La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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if monkers are susceptible to scarlet.'
fever the susceptibility would seem to
be alight and that there is probably a
good deal of natural resistance to this
Like This Illustration?
Suit Fi
Editor and Owner.
; disease on the part of monkeys as In
man. It is the hope of the investiga
tors that their work may eventually
-If Wot,
Why Not?-
Seterrd at the postoffice at La Grande
as second-class matter.
j rrouu ill ill's ui3.v?vij ui n du utu
scarlet fever.
Caflr, single copy
Daily, per week, .
DUy, per month...
Ji -v.
: ' " L
li :
M 4
- "v-
13 14 15 KW 18 19
0'21 22 23 24 25 26
' 1 1 1 ' 1 i i
sis wit
- If T were to sav that th crow is a I
fcelplng hand about the farm, many '
iarmers might think I Jived in the city, !
writes William Li Fihley in the Sue-'
csa Magazine. Many might prefer to
bo without such help. The crow has
a reputation as black as his coat. He
has been charged wi:b causing great I
Injury to the corn crops, stealing the '
fruit, robbing nests of poultry, and of
eating yoong birds.
To determine the real economic sta
tus of the crow the scientists of the
biological survey examined nearly a
thousand stomachs of crows killed in
every month of the year and through- j
out the country. The crow was proven
guilty of these charges, but it wag a!
so abown that most or the
had eaten was waste corn
destroyed while growing was only
three per cent of the total food. The
destruction of fruit and egg waa only
trivial, while on the other hand the
amount of harmful Insects and mice
eaten rendered the final verdict in
favor of the crow. It was proven be
yond doubt that he was of more real
conomlc value than harm.
Make the most
of your week
end trips with a
Treasure for all time the hap
piness of today.
Kodaks Brownies and every
thing; for picture making. :
Drug Co.
Nine out of ten times the cause of a grace
less fitting suit is the corset
The most expensive gown or suit will lose much cf its
charm, elegance and beautiful lines if you wear a
poorly fitted, improper modeled corset.
Our corset department is complete with
stylesjmd models to fit every form
j .
corn that he ' $ $
ana me par: , tjqw ' r ' 14 I
of facci?faOio
Advertising t
. . . . ' ... ... ... . s
FOR SALE Young pony, safe ; and
: gentle. Just right for young children
F. D. Halsten Furniture S ore. 8-T-6t
,( Fashion Form ' '
Corsets ,
we Hi) tiAUUMve aguuba j,ui uio laiuvuo -
Over 20 different and distinct models for you to select a
-corset suited to your figure from
$1.00 to $4.50
IX MONKEYS. . ;' '
FOR RENT Four good rooms..' Phone
Red 42. 1503 Madison avenue. 8-3-tt
Scarlet fever Is 'still one of the dis
eases for which modern medical sci-j
ence has discovered no specific. One
of the difficul ies connected with its
study has been that it, was unrtil re
cently regarded as Impossible to pro
duce the disease la animals. This has
greatly interfered with the study of
the causea of the disease. Recent re
ports point to the posslbill y of Inocu
latlnk monkeys with scarlet fevre. In
the Journal of the American Medical
association for June 17, Drs. Ludvlg
Hektoen and George .H., Weaver re
port experiments at tae Memorial In
stitute , for Infectious Diseases, in
which attemps were made jj inocu"!
Jae monkeys with" this disease. ' Of
this number tn Showed no signs of in
fection whllg three. became slrK short
ly after inoculation, one monkey de
veloping a fever four days altr inocu
lation. No eruption was found on the
kin. The Investigators conclude that 'WANTED Elderly lady or girl be-
W ANTED Piano to rent by month.
Call La Grande Investment Co.
FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any
Quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
corapny Pe.rrj. re. C-15-tf
FOR SALE Good header and binder
combined. 12 foot cut Deerlng
make. Inquire L. J. Fesuson, El
' a"'0, Oregon- '' '
FOU RENT Part' of good barn, close
in. Apply thiB office. .
FOR SALE Two steated trap in first
class condi'tlon, Inquire Dr. A. L.
Richardson, v .,.; 8-4-tr
Exclusive agents for '
- Most models are designed for stout
hjjui'ca and are fitted with the most pos
itive and comfortalbe abdominal redue
iii device known.. , yt ' ; , .: : r v :t j
Also two new models designed espe-
(iallv for slender forms. '
Prices $2.00 to $4.00
the popular
ml2I!K3!S Banolet
50c and $1.00.
SALE Winchester : rifle. ,25-20
tske down W1Z model. Price only
$9.00. H. Coffin, 1107 Adams Ave.
Old Friends and New
(t": Winning permanent, lasting friends is the work
of time, and this bank numbers among its clients
hundreds cf banks and .business houses with whom y
it has had close relations for a great part of the ;
twenty-four years of its existence. u
' " : Our friends have helped to make this one of the
largest and strongest banks in the West. have
helped in their making, too. : ' ' t
We welcome new friends and will attend to their
' wants with the. same fidelity which has cemented
out relations with our older ones. ..
La Grande National Bank
' " ' CAPITAL v. . ' $ ,100,000.00
V SURPLUS : . . 100.000.00 ' '
. RESOURCES , , , 1,100,000.00 ,v V
Fred J.' Holmes 'Pres. W. J. Church, VKePres.
F. L.Meyert, Cashier ' ! Earl Zundel.Ass'f. Cashxr
The perfect corset for misses and growing girls; Also one model designed for
: . ; r women. Pnces 75 cents to $L25 ; y
; See r Ouir iridowlj
tween 12 and 14 to help in house
work. Only two people. Phone F L
.11 i'-lTV! v.-'Inl'V"
WANTED "A : limited numbsr of
boarders. Apply at Observer. 8-7-Gt
FOR - SALE Furniture practically
new for 12 rooms. Have lease,
phone B 3881. 905 8prlng St 8-7-6t
FOR RENT Furnished room. Mod
ern. Close' In. Gentlemen prefer
red. Inquire this office.
!" B JJ ! CTnf llHt tw " , if ;
1 fV rADCUTC if
An . exceptional I m' 11
high erade line ( f
mrtcets tiPcnrpi' nt
les than adu.l
I All new tvW & M W:' 1
IVo see-: "L"J -yf ;:' J
r,,.,!..iiii,,.;ii)! ijl.i !mmmmmMBJSBBgmmmmmm , . .1, .
waists p n
' ':-v"
: : ' i
OTICE OF STREET lMPHOTE3fE'T upon the owneTs of the property af-. ment on all the propertyaffected and
'I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No- 'ct'el benefjtteo Dy such.improve- benefitted by,, such improvement tot
tice Is hereby given that In pursuance ment order that said Above described j the, purpose of paying for Sucb. 1m-
of a reaolutlon adopted by the common improvement be made; that the boun- provement That the estimated cost
council of the city of La Grande. Ore- of said district to be so im-'of such improvement is the aum of :
Oftkm Qnell Riots.
San Francisco, Aug. 8. Though a
large force of deputy sheriffs are held
In readiness to quell disturbances it
Is believed today that the trouble be-.
twen the union and non union men at
Crockett In connection with the sugar
refinery strike, la ended. 1
gon, on the 2nd day of . March, 1910,
creating Improvement district No. 14,
end designating Fir street aa such dla
trlct, and In pursuance of a resolution
adopted by aaid common council ' on
the 28th day of June, 1911,. whereby
said council determined and declared
ita Intention to Improve all that por
tlon of Fir a reet. In said improvement
district as hereinafter described, by
constructing cement walks on each
aide of street, the council will, ten
days after the aervlce of this notice the council will levy a special assess
proved are as follows.
t All that portion of Fir street, from
the north line of CK-W. R. & N. Co., to
the south side of Monroe avenue.
'(A) And the property affected or
benefitted by said improvement is aa
$1,010.00. That the council will, on .
the 16th day of August 1911, meet at
the councllv chamber at the hour of 8 -o'clock
p. m., to consider Bald .esti
mated cost, and levy of said assess
ment, 'when a hearing will be granted
to any person feeling aggrieved by
such assessment.
0.-W. R. N. ft R. Co. and lot I. block
111; lota 1 and 84, block 124, and lots) '-La Grande, Oregon, August 4th, 1911.
9 and 10 , block 125, Chaplin'a addition CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE,
to La Grande, Oregon. . . OREGON. . . ; r
Notice ia hereby further given that By C. M. HUMPHREY '. ; av
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
A farce written by Abe Ruef. the
convicted San Francisco bondle-poll-tlclan,
waa a feature of the Fourth of
July vaudeville show at St. Quentln.
Electric Drink Mixer
The latest method for preparing such delicious bev
erages as Malted Milk Chocolate with egg, Eqq
Lemonades. Egg Phosphate, Orange Punch, and
other combinations that C t? T "C li f C?
are very popular ' OSuLU M2tE
M l
.4 '