, which, according to
today's order shall not "exceed the
charges from any point In the samo
zone. .'
Meeting at Astoria Next W'ek Will
Have Great Results, Believed,
Portlands Aug." 10. (Special) A
haJ&AWAcgjjJtre&s participated In by
those clues of the atatte located at
points reached by ocean vessels, will
be one of the big feature of the Ore
gon Development league convention at
Astoria August 14, 15 and 16
At this session some steps will be
taken to secure concerted action by
Oregon cities In securing , appropria
tions from the government for river
and harbor work. Heretofore each city
Intending to Improve its shipping fa
cilities has had to go it alone and the
appropriation depended largely upon
the good luck or political strength of
the port applying for funds.
It is proposed under the new system
to change all this and lend the united
assistance of Oregon cities to meritor
ious projects for harbor Improvement.
Of great importance in this connec
tion will be a symposium on the bene
fits to come to the Pacific coast from
the opening of the Panama canal. The
two subjects naturally have a close
relations and are points that must be
considered by this state if it, is to
realize to the utmost the good effects
of the canal. :
Although James J. Hill, the empire
r".Vt.7.. "Yu-.-"l" ."T,
1 ' v. V'j
Tr.h wbT.n;ffi
heard with Interest, even though he
himself ls not In attendance.
Coupled with tbe Development
league sessions will be the attractions
of the Astoria Centennial which prom
ises splendid entertainment for dele
gates. Thw Astorlans will entertain
the Leaguers in great style, for the
city bv the sea is noted for the warm
welcome it extends to visitors. Re
ports from . the various commercial
bodies throughout the state indicate a
large attendance during the three-day
session. .. 1 v
Holiness Camp Meeting.
Jackson, Ga., Aug.' 10. The annual
Holiness camp meeting at Indian
Spring, one of the largest yearly as
semblies of its kind held In the south
opened today and will continue until
August 20. Prominent among tohse
secured to lead the religious services
this season are Rev. C. W. Ruth of
Philadelphia and Dr. H. C. Morrison,
president of Asbury college, Wlllmore,
. Letter Carriers at Quebec.
Quebec, Aug. 10. The Federated
Letter' Carriers' association ; mt In
Quebec for Its annual convention to
day with delegates present from near
ly every section of Canada. W. M.
Burrows of Winnipeg Is presiding ov
er the sessions, which will last sever
al days.
Would Stop Shipment of Western
Money to New V'ork nd Then' Rushing-
It Back; to the West Again
v Call si Supreme Court Decision a Red
Flttg of Danger Signal to Business
Interests. ?
Washington Aug. hC Wildly cxclt-!
ed, Steel Magpate Perkins, before ihe
Stanley committee today, denied the
Morgan interes.s dominated the finan
cial world, and characterized as an
Infamous lie , the statement that the
bankers started the 1907 panic for
their own advantage, not knowing it
would get beyond control. He bitter
ly denounced the Slverman anil-trust
law, . predicting business ' disaster
would result from the enforcement of
it. .
Corporation Bcnetits Necessary.
He declared the present campaign
of the anti-trust prosecutions was
dangerous to' all- business and charac
terized the dissolution orderB of; the
United States supreme court as a
"red flag dauger signal to very busi
ness man." : . -
He further asserted that the com
mercial supremacy of the nation could
not be maintained under the Sherman
law and that the benefits which big
corporations brought to themselves
by combination should be preserved,
presents a Cure.
Asked how to remedy such a situa
tion Perkins said he would stoD the
New York speculation and prevent the
banks from sending, money to New
York foi-rt? loans and then rushing
It back to move crops, thus creating
a high money market.
Attack of Woodrow Wilson Costs the
State Chairman Dearly.
Asbury Park, N. J., Aug. 10. James
Nugent, chairman of the democratic
s ate committee, was ousted today at
ter a stormy session for attacking
Governor Woodrow Wilson whom he
characterized as 'an tngrate and a liar,
because Wilson had opposed him. in
party politics. .
Election of a new chairman wbb de
Gonipers Affirms Railroad Men Are
Really In Earnest.
New York, Aug. 10. Asserting that
he was keeping In close touch with
leaders of the various railway unions.
President Gomperg of the Americau
Tf Si'!!f 22. "SFS JZ"'
Adverse Vote Reported.
Washington, Aug. 10. Senator
Smoot for the senate finance commit
tee, today reported Its adverse vote
on the cotton revision bill. He moved
to make the bill unfinished business
i and thus give it right of way. There
was no objection to this and the bill
went on the calendar.
Yacht Races Off Newport.
Newport, R. I., Aug. 10. The races
which are the culminating feature of
the annual cruise of the New York
Yacht club began off Newport today
with the contests for the Astor cups.
The race for the King's Cup is sched
uled for tomorrow and on the follow
ing day the squadron will be disband
ed, y
Confederate General Dead".
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 10. General
Gordon, commander In chief of the
United Confederate veterans, ls dead
here today. The end came after a
short Illness. General Mlckle of New
Orleans succeeds him.
Bryan Won't Recant.
Lincoln, Neb Aug. lO.-rRe-openlng
his vendetta with the democratic
house leader, Underwood, W. J. Bryan
today in the Commoner, refuses to re
cant his recent criticisms of Under
wood. .
, Mine Accident Kill 25.
Berlin, Aug. 10. Twenty-five min
ers are drowned and 35 Injured, many
fatally, at Bocume, Germany, today.
A four story cage dropped down a
shaft of the Kruspp-Hannlbla mine.
10, 1911.
General Conditions Deemed Critical
Mam lonsiMory 90011.
'Rome, Aug. 10. Little cha"
parent today in the popeY
0 ion.
His temperature is . Jess
he felt better.. ; ''
-r, and
Despite the oflk-ip' jients that
the pope was bett " .roug feelius
of pessimistic is mt in vatR-an
circles.. Gout see r to be ..Invading
his entire bodV and physicians use
powerful heart stimulants frequently.
Kegardless of his condition, the pope
today Insisted on leaving his bed and
was propped up In an easy chair In
the sick room, ,
were summoned today, are in con
stant attendance at his bedside.
Otherwise Feared Foreigner" Might Be
Named Pope If pins Hies.
Rome, Aug. 10. Although . tha pope
hadn't Intended to permit any formal
gathering at the papal court during
the year of the Italian na;lonal Jubi
lee in order to show resentment of.the
Vatican against the government's lim
itation of the papacy's power,-it is
known that leading Italian cardinals
are urging him to call a consistory In
November to fill the 21 vacancies in
the secred college.
There is no indication as to whether
the pope will yield. Cardinals are
hurrying matters, fearing that if the
pope should die before the vacancies
are filled It may be possible that some
foreigner might be chosen pope. The
danger Is not really great, however, as
the Italians are In the majority. ,
;' Four Youths Charged) With Murder
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 10 Luther
Thompson, Joseph Salsberry, Willie
Goforth and C. F. Curvin, each of
whom belongs to a respectable family
In this section, were given a prellmi
nary hearing today on the charge of
murdering Nicholas Shentzen tbe Ger
man hermit miner who was robbed
and killed at Altoona several weeks
asto. The murder was one of the
most atrocious In the history of this
countv. The victim was beaten to
death on the night before he had In
tended leaving for his old home In
Germany. The body, decapitated, was
bidden under his cabin where It was
found the following day.; Immediately
after the murder the four youths sus
pected of the crime visited Blrmlng
ham and are aald to have spent coa
slderable money. Within a day or
two they disappeared. Two of the
quartet were' found in Shelby county
and the other two were arrested In
Arkansas. . 1 . - ;
Northern Indiana Editors.
, . Mlshawaka! Ind.,' Aug. 10. The
membership of the Northern Indiana
Editorial association," of which S, D.
Moffett of Elwood ls president, show
ed up In full force here today for the
association's annual summer meeting.
South Bend Is co-operating with
Mlshawaka in entertaining the visit
ing editors, many of whom are accom
panied by their families. The business
sessions of the gathering will be held
Retirement of Colonel DorsL
Washington, Aug. .10. After more
than 41 years of active service. Col
Joseuh F. Dorst was placed on the
army retired list today on his own ap
plication. Col. Dorst is a native of
Kentucky and was graduated from the
West Point academy In 1873. His last
command was that of the Third Cav
airy at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. '
Walbrldge-Buffum Wedifng.
Jamestown R. I., Aug. 10. Promi
nent summer residents of Newport,
Narragansett Pier and the neighbor
Ing resorts turned out In f,ull force for
the wedding here today of.MlM Mar
garet Buffum of Newport and Charles
Walbrldge of Philadelphia. The cere
mony was "performed at the summer
home of the bride's parents. The Rev.
C. D. Burrows of Newport officiated,
assisted by tha Rev. Arnold H. Ford,
of Germontown, Pa.
Explorers' Perilous Trip Around tlio
Horn in the Good Ship Tonuulu Was
Ended One Hundred Year Ago,
Making Development of the North
vest Poxstble Many Dally Attrac
' tion.
-Oe... Aim 10. In xoruiueai-. ...
oration of the 100th anniversary" of '
the arrival on the Pacific coast of the
expedition sent from New . York , by '
John Jacob Astor, the United States
army and navy, the state of Oregon
and the city of Astoria Joined today in
the formal inauguration of what prom
ises to be. one of the biggest celebra
tions of Its kind ver held In this
part of the country. The celebration
will continue an entire moutlv
Soldiers and sailors,, business men,
school children, Indians, publlo offi
cials and other, representatives of all
the states embraced In what was for
merly known as the "Oregon country"
will participate lu fetes, pageants,
demonstrations on land and water,
historical parades, memorial exercises
and monument unveillngs, all in com
memoration of ', the - transformation '
w'tUiln a century of "an undiscovered ,
country," peopled only by a few hun
dred roving Indians, into prosperous ,
states with millions of white Inhabit
ants, the building of railways, irrigation-works,
towns and cities; . Ithe
development of complex and highly dif
ferentiated industriesthe conversion
of vast areas of unproductive plain
Into gardens, orchards and grain
fields; the creation of hundreds of '
millions of wealth.
The various shows, and there is u
different one scheduled for every day
of the celebration, will be held In the
open forest among the hills which lie
back of Astoria. One of th featurss
will be a reproduction of the old fort
and settlement founded by the men
of the original Astor expedition. In
dians of the northwest will take part
in a historical pageaut and in other
festivities. ; ,. , 1 ''-.
One of the features of the celebra
tion will be the holding of the big
meet of the Pacific Coast Amateur
Athletic association, which will take
place August 25 and 26. A rowing re
gatta will be another of the attrac
tions. , A; convention of the Oregon
Development league is expected .to at
tract hundreds of visitors. A band
tournament will bring together brass
bands from all over the northwest, In
addition to an Indian band made up of
members of the tribes which . Inhabit
the reaches of the Columbia river. Au
gust 28 will be known as Astor day,
on which occasion a statue of John
Jacob Astor will be unveiled with ap-
proprlate exercises. . " :'
,The settlement of Astoria by the
Astor expedition, which the celebra
tion ls to commemorate, was the first
permanent settlement In the far north
west and gave the United States Its
strongest claim to the Oregon coun
try. Though the British took posses
sion of the Astoria fort In the war of
1812 and renamed the place Fort
George, the place was restored to the
United States after the treaty of peace
with American claims of settlement
unimpaired. . , . '
John Jacob Astor was the driving
force In the , exploration and settle
ment of the new country and the man
who did more than any one else to
save to the union the territory now
ebraced in the states of Oregon, Wash-.
Ington and Idaho. Measured by the
conditions of a century ago and those
of today, the project of Astor far sur
passes those of any latter day captain
of trade, ' transportation or finance.
He planned a real winning of the
(Continued on Page Eight I